Site Specific Safety Plan

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 2,418
  • Pages: 8

1: Site References 1.0 Project Information North Pointe Health and Wellness Campus 5605 East Rockton Road Roscoe, IL 61072

1.1 Emergency Contact Information Emergency 911 911 911 -

Police: Fire: EMS: Poison Control:

Non-Emergency (206) 456-8324 (206) 455-7293 (206) 456-4021 1-800-222-1222

1.2 Scope of Project The North Pointe Health and Wellness Center will consist of two buildings: a life safety building to the east, and an overall building to the west of the site. The life safety building to the west will have multiple resident living areas. This building is a single story building with future expansion available. The east building is a double story building with a few functions. The first floor has rooms for examination, treatment, file storage, conference, education, child care, and a few swimming pools. The second floor has an extensive amount of exam rooms, as well as, doctor’s offices and an exercise complex. One large surface parking lot will be required for the east building, with two smaller lots for the east. There are many egresses to the site. Nine independent living structures are located at the southern most part of the site.

1.3 Corporate Information QUIM Midwest Headquarters 1775 North Astor Street Milwaukee, WI 53202 414-726-4914 | [email protected]





James Kurtis



(207) 145-9125

Josh Anderson

Project Manager


(207) 145-3957

Jim Barq

Construction Manager


(207) 145-4987

Adam North

Safety Director

Corporate Office

(207) 145-0157

1.4 Key Personnel QUIM Design Build | 1: Site References 1


Table of Contents 1: Site References...........................................................................................................................................................................1 1.0 Project Information...............................................................................................................................................................1 1.1 Emergency Contact Information............................................................................................................................................1 1.2 Scope of Project....................................................................................................................................................................1 1.3 Corporate Information...........................................................................................................................................................1 1.4 Key Personnel.......................................................................................................................................................................1 2: Health and Safety Roles and Responsibilities..........................................................................................................................3 2.0 Safety Director......................................................................................................................................................................3 2.1 Project Manager/Project Engineer.........................................................................................................................................3 2.2 Superintendent......................................................................................................................................................................3 2.3 Forman/Frontline Managers..................................................................................................................................................4 2.4 All Employees.......................................................................................................................................................................4 2.5 Subcontractors.......................................................................................................................................................................4 4: Safety Orientation and Training...............................................................................................................................................4 4.1 Orientation............................................................................................................................................................................4 4.2 Safety Meetings.....................................................................................................................................................................4 5: Safety Hazards...........................................................................................................................................................................5 5.0 Personal Protection Equipment.............................................................................................................................................5 5.1 Fall Protection.......................................................................................................................................................................5 5.2 Electrical Safety....................................................................................................................................................................5 5.3 Tool Safety............................................................................................................................................................................5 5.4Scaffold Safety.......................................................................................................................................................................6 5.5 Excavation and Trench Safety...............................................................................................................................................6 5.6 Ladder Safety........................................................................................................................................................................6 5.7 Severe Weather.....................................................................................................................................................................7 5.8 Cast-in-Place Concrete..........................................................................................................................................................7 5.9 Painting.................................................................................................................................................................................7 5.10 Chemical (MSDS)...............................................................................................................................................................7 6: Emergency Action Plan.............................................................................................................................................................7 6.1 Accidents/Incidents...............................................................................................................................................................7 6.2 First Aid/Fire Extinguishers..................................................................................................................................................7 6.3 Emergency Site Plan.............................................................................................................................................................8 7: Consequences for Violating Company Policy..........................................................................................................................8 7.1 First Minor Occurrence – Stage 1..........................................................................................................................................8 7.2 Second Minor Occurrence – Stage 2.....................................................................................................................................8 7.3 Third Minor Occurrence – Stage 3........................................................................................................................................8 7.3 Third Minor Occurrence – Stage 3

QUIM Design Build | 1: Site References 2


2: Health and Safety Roles and Responsibilities The success of this safety plans requires total cooperation of all members of the construction team. It is crucial that all employees understand their role within this safely plan, as described below.

2.0 Safety Director • • • • • • • •

Implement the company safety manual and policies. Facilitate health and safety training for management and supervisors. Facilitate mandatory supervisor safety meetings. Maintain and revise the safety policy, corporate safety manual, and site specific safety plans as necessary. Ensure proper procedures are followed when an accident occurs. Assist in investigations of accidents. Maintain records and reports related to this policy. Conduct tri-monthly safety meetings.

2.1 Project Manager/Project Engineer • • •

Prepare the site specific safety plan. Maintain health and safety regulations within his/her area of responsibility. Assist in investigations of accidents.

