Situation Analysis Of Cry Project Area

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  • Words: 6,741
  • Pages: 18

Situation Analysis, Economic, Social, Political & Cultural, July – 2008 Working Area Badagoan Belwa (Badagoan Block) Economic: In the targeted group of Belwa there are middle and small farmer, daily wages labour, displaced labour (Musher Community), Nats community managing their livelihood by selling cow-buffalo, workers of some other work like private servant, weaver of saree and carpet and doing agriculture in partnership Out of these the condition of Musahar is nastiest, they have no work, nor do they have any card. Owing to availability of red card and work from Block and Panchayat in this year, their position is stable. Rajbhar community is economically weak due to their dependence on partnership and daily wage labour. However occasionally they get work from Panchayat. This was obtainable after making administrative pressure. Nat community have various source of livelihood opportunities like weaving, selling animals, collecting grains and money by singing Alha (folk songs) and snake charmering, selling vegetable and other work. Their condition is better due to the red card and governmental housing scheme. Minority Community: Barbering is their main work. However now they are doing effort to direct towards another work by associating their children to education. The above mentioned communities are landless and they are demanding for the allotment of land. Panchayat allotted land to the Nats community. The farming of middle and small farmer are based on the debt due to unavailability of source of irrigation, seeds and fertilizers. Since there is no profit in agriculture, they are tending towards farming of flowers instead of cereal farming. Plight of agricultural farming also affects the daily wage labour, now farmer are doing work by self to save the money.

Social: In spite of seven years struggle in Belwa village, caste system, patriarchal system has not been rooted out completely. However the position is clear that where the community performed activity solely; now it is struggling collectively and this is the base of any social change and now the successful effort of upper caste people is that marginalized should not unite, is breaking gradually.

2 Due to the completion of demand of primary school and many administrative pressures marginalized group especially Nats - Mushar community have been glorify by the feeling of success through their struggle and their confidence also increased. Earlier where Mushar-Nut community are seen with disrespect, now as a result of administrative pressure and argument the steps have been taken sensitively to change the position of Nut-Mushar community. In respect of women, since the labour group of Belwa is targeted group (Farming, labour, daily wage labour woman), so, here women are given social status so that their labour can be utilized and it can not be protested. In this situation the change has come due to continuous discussion and program on the contribution given by women to society. However they are very far from equality and some measures are happening. Women are leading in the struggle and community is accepting the leadership of women in group struggle. They are being given the opportunity of speaking and decision making and up to some extent they they are getting approval on personal matter and in some matter they accept the decision with protest.

Children: Caste discrimination and sex discrimination is knocking down in children. Girl child is raising their voice openly. At the same time the exception of child marriage came into existence. The girl child is in back foot in education. The children of Mushar-Nut community are studying with the children of backward community and they are becoming friend. Prior to this there was discrimination in children. Due to availability of birth certificate they came into social & statistical scenario. In social situation the mutual bitterness became less but there is some discrimination.

Political: The marginalized community made a long struggle on the base of violation of right of education and vote. In this struggle they gave their labour, land with the leadership and the political cooperation of upper caste became unsuccessful. The hindrance which caused the inaccessibility of deprived to government facilities, now finished. In spite of these circumstances the strong political will has not been formed and caste based politics is prevailing. Where the issue of women is based on family profit, that is the part of politics like service etc. but there is silence on the issues of health and violence, and in the matter of right over land, the group which have land, have desire to gain and want to escape in the name of inability and unavailability to give.

3 There is the effect of communal politics on children and large numbers of children are deprived from education. All the children are humanizing the politics of child right through education. Politically, the community is centralizing on group interest along with their personal interest there is increase in practice on raising the question directly to leaders on their issues.

Cultural: Along with inner cultural activities community are increasing their relation together with the other group of other community.

Dhamahapur ( Badagoan Block) Social: There are two PVCHR committee in the village of Dhobi, Pasi, Muslim, Patel, Rajbhar, Dharikar, Pal, Prajapati and Gond, These Committees are in the locality of Rajbhar Basti. Patel Nav Samant community are prevalent and they are in populace of around 5000, and maintain Pressure over Dalit, Muslim Mushar Community along with other backward community, From the enforcement of Panchayat Raj Act till now once village head of backward community was elected and enduring the village head from the Patel community. Owing to the caste Patel community has pressure over other caste.

