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  • Words: 1,489
  • Pages: 20
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Introduction Role of consumer court Function Importance Objective, Consumers court complaint foram Need abt consumers court Benefit Unfair trade Conclusion

Consumer Court[1] is the special purpose court, in India, that deals with cases regarding consumer disputes and grievances. These are judiciary hearings set up by the government to protect the consumer rights. Its main function is to maintain the fair practices by the sellers towards consumers. Consumers can file a case against a seller if they are harassed or exploited by sellers. The court will only give a verdict in favour of the consumers/customers if they have proof of exploitation, i.e., bills or other documents. If a consumer does not have the proper documents required for filing a case then it would be very difficult for the consumer to win or even file a case.[2]



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Nowadays consumer is more knowledgeable and becomes more powerful because they have a right to take best goods and products from manufacturer and seller. Using its consumer rights, a consumer can become aggressive if he/she is not satisfied with service providers or product seller. It is the main reason for rampant of consumer complaints in the nation. Indian consumers who aware about their consumer rights will not accept any goods or services which quality and quantity are not up to proper with the amount they paid. Consumer courts are part of the Indian judiciary system which obliges different consumer grievances and disputes raised after exploitation on consumer rights. All consumer rights are protected by these consumer courts and it regulates the system so that fair solution of consumer complaints against manufacturers ordered by the judiciary of consumer courts It ensures that quality of product and services provided by manufacturer or seller





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There are three types of consumer courts in India which differ by a value of consumer cases. If the amount of consumer complaint is below 20lacs then its goes to District consumer court, If the vale of consumer complaint is between 20 lacs to 1 crore then it goes to State consumer court. If the value of consumer complaint is above 1 crore then it goes to National Consumer Court. In consumer court, a person can individually file a consumer complaint any district, state or national consumer court. It does not require service of any lawyers. Nominal fees require for filing consumer case in consumer court and it is available for everybody. You also need to send a complaint letter for reporting your complaint or filing a consumer complaint in consumer court.




Aside from consumer courts, there are many consumer complaints forum are running online where a consumer can get an appropriate information how to file consumer complaints and others. Voxya, is an example of such online consumer complaint forum. A consumer can file a complaint online here and find various topics to resolve their complaints.

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There are many rights for a man in India . He has the right get quality products from the sellers. Otherwise there are many means to ensure his rights in order to get products which are rich in quality as well as quantity. One of such effective means is consumer court in India. People can file a case against the defected product to consumer court with the complaint written in any language. It is sure that the clients will get perfect solution for the frustration that he had suffered in the past due to incomplete product or service. Consumer court has situated in every places of India. For good representation of the clients experienced lawyers are necessary. In order to get details of consumer court in Chennai clients can click here

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The complaints can be related with quality or quantity of products. Clients have to register the case with a small fee and wait for the call for hearing. It will happen within a month after filing the case. And the place of hearing will be in different places of same locality. There will be two to three hearings for a case. The fee remitted to file a consumer court India case is hundred rupees and complainant can write complaint in his local language. The working hours of consumer court in India is from 10 AM to 5 PM. This means that there is no hindrance for an Indian man to get his rights.Complainant can seek the assistance of a good lawyer. Path Legal is India’s No: 1 lawyers directory which is providing details about lawyers who are specialized in different sections of law.

(i) They guide consumers on how to file cases

in the

consumer court. (ii) On many occasions, they also represent individual consumers in the consumer courts. (iii) These voluntary organisations also receive financial support from the government for creating awareness among the people. (iv) It works for the protection of the consumer rights. (v) It imparts knowledge about consumer rights by writing articles and getting it published in newspaper.

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Better protection of intresst of consumer Protection of the right of the consumers (a) The right to be protected against marketing of goods which are hazardous to life and property (b)the right to be informed about the quality, quantity, potency, purity, standard and price of goods to products the consumers against unfair trade practices

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Consumer Court Complaint FormatTips on Suggested Consumer Court Complaint FormatIssue the notice before filing the complaint. Fill all the particulars specifically narrating all relevant facts. Attach the copy of the bill, copy of warranty/guarantee card, proof of payment made if any.Attache the copy of the notice and other communications like e-mail, SMS etc.Consumer Court Complaint Format can be filed before the court and followed for decision, in simple matters, it can be followed by the individual without any lawyer.

‘The Consumer Court of India’, is a legal institution mandated by the Indian Government in order to provide a venue for individual consumers who feel as though they have been subjected to illegal, unlawful, or unethical commercial practices within the Indian Commercial Marketplace:The notion of a Consumer Court is specific to only several countries and nations; oftentimes, commercial grievances are heard within other court settings that are typically not specific to consumer affairs; however, the instatement of a Consumer Court by the Indian Government in the middle of the 20th century allows for the protection and advocacy of Consumer’s RightsThe opportunity to present a case before the Consumer Court is considered to be a fairly accessible process; in the event that a consumer wishes to file a grievance before the Consumer Court, they will need to furnish a payment of 100 Rupees – claimants have the choice to hire an attorney or serve as their own legal representation

Common Cases Heard Before the Consumer Court of IndiaAlthough the Consumer Court of India is responsible for hearing all matters within the scope of Consumer Law within India, the following cases are amongst the most commonly-heard:The analysis and judicial review of the adulteration of ingredients is common within Consumer Court; suppliers and manufacturers of edible oil products will be cited with supplementin

No lawyer or agent is necessary for filling complaint or to make submissions If due to lawyers conduct consumer suffers, it is a deficiency in service open to redress Nominal fees payable No charge dispatching notice to opposite parties etc.

Unfair trade practice 1 

Adopting unfair methods or deception to promote sale use or supply of goods and servicesMisleading public about price (e.g barging price when it is not so)misleading public about another goods and services Falsely claiming a sponsorship, approveal or affliction Offering misleading warranty or guarantee

Unfair trade practices 2 

Sale of spurious or sub-standard goods and services Offering used or renovated goods as newUsing banned food colours Creating artificial scarcity of goods Offering, then withholding gift /prices

The law of Consumer Protection is intricate, spans various jurisdictions, and can be constantly changing. Despite all this, a law student or new attorney can better understand the field by following the tips identified in this Research Guide.

When researching in this field, remember the value of beginningresearch online for free. If no valuable search results are returned, then only some time has been lost. If, however, a researcher quickly identifies the applicable statute or regulation through the online search, time and cost can be saved. Likewise, secondary sources (specifically, on-point treatises) are critical to navigating the large amount of authority in this area of the law; these should be consulted. Follow up with traditional methods of legal research to see how the identified statute or regulation has been construed by courts of the applicable jurisdiction.

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