2.2 Superintendent • • • • • • • • • • • •

Know and understand the health and safety regulations related to his/her area of responsibility. Ensure all employees that he/she supervises use the required personal protective equipment (PPE) and safety devices. Ensure safety compliance during activities within his/her area of responsibility. Ensure that safety equipment is available, maintained, and used correctly. Implement QUIM’s safety program and policy. Require all subcontractors to comply with health and safety regulations as well as QUIM’s safety program and policy. Require the correction of unsafe conditions. Conduct weekly safety meetings. Maintain copies of applicable programs and OSHA forms on site. Ensure that foremen are aware and comply with the safety program. Assist in post-accident investigation. Instruct and train all persons of the safety requirements.

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2.3 Forman/Frontline Managers • • • • • • • • •

Understand, explain, and enforce the safety plan to his/her crew. Ensure that PPE and safety devices are used within his/her crew. Train persons within his/her responsibility of job health and safety requirements. Require the correction of unsafe conditions. Ensure that safety equipment is available, maintained, and used correctly. Ensure that injuries are treated quickly and reported properly. Participate in post-accident investigation. Coordinate daily jobsite inspection. Facilitate daily tool-box talks.

2.4 All Employees • • • •

Be familiar with the proper safety practices and comply with them. Use the correct safety devices and PPE. Notify a supervisor immediately of unsafe working conditions, accidents, or injuries. Follow through with QUIM’s safety plan.

2.5 Subcontractors • •

By contract, the subcontractors must comply with all of QUIM’s safety plans and procedures as well as their own safety program. Failure to meet these requirements is a breach of the contract.

4: Safety Orientation and Training 4.1 Orientation All new employees will be required to take an orientation class and evaluation. This will include a video on all the possible safety hazards on the jobsite. Operators will be required to watch an additional video specifically on operation safety. This class will be conducted, before they are able to do any work, by QUIM’s Safety Director.

4.2 Safety Meetings Per company policy, three types of safety meetings will be required. • Daily Tool Box Talks ○ Facilitated by each Foreman ○ 5-10 minutes going over possible hazards for the day’s work. ○ Stretch and loosen employees. • Weekly Supervisor Meetings ○ Facilitated by the Project Manager. ○ During weekly progress meetings. ○ Look ahead to possible safety concerns • Tri-monthly safety meetings ○ Facilitated by the Safety Director. ○ 20-30 minutes going over the safety performance of the past three months. ○ Rewards for a good safety record. QUIM Design Build | 1: Site References 4

[SITE SPECIFIC SAFETY PLAN: NORTH POINTE] ○ All personnel on the site must attend during lunch period.

5: Safety Hazards The following safety notes are an important sample of all the safety that must be achieved. It is by no means an exhaustive list.

5.0 Personal Protection Equipment All employees and visitors are required to wear hardhats and steel toed shoes at all times while on the jobsite. Additional PPE may be required depending on the job at hand. If unaware of the correct PPE, please contact your immediate supervisor. All PPE will be provided by QUIM Design Build.

5.1 Fall Protection • • • •

A stairway or ladder must be provided where there is an elevation change of 19” or more. All stairways of four or more risers or greater than 30 inches high requires the use of a guardrail. When a floor opening is created, a railing system or covering must be constructed immediately to protect from falls. (Greater than 2in on the smallest side.) All other fall protection will be achieved by the use of approved harnessing devices. These are required to be worn when heights exceed 6 feet.

5.2 Electrical Safety • • • • • •

Live electrical parts must be protected against contact. All temporary receptacles must be equipped with GCFI receptacles at the service drop. Extension cords will be kept in safe working condition. Weekly expectation will be required to ensure a safe working condition. All construction lighting will have a working bulb protected by a cage to protect against breakage. Employees will not work in close proximity to live electrical wiring unless it is first deenergized, guarded, or insulated. Equipment and circuits that are de-energized must be locked out and tagged.

5.3 Tool Safety • • • • •

Unsafe tools will be removed from service and tagged as necessary. Power tools must be turned off and stopped before being set down. Tools must be unplugged when changing blades, bits, attachments or when any type of repair is attempted. Power saws will have operational blade guards installed and used. Portable grinders will have guards installed and used.