Economic: The Patel community of Ghamahapur village is farmer and their land extended to three villages apart from Ghamahapur village. Along with this government service, contracting, shop etc. are the livelihood source. Families of the remaining caste are land less. There are some small farmer, mostly agricultural labour or earning their livelihood by daily wages.

Political: politically it is divided into three groups and in the village there is supporter of B.J.P. Congress, S.P., Apna Dal and B.S.P. In the election of village head remaining caste are the blind follower of Patel community. Due to few populace of Dalit community, any type of decision can not find ground. The decision is certified due to effect of circumstances.

Nindanpur (Badagoan Block) Social: Gram Sabha Nindanpur is made up of two Mushar locality of PVCHR and Dalit Basti committee Nindanpur, Makurveer, Nandlalpur, Bahutara village. The population of the

4 village is around four thousand where the family of Mushar, Chamar, Rajbhar, Patel and some backward dalits reside. Out of them the person of Yadav family, who is mafia, is village head. In the village road are divided for separate community in separate locality. In this year the influential of landed community attacked on the youth of Rajbhar community on the issue of wearing fashionable clothes. In which number of family got injured. After this incidence Yadav family came in support of Rajbhar community after looking at political scenario. The suit was filed, compliance had done, later compromise took place due to economic reason, but there is a pressure on forward till now.

Economic: Economically Patel and Yadav, in Nindanpur are strong, who are associated with services and other livelihood means along with agriculture. Apart from these communities there are extreme backward, and Dalit family and extreme small farmer, daily wages are dependent family.

Political: They are supporter of four political parties B.J.P., S.P., B.S.P. and Bharatiya Samaj Party and Apna Dal. Mainly the supporters of present M.L.A. Ajay Rai are in force. In the election of village head personal inters is prevalent.

Hamirapur (Badagoan Block) Social: approximately 5000 population in village Hamirpur, where Pandit Patel, Dalit, Mushar, Srivastava, Thakur are residing. In these families the communities of Pandit and Patel caste maintain pressure over other community and more pressure are faced by the Mushar community, there are two groups within the community, but only one committee has been formed by annexing both families. The Pandit and Thakur community who live in another village (Berji, Bathaipur, Kuwar) have put the development of whole locality on back foot by exerting mental pressure over the community. Dalit, Mushar and Chamar family are facing this exploitation collectively again and again. Hamirapur is Dalit populated village, and continuously Dalit reserved village head is elected. However due to the feudal tendency of upper caste and backward caste every time the village head post is being under the control of influential.

Economic: The community of forward and Patel is farmer along with government, private service, and private shop, where as Dalit community livelihood opportunity is based on agricultural labour along with daily wages.


Lakhamipur (Badagoan Block) Social: There are eight families of upper caste in the population of approximately 3000 mainly Patel, Rajbhar, Chamar, Dhobi, and other community. There are total six committee of PVCHR in three part of ghetto Lakhamipur, Thakurbir, Chiriyam. There are diffused quarrel in the village based on caste-religion, which are regarding land and other issues which are being settled, mutual bitterness is very less. According to theme Patel’s are in the role of new feudal because they have land, along with this some are engaged in divisional farming. Initially this village was associated with Belwa, later it separated and has become new Gram Sabha.

Economic: Small peasants are dependent mainly on divisional farming, agriculture labour and daily wage labour. The main livelihood of this village is - some are doing work outside of city and some are doing self business.

Political: Mainly like other villages in this village politics is based on the casteism in which they are supporter of Apna Dal, B.S.P and Bharti Samaj Party (party of the Bhar caste). The politics of the village is based on caste and religion which is dominated by personal interest.

