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  • Words: 9,751
  • Pages: 32
Lila’s Ménage By Jade James

A Silk’s Vault Electronic Publication, in arrangement with author Jade James. ISBN # 1-934055-61-1 Copyright © 2006 by Jade James Cover Design and Art by Carmel St. James, © Copyright 2006 Edited by Nikita Gordyn

Silk’s Vault Publishing

All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in part or whole, in any form or by any means, without permission from both the author and publisher. All characters, incidents, situations, institutions, governments and people are fictional and any similarity to characters or persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

Prologue Dear Diary, Seth took me to Venice today. The restaurant is well known for its Italian dishes and wonderful bread. While I’m sure the food was superb, my body was hungry for something else. Before we left the house, I had already worked out a plan in my mind of how the night was going to play out. I wore my red Victoria's Secret halter dress and matching shoes with nothing else underneath. I was such a devil. I finally let myself lose just a little bit of the control I try so hard to maintain all of the time. The tables had these fancy red satin tablecloths, the length reaching just above the floor. Before I could go through with my plan, I had to get him ready, hard, and wanting.

Pushing my chair as close to the table as possible, I slipped the shoe off of my right foot, lifted my leg and rested my foot on his thigh. Seth didn’t even flinch. But his eyes told the story. He has such expressive eyes; they burned with desire, enflaming my own craving. Gathering my nerves, I pushed my foot slowly to the front of his dress pants, stroking the already hard cock with my foot. His eyes were now half closed, his deliciously wicked mouth parted. Up and down I caressed his shaft, until it felt like it would burst from the zipper. Open your zipper, I mouthed to him, dropping my foot slightly to give him space. Seth did it rather quickly. I smiled, showing my approval. Slowly, I brought my foot back. Oh, how I love this man’s cock. It’s probably THE most beautiful shaft I’ve ever seen. I have to remember to get a ruler out one day and measure him for sure, but I think he’s about eight inches long. And as thick as my wrist. Did I mention there’s nothing better than a circumcised man? The head open, the slit moist with desire. My mouth watered for him as my foot touched his hot, naked skin. The waiter came over to take our orders. Seth did all the talking, while I did all the stroking. But as the waiter left, another hot idea entered my mind and suddenly the caressing wasn’t enough. I brought my foot down, slipped the other heel off quickly, and pushed my chair slightly back. There was just enough space between me and the table to slip right underneath. I caught Seth’s wide-eyed look before heading downtown. I went right to work, knowing the waiter could catch us at anytime. The idea didn’t bother me as much as it should have. Maybe that was because this was tame compared to what I really wanted him to do to me. I swallowed his dick, enthusiastically sucking his hot member. I grabbed his balls, rolling the sacks and tightening my hands around him while showing him how far I can really deep throat. He was fucking my mouth now, short deep strokes. He came with a low growl, his cock reaching the back of my throat. I swallowed, drinking all that he had to give me. I

relished the power, took delight in being able to literally bring him to his knees. He never stood a chance against me. I’ve never been in love before. My heart bursts with joy just thinking about him. The love I feel for him makes me feel like I can do anything…be anything I want to be. If he only knew of my cravings…my deep, dark appetites. If he only knew…

Chapter One Seth Bane pulled the keys from his pocket. The arrangements were made quite easily. But then money talked, and that’s what he had used to make sure every detail was set. Heir to a massive fortune in some oil companies, he had no problems getting what he wanted in life. He inserted the key into the lock and opened the door. He stepped inside and kicked the door shut with his boot. She wouldn’t be home for a few hours yet. It was just enough time for him to steal some of her clothes and all of the necessities she would need for this weekend. He stepped into their bedroom. The scent of lilacs lightly scented the room, awakening his senses, turning his shaft into a blazing hard-on. Just that quick, he was ensnared into her allure. Softly rounded in all the places that mattered, Lila Barton was the one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. He already knew that.

Set up as a blind date by a friend, Seth had connected with the sexy lawyer immediately. Her mind stimulated his, but her sassiness had been the winning link. Over the past year, they had become inseparable and after six months of dating, Seth had taken the plunge and asked her to move in with him. He had plans to propose to Lila, but first things first. He needed to explore this side of her that she kept hidden from him. Seth lifted the corner of the mattress and slid the red velvet diary out. It wasn’t the first time he had read her innermost private thoughts. He had found the book a month ago, tucked underneath the mattress. A corner of the velvet cover peeked out, tempting his curiosity. Once he realized what the book actually was, it was already too late. With the first page already read, Seth was enraptured, caught in the fantasies she wrote from her heart. He had no doubts she was going to be angry that he had read her thoughts and fantasies. He actually could make no excuses for doing such a thing. She may even slap him when all was said and done. But with the reading of her words and dreams, she had unleashed a dark side of him he had kept buried for fear of losing her. He could envision everything she had written down, and dreamed of doing even more to her. Seth reached into his black jeans and adjusted his hard dick before sitting down on the bed. He opened her diary once again and read the latest entry. Dear Diary, Today we did it doggy style. Seth pounded his cock into me so deep and hard that I could feel his shaft all the way up to my womb. Just thinking about it gives me shivers. That man knows how to use his eight-inch tool and I have no complaints, truly I don’t. But I do have these delicious fantasies of Seth tying me up so thoroughly that the feeling of helplessness makes me squirm. Handcuffs. The thought makes me purr, almost like a cat in heat. Well, I suppose if I did have to be compared to an animal, it would be that. Imagining the feel of the hard metal against my skin, accentuated with the feel of his rough hands sends me into shivers. This one’s my favorite of all. I see myself running through the woods naked, Seth running right after me, forcing me onto the ground and having his way with me. And the ménage. What woman doesn’t dream of having two men control her ultimate desires? Seth fucking my ass, pushing his throbbing cock into my tight hole as Stone fucks my pussy. Stone? No, the thought isn’t that shocking. Even though I met the man only once, he is

