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You are enough! You are so enough, it's unbelievable how enough you are! Be yourself, everyone else is taken! Don't worry, don't hurry, trust the process

I AM GRATEFUL FOR YOU!!! now can YOU be grateful for YOU? I'll tell you why I'm grateful for you. Because you are terrified and still get up in the morning anyway. because you are unsure and you still move ahead. because you are doubtful but not settling. Because you are worried but you still have hope. We are spiritual beings having human experiences. That means all of your "fears" are just LEARNED HUMAN BEHAVIOUR. They are not who we are. They don't define us. The only thing that is asked of us is to keep showing up! Keep daring to know more! You got this! I'm grateful for you!!!!!!!!!!!

My dad just sent me this quote from a book he's reading called The Emerald Mile. I want to share this one with you now as I am deeply struck by it and it so applies to each of us as we are anticipating starting a new year: "Bernard Moitessier, the great French yachtsmen, discovered, while sailing around the world in his boat, Joshua, that winning a race had no connection with his true goal, which was to reach a point in space and consciousness that would enable him to bear witness to the beauty and the complexity of the natural world-and to glimpse, however briefly, the sort of person he might become if he permitted himself to cross a kind of international dateline of the soul and merge with those things. In the end, he realized, that the journey itself was the destination."

it is hard to want to communicate with dishonest people. dare to be authentic!!

Do this life for you! If you don't love you, you cannot help others from a genuinely LOVING place!

why keep yourself stuck in old patterns? DARE to do something in a new way!

It's all about surrendering to the moment. Guess what? if its happened, it's already in the past!

Be the kind of friend you want to have in your life. It shouldn't be complicated. If you love someone just love them!

pay attention to synchronicity!! It's showing up for a reason...

YOU are responsible for the energy you bring! No one else! Be conscious of being an energizer not someone who depletes!

WE get to choose. We GET to choose. We get to CHOOSE!!!

Don't you love the 1st of the month? We get these little "re-starts" throughout the year before the massive one... New Year!! Take advantage of the new month, let go of November, it's done, we did it, congrats to us! Renew your desire to be present! Renew your sense of life! Give yourself the space to practice what you want. Remember, YOU are responsible for the energy you bring to this life. No one else. YOU!!

Just answered your snail mails (I love real mail!) and I saw a similar theme in a lot of what you were writing. Many of you are asking about anxiety and fears etc... I just want to say that you aren't weird, strange or special that you struggle with anxiety. We all finding ourselves everyday and it's ok to remind ourselves sometimes every SECOND that YOU ARE ENOUGH. Wayne Dyer says that "doubt" is learned behaviour... interesting, right? It's NOT our birthright to be doubtful, but it IS our birthright to be joyous. That is our natural state of being. DONT WORRY DONT HURRY TRUST THE PROCESS!!!!

Happy Thanksgiving! Today we get to dedicate an entire day to practicing a life of gratitude. Let your ego mind take a break today and allow your higher self to be at the forefront of your thoughts! Recognize that you have been given so much. Reflect, and become aware of how EVERYTHING in your life is a gift DIVINELY CONSTRUCTED for you and only you! Share with each other and serve one another today. And enjoy this day. Whatever it brings! I'm grateful for the sun being out today. I'm grateful for the tree with yellow leaves outside my window. I'm grateful that I get to partake in delicious food and beverage with friends! I'm grateful that I sing for a living! I'm grateful that I am not alone on this earth. I'm grateful that I get another day to co create this life!!!! Happy Thanksgiving!!! Namaste!!

All relationships are assignments. Therefore we have something to learn from everyone! Who are your teachers you are grateful for today? Who taught you little things like how to eat a grapefruit? Lick an ice cream cone? Who introduced you to your favorite artist? Who LISTENED to you? Take a moment... thank them... thank yourself. This is gonna be a good place to start the day.

A note on relationships! Lovers, friends, family... each of these relationships are divinely constructed for us! We have spiritual contracts with people we have not even met yet! NO encounter is a chance encounter! Everyone is here to teach us something. We are reflections of each other. You see something in someone you don't like? Take a look at yourself! You see something in someone you love? Take a look at yourself! No one is alone on this planet. We are united in our being here in this lifetime. Enjoy one another and have grace. Namaste!

The most incredible poem by MARK NEPO. Oh wow.

Freefall by Mark Nepo

If you have one hour of air

And many hours to go, You must breathe slowly.

If you have one arm’s length and many things to care for, You must give freely.

If you have one chance to know God And many doubts, you must Set your heart on fire.

We are blessed.

Each day is a chance. We have two arms. Fear wastes air.

What do we mean when we say "sending you love"? I think it's simply that we are thinking deeply about loving each other and that vibration gets sent out through the universe, shoots through every star and moon and sun and creates a massive vibration all around the world! And it's FILLED with love. Our thoughts create our world! What you think about expands, so why not a loving thought? Therefore, I send you all love tonight!

A note on awareness: How many times have you walked in the park and not REALLY seen what was all around you? Especially in the fall, these GORGEOUS colors of leaves, it's a crime to not actually SEE. We honor what's been created by SEEING it and acknowledging it's existence. We must never take for granted what this earth has given. And in turn we

must be aware of our actions towards ourselves and other humans. How can you practice awareness in your own life? What have you glossed over lately? Where have you stopped really SEEING? Where have you stopped listening? Be your own teacher... get in tune with this earth, and get in tune with you! We are one! And go ahead, thank the trees for getting their GORGEOUS leaves on! Namaste!

