Silent Hill 2 - Restless Dreams

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  • Pages: 33
Intermediate English Conversation Midterm Presentation ELD IIIC Group 2 17 April 2007 Reporters : Victor 、 Ruth 、 Sharon 、 Evan

Outline  Introduction Silent Hill Konami Corporation The History of Silent Hill

 Part I. Silent Hill 2 – Restless Dreams a. The plot and character analysis b. The Monsters and analysis

 Part II. Literature in Games a. Genre & The Gods of Silent Hill b. The endings

 Conclusion  Discussion  References

Introduction  Silent Hill (the game) Silent Hill is a video game, the first in the survival horror series with the same name. It was released exclusively on the Sony PlayStation. A movie adaptation based on this game has been made and was released theatrically on April 21st, 2006.  Konami Corporation Over the years, some of the biggest and most memorable video games have been created by Konami. Konami is currently headquartered in Tokyo and additionally operates health and physical fitness clubs in Japan.

The Map of Silent Hill

The History of Silent Hill  The titular town of 'Silent Hill' is a gloomy one-time resort town that is currently inhabited by mysterious forces.  Historical order time of SILENT HILL order before the 16th century .....  This stretch of land is the Holy Land where the original member of a nationality in U.S.A. holds the sacred ceremony, the aboriginal calls that " Lofty the Holy Ghost reticent place " However, the immigrants from Britain drive the aboriginal out of this place.  The civil war takes place, after the government regards small town of the Holy Land as the penal colony that banishes the prisoner of war of the criminal, a lot of people are buried in this stretch of strange land.

 The infectious disease of the cities and towns is prevailing either because the hygienic conditions does not peak well, Brookhaven hospital begins to build at this moment, perhaps because the population of the small town reduces sharply, reading with the resentment of the prisoner of war and sad feeling, this land is named " The quiet mound " (SILENT HILL)  About 1840 years, after closing the prison, the historical association sets up in its former address; symbolize the meaning of commemorating in order to express history in the cities and towns.  The 11 1918th of November - " The number yacht of the little baroness " disappears in lake Toluca, not obtaining the persons who have survived and yacht remains, the cause of the accident is not still clear.

 1972- Dahlia is induced her by every means Alessa 7 years old spares her the supernatural power.  Daliea adopt extreme means, and sets fire to boil the room sha, flower bud of A, against the lock in the little house on the lakeside with doctor Coifman --This fire makes half a quiet mountain range burnt.  1986 - " The silent hil " The first generation happens, heresy then determine to hold the second ceremony out of being helpless by every means 7 years later, let the remaining half be with Sameal supernatural powering, the child was born.  2000 ' one 2001 - James Sunderland will come " The silent hill " Looking for his wife who passed away.

The Opening

Part I. Silent Hill 2 – Restless Dreams

a. The Plot  James is the main character, who’s wife has been dead for three years. However, he received a piece of letter which was from his wife, Mary.  James decided to go back to the place they loved to go, Silent Hill, to find if Mary is alive or dead.  James arrived at Silent Hill and met the girl, Angela; a weird man called Eddie, and an important little girl, Laura, who knows James and Mary but not telling why.  James met a woman who looks so familiar with Mary, Maria. And Maria go with James to find the hotel James and Mary used to live.  However , they confronted the big monster, “Pyramid Head,” and Maria was killed.

 James kept finding the hotel himself then, but Maria, who should be dead, just appears in front of James but later is killed by “Pyramid Head” again and again.  Finally James found the hotel and the room they used to live, but the little girl Laura is already there.  Laura handed in a letter to James, which was written by Mary.  In the letter James found that Mary was dead, he will never see her again.  James wanted to leave, with a disappointment, but he found the hotel was setting on fire by Angela.  James saved Angela, who was going to commit suicide.  There are six kinds of endings which depend on player’s action.