just as good looking as his twin brother Seth. Yummy, delicious, mouthwatering, I could envision both dicks giving me ultimate pleasure. It would take too much time to describe all of the sinful fantasies running around in my head. I’d better stop before I make myself cum from my visions alone. I do wonder at times though…does this make me any less normal than people perceive me? What if he can’t cope with this sexual side of me? What if jealousy becomes a factor? Too many questions with no answers. I’m happy with the way things are going in our relationship, and I don’t want to shock him with my dark desires. I’m not willing to chance it. Seth’s love is too valuable. I guess that’s why fantasies are called just that, fantasies. Seth closed the diary, placing the precious book back under the mattress. He adjusted his throbbing shaft, clenching his teeth in anticipation of what was to come. Digging into his pocket, he reached for his cell phone and dialed Stone’s number. The fact that she mentioned Stone should have bothered him, for no other reason than that he was his brother. But it didn’t. Seth and Stone had their share of women. Identical in almost all ways physical, the two never had any problems when it came to women. They shared a unique bond, sensing each other’s emotions, whether it be sadness or joy. Stone had arrived in New York last night, and his brother was the perfect candidate for his plans. He had no problems with giving Lila what she wanted for one night. He would emphasize to her it would only be for one night , because he had no intentions of ever sharing her again.

Chapter Two The garage’s dim lighting never bothered her before. Nor did the fact that she usually left work at six in the evening—two hours later than the usual time that the staff and lawyers would depart and be on their way home. There would still be one or two people hurrying about, giving her at least a minimal amount of security. The silence of the garage suddenly penetrated her thoughts, odd for this time of day. Why was it that she could pay such great attention to detail when going through a court case, yet she was never aware of how alone she was at this time of the evening? Lila Barton heard the sound of footsteps, and turned to peer into a dim, dismal corner of the garage, hoping deep down it was Sal, the garage car attendant. The area was dark, and really poorly lit. “Sal, is that you?” she called out nervously. Fuck! No answer. Don’t panic. Lila spun around, quickly walking to where she had parked her car, now thoroughly aware that someone was following her and gaining ground fast. She quickly turned,

hoping to spot Sal. She threw a scared look towards the frosted glass window as she passed his office but saw no one in sight. Fear threatened to overwhelm her, the only sound she heard was the loud clicking of her boots and those footsteps closing in on her as she quickly walked to her car. Reaching into her bag and pulling out her keys, Lila nervously positioned the key correctly before inserting it into the lock. She unlocked the door and reached for the handle. Before she could open the door, she was pinned between her car and a hard body. “Have you ever fantasized about being kidnapped?” the voice growled into her ear. “Have you ever wanted to submit all to a man?” Bile rose to her throat as fear threatened to overwhelm her. Her deepest desires crept forward with a shocking force of nerves. It was too much. She never wanted this. There was a difference between having someone you knowtake control of your fantasies and someone you don’t know ruin your dreams forever. Lila whimpered, nerves making her body tense and ready for a fight. “Easy…easy. Don’t be afraid. I was instructed by Seth to give you what you really want,” her captor whispered, as if sensing she was afraid. Seth was involved?Suddenly, the fear evaporated and a whole onslaught of questions battered her. “What the hell is going on?” “We’re here to give life to your deepest, darkest fantasies,” the voice growled into her ear. God, that voice sounded all too familiar, and yet it wasn’t who she thought it would be. It wasn’t Seth. “Who are you?” “All of your questions will be answered soon,” he replied as he swiped her suitcase out of her hand and opened the door. Lila made a grab for the case, but all too quickly he had the front door open and the bag on the front seat. “What are you doing?” she asked, suddenly aggravated at Seth for letting someone else take control of her life. “Giving you what you truly desire,” he replied as he grabbed her arms, positioning them

behind her. “This isn’t what I want,” Lila stated as she instinctively struggled against the way he held her. It was a bald-faced lie. She knew and felt it. Her clit began to throb at the way this man held her so easily…at his sheer brute strength. Her fantasies always revolved around one thing, playing the damsel in distress. It wasn’t an easy thing to admit. She prided herself in being a hard-assed, drive your balls up the wall attorney, seeking a criminal conviction in cases where there was shallow evidence against the criminal. But her fantasies were her safe haven. They were her cherished thoughts, and absolutely no one knew about them. She had never been in love with anyone enough to trust them with her true desires. Until now. She loved Seth with everything that was in her. She marveled at how she could feel so much for someone. And it terrified her at the same time. She didn’t want to risk losing him. That was why she held back her darker desires. “Then let’s make sure this is what you want ,” her captor emphasized before bringing a hand forward to her shoulder. He slowly trailed his fingers from her shoulder down past her nipple, brushing the tip with his finger before continuing down. Lila couldn’t help the whimper that escaped her. It was a sound of pure feminine arousal. And she couldn’t help but be aroused. This was like her fantasies…exactly like her dreams of being captured. Seth.Oh god, she needed him desperately. Even now, Lila could imagine him watching her in the arms of another. Someone he sent to ensure her pleasure. Seth.She imagined him stroking his shaft, the head dark red in color, his large sac tight against the base of his cock, ready to explode. Thoroughly aroused beyond her control, Lila closed her eyes, envisioning him as if he were there with them. This was what she got carried away with, her fantasies. She pictured Seth just as he usually was, naked, horny, his black eyes watching her with a need to rut, to claim her like an animal would his mate. She was detail oriented even in her dreams, taking special attention with everything large to miniscule in life. It was one of the things that clicked between them. Because he was just as detail oriented as she. The hand of her captor reached the bottom of her skirt, and Lila could do nothing but whimper as he circled his finger around her panty covered clit, rubbing the bundle of nerves until she was shaking, on the verge of orgasm. Good god, was there anything more erotic than a stranger knowing what she liked?