A note on the words "unworthy" and "undeserving": have you ever defined yourself or someone else as this? Have you ever been defined as this? It's so important to understand that no human can call another human unworthy or undeserving. Who's to say what someone else is worthy of? Who's to say what someone else is deserving of? How can we know? How about KNOWING that we are ALL worthy of handling the lessons that are DIVINELY CONSTRUCTED for each of us! How about KNOWING that... don't believe it. Know it. Namaste!

A comment on "you are enough"... We can all sit up on a stage and talk about our resumes. We can tell you what our successes are. List them right off. But what I want to challenge you with is this: can you KNOW that you are enough without talking about your achievements? Can you trust that who you are without any fancy credentials is ENOUGH?? Because it's true. You are enough. And if people treat you as "less than" because they need more... Well you get to choose who you're around! Think about it today. Observe. And Namaste!

Start with gratitude. Just see where that takes you! If you start your day with 3 things that you are grateful for... fingers, toes, breathing... you are allowing your energy to start from a positive place. Go from there. See what happens. And along your way today, when things get tough, return to gratitude. Gratitude.

Stay present for YOURSELF today. Your thoughts are great, but don't always serve you in the moment. Happy @SuperSoulSunday too!

I don't fancy myself a very political person, but I do like to know what is going on in the world. And this morning I woke up with a deep sadness about what's going on in Russia regarding homosexuality. I have a hard time wrapping my brain around the extremity of the situation. I am profoundly sad for the people who have been tortured for their sexual preference. My spirit is crying out for these human beings. Every fiber of my being feels how utterly wrong this is. I cannot understand how humans can do this to humans. I went back to a quote from Mother Theresa when they asked her to march against the Vietnam war. She said “No. If you have a march against the war, sorry. But, if you have a march for peace, I will lead.” So here are some things that I am FOR. I am FOR loving one another I am FOR human rights! I am FOR acceptance of each other! I am FOR your right to stand up and be proud of who you love!! I am FOR your right to stand up and be proud of who you are! I am FOR peace starting from within I am FOR meditation and yoga to help center you and clear away any unhelpful, unloving thoughts I am FOR kindness I am FOR taking responsibility for the energy you bring to the world I am FOR choosing to be positive in the face of negativity I am FOR the idea that we are all created perfect because the Source that created us is perfect I am FOR the right to live fully as you were intended to be! I am FOR love. love. love. love!!!!!!!!!!! Can we all agree that in the face of the sadness that happens in this world, when we are just one person, that we MUST continue knowing that our individual work on ourselves (i.e. practicing being peaceful, loving and positive people) really does make a difference. If the

world is made up of energy, and WE are energy, than our LOVING energy WILL reach all parts of the world. It is our responsibility as human beings to care for this planet, for the animals, for the environment and for each other. We MUST start with the "man in the mirror"!!! As Ellen Degeneres says at the end of every show "be kind to one another". That's it. It IS that simple. Be kind. Be loving. Be mindful. I send you ALL love today and everyday. It doesn't FIX anything, but it's all a journey, and this is a good place to start. And Russian government? I send you the most loving energy of all... may you as individuals all look within and find the love that is inside of you, capable of conquering fear and hate and anger and ignorance. Namaste.

Hindi kailangan ng PRIDE sa isang RELASYON tandaan nagMAMAHALAN po kayo at hindi nagLALABA....

Panliligaw noon: - IGIB SA POSO - SIBAK NG KAHOY - BAYO NG PALAY Panliligaw ngayon: - HANAP


HATERS: H-Having A-Anger T-Towards E-Everyone R-Reaching S-Success

Advent hymnal Kindle Barcode scanner Bible Comic bible tagalog Clean master Candy crush Camera 360 Dumb ways

09175121212 Good Day po We would like to report the staffs of Adobo Connection SM Rosario, we went there October 15, 2014 around 8:30 PM. Isa po s mga inorder namin ay Fish & Tofu at nang iserve po samin yon ay walang kasamang chichadobo we noticed it when we're about to finish eating na. Then we told one of the helpers there and Pumunta siya sa cashier at sinabi nya sa isang babae doon na kakaiba ang uniform maybe she's the manager or something at pinaclarify at pinabalik sa amin ung helper to confirm the issue. After that, Nagulat kami nang biglang sumigaw yung babaeng iba ang uniform ng "Pahingi nga ng tatlong pirasong chichadobo!" sarcastically duh! she didn't have to shout at ipagdiinan ang 3pcs of crackers and we know na nagpaparinig coz the kitchen was just behind her, dinig ng lahat knowing na maliit lang ang place at they didn't shout that loud

when taking orders. Ang msama pa nito even the other staffs laughed and made us a bit of a laughingstock! We didn't know na 3 pcs lang pala un coz were holding a flyer with like 6 pcs of chichadobo (false advertisement!) at duh?! Wala kaming balak maghabol for just that! In the end they gave us 3 small pieces of chichadobo served on a plate and we just leave them on the table. Now the issues here are...Let's face it we're paying for overpriced food and all we get was that kind of service? You may say it's only a small thing but shouting, laughing and muttering about the customers? I can't see any good thing about that. And the worst part is mukang mataas pa ang posisyon ng pasimuno, hindi namin cla tinignan sa inis but we recognized her face may mole siya sa ilong. No wonder kung bakit wala masyadong sales ang Adobo Connection sa SM Rosario! And they just lose another group of customers! They have the fault and we know maliit na pagkakamali nila un but instead of saying "Sorry" and serving us better, that embarrassing experience is what we get?! Danggit! We hope to get a response from u if you read this and the actions you would take to prove your service.

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