Silver Creek Chronicles Week 2

  • May 2020
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Silver Creek Chronicle


est. 2003, serving trickle falls, hemlock, hillside and bear creek week 2, 7/12/09–7/18/09


An Insider’s View of Lemarque By Calvin Asch and Tim Meo

Ninjas invade camp

Q. How long have you been at camp silver creek?

By Trysten and Kyle

A. 11 years Q. What’s your favorite thing to do at camp?


A. Transition at campfire and candlelight Q. What’s your favorite meal to cook? A. Pizza Q. What’s the easiest meal to cook? A. Nachos Q. What’s your most embarrassing moment that happened to you at Silver Creek? A. Sprayed myself in the face Q. What do you think of camp silver creek? A. That it’s great, I love it here Q. What was your best memory of silver creek? A. My red rag ceremony Q. The food here is great, how do you do it? A. I listen to senor frijoles Lemarque was born in Salem Oregon, he’s had a lot of practice cooking meatloaf and pizza. He got his name from Donkey Kong and he is of French heritage

Ninjas have been striking fear into the souls of Camp Silver Creek! Ninjas have been seen everywhere! Some people say they hide in the shadows and attack people when they don’t look. Some say they can shape shift into trees and bushes, but the truth is they are just very good at using there ninja skills of sneakiness and being able to not make a sound to hide from everyone. Everyone is very curious who these ninjas are, who the REAL ninjas are. The ones that hit Camp Silver Creek on Monday and Wednesday. But it truly is a mystery, a mystery we are sure will never be solved.

Who will win? By Marisa

Everyone knows about the rivalry between the units: Hillside, the loving, caring and adoring, and Trickle Falls, the hating, horrible unit. Bear Creek, it is like they smell their feet and the run around screaming. Hemlock is a loving and awesome unit. 5 people said Hemlock is the best, 4 people voted for Hillside and 5 people voted for Trickle Falls.

I just found a banana peel underneath the table. I wish people would be more respectful and throw their garbage in the garbage and not be so messy. Everyone should be polite, so let’s start acting like it.

Camp Silver Creek

By Josie Ark

By Dylan


Me and my cousin are at silver falls doing a camp thing there. There are five games, there’s newspaper, volleyball, swimming, archery and arts and crafts. So far I have had a lot of fun and have made lots of friends.


An ongoing series

ORIGINS By Josie Ark

One day at Silver Creek, a comet filled with radiation fell into the lake, and a monster came out. The monsters name was foothand. He lurks around the woods and waits for a child who is in the woods without permission. SO BEWARE. You better bring him salt cake or else. And I don’t want to find out what else is!

Luna: Our luminous light

The Truth about Fazuzu

By Julia V

By Emily Erdrich

Luna is the greatest counselor. She is open to new ideas and loves Indian food. She is a good person and she loves the twilight games. Luna This is Luna’s first year and this week she has LITs in her cabin. Did you know that Luna has never pulled a prank? She also has a blue rag. If you have any questions about Luna please go to trickle falls cabin 4.

Fazuzu has been working at camp silver creek for two years but this is his 13th year spending parts of his summer at camp. He loves kids and is going to be going to OSU in the fall to get his masters degree in early childhood education so he can teach preschool. He loves food and looks forward to breakfast every day because its his favorite. He got the name Fazuzu from the staff when he was an LIT. His two favorite things to say are fantastic Fazuzu and PUH. He likes all the LIT’s but his favorite is Renegade because that’s his little brother. Something you may not know about Fazuzu is that he is a vegetarian. He decided to be one last summer to try something different. Here are some facts about Fazuzu, his favorite color is purple, his favorite food is noodles and peanut sauce and his favorite camp song is “If you love me”. His favorite actor is Patrick Stewart and he loves tigers. His worst habit is his procrastination. Well I hope you learned a lot about Fazuzu, I know I did! Fazuzu is a wonderful,

Capture the flag By Abby Moore

During capture the flag this year, the blue team was very close to winning, but the red team won. The blue team was picking up the flag and running till they got tagged. I don’t know what happened with the red team because I was helping the blue team. For most people the capture the flag game that is played every year is there favorite twilight game. There was always a lot of people in both the jails, this means that a lot of people were trying to capture the flag and win for their team.