Her captor tightened his hand around her wrists, reminding her that she was at his mercy. She bit back a scream that threatened to burst from her lips as he ripped her thong from her body, leaving her hanging on the precipice. Lila opened her eyes, hissing at the force of the rip and the arousing sting it left throughout her body. Oh god. She bit her lip hard, concentrating on the pain so she wouldn’t beg him. She needed one more flick on her clit…one more swipe and she would go over. It was all too much. And she knew that it was intended as such, because somehow, someway, Seth had found out about her fantasies. He brought the panties in full view of her face before leaning down beside her and sniffing. Lila blushed as he growled, “Seth is one lucky bastard.” Her captor held a black scarf in his hand, dangling the material in front of her face before slipping it over her eyes and tying it securely to the back of her head. Lila felt a cold, hard substance encircle her wrist. She assumed it was handcuffs as her captor surrounded her other wrist before she heard the clicking sound of her capture. ***** Seth hid in the shadows as he watched Stone reach under Lila’s skirt and rip off her panties. He heard her whimper, a sound of submission and arousal. It inflamed his senses, seeing her tied and ready to subject herself to anything and everything he wanted. He would bet his fortune his little sex slave was turned on right now, Lila feeling arousal igniting her body into flames. His body tensed, remaining rigid as he fought back the need to go to her. He caught her scent from where he stood and his mouth watered, remembering the taste of her on his tongue. Closing his eyes, Seth reveled in Stone’s arousal for Lila through their bond. It was almost as if he were there, caressing her himself, loving the way she submitted to him, to the both of them. His hand trailed to the opening of his jeans, opening the button. Fuck! He caught himself, tightening his hands into fists. He didn’t know it was going to be this hard not go to her. Seth remained hidden behind the closest cement pillar to her car, watching the way her cheeks blushed. Her straight black hair falling past her waist, the strands touching her ass as Stone smoothed the skirt from her hips back down.

Seth couldn’t remove his eyes from the way her body trembled. Though she didn’t know he was there, he knew she imagined him behind her. Arousal had her lips parting as her chest heaved with deep breaths and she laid her head back on Stone’s shoulder. It took a huge effort on Seth’s behalf not to take his shaft out and jerk himself off, giving his body the release it craved. He wanted to wait. Waiting had its rewards. The little hellion stirred things in him that he only dreamed of exploring with her. Now that Seth had Lila where he needed her, he had no intentions of letting her go. On Stone’s hand signal, Seth entered his car quickly, ready to follow the woman that held all of his dreams.

Chapter Three She didn’t know how long she had been in this position or how long they had been driving. Her mind was on other matters. Lila inhaled, smelling the warm leather against her skin mixed with her scent. She supposed being handcuffed and placed face down on the back seat of a Ford Explorer should have unnerved her in some way. It didn’t. All she could think about was Seth. Anticipation kept her limbs tight and tense. Arousal kept her pussy creaming with need. She had so many questions that she needed answers to. Where was Seth? She already knew that her captor was sent by him, but why wasn’t he participating? And more importantly, where were they headed? She could have asked her captor all of these questions if he hadn’t threatened her with a spanking if she made any more inquiries. All will be revealed in time , he had said. Lila had to remember that in this case patience was definitely a virtue. But the little devil in her screamed, a spanking could be so much fun . It was sex play that Seth and she had never experienced. But she suspected the sting of pain would only heighten her pleasure. Isn’t this what she dreamed of? What she was afraid to reveal to Seth? Should she risk it all, hoping their love remained intact? The choice apparently was taken out of her hands. And even though she knew she could

stop all of it with a simple no, her desire wouldn’t allow it. The car abruptly stopped, the engine shutting off quickly. Lila squirmed in nervousness, unsure of what would happen next. Seth.Each time she thought of him, it gave her the courage to go through with this. She trusted him with her life, and anything beyond. So why wouldn’t she trust him with this? Lila heard the car door open, and then felt a pair of strong hands grab her by the waist, sliding her out of the car. She scrambled, trying to gain her footing. She felt something hard press into her stomach, upending her balance. She ended up face down on the shoulder of her captor. He moved, walking quickly as the gravel crunched under his feet. Lila whimpered, sensations cascading to a tremulous level as her captor stroked her naked ass beneath her skirt. Blindfolded, she realized the sensations were magnified. She felt his fingers inch closer to her pussy, dragging his rough fingers against her skin. She whimpered, her body arching towards the hand. Her captor laughed, smacking her ass with a loud slap. The smack stung against her skin, the heat radiating deep. Oh god. That little bite of pain just made her pussy wetter. She tried to refuse acknowledging that this was all a huge turn-on. Denial was still the safest way. “What the hell did you do that for?” Lila yelled, trying to sound angry, when deep down inside she was begging for more. “Lila,” her male captor replied as he stroked the lips of her pussy softly. “I can smell your arousal. This weekend is going to be so much fun.” “What’s going to happen this weekend?” Lila couldn’t help but ask. Her captor laughed as he gave her another slap on her ass. She hissed, biting her lip, holding the moan in. “I thought we had that covered already, beautiful. This weekend is all about making your fantasies come true.” ***** He had arrived first, taking the back roads instead of the highway to ensure his early arrival. Seth watched as Stone walked up the to the house with Lila thrown over his