Nathaipur Ahirani (Badagoan Block) Social: In the population of approximately 5000, all Dalit castes are scattered. Their houses are in the number of 4, 5 or 6 along with them mainly Nathaipur, Tetuapur, Basti, Nathaipur. In the three ghettos of village sabha Nathaipur village is the village of Pandit, Thakur, Yadav, whereas Tetuapur is the village of Patel and Pal, Ahirani is the village of Rajbhar community. Where there are two village committees of PVCHR, who are the village head for long time. On the basis of caste community has to bear the pressure of Patel, Brahmin, Thakur. The influential community can not be dominant due to unity of caste.

Economical: Mainly the agricultural labour from Rajbhar community has bought the land from upper caste which is situated beside the village, by doing work from outside of village and other city. However the number and land are very less. For their livelihood large number in divisional agriculture and daily wages labour are in city or out of city.

Political: From long time being the supporter of B.J.P villagers have give their complete contribution for the strengthening of Bharti Samajwadi Party (B.S.P) now they are supporter of Bharti Samaj Party (party of the Bhar caste)

6 The politics of village is divided into two groups one is big group and other is small, there is a dialogue delivery however no useful discussions. .

Kuwar (Badagoan Block) Social: In the population of more than 3000, there are Thakur (25 families) Muslim (100 families) Bania (150 families) Khatik known as Sonkar (30 families) and other community, no Yadav and Patel resides in this village. However Nut and Mushar are both residing and there are two committees of PVCHR between these two communities. Thakur, Muslim, Sonkar and Bania community have main role in this village. Mainly Nut and Mushar community are most deprived community who has been located on the starting and ending point of village. The house of Mushar’s are surrounded from three side by the pond and they are feared of demolishing their house. The same way, there are continuing contention among Nut and Thakur family due to location of Nut community on the other end beside the houses and land of Thakur. The dispute continues in Nut and Mushar community for non allotment of land through lease under Bhu-Dan. Economically the Nuts are very weak. They earn their livelihood through begging along with other different casual sources like catching snake dancing in marriage, beating band, selling decorating things, daily wages labour, etc. Their livelihood is being carried temporarily. There are engulfed in jaws of debt at the time of sickness, marriage, death and other like situation. Mushar family mainly earn their livelihood through daily wages labour in which, the main work are making shape of brick on brick kiln, work of pulling tricycle (Sagari), work of kneaded mud. The forward of village are land owner, they earn their livelihood from agriculture. Apart from this they have other strong business.

Political: with upper caste community vaishaya community support B.J.P. and in the pressure Nut, Sonkar, support B.J.P. In the village politics caste system, individualism, and feudal tendency is dominant.


Situation Analysis - Chiraigoan Working Area Sarai Mohana (Chiraigoan Block): Sarai mohana is under Chiraigoan block. In this village six village committees is among the Dalits and Fisherman. In this village 75% Fisherman family and 25% Dalit family resides. The main occupation of this village is catching fish, selling fish and weaving sari. However today when these livelihood means came to an end, then people started to work as a labour in city and women starts selling fish out side of village. The children of all family of village have been enrolled in primary school. Children of some family are still far from education. Till today people are not aware of government scheme and food security scheme. There is bad effect on the health of people due to polluted water of Ganga River from western and southern end of village. Up to 80% people are suffering from T.B, skin disease and deformity. Still in the village there is discrimination, difference in men and women. No understanding of citizen right has been developed in village.

Singhwar (Chiraigoan Block): in Singhwar under Chiraigoan village where three village committees of PVCHR are among Fisherman and Dalit community. The livelihood means of this villager are digging sand and agriculture labour. Men are doing working of knead mud in city. Unavailability of wages, non-vaccination, non registration of birth, not enrolling the labours with NREGA, are the main problems of village. The other things are that the community has no knowledge of governmental scheme. The problem of potable water is still continued. There is other problem like, deprivation of children from education and worst economic conditions in flood season.

Rajapur (Chiraigoan Block): There is one PVCHR village committee in Rajapur situated under Chiraigoan block. In this village Fisherman community Rajbhar, dalits and Yadav caste resides in this village. Main livelihood of the village is agricultural labour, weaving, selling fish and vegetables. People are deprived from health services. There is one anganwadi center which is far from the locality. There is no primary school in village. There is problem of Potable water. People are not able to analyze their problem. The means of livelihood came to an end due to finishing of weaving.