5.4Scaffold Safety •

Guardrails will be installed on all open sides of scaffold platforms more than 10 feet above the ground, floor, or lower level. QUIM Design Build | 1: Site References 5


• • • • •

Scaffolds four to ten feet in height with a minimum horizontal dimension in any direction less than 45 inches will have standard railing installed on all open sides. Platforms at all working levels will be fully planked. No more than a 1 in gap may be between the planking. Extend the planking over the end supports 6-12 inches unless cleats are used. The front edge of all platforms will be no more than 14 inches from the face of the work. Mobile scaffolds will be erected no more than a maximum height of four times their minimum base dimension. Scaffolds cannot be overloaded beyond their design loads. Scaffold components will not be used as tie-off/anchor points for fall protection devices. Portable ladders, hook-on ladders, attachable ladders, integral prefabricated scaffold frames, walkways, or direct access from another scaffold or structure will be used for access when platforms are more than two feet above or below a point of access. Scaffolds must not be used in locations that their conductive materials may come in contact with exposed and energized power lines.

5.5 Excavation and Trench Safety •

• •

Any excavation or trench four feet or more in depth will be provided cave-in protection through shoring, sloping, or trench boxes. Excavations shallower than 4 feet may also require cave-in protection if there is a risk of cave-in. A competent person will inspect each excavation/trench daily before work may begin. They will also be required to inspect them after every rainstorm or hazard increasing cave-in chances. An exit will be provided in trenches four feet or more. The exits will be within 25 feet of the employees working within the trenches. Spoils piles and equipment will be kept at least two feet from the edge of the trench or excavation.

5.6 Ladder Safety • • •

Ladders are to be inspected by a competent person during weekly inspections to identify any unsafe conditions. Any ladder found to be unsafe will be taken out of service. Extension ladders will extend three feet above the work surface and be 100% tied off. Step ladders will only be used in the open position.

5.7 Severe Weather •

Outside work will be suspended upon the situation of severe weather. This includes by not limited to: steel erection, site work, and concrete work.

5.8 Cast-in-Place Concrete • • •

Rebar penetrating above finished concrete must have caps on the ends. Proper PPE will be worn to protect against concrete irritation and burn. Flaggers must be used when concrete trucks are exiting and entering the site.

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5.9 Painting • •

Proper PPE must be worn when paint fumes are present. This includes all workers who are not directly related to the painting procedure. Make sure proper ventilation is achieved to alleviate the paint fume hazards. If proper ventilation cannot be achieved provide one day of non-work in the area to diffuse the fumes. Ventilation masks must be provided by the painting subcontractor to their employees. All other employees will be supplied by QUIM at their request.

5.10 Chemical (MSDS) •

Employees should understand all chemicals and their hazards that they are directly working with. If they come in contact with chemicals of other trades it is also recommended to be informed of the possible harms. All of the chemicals on site have an MSDS sheet assigned to them. These documents will contain information on the chemical and all of its hazards.

6: Emergency Action Plan 6.1 Accidents/Incidents In the case of an accident contact the correct personnel using the numbers on the first page of this manual. Depending on the type of accident, all personnel affected are to report to the QUIM construction trailer, as shown on the safety site plan (attached). Take all minor accidents/injuries straight to an immediate supervisor for analysis. Supervisors must document any accidents/injuries in their daily foreman reports.

6.2 First Aid/Fire Extinguishers First aid kits will be located near active construction activities. There will be first aid kits located in the cab of all heavy machine equipment such as; cranes, dozers, sky lifts, etc... Fire extinguishers will be located in these similar areas. These are to be used for minor accidents only. If the situation is severe, execute the safety procedure. Whether the incident is mild or severe, all accidents must be properly documented. Inform a supervisor immediately after any level of incident.

6.3 Emergency Site Plan See the attached safety site plan for evacuation routes and gathering locations.

7: Consequences for Violating Company Policy If QUIM’s safety policy and procedure is violated in any way, the following disciplinary actions will be taken.

7.1 First Minor Occurrence – Stage 1 •

The situation must be immediately resolved and in safe standing. QUIM Design Build | 1: Site References 7


A verbal warning will be issued and a warning that a second occurrence within one month will bring about stage 2.

7.2 Second Minor Occurrence – Stage 2 • • • •

The situation must be immediately resolved and in safe standing. A written warning will be issued stating the occurrence and a warning that another occurrence within one month will result in stage 3. Employee will be suspended, without pay, for a period of one day. The employee will be required to have more formal training on the safety subject.

7.3 Third Minor Occurrence – Stage 3 • • •

The situation must be immediately resolved and in safe standing. The employee may be terminated if the same occurrence happens within three months of the previous occurrence. The employee will not be able to be rehired for a period of 18 months.

If the violation is other than minor, stages may be skipped. It will be at the discretion of the safety director.

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