shoulder. The ache in his shaft intensified. There was nothing more desirable then a hot, willing, wet woman ready to go beyond any and all sexual boundaries. And now that this sexy side was unleashed, he wasn’t going to give her an inch. Seth opened the door, silently nodding to his brother to enter. Stone knew the instructions, and followed them to a tee. The living room had been cleared of furniture except for a table that Seth had padded for Lila’s comfort. At the four corners of the table were four metal rings, also cushioned for comfort. “Remove the handcuffs and place her on the table,” Seth ordered as he pulled his t-shirt over his head. “Seth, is that you?” she asked hurriedly. Seth smiled at the nervousness in her voice. He had the option of keeping his identity secret, but he didn’t want to scare her. No, this weekend wasn’t about frightening her in the least bit. Stone removed the cuffs quickly. He grabbed her waist, lifting her onto the table. She squirmed, the movement clearly showing her edginess. “Sit still,” Stone instructed as he grabbed the manacles and started cuffing her ankles wide apart. Seth watched as Lila trembled slightly, then did as Stone instructed. She looked beautifully aroused, shivering in desire. “Raise your hips up,” Stone ordered. He hitched up her skirt, bundling the material around her waist. “Lay down.” Stone grabbed her long hair, pulling it out from under her as Lila lowered herself on the table. He reached for the handcuffs attached to the table, securing them to her wrists. Seth had taken delight in picking out the set of handcuffs, ensuring that they were padded for comfort and the rope attached to the cuffs were long enough to change her position. Seth came forward, drawn to her naked flesh. She was a woman who took care of herself, making bi-weekly visits to a day spa, waxing her pussy, leaving a strip of hair on top.

But everything else was left bare. Just the way he liked it. And Lila knew his fetish… knew he loved nothing more than the sweet taste of her pussy. He could be ravenous at times, eating her until she orgasmed over and over again, and still the beast inside of him wouldn’t be sated until she was screaming for him to stop. He reached out, caressing her cunt with his fingertip, feeling the soft velvety skin against his. She moaned, arching up to his questing hand. Such a sensitive pussy, he thought as he ran his finger over the lips. “These are the rules, honey.” “Seth.” He smiled at the way she moaned his name. Seth paused. He removed his hand from her pussy, wanting her full attention first. “No questions, honey. It is me...and that is all I will tell you for now. I want you to concentrate on the conversation for a minute.” Arousal is a powerful thing. It could turn even the smartest of humans into animals, primitive in their desires, ready to seek the ultimate in pleasure. Seth waited for approval. Her body remained tense, her hands fisted as she waged a war of indecision within her. “There’s always a reward in obedience. For these two days, Lila, I want your permission to give us entire control.” “Who’s us?” “That isn’t going to be revealed right now.” “Don’t you think I have a right to know?” “Do you trust me?” Seth asked as he grabbed her waist and pulled her to the edge of the table, the ropes around her cuffed ankles and wrists providing enough slack. He swallowed tightly, realizing that everything hung on the fact that she had to trust him completely. “Of course I do.” Seth released the breath he had been holding. “This weekend is all about that and more. We’re here to discover how far we’re willing to go with our fantasies.” “You phrase that as if you know we share the same fantasies.” “We do,” Seth replied, kneeling down before her. He grabbed her hips, pushing them up

and slid his hands to cup her naked ass. “Seth,” she moaned heatedly. “There are things we need to discuss.” “Nothing matters but you and me. And now here’s your reward,” he stated before taking a swipe of her pussy.

Chapter Four Lila had no control when it came to him. She heard the drive in his voice, the intent to discover any and all secrets. Seth was going to learn how shameless she truly was, and she had no willpower to stop him. All of her thoughts vaporized with the feel of his tongue against her pussy. She was truly a slut when it came to him and his ever present need to take her orally. Seth was talented in all of his pursuits, but this particular one he excelled at. He twirled his tongue around her lips, never quite getting close enough to where she wanted him to be, and still her pussy spilled its juices for him. Lila squirmed, arching her body trying to get closer to his teasing mouth. Seth held her still, tightening his hands on her ass. The slight, painful pleasure served its purpose, slamming her higher with need. “I need more, Seth,” Lila begged shamelessly. With him, she would plead and beg if it brought her one of those mind blowing orgasms he always wrenched from her. “Me too,” he replied, his voice muffled as he continued to slowly lick her. He stopped once again; Lila almost screamed for mercy. “Have I ever told you how much I love your taste? How at times, I find myself at work just thinking about your juicy cunt?” Seth licked a little closer to her clit, but still not quite reaching her button. “No,” she whimpered. “But feel free to show me.”