Situation Analysis (City Slum Locality-Chiraigoan Working Area) Dharkar Basti-Hukulgang, Doshipura (Dhobia Pokhari), Nai Basti (Hukulganj), Sarang Talab. 1. Dharkar Basti (City Locality - Chiraigown Working Area) There is the Dharkar Basti (locality) in Hukulganj beside the road. People are living here from their 4th generation. The main livelihood means of this place are – making bamboo fan, basket, carpet, stuff used in marriage, dummy etc. 45 People are living in 8 families. When their business become slow, they do the work of beating band, pulling rickshaws etc. Children are not getting health facilities along with violation of fundamental right of child. Due to development of understanding on the point of registration, they started to register the birth of their children. All children have right to get health facilities under article 24. Effort should be made to remove disease and malnourishment after taking into consideration the dangers of environment pollution. Health facilities should be available and ensured for all the children, which is not done. After a lot of pressure, ANM is coming there and doing vaccination. Across the other side of road there is anganwadi centre. The children of Dharkar Basti do not go to anganwadi because the worker of anganwadi yelled the children and say that you are very dirty. Children are deprived of right to education under article 28. All are deprived from potable water, house, electricity, toilet, drainage, road, education and other facilities. Due to compliance of organization and pressure, 6 white and 2 red ration cards have been made in Dharkar Basti. There is serious effect of pollution due to location near to road. This is more dangerous for pregnant women and infant baby. Identity card of community have made after the compliance of organization. Police torture is happening day by day. They are compelled to live disregardful life belonging to low caste. Dharkar Basti is situated beside the road and 24 hours there is danger of accident and in rainy season their houses are overflowing with water because the roads are higher in comparison to their houses. There is one Government hand pump which is bored across the road. Whole Dharkar and Dalit Basti are dependent on same hand pump. Due to which they have to wait for hours to take water.


Children : The children do work with their parents, to rub away bamboo, bring things from market, filling water, cooking, washing utensil, looking after younger one, cleaning the house, are the main work of children. Along with this children sell the fan made of bamboo.

Women: Along with household work, the women cooperate with men to improve the financial condition of family. They made the stuff from bamboo and sell it. Work of Men : Since the main source of livelihood of this community to make the stuff made of bamboo and this community is situated in city, so man bring the bamboo from distant area, and they also sell these article.

2. Doshipura (City Locality-Chiraigown Working Area) Caste: Rajbhar, Dom, Sonkar, Chamar. Locality: It is located in front of water tank (Chaura Mata temple) near railway line. People are living in hut. There are 28 families. The wall is made up of mud and roof of plastic sheet in hut. The accident happens as it is situated near railway line. Animal, cow, buffalo are slash at railway line. Apart from this woman, children and men are also the victim of accident. Their main occupation is pulling rickshaw, pushing barrow, carrying debris, buying and selling of old goods etc, women also do household work by going outside. Only one hand pump is there for potable water. There is no arrangement of sewage. The primary school is situated 2 Km far from this locality. On one side there is railway line and other side there is G.T. road. So due to apprehension of accident children do not go to school. There is no anganwadi. Due to compliance of organization, 6 red and 7 yellow ration cards have been made.

Children: The vaccination of children has been started. Children are deprived from education, are child labour. Now registration has been started due to knowledge of registration. ANM was taking Rs 10/ in the name of vaccination, which has been protested.

Women: after performing their household work, they work as a maid servant in other house like washing utensil and cooking food, make bangle with beads, animal husbandry, (like, Cow, Buffalo, Goat, Hen, Cock etc). Apart from these they also make cow dung cake by picking cow dung from distant area.

Men: pulling trolley, selling balloon, repairing vehicle, painting, daily wage labour. They labour hard and get fewer wages.

1 3. Sarang Talab (City Locality-Chiraigown Working Area)

Caste: Sonkar, Prajapati, Rajbhar, Chamar, Yadav. Locality: There is no arrangement of potable water. There is no BPL card, no means of education.

