Silverlight Notes.docx

  • Uploaded by: Zoltán Balázs
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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 310
  • Pages: 3
Event Aggregator The EventAggregator service is primarily a container for events that allow decoupling of publishers and subscribers so they can evolve independently. This decoupling is useful in modularized applications because new modules can be added that respond to events defined by the shell or, more likely, other modules. In the Composite Application Library, EventAggregator allows subscribers or publishers to locate a specific EventBase. The EventAggregator class is offered as a service in the container and can be retrieved through the IEventAggregator interface. The event aggregator is responsible for locating or building events and for keeping a collection of the events in the system. StaticResource xmlns:Commands="clrnamespace:Microsoft.Practices.Composite.Presentation.Commands;assembly=Microsoft.Practices.Composite.Presenta tion"

<Window.Resources> <Style x:Key="BigFontButtonStyle"> <Setter Property="Control.FontFamily" Value="Times New Roman" /> <Setter Property="Control.FontSize" Value="18" /> <Setter Property="Control.FontWeight" Value="Bold" /> This style object holds a Setters collection with three Setter objects, one for each property you want to set. The most significant areas where XAML exposes power to enhance the designer/developer collaboration are styles, triggers, control templates, data templates, data binding, and animation. Styling is a proven technique to decouple content from its appearance. WPF not only supports styles to be defined using XAML; but when you couple styles with triggers and templates, you end up with more flexibility to create rich user interfaces while still keeping content separate from its look and feel. Data binding. In WPF, data binding is pervasive; because of XAML's extensibility, data binding is accessible from markup (and from tools, like Expression Blend), making it easy for a designer to wire basic bindings between user interface and business objects or XML data.

Animation. WPF has a very rich animation system that can be represented and triggered via XAML; this enables a designer to create the interactions for user events - like a glow effect on a button when mouse enters - without having to write any code.

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