“That’s just a few of the many things I love about you, Lila. Your sassiness and sweet pussy, just to name a few.” She was going to scream. Desire and frustration beat at her. She was convinced Seth was sent to torment her with his words, tongue and cock. A pair of hands reached out, ripping apart her shirt as Seth delved once again to his meal. Damn. How could she forget her captor? Seth had her so intent on him that she had forgotten about the other man who had captured her. Her body arched, the sensations whipping through her fiercely. There was nothing hotter than a man wanting you so much that he had to rip your clothes to get to you. She knew it was Seth still between her legs, lapping her juices. While her captor’s hands reached for her bra, unhooking the front closure. A pair of rough hands reached for her nipples, taking the hardened tips between his fingers and pinching them. She moved up, hoping that he would take it as a hint to pluck them harder. One of them laughed at her moves and continued to tease her softly. Both bastards were purposely keeping it light. Oh my god , at this point she would do anything to fuck…to be fucked by them. “Please…Seth. I can’t take much more of this,” she screamed loudly. His tongue stopped playing. “You’ll take this babe and so much more. My cock has never been harder for you.” Lick. “Oh god, Seth. Give it to me,” she begged as her captor continued to play with her breasts. Lick.“You’re such a good girl, babe,” Seth replied as he took her clit and nipped lightly with his teeth, releasing it quickly. The slight pain brought her to that very edge again, hanging on the precipice. This was all too new. He'd never teased her so slowly before. He would take her and suck her pussy, bringing her quick release over and over again, hanging on to her like a dog with his favorite bone. “You listening to me, babe?” Lick. “Yes…yes.”

“I want you to suck you’re captor’s cock and bring him to release. You’re to swallow everything.” “Yes. I’ll swallow it all, Seth.” Lick. “That’s my good girl.” She was eager for it. She was eager for it all, and willing to do anything to obtain it. Lila heard the sound of a zipper opening. She turned her head to the noise as she wet her lips, already anticipating the hot shaft. Her captor tapped the head of his cock on her lips as he fisted the strands of her hair. Lila opened her mouth, excited to show Seth and her captor how good she could really be. He pushed his shaft between her lips; Lila twirled her tongue around the head, tasting her captor’s sweet, salty essence. Seth pursed his lips around her clit, sucking eagerly. Lila moaned around the mouthful of cock, delighted that he finally put his lips where she really needed them the most. Seth was rewarding her, her captor’s hand tightened; reminding her that she had more of him to take. Lila swallowed, relaxing her throat, using her tongue to stroke the heavy vein she felt underneath. Her captor approved, tightening his hand more in the strands. “Fuck, Seth. Where the hell did you find her, and does she have a twin?” her captor asked roughly. Seth stopped licking and Lila squirmed, seeking his heavenly mouth. “She’s mine,” Seth growled, swiping her clit before adding, “And she doesn’t have a twin.” Lila sucked harder, determined to have her captor cum in her mouth. She moved her head back, sticking her tongue into the slit, but her captor controlled the movement, allowing her only minimal progress. Once again, she wondered who he was. He tasted saltier than Seth, and from the feel of his shaft, he was wider where Seth was longer. “Can’t blame a brother for trying,” he replied as he started to fuck her mouth with shallow thrusts.

His cock reached the opening of her throat as Seth sucked harder on her clit. She felt him run his finger into her cream before sliding down to the entrance of her ass. Oh, this was what she needed, what she craved. That bite of pain that hauled her into a climactic frenzy. She couldn’t help the way she was built. She craved what Seth could to do to her…for her. It was all too much and at the same time, not enough. Multiple sensations assaulted her as Seth pushed a finger into her ass, stretching her. As if on signal, her captor added to the frenzied need, pushing both of her breasts together and adding his tongue. He sucked at her nipples and then bit lightly bit the tips. And as if on cue, Seth added another finger as he blew on her clit, concentrating solely on the bundle of nerves. Lila sucked as she arched her hips. Her captor thrust his cock to the back of her throat, his movements frenzied. Lila gasped, trying to grasp on all that was happening. Fuck! She wasn’t going to last… didn’t want to last. Her orgasm began in her womb, shredding the last of her defenses, hauling her into never-ending rapture as her captor filled her mouth, his own climax taking him. She struggled to swallow, fought to stay aware. But Seth was ravenous in his hunger, relentlessly squeezing another orgasm from her. Stars exploded behind her eyelids, the euphoria threatening to drag her under. Lila breathed deeply, fighting her way back. She instinctively opened her eyes through the blindfold. One corner of light peeked through. Curiosity had her reaching for it before she remembered she was still tied down.

Chapter Five Seth licked his lips, the flavor of her cream heavy on his tongue. He wanted more, needed more from her. She was his addiction, deliciously exquisite in all ways, and he couldn’t get enough of her. He rose from his knees. Releasing his shaft from his jeans, Seth walked around the table. Stone’s sated pleasure rippled through him, enticing him to fuck Lila’s delicious mouth. His brother felt his need and walked back, giving him the space he needed to face his woman. Seth noticed the blindfold had slipped from one corner. He reached over and removed it, careful not to get it stuck in her hair. Lila opened her eyes, quickly closing them back. “Give it a few seconds. You’ve had them closed for a while. They’re sensitive,” Seth stated, before leaning over and taking a rosy nipple into his mouth. This was the only reprieve he intended to give her. There was so much more he wanted to do to her body. The table was wide enough for the both of them. He wasn’t ready to release her yet. He loved her this way, soft, submissive, her soft moaning sounds reaching his ears. Seth released her nipple and rose from his position. Stone had taken a seat and was watching her, with his shaft in hand. Lila had yet to notice him.

