assert_contains asc assert_does_not_contain asdnc assert_same_elements asse assert_save assave assert_valid asv assert_sends_email asemail should change by shc should not change shc should_have_class_methods shhcm should_have_instance_methods shhim should_have_db_columns shhdc should_require_attributes shra should_ensure_length_in_range shel should_only_allow_numerical_values_for shoanvf should_require_unique_attributes shrua should_allow_values_for shav should_not_allow_values_for shnav should_change shc Should have named scope shhns asgv Assert good value asbv Assert Bad value assemail assert_sent_email ctrl-h rails documentation context block with setup cont context block get contg context block post contp should block sh should_assign to sha should render template shrt should redirect to shrt should_have_one shho should_belong_to shbt