caring and hilarious counselor who gets along with everyone; it truly is a pleasure to have him working here at camp

Old Man Crougar By Kyle Jacoby and Kevin Wood

Old man Crougar has been here ever since camp silver creek started. He lives in the void. An anonymous source said “he is a tall figure who has broad shoulders and a boney face”. We think foot hand might be his friend. But still the legend of old man Crougar is alive just as much has he is even after living up in the woods for over 70 years! I asked Captain Blue if he knew anything about old man Crougar and here’s what he had to say. All the information that he had was that he used to be a counselor here and that he is still a living person but is very different now. But this is just what Captain Blue had to say about him. A lot of people know different stories. An alleged photo of Old Man Crougar

What kids think of camp

Traitor in the LIT’s

By Josie Ark

Loryn Erdrich

It is my first time at camp and I wanted to know why kids like it here so much, I met with others at my table during our newspaper skill group to talk about why they think camp is awesome. Me: How many years have you been coming here? All: three Me: What do you think of your cabin? Sarah: dark, cool and fun Julia: and messy!!! (laughs) Me: how do you like the counselors? All: funny, nice and cool Me: how do you like the food? Sarah& Julia: It’s good! Abby: and delicious! On my second day of skill group I met with pebbles the LIT Me: what do you think of your cabin? Pebbles: not to bad Me: what do you think of the counselors? Pebbles: they are doing a good job Me: what do you think of the food? Pebbles: It’s good. I like the dessert the best So that concludes the interviews! A first time LIT and a couple of girls that have been here for three years all like camp. (I mean why else would they keep coming?)

Guess the Counselor!

Guess the counselor’s name based on the pictures below!

6 Questions with Senor Frijoles aka bean

In the twilight game of Life and Death in the forest, which was played on Monday night, was very intense. Some worked their way to victory and some bit the dust hard. Most were faithful to their cabin or were they? Jam was my cabins leader for the night. He did a great job too. Our LIT’s were Hot Rod and Rascal. We were herbivores, so at parts during the game we were being chased by several groups of carnivores. They caught hold of one of the LIT’s. We started running and were unaware that we were missing someone. We turned around and realized that Hot Rod was gone. Jam went back for her; we followed behind in the bushes. Meanwhile Jam was searching for Hot Rod; two other groups of omnivores caught sight of Jam and chased him through the field. They caught him and he was forced to give up two rubber bands. However we kept searching for her and never let down our guard. We were looking for another water crayon when we saw Hot Rod running with a pack of Omnivores. She had colored over her green paint and painted her face orange instead. We lost that game of life and death in the forest, but if we had had Hot Rod with us who knows what would have happened. We could have been victorious; therefore, she is a TRAITOR.

By Taylor Meredith

Q. How long have you worked here? A. 2 years Q. What was the worse day ever for you? A. When the truck load of food didn’t show up in time Q. What is your favorite food to make? A. Meatloaf and mashed potatoes Q. Why did you want to work here? A. Found it on Craig’s list Q. What do you like about cooking? A. Love seeing the happy faces Q. What is the hardest food to make for all these people? A. Pizza is the hardest to make

The Funnies with Sarah Strong

Why did the lettuce get so embarrassed? Because he saw the salad dressing! What chip hangs on the door? A door-ito Why did the elephant cross the road? Because it was the chicken’s day off Why do six year olds not get to drink 7up? Because its 7 and up

Answers: 1









Staff: Julia Buck, Abigail Moore, Sarah Strong, Josie Ark, Marian Strong, Robbie Moore, Kyle Jacoby, Trysten Newton-Hodgdon, Bailey Devine, Dylan, Devin, Roan Childress, Aubrey Whitty, Kevin Wood, Cracie SerafinMcGill, Tayler Meredith, Brenden McNalley, Emilee Erdrich, Marisa Rainwater, Loryn Erdrich, Hanna S. Samantha, Hannah, Zen, Sherlock, Robocop, Simon By Sarah Strong

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