“Do you know what I’m going to do now, Lila?” Her breath hitched as he trailed a hand from her breast, slowly to her pussy. “I want more of your taste. I want to stuff my entire face inside of that juicy cunt, breathe in your scent and drown in your flavor.” Lila moaned softly as he reached her pussy and swirled his finger around her clit. “We’re going to sixty-nine it, babe,” he growled as he gave her sheath a loving tap before climbing on the table. God, he loved her this way. Tied down, dripping wet, waiting for anything he had to give. His shaft throbbed, aching for the delicious ecstasy he knew her mouth would give him. He could feel Stone’s desire for her, rushing like fire through his blood. Seth bent on all fours, aligning his cock with her mouth. “Open up, babe,” he ordered, sinking his shaft in between her luscious lips. A spark of fire shot through him as her wet, heated mouth closed over him. “You are so fucking good, Lila. I’m going to have to reward you again for being such a good girl.” Lila moaned around his shaft, sending a vibrating motion throughout his body. Seth gripped her inner thighs, staring in wonder at her soaking cunt. It was the prettiest pussy he had ever seen and he hungered for it. He bent, inhaling her scent. He couldn’t get enough of her aroma. “Such a pretty pussy, Lila. There’s so many things I want to do to it,” he growled before taking his mouth, closing over her clit. He sucked, her body immediately arching up toward his mouth. He let her control the pace, which was fast. She smashed her cunt against his face, and he had no problems with delving right in. He couldn’t help the wild, animalistic noises that released from his lips as he ravished her, thirsty for what only she could give. . Lila sucked cock like a pro, taking him deeply. His hips moved, thrusting to the back of her throat. In minutes he was on the verge of orgasm, the tingling sensation starting at the base of the spine. Seth continued to ravish her like a savage beast, putting all of his attention on her clit. Lila responded, screaming around his shaft, her orgasm pouring out of her pussy.

He licked it all up, pumping his shaft one more time before releasing his own ecstasy, deep down her throat. ***** She must have passed out, because she woke on a black satin covered king size bed, totally naked. Seth.He should have been beside her. Instead, she was alone, and wondering where he was. Was he right now with her captor? What were they planning next? She pushed aside the gut clenching need to run to him, to ask him the questions buzzing around in her head. Seth enjoyed being in control in the bedroom, and though he let her handle the reins a time or two, she had no problems with letting him be in charge in that aspect of their lives. She trusted him, so maybe she needed to relax and enjoy this weekend totally, free of questions or thoughts. It would be so nice just to concentrate solely on her pleasure. Lila rose from the bed, heading towards a door she assumed was the bathroom. She opened the door, instantly in awe at the lavishness. The Jacuzzi size tub was wide and steep, and the toilet was porcelain white with the seat looking like it was made out of gold. Lila entered, heading straight for the tub, turning it on and setting the water to a heated level. Her throat was sore, but it was a pleasurable sore. Seth had never eaten her out so lavishly before, and her being able to return the favor to him and her captor was double the reward. Lila grabbed her hair, twisted the length around and knotted it on top of her head. She grabbed a bottle of bubble bath and poured a healthy amount into the water before stepping in. She melted into the water, the heat feeling delicious on her skin. She laid her head back on the edge of the tub and drifted off.

Last night was wonderful. It was a taste of the forbidden, a bite of the unknown. She loved him for that…for providing a wisp of the illicit. “You’ve never looked more beautiful.” The words were stated in a rough emotional voice and it had Lila opening her eyes instantly. Seth leaned on the doorway, clad only in jeans, looking as sexy as sin. Her heart pounded heavily, her eyes drifting to the rigid outline of his cock. “You’re not too bad yourself, stud.” “What are you thinking?” he asked, staying exactly where he was. “That you’ve given me a gift beyond anything I could ever could have hoped for,” Lila replied, laying it all on the line. “It bewilders me still, how you understood what’s buried deep beneath me, the fact that you claim to share my wants and needs is just a bonus to me…to us.” Seth walked forward; leaning down by the tub, he bent to take her lips in a mind consuming, fiery kiss. He ate at her mouth, sucking on her tongue, licking the inside of her mouth. Lila moaned, loving the way he was able to seduce her with just his lips. He broke it off, rising quickly, breathing heavily. “There’s breakfast in your room, along with a note. It’s time to up the ante, my love. Take what’s being offered, because after today, I’ll be the only one who ever ties you up and fucks you. I’ll be the one that takes you against a bathroom stall in a movie theater and I’ll definitely be the only one who ever provides you with a cock again. And honey, if you find that your pussy or ass is ever lonely while I’m deeply embedded inside, there are ways to make sure you're always stuffed full,” Seth growled, giving her a heated look before leaving the bathroom. Her mouth opened in shock and arousal, ready to respond to his sexy words, but he left, leaving her alone and horny.

Chapter Six After finishing up her breakfast of bacon, scrambled eggs, toast, and coffee, Lila picked up the folded envelope tucked beneath the napkin. Lila, I’m sure you’ve asked yourself how all of a sudden I knew what your fantasies were. I’ve read your diary. Lila’s hand trembled. It wasn’t in a shock. Deep down inside she knew that the only way he would have planned something like this out was because he found her diary. She trembled more in fear…fear because he would no longer love her with the discovery of her dreams. She took a deep breath, forcing her hand to steady and continued to read. You have every right to be upset with me for delving into your most private thoughts, because no matter what excuse I come up with, it still won’t be good enough of one to read your most hidden desires. I love you, Lila Barton, with all of my heart, and I see us spending eternity together. But first there is something I want to get out of the way. Something that reached out to dominate my thoughts. See, I too, Lila, crave and desire everything you want. We are more alike than you realize. A part of me wants to explore everything and anything with

