Sine Research Catalogue Dec 08

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  • Words: 2,353
  • Pages: 8
Summary Info Report Name

Addressing Women's Poverty in Somerset: Local Labour Market Initiatives (Gender and Employment in Local Labour Markets -GELLM)


Identifies how effective regeneration strategies and initiatives have been in addressing economic disadvantage among women living in 3 wards in Bridgwater. It forms part of the national GELLM research programme and draws upon secondary and primary research methods. The report explores the scale and experience of women's economic disadvantage, and examines the barriers to paid employment and the extent to which current initiatives have supported women in accessing opportunities.


Karen Escott, Christopher Price, Lisa Buckner (GELLM)

Author contact

Centre for Social Inclusion, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield



Somerset County Council

Report Name

Annual Infection Control Report (1 April 2006 - 31 March 2007)


This Infection Control Annual Report provides information assimilated from the four Somerset Primary Care Trusts prior to merger (up until 1 October 2006) and for the Somerset Primary Care Trust from 1 October 2006 to 31 March 2007 in respect of infection control. This includes information on Legionella and MRSA.


Somerset Primary Care Trust

Author contact

Somerset Primary Care Trust, Wynford House, Lufton Way, Yeovil, BA22 8HR

Hyperlink f


Somerset Primary Care Trust

Report Name

Annual Report of the Director of Public Health 2006-07


The report identifies the progress made over the last year to improve the health of the people of Somerset.


Somerset Primary Care Trust

Author contact

Somerset Primary Care Trust Freepost - RRKL-XKSC-ACSG, Somerset Primary Care Trust, Wynford House, Lufton Way, Yeovil BA22 8HR



Somerset Primary Care Trust

05 November 2008

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Report Name

Best Value General User Survey 2006/7


Report presents findings from 2006/7 BVPI General Survey on behalf of Somerset County Council. The report draws conclusions on the views of Somerset County Council and its image, residents views on a range of quality of life issues in respect of living in Somerset, and satisfaction with service delivery. The report concludes that there are many successes in BVPIs at the County level with many satisfied with their local area as a place to live.


Ipsos Mori for Somerset County Council

Author contact

Ipsos Mori



Ipsos Mori

Report Name

Consultation with the Hard to Reach (BME Individuals) in Somerset


The research aims to investigate whether or not council services in Somerset County Council are accessible to BME individuals and to assist in ensuring the requirements of the Race Relations Act 2000 are being complied with. The research was carried out by questionnaire survey and covered the following areas: living in Somerset, accessing services, making complaints about the council and other services, communication and consultation and paid work, voluntary work and caring responsibilities.


David Onamade

Author contact

Somerset Racial Equality Council, PO Box 2422, Yeovil, Somerset, BA20 1XH



Somerset Racial Equality Council

Report Name

Ethnic Minority Women and Access to the Labour Market in Somerset (Gender and Employment in Local Labour Markets -GELLM)


Report explores the situation of ethnic minority women in Somerset in relation to their access to the labour market. It forms part of the national GELLM research programme and draws upon secondary and primary research methods. Key Findings suggest some disadvantage for ethnic minority women particularly in unemployment which can be attributed to a number of factors, including: migration history, language, skills, aspirations, cultural issues, discrimination and


Bernadette Stiell and Ning Tang (GELLM)

Author contact

Centre for Social Inclusion, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield



Somerset County Council

05 November 2008

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Report Name

Ethnicity in Somerset - Key figures and analysis from the 2001 Census (June 2004)


The report provides in-depth analysis of ethnicity data from the 2001 Census for Somerset and includes the following information on Somerset’s Black and Minority Ethnic population: characteristics; changes between 1991 and 2001; location by ward; and detailed information on individual ethnic groups


Somerset County Council

Author contact

Research and Information Unit, Chief Executive's Office, Somerset County Council, County Hall, Taunton TA1 4DY



Somerset County Council

Report Name

Ethnicity in Somerset - Update (August 2006)


The report provides an update to 'Ethnicity in Somerset - Key figures and analysis from the 2001 Census (June 2004)', using experimental mid-year estimates of the ethnicity of the population in local authority areas published by the ONS. The report therefore provides an update on the ethnic make-up of Somerset and its component districts, compared to the picture in the South West, and identifies changes since the 2001 Census.


