Singular Point Of Consciousness

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 875
  • Pages: 2
SINGULAR POINT OF CONSCIOUSNESS This time of focus, this time of release, this time of gathering together all of the extraneous energy patterns and reducing all perceptions, all thoughts, all externalized conditions into a singular point of consciousness is a most important process for a soul to embrace. As all souls experience in the earthly sojourn, there are a multitude of challenges, a multitude of emotional relationships, a multitude of physical attractions and even attachments, all of which serves a purpose, all of which is ordained to be so as the creative process from within the soul has attracted such a multitude of presentations into its existence. When the perception becomes clear, when the perspective becomes unlimited, when the inner eye opens and sees the relationship and connectedness of all things, then it can be known and can be understood, and can be experienced that all existence from the perspective of the opened eye of the soul is reduced to a single point of consciousness, a single point of existence within the vast network and panorama of creation. To come to this singular point of consciousness is the goal of the journey of the soul. When you go outside at night on a clear moonless night and stare up into what you call the heavens, what do you see? With simply your physical eyes, you see hundreds, thousands, and if you could count them all, millions of individual points of light that you call stars and planets. Each of these points of light has a place in the scheme of creation. Each is there for a reason. Each point of light has purpose, has substance, and has a place in the universe. Now as you stand there and look into the heavens, slowly ascend until you are above the earth. As you move out and away, consciously projecting your awareness into this vast panorama of the star lit night, you come to a point where you turn around and look back. What do you see? You see a point of light called Earth. It is simply another point of light within this vast infinite landscape of the universe. Consider that within the environment and context of each of these points of light, within what can be said is the observable universe, there are correspondingly an infinite number of points of consciousness that are inhabiting, surrounding, sustaining, experiencing and existing, not in the physical form, but in the form of the multitude of connecting points that form the vast web of the consciousness of the universe. If you look back at the point of light called earth, you recognized that there are billions of individualized points of consciousness inhabiting, surrounding, and manifesting awareness within the context of that singular point of light within the universe. The same is true of all points of light, for nothing stands alone. Everything is connected. If you go out far enough and as you extend to the very depths and farthest reaches of the observable universe, and as you look around and see this infinite array of points of light, you know that there is a vast all-encompassing consciousness that is present everywhere within what is being experienced and seen. Then as you move into and through the gate of multidimenisonal experience, you step through into another vision or what would be called another dimension, but it is simply a progression along the continuum of existence. As you make this transition, you become aware that there is another vast field of infinitely presented points of expression, points of consciousness, points of light. And this continues forever. So consider what is being suggested. The singular point of light, the singular point of consciousness that is the consciousness of the soul is aligned with, is part of, and is connected to an infinite number of similar points of consciousness which when all seen together, as one extends and goes to the farthest reaches of the infinite expression of creation, are all seen to in turn reduce down to a singular point of light. That singular point of light of which all individualized soul centered points of light are related is the very center of all creation. It has been called the Central Sun. It has been called the Eye of God. It has been called the Source of all. All consciousness reduces to a singular point of awareness.

Find that point within who you are as a soul. Explore what that singular expression is all about. Feel the connectedness of that singular point of consciousness with all other points of consciousness, with all other points of light in this universe and other universes and beyond. And see that as you go out far enough, all consciousness reduces to a singular point, and that is the Source of all. Feel the truth of the expression, We are One. Feel the depths of meaning of that expression. See within the depths of your consciousness that singular point of Oneness where all consciousness, all existence is contained. Know that all else is but a passing and temporary condition and illusion. Come to that point of centeredness and let that be your only window to the eye of the soul, to the eye of the Creator.

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