you. You have a half hour from when you exit the bath to eat your breakfast and prepare yourself for your capture fantasy. From the entryway of this cabin, you will have a five-minute head start before your captor and I chase you down and fuck you like animals in heat, binding you to me forever. And Lila, that’s exactly how it will be. Two beasts fucking you, plunging into both your juicy cunt and ass, giving you everything you desire. You have my heart forever. Love, Seth. She couldn’t stop her hand from trembling this time. The thought was just as erotic as it was crazy for so many reasons, but that didn’t stop her body from responding to him and the need she tried to hide for so long. Capture.It meant so many things to her. Seth capturing her heart, being captured, tied, and to sexually submit everything to a man. She wanted this opportunity, this sexual excursion. Lila rose from her bed, spotting her suitcase on the side of the armoire. Seth must have brought her necessities. She opened her bag, hoping Seth would have packed one of her negligees inside. Her man didn’t disappoint. She withdrew the Victoria's Secret black crochet nightgown, one of her favorites. Because of the crochet pattern, Lila loved to taunt Seth with glimpses of her breasts, skin, and body. Just thinking about how aroused he would be had her pussy creaming. Lila dressed quickly before she let something as stupid as fear stop her from what she wanted more than anything in the world. Seth. ***** She stepped out into the woods, clad only in her gown and ankle strapped flat sandals. She hadn’t seen any sign of Seth or her captor, but that didn’t mean she didn’t feel them watching her, waiting in the shadows for a sign of her consent. Stepping out into the woods was that sign.

The sun warmed her, chasing the chills away. She began running, immediately hearing the sounds of footsteps behind her. The branches slapped into her near-naked skin as she ran through the forest. Her heart accelerated, the adrenaline pumping high and her blood rushing through her veins. She ran as fast as she could go. It was amazing, the feeling of being totally and utterly free. She loved the chase, only dreamt of being captured by Seth, and now she had two dominant males intent on catching her and having their way with her. Her own fantasy come true. She could hear at least one of the men behind her, gaining ground. Lila gasped as a strong arm circled her waist a second before she felt a hard chest slam behind her. “Did you think you could run and I wouldn’t be able to find you?” Seth growled as he turned her to face him. Her pussy creamed as her stomach clenched, reveling in his capture. His hands tightened on her waist, his eyes roving over her skimpily clad body. She had the strongest desire to rub his cock slowly on her lips before tasting him. He was wearing only jeans, his chest glistening with a light sheen of sweat. Lila couldn’t help but admire his chiseled, hard body. His cock stood out, tall and rigid as if threatening to rip through his jeans. She was about to fall to her knees and release his shaft, tempting him with her mouth, but movement behind him caught her attention. Her body tightened as she recognized the man coming into view. “Stone?” she whispered, shock and arousal causing her body to quiver. Clad only in jeans just as his twin, Stone walked over to her slowly. Seth turned her away from him and she was now looking into her captor’s face, arousal making his face harsh with need. “Stone is here to help, Lila, in every sense of the word. You don’t have a problem with that, do you, babe?” Seth growled into her ear. Lila shook her head, totally enthralled with the men behind and in front of her. “And I’ll let you in on a secret, honey. As twins, when we’re this close and focused on someone, we can feel each other’s need. I feel him, babe. I feel the way he wants to fuck

you, the way he wants to pound his dick inside of you.” Lila whimpered, closing her eyes against the raw need she saw in Stone’s gaze. His eyes made her burn with desire, the words whispered into her ear, flaming the need higher. Seth reached over, taking the straps of her nightgown, pulling them down. He had the gown off in seconds. “I’m going to prepare you honey, while Stone gets a taste of that sweet, melt in your mouth pussy. Spread your legs, babe.” Stone knelt before her, looking like a dark, sexy god. Lila moaned as she opened herself up. He wasted no time with raspy slow strokes. Lila guessed they were more alike than they thought. Stone delved right in, licking her cunt voraciously, making loud growling noises as if hunger were his driving motive. Lila grabbed his hair, holding him to her as she half turned towards Seth. “Seth?” Lila pleaded. “Just concentrate on his mouth, Lila, on the pleasure we’re both giving you.” Concentrate?As if she could think about anything else. Seth went to his knees and placed open mouth, wet kisses to her ass, alternating between nips and licks. Both men drove her insane; she couldn’t stop the gasp that flew out of her mouth when something cold entered her rosette, shocking her with its frigidness. “It’s just lube, honey. Wet and slippery, babe, to make your ass nice and slick. Can you already feel it, Lila? Can you already anticipate how tight and hot you're going to be?” She bit her lip, holding back the scream as Seth pushed a finger into her ass, stretching her with an in and out motion. It wasn’t the first time they'd had anal sex, but with all the anticipation and height of the moment, it might as well have been. Stone took her clit into his mouth, lightly holding the bundle of nerves between his teeth as he played his tongue over it, flicking it back and forth. She was going to cum, could feel it beginning at the very pit of her stomach. Seth added another finger, his motions faster now. The dual sensations rocked her, blending the line between pain and pleasure. “Cum for us, Lila. Let Stone taste how sweet you are.” The words were like a trigger, pushing her forward. She screamed, arching her hips towards Stone’s face, reveling in the way both men made her feel.

