Sl Vocab 4

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Grade 7 Vocabulary: Unit 4

Name________________________ Hour_____

WORD LIST: COMPOSITION (part 2) citation








paraphrase transition

1. citation (sahy-tay-shun) noun A reference to an already published book or resource; the complete parenthetical citation noun—an in-text reference to the source of your information. In an essay, the parenthetical citation follows a direct quotation and gives the page number in parenthesis. 2. elaborate (i-LAB-er-it) or (i-LAB-er-ate) a. verb—to develop, add details, or expand 

Because I couldn’t quite understand her point, I asked Carrie to say more and elaborate on her idea.

b. adjective—intricate or complicated details 3. eloquent (EL-uh-kwunt) adjective clear, expressive and powerful writing or speech. 

President Obama gave an eloquent speech on the importance of education for our country.

4. expository (ik-SPOZ-i-tor-ee) adjective intending to explain or expound as in an expository essay 

In her expository essay, Hannah will explain how Cole has changed throughout the store.

5. paraphrase (PAR-uh-fraze) verb To reword or put in one’s own words 

In order to reduce the length of a direct quotation, writers will often use only part of the author’s words and paraphrase the rest.

6. reiterate (ree-IT-er-ate) verb To say or do again or repeatedly; to repeat. 

Because Jorge didn’t understand the instructions, he asked his teacher to reiterate them.

reiteration noun


7. revise (ree-VIZE) verb To alter something already written or printed; to make corrections, improve, or update 

After I finish writing my essay, I will revise it to make it better.

revision—noun 8. succinct (suh -SINKT) adjective expressed in a few words, not too wordy  The student council delivered a speech that was clear, succinct, and very effective. 9. summarize (SUHM-uh-RIZE) verb To collect and restate the main ideas or events from the original source. Summary noun –a retelling or restating of the main ideas or events. 10. transition (tran-ZISH-uhn) noun a. noun—movement, passage, or change from one position, subject, or concept to another. 

I need to work on my transition between my last body paragraph and my conclusion so it doesn’t feel awkward.

b. verb—to move from one position to another 

After we finish typing, we will transition to the revising stage of writing.

Exercise 1: Write the correct word Next to each given definition, write the correct word in the space provided. Spell correctly.

1. ____________________ to say again, to repeat

6. ____________________ to retell the main idea or event

2. ____________________ a reference giving credit to the source of your information

7. ____________________ clear or powerful writing

3. ____________________ explaining, expanding, or exposing

8. ____________________ to put in one’s own

4. ____________________ to move or change between two parts

9. ___________________ explained in few words



5. ____________________ to rework or correct in order to make it better


_____________________ to say more

Exercise 2: Complete the Sentence Write the letter for the word that best completes the sentence.

_____ 1. Kayla’s direct quotation was too long, so she only used part of it an______ the rest.

a. reiterated

b. paraphrased

c. transitioned

d. citation

_____ 2. Would you please ______ your request. I didn’t catch it the first time. a. elaborate b. revise c. expository d. reiterate _____ 3. After we got home from the movie, Corby _______ the plot of the movie for our mom. a. revised b. reiterated c. summarized d. succinct _____ 4. Hopefully, all seventh graders have made a full _______ from the expectations of elementary school to those of the junior high. a. transition b. paraphrase c. revise d. summarize _____ 5. When the student turned in a whole page of writing that was only one sentence, the teacher returned it to her so she could _______ it. a. succinct b. revise c. eloquent d. summarize _____ 6. In her ______ essay, she will explain how Cole has changed throughout the novel Touching Spirit Bear. a. citation b. reiterate c. expository d. paraphrase _____ 7. Carl’s critical response was unclear and rambling. I told him to clarify what he wanted to say and make it more ______.

a. succinct

b. citation

c. transition

d. elaborate

_____ 8. Though he answered the question correctly, he didn’t prove he was capable of critical thought. He should go back, think more, and _____ on his answer. a. succinct b. citation c. transition d. elaborate _____ 9. In Social Studies, it is important to create a _____ and give credit to each resource used in the St. Louis Park project. a. reiterate b. citation c. eloquent d. revise _____ 10. Greta wrote an ______ letter to the governor urging him to fully fun public education. a. eloquent b. paraphrase c. transition d. citation


Exercise 3: Reading Comprehension Read the passage below. Then complete #1-10. Public Speaking When I was a sophomore in high school, my Language Arts teacher gave us an assignment to write and give an (1) explaining speech in front of the class. It was to be a (2) clear and powerful speech giving the audience information about one of our favorite things. Though my first idea was to write about dance, I later (3) changed my plans and gave a speech on the history of modern dance. First, I started by giving a little background information on how modern dance evolved from both ballet and more informal types of dance in America. Then I (4) moved on to some of the famous pioneers in the art form. One of my favorite choreographers is Elizabeth Streb, so I spent some time (5) saying more on her work. I found some really great direct quotations from her, but they were too long. Because I couldn’t use them all, I (6) put in my own words part of it, and used a more (7) short version of her words. Near the end of the speech I (8) restated my main points and (9) said again my belief that modern dance is the best form of movement in modern America. Relieved that I was finished, I turned in my (10) resources and sat down to listen to the other speeches.

Each number below refers to a numbered word in the passage above. Write the letter of the vocab word that best fits into the sentence at the number.

_____ 1.

a. paraphrased

b. expository

c. summarized

d. citations

_____ 2.

a. succinct

b. reiterated

c. eloquent

d. expository

_____ 3.

a. eloquent

b. revised

c. summarized

d. paraphrased

_____ 4.

a. transitioned

b. expository

c. reiterated

d. summarized

_____ 5.

a. revised

b. succinct

c. expository

d. elaborated

_____ 6.

a. expository

b. revised

c. paraphrased

d. reiterated

_____ 7.

a. succinct

b. paraphrased

c. summarized

d. expository

_____ 8.

a. eloquent

b. expository

c. summarized

d. succinct

_____ 9.

a. reiterated

b. citations

c. eloquent

d. revised

b. citations

c. reiterated

d. paraphrased

_____ 10. a. expository


Part 4: Find the Example Read each question. Then select the example that best answers the question.

_____ 1. What you want to do in an expository essay.

a. ask a question

b. prove a point

c. tell a story

d. paint a picture

_____ 2. Something a teacher might reiterate in class.

a. insults

b. assignments

c. friends

d. lunch

_____ 3. The most likely result of an eloquent plea for more time to study.

a. extra time

b. punishment

c. pop quiz

d. cancelling the test

_____ 4. Something you might want to revise.

a. an sentence with poor syntax b. a perfect speech

c. your favorite magazine d. a black and white photograph

_____ 5. When do you need to give a citation?

a. when taking a test b. when using a direct quotation

c. when doing your vocab homework d. when writing a poem

_____ 6. Something a succinct response would NOT do

a. be clear and direct b. get straight to the point

c. use only a few words d. ramble on and on

_____ 7. Words that would NOT help create a transition in an essay.

a. first, next, finally

b. in conclusion

c. I think that

d. therefore

_____ 8. In order to elaborate on a topic, you would have to

a. be confused b. change your answer completely

b. add to your original response d. know nothing about the topic

_____ 9. Something you might summarize

a. a complicated story

b. a sweater

c. your birthday

_____ 10. What you might paraphrase in an essay a. when adding your own critical though

b. when you use the author’s exact words c. when the direct quotation is long or confusing d. when creating a citation


d. a good night sleep

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