Six Kalima Of Islam

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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 505
  • Pages: 2
A true Muslim is someone who is completely aware of the meaning of the Kalima, proclaims it with sincerity and devotion, and acts and lives in accordance to its requirements.

1. Kalima-e-Tayyabah (Word of Purity)

Pronunciation: Laaa Ilaaha Illa-llaahu Muhammadur-Rasoolu-llaah

Translation: There is none worthy of worship except Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.

2. Kalima-e-Shahaadat (Word of Testimony) Pronunciation: Ash-hadu Al-laaa Ilaaha Illa-llaahu Wahdahoo Laa Shareeka Lahoo Wa-Ashhadu Anna Muhammadan 'Abduhoo Wa Rasooluhu. Translation: I bear witness that none is worthy of worship but Allah, the One alone, without partner, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger.

3. Kalima-e-Tamjeed (Word of Glorification) Pronunciation: Subhaana-llaahi Walhamdu Lillaahi Walaaa Ilaaha Illa-llaahu Wallaahu Akbar. Walaa Hawla Walaa Quwwata Illaa Billaahi-l 'Aliyyil 'Azeem. Translation: Glory be to Allah and praise to Allah and there is none worthy of worship but Allah, and Allah is the Greatest. And there is no might or power except with Allah, the Exalted, the Great One.

4. Kalima-e-Tauhid (Word of Unification)

Pronunciation: Laaa Ilaaha Illa-llaahu Wahdahoo Laa Shareeka-lahoo Lahu-l Mulku Walahul Hamdu Yuhyee Wayumeetu Wahuwa Hayyu-l Laa Yamootu Abadan Abada. Dhu-l Jalaali Wal Ikraam. Biyadihil Khair. Wahuwa Alaa Kulli Shai-'in Qadeer. Translation: There is none worthy of worship except Allah. He is alone and has no partner. To Him belongs the Kingdom and for Him is all praise. He gives life and causes death. In His hand is all good and He has power over everything.

5. Kalima-e-Astaghfar (Word of Penitence)

Pronunciation: Astaghfiru-llaaha Rabbi Min Kulli Dhambin Adhnabtuhoo 'Amadan Aw Khataan Sirran Aw 'Alaaniyata-wn Wa-atoobu Ilaihi Min-adh Dhambi-l Ladhee A'lamu Wamina-dh Dhambi-l Ladhi Laaa A'lamu Innaka Anta 'Allaamu-l Ghuyoobi Wasattaaru-l 'Uyoobi Wa Ghaffaaru-dh Dhunubi Walaa Hawla Walaa Quwwata Illaa Billaahi-l 'Aliyyil 'Azeem. Translation: I seek forgiveness from Allah, who is my Creator and Cheriser, from every sin I committed knowingly or unknowingly, secretly or openly. I also seek His forgiveness for all sins which I am aware of or am not aware of. Certainly You (O Allah!), are the Knower of the hidden and the Concealer of mistakes and the Forgiver of sins. And there is no power and no strength except with Allah, the Most High, the Most Great.

6. Kalima-e-Rud-e-Kuffr (Word of Rejection of Disbelief)

Pronunciation: Allaa-humma Inneee A'udhu-bika Min An Ushrika Bika Shay-awn Wa-ana A'lamu Bihee Wa-astaghfiruka Limaa Laaa A'lamu Bihee Tubtu 'Anhu Wata-barraatu Mina-l Kufri Washshirki Wal-kidhbi Wal-gheebati Wal-bid'ati Wan-nameemati Wal-fawahishi Wal-buhtaani Walm'aasi Kulli-haa Wa-Aslamtu Wa-aqoolu Laaa Ilaaha Illa-llaahu Muhammadu-r Rasoolu-llah. Translation: O Allah! Certainly I seek protection with You from, that I associate partner with You anything and I know it. And I seek forgiveness from You for that I do not know it. I repended from it and I made myself free from disbelief and polytheism and the falsehood and the back-biting and the innovation and the tell-tales and the bad deeds and the blame and the disobedience, all of them. And I submit and I say (there is) none worthy of worship except Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.

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