***** Seth was struck with awe at how monumentally important she had become to him, how the thought of ever losing her brought him intense pain. She was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen, and he knew deep down that his heart would forever belong to her. Seth felt his hunger for Lila burning through his veins. It was a hot, fierce need flowing inside of him, doubled with Stone’s desire for her. His heart was pounding fiercely, his cock erect, hard as a rock with want. “Lila, I want you straddling, Stone,” Seth growled harshly. Surprisingly, she didn’t do it immediately. Lila turned away from Stone, placing a wet, open mouthed kiss on his lips. His tongue tangled with hers, and he ate at her mouth. She was soft, submissive, eager for his touch. Seth grabbed her hips, grinding his cock against her soft belly while sucking her tongue. She broke the kiss off, giving him a dazed smile before turning around. Stone had moved, no longer on his knees, but lying flat against the soft grass, completely undressed. Seth watched as she parted her legs, straddling Stone before lowering herself right on top of his condom covered shaft. She moaned as Stone entered her, and Seth threw his head back in ecstasy, the sensation shooting through him like raw fire. His hands trembled as he quickly removed his jeans, covering his shaft with a condom, giving into the urge to have her. Seth bent, going to his knees as he took the lube, slathering his shaft with the cold gel. He pumped up and down, making sure he was entirely coated. Seth generously applied the lube to her again. She looked sensational; her head tossed back as she rode Stone. “Fuck, Seth. I don’t think I can hold out any longer.” Seth stilled her hips with his hand, easing the pressure of Stone’s release by a margin. He pushed her forward, forcing her upper body onto Stone’s chest. Aligning his cock to her rosy opening, Seth entered her slowly. The tightness, the sheer rawness of the act stunned him. It wasn’t that he hadn’t done this before with her, it was the sexual experience, the act of her submitting to both of their desires. “Oh, god Seth…please,” Lila whimpered loudly. “Let me in, babe,” he replied as he slapped her ass. She moaned, shaking with need.

“Relax your muscles, honey. Let me in, so we can both give you what you need.” The urge to move was great. He felt her take a deep breath, forcing her muscles to relax. Seth entered slowly, not stopping until he was seated fully. A myriad of sensations flowed through him, urging him to move. Seth shafted her as Stone picked up the beat, fucking her pussy while Seth sank his cock into her ass over and over again. She felt exquisite, tight beyond his wildest dreams. Seth’s hunger poured through him, heightening the urge to cum. He tightened his hands on her hips, entering her deeply, loving the way she fit him so perfectly. ***** It was better than she ever dreamed, and she felt like she was going to break apart with the ecstasy running through her. Both men sandwiched her in, controlling the pace of the sex. Stone’s cock touched her womb, and Seth’s shaft went deep into her ass. She couldn’t remember another time when she had been this wet…this aroused. “That’s it, baby. Enjoy it. You feel so fucking good, Lila…so damn tight,” Seth growled into her ear. Seth reached around, grabbed her breasts and pulled at her nipples. Her body was strung tight, both men plunging into her at the same time. She felt every thrust deeply, each plunge hauling her closer and closer to the edge. She wanted the sensations to last forever, the feelings Seth drew from her to last for eternity. She felt the burning need to cum begin deep inside. Her stomach clenched, her breath hitched as her pussy tightened, the wash of ecstasy like a burning fever running through her. Lila screamed Seth’s name as her muscles tightened, bringing her orgasm forward, sending her careening to the edge of the cliff and over. Seth shouted his release, grabbing her hips tightly as he thrust inside, spilling his seed deeply. Stone followed, his cum shooting deep into her. She felt overflowed, a ripple of heat tightening her body before the stars exploded inside her head and she fell forward, safe, satisfied, and adored.


Two Days Later “I want you to marry me. I love you, Seth, with all of my heart, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I’m willing to do anything to convince you of that fact,” Lila said as she straddled Seth on the bed. It had been two days since their return from the cabin. Lila had called work, stating she had the flu and wouldn’t be in for the next three days. In reality, the excuse was perfect for her to spend every minute with Seth. They had spent most of those two days in bed making love, sometimes softly, sometimes hot and wicked. “Convince me? How?” Seth replied, grunting as she took his cock in hand, holding it straight up while lowering herself down. “Well, there are things we haven’t tried yet,” she replied, squeezing her pussy muscles but not moving an inch. “We have yet to do it in a plane, on top of your desk at your office, the roof of a building…” Lila laughed. “That sounds so delicious honey, you bent over a desk, your skirt flipped over and me fucking you from behind,” Seth growled, thrusting up to her. Lila moaned, and forced herself to stay still. She wanted his answer first. “So am I convincing you yet?” Seth grabbed her hips and lifted her from his shaft, flipping her over with a speed she hadn’t known he possessed. He thrust into her again, controlling the pace, keeping it soft and unhurried. Lila moaned, all of a sudden wanting it fast. “I was going to wait until tonight, honey. I wanted everything to be perfect. I wanted to watch your gorgeous face when I went on my knee and proposed to you. You are the love of my life, and will always be. There is something however, that I need to ask.” “What is it, Seth? And please fuck me faster.” Seth fucked her deeper, but still kept the maddeningly slow pace. “We never discussed the diary. Are you still upset?” “Oh, Seth. I don’t think I was ever upset about that,” she whispered, arching her hips off of the bed. Her body tingled, but she forced her body back down. She needed more, but she also knew they needed to get this out of the way first. “I was more afraid that my

fantasies would have you running for the nearest exit.” Seth stilled, his body tense. “There is nothing you can do that would ever make me leave you. Remember that, forever and always, I love you.” “I love you, forever and always,” she whispered as she tightened her legs around his hips, arching her body as close as possible. This was the man she wanted to spend the rest of her life with. And she would never forget the day he discovered her fantasies. ***** The darkness only helped in shading him from her. Stone watched as Valerie closed her sex shop for the night. After all of the years spent apart from her, he still thought she was the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on. He felt the happiness echo from Seth through his link to his twin. He couldn’t suppress the surge of jealousy that sprung forth. He tamped it down, forcefully pushing the raw emotion beneath and concentrated on the vision before him. From this distance, he could see her red hair fall into a riot of curls across her shoulders. His eyes were glued to the way her shorts molded to her skin, the way she swayed her hips from side to side. He wanted to take her now, take her to the ground fast and furious, expending the energy that built in him at the sight of her. But he would wait, biding his time until he captured what was rightfully his.

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