Children: Are deprived from registration, vaccination. They are child labour. Women: washing utensil, making cow dung cake. Decorating sari with sitara. Making incense stick, making chain with beads, selling vegetables and other domestic work. Men: pulling rickshaw, weaving saree, and daily wages labour.

4. Nai Basti Hukulganj (City Locality-Chiraigown Working Area) Caste: Sonkar, Prajapati, Yadav, Chamar, Gond, Rajbhar, Vishwakarma, Patel etc. Location: It is dense locality situated near city. Most of the people live in rental house. There is no arrangement of electricity, water, toilet, ration card; school etc. There is no arrangement of house. There is no play ground to play for children.

Children: Children are not associated with education. No registration and vaccination are taking place. Children engage as child labour. Child labour are engaged in snacks company, repairing cycle, selling balloon, making chain with beads, decorating sari with sitara etc.

Women: apart from domestic work they are engage as a maid servant, making chair with beads, jute work etc.

Men: pulling rickshaw, weaving sari, daily wages labour, selling peanuts etc.

5. Baghwanala (City Locality – Chiraigoan Working Area) Baghwanala is slum area which is situated in the mid of residential area of city. Mainly Rajbhar community lives here. The main livelihood of this place is weaving, but due to gradual decrease in weaving, people work for pulling rickshaw selling vegetables, doing labour, carrying debris. Due to worsening economic condition women and children also work like –making incense stick, to rub away gram, maid servant etc. Here is no primary school, so the children could not be adjoined with main stream of education. Children are adjoin with education with informal centre conducted by PVCHR. Apart from this they also perform their domestic work. Due to strength of organization in Baghwanala gradually there is some changing such as – ration card of all have been made, free vaccination at the centre and date

11 fixed by ANM, opening of anganwadi, opening of child labour school, construction of road and sewer, making of weaver health insurance card, hundred percent registration, interaction with member of municipal corporation, interaction with worker of anganwadi, etc. Changes have taken place. Women and children are playing the role of leadership because men go for daily labour, so they could not get time. The political understanding of people have been developed, because first time people gave vote irrespective of their community prior to election people raise a signature campaign on a declaration and the candidate who have signed on this declaration, the people made him won.

Situation Analysis Weaver Working Area Bazardiha City Area: The population of this area is 5000. Approximately 80% are weaver. The main problem of this area is lack of livelihood caused by finishing of weaving. There is also the problem of potable water and drainage. The health department has no access in this area. They could not avail the facility of health and sanitation. anganwadi and Balwadi are situated only in Hindu locality. It is very far for the children. Due to which people do not send their children. They send their children to Madrasa. Communal fanaticism and the difference between men and women is seen every where. The interaction with member of Municipal Corporation has been improved; the access of public is started. Weavers identify card and Gandhi Insurance Scheme benefited weaver. New red ration card has been made in less number. However the actual beneficiary has got weaver health card and Red and B.P.L. Card. Still today many weavers are deprived of weaver health card, Red and B.P.L.

Siwala Gaurigang City Area: This area is situated in the mid of the city. Its population is 80, 000. Apart from general caste, weaver and artisan also live here. Surrounding them there are Gaddidar who belong to Muslim community. There is serious danger of livelihood due to plight of weaving industry. At present the weaver family is doing embroidery work such as stitching tikki (a round circular piece). Men bring the work of embroidery. The affect of this is on the traditional embroidery, because due to less weaving work, they are ready to do the embroidery work at very less price so the wages of traditional artisan became less due to competition. The impact of which is very depth on their daily life. They have to face many problems such as health, nutrition, education. For example they get Rs 20-25 at the place of

1 Rs 80/-. Since there is no quality education in primary school, people send their children to private school. Communal harmony exists. Political awareness has been increased.

Lohta: This is the Gram Sabha of Kashi Vidyapith Block. It is also Muslim weaver populated area. The population of Dhamaria is 8,000. Basic facilities are in very worse condition. But its understanding and demand in community have increased. Economic situation is very weak. Due to which people started the work of weaver, pulling rickshaw, teabeetle, puri-Pakodi, shop, knead mud and cleaning. The women and children of weaver are stitching tikki (circular piece of cloths etc) on saree and salwar kurta. They got Rs 20-25. One or two weaver associated with NREGA. There is wrath of T.B. in older and malnourishment in children. Women are also prey. Health centre are not active. Doctors do not sit regularly. Children (Fariqui community) are very influential in this area. Whose effect is on every scheme, facilities and politics.

