Sintak Lcd

  • May 2020
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  • Pages: 7
LCD Dim BasePort As Integer Dim ctrl As Integer 'control port is active low. 'For LCD following lines are used 'control.0 = nStrobe 'Assigned to E 'control.1 = nAutoLF 'Not assigned 'control.2 = nInit 'Not assigned 'control.3 = nSelPrinter 'Assigned to RS Dim Staus As Integer 'unused for LCD 'Stat.3 = nError 'Stat.4 = Select 'Stat.5 = PaperOut 'Stat.6 = nAck 'Stat.7 = Busy Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) Public Function Hex2Long(hexstr As String) Dim i As Integer Dim c As Long Dim d As Integer hexstr = UCase(hexstr) c=0 For i = 1 To Len(hexstr) c = c * 16 d = Asc(Mid(hexstr, i, 1)) If d >= &H30 And d <= &H39 Then d = d - &H30 Else d = d - &H41 + 10 End If c=c+d Next Hex2Long = c End Function

Private Sub LCDInit() ctrl = 1 'E should be zero (ctrl.0 = 1) RS_Low LCDStrobe &H30 Sleep 50 LCDStrobe &H30 Sleep 1 LCDStrobe &H30 Sleep 1 RS_Low LCDStrobe &H38 '8 bit interface. for 4 bit interface, use &H28 Sleep 1 LCDStrobe &H8 ' Display off Sleep 1 LCDStrobe &H1 'clear screen Sleep 1 LCDStrobe &H6 'Increment, no shift Sleep 1 LCDStrobe &HE 'display on, show cursor, no blink RS_Low If (ctrl Mod 2) = 0 Then ctrl = ctrl + 1 'E=0, or ctrl.0 = 1 End If End Sub Private Sub LCDStrobe(ByVal dbyte As Integer) Dim i As Integer 'Initially, E should be zero that is ctrl.0 = 1 i = ctrl Mod 2 If i = 0 Then ctrl = ctrl + 1 End If 'RS at required value and E = 0 Hwinterface1.OutPort BasePort + 2, ctrl 'force E to high (ctrl.0 to low) ctrl = ctrl - 1 Hwinterface1.OutPort BasePort + 2, ctrl microSleep 10 'at least 4 microsecs Hwinterface1.OutPort BasePort, dbyte microSleep 5

'Toggle E down (ctrl.0 to high) to transfer data ctrl = ctrl + 1 Hwinterface1.OutPort BasePort + 2, ctrl microSleep 10 Hwinterface1.OutPort BasePort, 0 'clear the data End Sub Private Sub LCDWrite(ByVal dbyte As Integer, ByVal line As Integer, ByVal pos As Integer) 'dbyte is ascii char to be shown 'line is 1 or 2 'pos is 1 to 16 Dim addr As Integer Dim data As Integer dbyte = dbyte Mod 128 pos = (pos - 1) Mod 16 If line = 1 Then addr = &H80 + pos ElseIf line = 2 Then addr = &HC0 + pos Else addr = &H80 + pos End If 'command - DDRam address RS_Low LCDStrobe addr 'data - Data to be displayed RS_High LCDStrobe dbyte End Sub Private Sub microSleep(n As Integer) 'n > 0, n is in micro seconds, approximately Dim i As Integer Dim j As Integer Dim c As Integer If n <= 0 Then n=1 ElseIf n > 1000 Then n = 1000

End If For i = 1 To n For j = 1 To 100 'change this 100 to higher value if your system is very fast '100 was ok on a Celeron 1.8GHz CPU 'You may need to change only if LCD does not function well. c = c 'dummy. Next Next End Sub Private Sub RS_High() 'RS-x-x-E: 1-0-0-0 ctrl = ctrl Mod 8 'make bit four zero (inverted) End Sub

Private Sub RS_Low() 'control port is active low. 'also, there is hardware inversion on this bit 'So invert all bits 'RS-x-x-E: 0-0-0-0 'keep other bits unchanged ctrl = ctrl Mod 8 'make control.3 high ctrl = ctrl + 8 End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim i As Integer Dim c As Integer Dim s As String LCDInit

Sleep 10 s = "Welcome" For i = 1 To Len(s) c = Asc(Mid(s, i, 1)) LCDWrite c, 1, i Next Text1 = s s = "" c = &H41 'Ascii A For i = 1 To 16 LCDWrite c, 2, i s = s & Chr(c) c=c+1 Next Text2.Text = s End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() s = Text1.Text s = Left(s, 16) If Len(s) < 16 Then s = s & Space(16 - Len(s)) End If For i = 1 To Len(s) c = Asc(Mid(s, i, 1)) LCDWrite c, 1, i Next s = Text2.Text s = Left(s, 16) If Len(s) < 16 Then s = s & Space(16 - Len(s)) End If For i = 1 To Len(s) c = Asc(Mid(s, i, 1)) LCDWrite c, 2, i Next End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() Dim s As String BasePort = &H3BC 'Normally, LPT1 is at 0x378 s = GetSetting("C-Quad", "LCD", "BasePort", "378")

BasePort = Hex2Long(s) End Sub Private Sub Text1_Change() Dim i As Integer s = Left(Text1.Text, 16) If Len(s) < 16 Then s = s & Space(16 - Len(s)) End If For i = 1 To Len(s) LCDWrite Asc(Mid(s, i, 1)), 1, i Sleep 10 Next End Sub Private Sub Text1_LostFocus() If Len(Text1.Text) > 16 Then Text1.Text = Left(Text1.Text, 16) End If End Sub Private Sub Text2_Change() Dim i As Integer s = Left(Text2.Text, 16) If Len(s) < 16 Then s = s & Space(16 - Len(s)) End If For i = 1 To Len(s) LCDWrite Asc(Mid(s, i, 1)), 2, i Sleep 10 Next End Sub Private Sub Text2_LostFocus() If Len(Text2.Text) > 16 Then Text2.Text = Left(Text2.Text, 16) End If End Sub

Private Sub Text3_LostFocus() BasePort = Hex2Long(Text3.Text) SaveSetting "C-Quad", "LCD", "BasePort", Text3.Text End Sub

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