Carrie-Anne Hiscock

Author contact

Research and Information Unit, Chief Executive's Office, Somerset County Council, County Hall, Taunton TA1 4DY



Somerset County Council

Report Name

Evaluation of Somerset's Partnership of Older People Project (POPP): Interim Report (PSSRU Research Summary 46)


The Somerset POPP main aim is the development of Active Living Centres (ALC) to improve the health and well-being of Somerset's population aged 50 and over. This interim report summarises the initial findings of primary research carried out on ALC leaders, volunteers and users to provide an evaluation of the POPP project so far. The report concludes the opportunity for social participation and nutritional advice were viewed as key positive impacts.


Personal Social Services Research Unit (PSSRU)

Author contact

Cornwallis Building, University of Kent, Canterbury, Kent, CT2 7NF

Hyperlink Publisher

05 November 2008

Personal Social Services Research Unit

Page 3 of 8

Report Name

Frequently Asked Questions: Headline Statistics for Somerset (Update August 2007)


The document provides headline statistics for Somerset. Information includes population, economic activity, employment by occupations, qualifications, earnings and JSA and benefits claimants. Comparative information is included for the South West and the UK as a whole.


Nigel Perrin, Research Officer

Author contact

Research and Information Unit, Chief Executives Office, Somerset County Council, County Hall, Taunton TA1 4DY



Somerset County Council

Report Name

Gender Profile of Somerset's Labour Market (Gender and Employment in Local Labour Markets -GELLM)


Research explores the relative labour market situation of women and men in Somerset. The report covers issues including education and skills, work patterns, the gender pay gap, unemployment an economic inactivity, work-life balance and diversity. The profile draws on a full range of official statistics and provides data that can be disaggregated by sex. This research provides the context for other labour market studies focussing on Somerset and its districts subsequently carried out by GELLM.


Lisa Buckner, Ning Tang, Sue Yeandle (GELLM)

Author contact

Centre for Social Inclusion, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield



Somerset County Council

Report Name

Identifying the Learning Needs of Ethnic Minorities in the Five Somerset District Council Areas


The research explores the level of satisfaction among ethnic minorities in Somerset regarding the education and training provisions that is available where they live. Using focus groups and interviews the research sought to identify: the level of access to and use of local learning resources; support available to aid access; barriers to learning; awareness of learning opportunities; and the suitability and satisfaction level of available resources and opportunities.


David Onamade, Jenny Lawrence, Jade Savidge

Author contact

Somerset Racial Equality Council, PO Box 2422, Yeovil, Somerset, BA20 1XH



Somerset Racial Equality Council

05 November 2008

Page 4 of 8

Report Name

Learning and Skills Council Somerset Annual Plan 2007-08


This annual plan reflects how national strategies to widen participation and raise skill levels will be delivered locally. It sets out the local context and key actions for delivering the national and local objectives regarding skills training for Somerset during 2007/08.


Somerset Learning and Skills Council

Author contact

Somerset Learning and Skills Council, Ground Floor, Kingston House, Blackbrook Business Park, Taunton , TA1 2PX



Somerset Learning and Skills Council

Report Name

Local Challenges in Meeting Demand for Domiciliary Care in Somerset (Gender and Employment in Local Labour Markets -GELLM)


The report considers the challenges faced by key agencies in responding to changes in supply and demand for domiciliary care in Somerset. It forms part of the national GELLM research programme and draws upon secondary and primary research methods. The report identifies Somerset's ageing population as the main contributor to a growing demand for domiciliary care, coupled with provision being female dominated and purchased from the independent sector .


Sue Yeandle, Lucy Shipton, Lisa Buckner (GELLM)

Author contact

Centre for Social Inclusion, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield



Somerset County Council

Report Name

Migrant Workers in Somerset (September 2006)


There is a wealth of anecdotal evidence such as this regarding the influx of migrant workers into Somerset from countries recently admitted to the EU. Despite these day-to-day observations, there is little information on the number, origin and characteristics of migrant workers in Somerset. This report outlines what is known, highlights trends and identifies gaps in information which need to be filled by local and national research.