Dhannipur Nai Basti: This Gram Sabha is under Bhatti. The effect of falling in work is that there in no good selling of tea-beetle due to change of profession, because the purchasing capacity of people becoming less. There is the condition of malnutrition. Village head is very influential. The actual beneficiary has no access on scheme. There is lot of corruption and cheating. There is the collection of greedy and broker type people surrounding the village head. Communal harmony is maintained. Hindu and Muslim are struggling collectively to access on resources. The village head is very influential and block head Chakkan Mourya have term with anarchical, and maintain continuous irregularity in distribution of article.

Lallapura (City Area): Lallapura is special area of embroidery work situated in the mid of city. It is also a Muslim populated area. However, basically it is a very old area of the city, which appears developed from outside but in the inner part of street the narrowness and neutrality of administration can be seen clearly. Weaver has no ration card, voter identity card and weaver card. Hardly the Municipal Corporation does the work of sanitation, whose impact is on the health of weaver. The work of embroidery is done on the batch of army of different countries (Germany, Switzerland, USA), Cap of Pope, dress. The broker who brings the work for workmen, they take the margin so the workmen can not find proper wages. So the economic problems remain constant. They are compelled to do the work at fewer wages. Where as the bigger become richer due to management of resource. The lack of raw material and selling of prepared material are the solution of this problem.


Situation Analysis (Harhua Block) (Social, Economical, Political, Cultural) Village Shivrampur (Harhua Block) In Shivrampur village block Harhua in Varanasi district Hindu and Muslim people are living. Where around each caste of Hindu is residing and differs in population. Shirampur is dominated by backward caste and followed by Dalits. In village backward caste Patel, Maurya and Chauhan have small piece lands. Kshatriya is identified as Zamindar of the village. Remaining 90 percent Dalits and extreme backward caste are landless and are involved in various types of daily wages. Five year back in the village the most of the family manage their needs through weaving. Women work in the house of Zamindar and in the field they work as an agricultural labour. Their wages are less than the male labour. In village feudal are doing caste violation and marginalizing them from social, economical, political, cultural rights.

Earlier in village Muslims, dalits did have understanding about

immunization, birth registration certificate and now they understand their rights. They perceptive developed about PDS and education and people are adjoins with their rights. Shivrampur village in Harhua village is model village in many aspects. At present Sheela Devi wife of Shyam Ji is village head, she belongs to schedule caste. She is wife of former village head and she again elected in general seat of election because of work done by her. After long struggle 100 percent immunization, 100 percent birth registration, 100 percent enrollment in school. First time in Varanasi mid day meal starts in this village. 2 primary school, 1 middle school and there are many other school nearby village. The numbers of dalits are more in the village. Village head and Panchayat member are giving priority to the personal benefit and however in front of organization effort they personal benefit are less active. Block head is permanent resident of same village. The livelihood opportunities are in terrible condition. As every where farming is suffering from awful condition and like that plight of the weaving livelihood in the village. They are getting few days work after implementation of NREGA and which is not a permanent measure. 13 village committee of PVCHR are actively working. People are unite on the theme and are struggling together.


Village Sabha Aura (Harhua block) Aura is Dalits dominated area where more than 60 percent Chamar are living. They are landless. The main demands of social security are housing, drainage system, road, electricity. The progress of Dalits is interrupted with the evils and blind faith. They did not take help of the Brahmins and they keep the time of marriage in calendar following Hindu months. After plight of weaving industry they are working as labour. There is no availability of ration card to each poor family. Again their hope enlighten with NREGA. Health and education is not according to the time. Political desire increase and self respect increase toward their caste. In election cent percent voting was done in election. Now they are stating their talks without any hesitation.

