Six Lessions On Raja Yoga

  • May 2020
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RAJA-YOGA To become moral is the object of Yoga. PRACTISE (YOGA) HARD;WHETHER YOU LIVE OR DIE DOES NOT MATTER.YOU HAVE TO PLUNGE IN AND WORK,WITHOUT THINKING OF THE RESULT. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Who can not become Yogis:--Those who stuff themselves, those who starve themselves, those who sleep too much, those sleep too little, can not become Yogis. · You cannot be a Yogi if you talk much. Great enemies to success in Yoga practice:-Ignorance,fickleness,jealousy,laziness,and excessive attachment are the great enemies to success in Yoga practice. Other necessary things:-1. Bath regularly (I changed the actual wordings of Master, as this instruction is personal for me, according to my health and geographical condition of Puri(Orissa/India) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The first great aim in Yoga practices:-Controlling the mental powers is the first great aim in Yoga practices. The second is concentrating them in full force upon any subject. Do not practise (Yoga) when the body feels very lazy or ill, or when the mind is very miserable and sorrowful. THREE THINGS are necessary for success. First:--GIVE UP ALL IDEAS OF ENJOYMENT. CARE ONLY FOR GOD AND TRUTH. Second:--INTENSE DESIRE TO KNOW TRUTH AND GOD. Third:--The six trainings: 1. RESTRAINING THE MIND FROM GOING OUTWARD. 2. RESTRAINING THE SENSES. 3. TURNING THE MIND INWARD.

4. SUFFERING EVERYTHING WITHOUT MURMURING. 5. FASTENING THE MIND TO ONE IDEA. Take the subject before you and think it out; never leave it. DO NOT COUNT TIME. 6. THINK CONSTANTLY OF YOUR REAL NATURE. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Sit down and hold the seat firm, that is, imagine that you sit as firm as a rock, that nothing can move you. 2. Hold the head and shoulders and the hips in a straight line, keeping the spinal column free; all action is along it, and must not be impaired. 3. Begin with your toes and think of each part of your body as perfect; picture it so in your mind, touching each part if you prefer to do so. Pass upward bit by bit until you reach the head, thinking of each as perfect, lacking nothing. Then think of the whole as perfect, an instrument given to you by God to enable you to attain truth, the vessel in which you are to cross the ocean and reach the shores of eternal truth. 4. Take a long breath through both nostrils, throw it out again, and then hold it out as long as you comfortably can. Take four such breathe naturally and pray for illumination. PRAYER 'I meditate on the glory of that being who created this universe; may he illuminate my mind'. · Meditate on this ten or fifteen minutes. Comment:--No need to meditate on the glory of anybody, just meditate on the glory of Master. That’s all there is to do. · I don't care whether I gets illuminated or not; I just care one thing and that is my Master is there, and that's all I need. · As you yourself is Vivekananda, meditate on the words of Vivekananda. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


FIRST------------------------YAMA · This is most important and has to govern the whole life. 1st.NOT INJURING ANY BEING BY THOUGHT,WORD,OR DEED. 2nd.NON-COVETOUSNESS IN THOUGHT,WORD,OR DEED.

3rd.PERFECT CHASTITY IN THOUGHT,WORD,OR DEED. 4th.PERFECT TRUTHFULNESS IN THOUGHT,WORD,OR DEED. 5th.NON-RECEIVING OF GIFTS. SECOND-------------------------NIYAMA The bodily care, bathing daily, dietary, etc. THIRD-------------------------ASANA. Posture Hips shoulders, and head must be held straight, leaving the spine free. FOURTH------------------------------PRANAYAMA Restraining the breath (in order to get control of the Prana or vital force). PRANAYAMA has three parts: 1st.PURAKA--------------inhaling. 2nd.KUMBHAKA--------------restraining. 3rd.RECHAKA----------------exhaling. PROCESS OF PRANAYAMA 1. Close the right nostril with thumb and then slowly inhale through the left nostril, repeating the word 'Om' four times. This is incomplete. For complete information visit

Comments:-multisubj yb said... You have presented so nicely, that I am tempted to restart yoga. Didn't Vivekananda stuff himself? Me:-Thank you Sir (multisubj yb). May be Vivekananda stuff himself, and I'm sure he would've changed his habit soon.

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