The Characters James Sunderland Age : 29 Job : Clerk

 The main character who cannot forgets the death of his wife.  In fact, he is the man who killed his own wife because her illness. The letter he received was just an illusion.

Mary Sheperd- Sunderland Age : 25 Job : Housewife

 James’s wife who has been dead three years ago.  She is ill that she ask James to leave her but still need James in her time of death. And she dies with this agony.

Maria Age : 25 Job : Dancer

The woman who takes after Mary so much. She companies with James, and she was killed by “Pyramid Head” again and again.

Laura Age : 8

 The only one who does not have darkness in her heart in Silent Hill.  She was in the same hospital with Mary. And she plays an important role in this game.

Angela Orosco Age : 19 Job : Student

 The first one James met at Silent Hill.  She is a girl who will never be happy. She killed her father for being abused by him.  She ran away and missed in Silent Hill, then she met James.

Eddie Dombrowski Age : 23 Job : Gas station employee

A guy who is terrified of getting hurt. He cannot control himself when he is angry.

b. The Monsters  Lying Figure DESCRIPTION : Attacks by spewing a poisonous mist. Falls to a prone position and moves by crawling along the ground. METAPHOR : A being that represents the image of a patient writhing in agony. A manifestation of James' suffering.

 Creeper DESCRIPTION: An insect-like creature that moves with great speed. METAPHOR: It may be that since it also appears in the preceding work, it originates from a particularly potent aspect of the town's power.

Mannequin DESCRIPTION: Reacts strongly to light and comes alive when approached. METAPHOR: A manifestation of James' natural urges and inclinations. Accordingly, it is abused by Pyramid Head.

Pyramid Head DESCRIPTION: With Great Knife and spear, he stalks Maria unrelentingly. METAPHOR: Takes the appearance of an executioner of times past, but is actually incarnated from the part of James' consciousness that feels that he deserves punishment.

 Bubble Head Nurse DESCRIPTION: Attacks by swinging the iron pipe it carries. METAPHOR: Its grotesquely swollen head faces the wrong way. A being that is suggestive of Mary's hospitalization.

 Flesh Lip DESCRIPTION: Lattice-based monster that hangs from the ceiling and attacks. METAPHOR: The lattice, which signifies a bed, and the "mouth" located on the abdomen symbolize Mary.

 Mandarin DESCRIPTION: Hangs from a mesh grating by the tips of its arms and reaches out to attack with its tentacles. METAPHOR: Symbolizes a mind that is stricken by suffering yet is unable to acknowledge it. For this reason, it is unable to stand above ground.  Thomas Orosco – Abstract Daddy DESCRIPTION: Attacks by attempting to grab and envelop its victim. METAPHOR: On top of its bed-like form are two covered reclining figures. A symbol of Angela's past.

Eddie DESCRIPTION: Eddie in a totally madness status. LOCATION: End of the Toluca prision.

Maria / Mary DESCRIPTION: Hangs in the air and attacks with a vine-like tentacle. She is accompanied by insects METAPHOR: A being of conflicted emotions that has to do with James' wife at her hour of death. Her face is like the Virgin Mary's, and her posture is reminiscent of a crucifixion.

Part II. Literature in Games

a. Genre & The Gods of Silent Hill From adventure game to survival horror • Genres cited include action, adventure, fighting, puzzle, role-play, simulation, sports and strategy games. • More specifically, Silent Hill is a horror adventure series, a genre informed in graphics, iconography, themes and narrative. • An understanding of the survival horror template helps appreciate the Silent Hill games’ structure. Each game involves fighting monsters and solving puzzles. Action is divided between the maze-like streets of Silent Hill and the town’s equally maze-like tourist attractions, public buildings and apartment blocks. • Understanding a game texts’ specific location within video game genres and culture aids appreciation of their gaming content.