Village Sabha Puwari Khurd (Harhua block): In puwari khurd many caste people like Brahmin, Thakur, Prajapati, Viswakarma, Mushar, Muslims, Rajbhar, Nats and chamar are residing. Dalits are landless, they work as a labour. Poor are more in populance and however they are having less ration card. Only there are 45 Antodaya Anna Yojana (AAY) Card and 73 BPL card. Many poor families are marginalized from ration card. The problem of housing, toilet and road and pension are still their. In village one Government and two private schools are giving the work of the education. There are three anganwadis and ANM are regularly immunizing. They are celebrating their festivals and marriages according to their customs. Dalits are not having Government jobs. Wages are the mainstream of their life. Some are getting 100 wages under NREGA. Dalits are now having interest in political parties and they are getting knowledge of political parties.

Village Sabha Murdaha (Harhua block): In Murdaha village each caste people are residing. Dalits are landless; labour is only source of income to them. In village there are three anganwadis, three Asha, one primary school and one middle school is giving service. The distribution of ration card is satisfactory. The main importance is of housing, toilet, hand pump, pavement and pension, drainage system. The marriage ceremonies of young couple are performed at the age of 18 and they

1 are taking benefit of marriage contribution. Alteration in condition of educational, dalits children are actively participating in the cultural program. Dalits are now having interest in poltical parties and they are getting knowledge of political parties and understanding politics

Village Bhathauli (Harhua block) Bhaithauli village sabha is under Harhua block where till no polling done for the village head and ward member. However this area is dominated by the thakur caste. Some influenced people of the village who are supported by the village head and members and other public supports them. All time election is done without any protest. At present village head is of upper caste and earlier one Sc women elected with out any protest with the support of thakur as seat was reserved for Sc. However register, seal and other things was with kept with thakur. In this village dalit and Muslim landless labour are living. They are working on the field of upper caste people on the basic of contribution. Few people migrates city for work. The dalits and Muslim are encircled with the field of upper caste people. Every time they are feared and in pressure as they have to use upper caste people field for their way, toilet and drainage. Dalits and minority community are deprived from basic needs like ICDS (Anganbadi) centres, health facilities, ration cards, ration, land, house pension etc. Some Dalits are linked with the upper caste people so they are not being organized and united. Advocacy is started for individual’s interest in the community along with also the advocacy for such issues, which is not directly connected to local administration, village head (Pradhan) Gram Panchayat, as for example, Vaccination by ANM etc. The children of Dalit go to study to primary school Ahirouli, because children are facing diserimination in Primary school Bhathouli.

Ayer village (Harhuaa Block) The population of Ayer village under Harhuaa Block is approximately 5,000. From last many there is the possession of one family on the seat of village head. Prior to this the women member of this family was village head and her son looked after her work. There is no access of deprived, Dalit on public property. The public has not given any knowledge about governmental facilities and scheme, as it is not done by responsible person in every village. Cheating is being committed in MDM, vaccination, Janani SurakshaYojana (JSY). But it has become less due to collective protest of public. The member of village panchayat has struggle collectively against discrimination, corruption and cheating for their resources. Due to which the work of digging pond Construction of road etc. have been done. Dalit

1 community especially women have been united. In Mushar community, first time their children have vaccine with the procedure of vaccination birth registration. The demand related with housing and pension. Hand pump have been bored after long struggle. Prior to this, to gain these benefit illegal money was bribed and now which is completely stopped. Upper caste that stopped the access of poor toward these resources so that they can not be strengthens. However their influences became less because the organization and Panchayat member became strong. The deprived communities used the RTI and complain to BDO for livelihood. They do knead mud etc work.

Situation Analysis (Pindra Block) (Social, Cultural, Economic and Political) Village Pindra (Block Pindra) Social situation: Pindra is dominated by Dalit and backward. In this village sabha more than 15,000 voters of all caste of Hindu and Muslim religion are residing. Here is 2,200 votes of the Dalit. In Dalit there are Hindu as well as Muslims. Apart from Mushar, Dharkar, Shekh Hasiki, Fakir, Dhobi, Khatik, Gond, Chamar, there are other communities. In backward apart from Yadav, there are Kurmi, Kahar, Teli, Gupta, Bania, Nau, Rajbhar, Pal community. In same way, in upper caste there are Rajput, Brahmin, Pathan, Bhumihar, Lala.