Carrie-Anne Hiscock

Author contact

Research and Information Unit, Chief Executive's Office, Somerset County Council, County Hall, Taunton TA1 4DY



Somerset County Council

05 November 2008

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Report Name

National Insurance Number Registrations of non-UK Nationals 2005/2006


The report provides a summary of a larger report carried out by the DWP in 2007 that sought to identify the number of national insurance registrations of non-UK nationals. This summary provides figures for the Somerset Districts by local authority and country of origin. The data covers overseas nationals allocated a national insurance number (NINo) on the National Insurance Recording System


Somerset County Council

Author contact

Research and Information Unit, Chief Executives Office, Somerset County Council, County Hall, Taunton TA1 4DY



Somerset County Council

Report Name

Quality of Life in Somerset 2006


The report uses the Audit Commission's 45 Quality of Life Indicators to 'paint a picture' of the quality of life in Somerset. The indicators are broken down into 10 sub categories - People and Place; Community Involvement and Cohesion; Economic Well-being; Housing; Environment; Transport and Access; Community Safety; Health and Social Well-being; Education and Lifelong Learning; and Culture and Leisure


Nigel Perrin

Author contact

Research and Information Unit, Chief Executive's Office, Somerset County Council, County Hall, Taunton TA1 4DY



Somerset County Council

Report Name

Somerset Community Profile 2003


The report draws together information about the social, economic and environmental state of the County, providing a broad picture of the Somerset Community. The profile is intended to assist in the formulation of community initiatives as well as providing a Somerset 'snapshot'. Research includes: demography, health, social needs, housing, governance, employment, earnings, accessibility, external funding, energy use, transport and wildlife.


Research and Information Unit, Somerset County Council

Author contact

Research and Information Unit, Chief Executive's Office, Somerset County Council, County Hall, Taunton TA1 4DY



Somerset Strategic Partnership

05 November 2008

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Report Name

Somerset Crime Reduction and Drugs Strategy 2005-08


The report is the first Somerset Joint Crime Reduction and Drugs Strategy for the next 3 years (2005-2008), involving the Somerset County Council, Somerset Drug & Alcohol Action Team (DAAT), and each CDRP: Mendip & South Somerset, Sedgemoor, Taunton Deane and West Somerset. The report includes Issues to be tackled in Somerset, appendices of detailed targets and baseline information and sources of extra information.


Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership (including DAAT and Somerset LAs)

Author contact

Somerset Drug and Alcohol Action Team (DAAT), Amanda Payne, DAAT Coordinator, South Somerset Primary Care Trust, Chataway House, Chard Business Park, Leach Road, CHARD TA20 1FR



Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership

Report Name

Somerset Demographics 2006


Report contains key demographics for Somerset broken into District Level information. The report includes information on Population, Economic Activity, Travel to work, Employment, Ethnicity, Housing tenure and lone parent


Nigel Perrin

Author contact

Research and Information Unit, Chief Executives Office, Somerset County Council, County Hall, Taunton TA1 4DY




Somerset County Council

Report Name

Somerset Economic Digest - Summer 2007


The report aims to act as an economic reference guide to the area of Somerset. It is compiled in order to aid policy creation and inform decision-makers within Somerset and the South West region. It describes the current position and trends and also helps set the context in which evidence based policy can be developed.


Economy and Europe Group of Somerset County Council.

Author contact

Somerset County Council, County Hall, Taunton TA1 4DY



Somerset County Council

05 November 2008

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Report Name

Study on the Effects on the Local Economy Should a Ban on Hunting be Implemented


The research seeks to identify all aspects of the local economy, society and environment that would be affected directly or indirectly if there were to be a stag hunting ban. The study focuses on the Quantocks and Greater Exmoor area where 3 stag hunts operate. The report concludes that a ban could result in the potential loss of £9.5m and 584 FTE jobs from the local economy, as well as undermining a strong sense of community and the need to find alternative means of maintaining the environment.


Promar International

Author contact

Rookery Farm Lane, Tilstone Fearnall, Tarporley, Cheshire, CW6 9HZ



Promar International

Report Name

The State of the County: An Economic, Social and Environmental Audit of Somerset


The report represents an audit of the economic, social and environmental conditions of Somerset and presents an assessment of the challenges and issues that face the County and its Districts. The report has been developed in collaboration with the Audit Commission, LGA and local authority partnerships. It compares and benchmarks the performance Somerset authorities against the South West region and Great Britain across a range of benchmark indicators of economic, social and environmental well-being.


The Local Futures Group

Author contact

30 Little Russell Street, London, WC1A 2HN



The Local Futures Group

05 November 2008

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