The Gods of Silent Hill Samael  Samael is an important figure in Talmudic and post-Talmudic lore, a figure who is accuser, seducer, and destroyer. Legends mentioning Satan refer equally to him, such that Samael is often taken to be the true or angelic name of the Devil.  Samael is the name of a former Hebrew archangel and angel of death. In the first Silent Hill Dahlia Gillespie refers to the marking Alessa spreads over town as "The Mark Of Samael", and leads Harry to believe that Alessa is a demon herself. The fact is that Samael is only mentioned in Silent Hill 1.

Metatron  Metatron is another archangel mentioned in the series, known to be a messenger for Yaweh in Abrahamic religions and is consider to be 'Lesser Yaweh' himself. It is also important to note that both Metatron were described by Hiroyuki Owaku (Silent Hill scenario writer) as "agents of God" in the Book of Lost Memories.  Metatron appears as the most earthly of Archangels, as he was once a wise and virtuous man whom God took up into Heaven. He is richly attired and holds a pen in one hand as he records our deeds in the Book of Life. He has the ability to help us know the true measure of things.

Hierarchy of Angels Seraphim Metatron Sandalphon Michael Gabriel Raphael Camael Nathanael Barakiel Cherbim Hayyoth Raphael Jophiel Uriel Metatron Raziel Uzziel Zadkiel Ariel Ofanim Japhkiel Raphael Raziel Dominions Anael Raphael Zadkiel Virtues Barbiel Melchizedek Michael Gabriel Raphael Uzziel Virtues Barbiel Melchizedek Michael Gabriel Raphael Uzziel Powers Cassiel Raphael Camael Principalities Nisrok Anael Archangels Raguel Remiel Sariel Tyrael Michael Gabriel Uriel Raphael Metatron Anael Raziel Angels Archon Lailah Sraosha Af Armaiti Abraxas Victor Iniaes Moroni Dubbiel Nasargiel 以諾書中的天使 -Enoch's Angels

b. The endings James is forced to see Maria die one last time, and then he fights an evil incarnation of either Mary or Maria, depending on a few player actions during the game.

Leave • •

He leaves this town as a man who has accepted reality. It is the most beautiful ending because James is pardoned by his wife, and starts to live for him. Also, he takes Laura and they leave the town together, as Mary wants.

In Water • •

He came to this town to take his own life in a place of memories. It is the tragic ending. James, sorry and sad, with the idea of no life without Mary, takes Mary and, with her, drives his car directly to the lake, meeting with Mary.

Maria • A man who has murdered his wife a second time continues to live immersed in a delusion. • In this ending we can see how James search his own well-being. At the end, when she kills Mary again, she obtains a "price": Maria, sexual Mary version. Not all is perfect, because when James and Maria are leaving the town, Maria starts to show disease signals. This means Maria will fall sick some day, as Mary... Rebirth • To resurrect his wife, he carries out a forbidden ritual. • The darkest ending. James takes her wife and arrive to one small island in the middle of the Toluca Lake. There, he makes the ritual to bring to life the deads. Instead, the evil backs, envolving the town in darkness.

Leave ending & Mary’s letter

Conclusion  Silent Hill series is the most successful work of Konami, it is not only a video game, but also an artwork.  Although “Silent Hill” is produced by Konami corporation, a famous Japanese video games industry, but the storyline of this game is based on deep western literature, Christianity and narrative influence of video games on cultural forms.  We can carry nothing, including our own quality and knowledge, from this world. Therefore, we should try our best to do things meaningful through our short life time, and in that way, we will feel no regret and fear when we face death.  Through this story, we can know there is a true love between this couple, and it’s really touched.  A contented mind is a perpetual feast.

Discussion Do you learn any lesson from this story ? Please share with us. Do you consider the plot of “Silent Hill” a miserable failure ? And to what extent can James be defended ? Do you believe in fate ? Why ? Is there any person or affair makes you feel torturous ? How does it look like if it forms as a monster in a ghastly illusion world ? Have you ever experienced some incredible things or faced the dark side of you mind ?

References • • • • • • • • • • • • =1306042907241 =1105052103410

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