Economic Condition: Rajput class is supreme here. Most property of Gram sabha are under the possession of this class. The buildings of influential in city are being constructed in village. The capital from black money of mafia can be seen here easily. The appearance of house does not indicate that they are like a breaking of feudal like other places. The grand building has been made up within 2-4 years. There are hundred bighas land of former village head Vibhuti Singh and his relatives. A huge mango garden in M.P., Vegetable agency in Kolkata, two cold storages in village, two Inter College, and half market and all bank renters are their tenants. There are many vehicle and brick kiln. In same way there are other people who get money without work. Starting from school mafia to technical education, all are available here. For security point, it is the shelter for out side criminal. Beside Rajetara Dalit (Chamar), there is locality of Lala. There is big administrative and judicial officer in this area. Most of them are retired or they are at the Position of retirement. Their living is more in city in comparison to village. Due to subside from the village production, their land has been

1 taken away. After new capital, Yadav also made their group. Apart from traditional work they made their relation with other source of income. Some Pathan also earned. In spite of large number, Kurmi remain only voter due to non availability of power protection. In spite of small land they earn good income from commercial agriculture. Pal community is also following the same. Rajbha, Kahar, Kohar are labour. The Kohar have the problem of clay for making pot. Their occupation is under pressure of the market. In Dalit except Chamar, the confidence of all community is broken. Where Mushar is nomadic, on the other hand Dharkar are scavenger. There is danger over Dhobi occupation, market of basket, bowl, plate made of leaf (Dona Pattal, Dalia, Mounia) are tending towards end. Dharkar are not getting bamboo.

Village Society (Goan Samaj) and Forest Department: there is lot of public assets in this village. There are forest department up to the area of 38 acres on the other hand there is large number of ponds and superfluous land of Village society. Due to feudal outlook of self governance these resources can not be utilize in favor of poor. Kurmi farmer have possession over forest department. No distinctiveness of forest is available here.

Political situation: The mafia of Banaras fixes the politics of Pindra Gram Sabha. From the last 45 year only one family of Vibhuti Singh has possession over Gram Sabha. Recently from 10 year the mafia Raj Kumar and Sijjan Yadav has taken possession. They have passed out from the school of Vibhuti Singh, but they are more berber than Vibhuti Singh. Whether it is communist Udal or today’s BJP M.L.A. Ajay Rai, all of them have favored feudal mafia. Almost backward and dalit face bad condition and they are being grinded from both ends. The meaning ful election is at lowest point. Due to Tahsil village Sabha, the mafias from other village Sabha come here, who design conspiracy against democratic strength. In spite of being the centre of administration, this village is the most victim of negligence. Where on one hand student do not get scholarship, on the other hand no mid day meal and dress are distributed in primary school. ANM and worker of anganwadi do not come regularly and primary health centre Pindra remains in the control of mafia village head. There are many matter related with malnourishment. The infant and his mother die in lack of medicine and treatment. Numerous cases related to Diarrhea came here in this year; there is the lack of electricity, water, road. In dalit locality the problem of clean toilet and housing also exist here. Large scales of cheating have taken place in ration card. In the village of feudal back

1 ground the number of landles people is very high which demand for strong political will power.

Cultural Situation: Comparatively there is less bondage of religious ceremony in backward and dalit. In comparison to chamar other dalit are the prey of evil spirit and superstitions. Religion is not dominant here. Ajay Rai MLA of BJP elect not on religious factor but on vote management. There is a relation between Hindu Dalit and Muslim dalit on the status of production. In spite of this marriage and tradition are performed within same community. There is separation between Chamar and other dalit. The inclinations of Chamar are towards forward and Government; in same way a great portion consider labour dalit to their natural component. There is folk cultural in Mushar, Gond, Kahar, Dharkar and Dhobi. In spite of poverty and famine there is happiness among community. Due to weak union they fear from feudal and mafia. There is agent of Vibhuti and Sijjan among them, who backbite about their own people for getting protection. Except Yadav, the backward fells pressure till now. Muslim Dalits are very skilful. There is lack of transparency in Kurmi people.

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