Shot List

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 1,716
  • Pages: 4
Billy Burnside C Period Shot List Scene 1: 1. Side of car; close up of one wheel, and dust flying. Music like the radio is on. 2. Zoom out and slide to front view of car mid shot, focus on faces. 3. Zoom past faces on dust behind car. 4. Cross fade to dust behind the car view as car speed away. 5. Cut to below eye level view of car stopping right in front of camera. Scene 2: 1. Side view of car, passenger size; Ben gets out driver’s seat. He comes around the car and begins unpacking stuff from back seat. While Ben is doing this, Colin steps out of passenger seat and is examining the scenery. 2. Colin takes out two small bags, zooms in on Colin talking to Ben offstage. Then Colin starts walking with Ben who is now carrying huge bags over his shoulder. (Don’t show Ben unpacking all of the things.) 3. Colin asks where the camp will be. Ben gestures with his head in that direction. The start walking; camera stays still with knife in center of screen, no zoom. 4. Spin away transition into above eye level from trees filming Ben and Colin setting up camp. They discuss Ben’s college adventures while putting things in place. Ben says, “Hungry?” Scene 3: 1. Cut to close up of meal cooking on fire. 2. Slow pan to Ben and Colin eating in front of fire. Fire is only light source. Lower knees-up shot medium distance. They discuss tomorrow’s schedule. 3. When discussing peppermint oil, cut to over-the-shoulder shot of peppermint oil in his hand. They walk away from camera into tents in background. Scene 4: 1. Cross fade to sun rising. 2. Additive dissolve to close up of Colin asleep, drool coming out of his mouth. Cut to above eye level shot of Colin asleep in tent. 3. Behind shoulder following Ben up to Colin’s tent. 3. Cut to below eye level shot of tent doors closed, and then Ben throws them open and says his line. 4. Cut back down to Colin still “asleep.” 5. Cut back to Colin slowly moving, looks at watch. 6. Two-shot, side view of them talking in tent.

7. Close up of Colin disappointed with what is for breakfast. Scene 5: 1. Cross fade with face in same spot on camera but the facial expression has changed. 2. Slowly zoom out to show Colin looking down the barrel of a gun. 3. He says his line and Ben says his line of camera. Ben comes into camera frame of the shoulder of Colin. 4. Cut to Ben saying line. Cut back to Colin looking out at the forest behind the camera. 5. Cut to close up of Colin while Ben starts his line. He is then interrupted by Ben. 6. Pan forest landscape looking for anything moving. 7. Side angle shot of Colin aiming his gun around and Ben a few steps behind him. Ben says his line. 8. Close up of Colin lifting and aiming his gun. 9. Show forest with the man barely visible. Gun shot sound, and then you see the man fall slightly hidden behind a few trees. 10. Cut to Colin’s reaction as he runs up to man. 11. Behind shoulder shot of Ben unable to see what is happening behind trees. Colin gets up and walks towards Ben. He says his line and walks past the camera. 12. Above eye level shot of Ben walking up to body. 13. Below eye level shot from dead man’s point of view. Ben is looking down into camera. He says his line. Then Colin walks into frame and looks at dead man as well. Colin delivers his lines. 14. Cut to above Ben’s shoulder as he checks for ID. 15. Cut to Colin as he says his line, chest up. 16. Ben stands up, chest up. 17. They say a bunch of lines going back and forth for each line. 18. Ben starts walking, zooms to close up of Ben’s neck up. Colin is still saying his line. 19. Ben turns and camera shows Colin far off with the gun ready to fire. You see Ben toss Colin his pistol. Ben then turns back to camera. You hear a gunshot and you see Ben’s jump in fear. 20. Cut to Colin above the dead body, he says his line. 21. Waist up of Ben, who now turns to Colin and says his line. 22. Cuts to Colin foot up as he delivers his own monologue. 23. Cut to head shot of Ben saying, “What?” 24. Cuts back to Colin as he struts around still talking. 25. Cuts back to Ben already far off running away. 26. Ben running towards camera, Colin behind him in the distance. 27. Quick different cuts of him running. (First person, running in place, above eye level, below eye level, Dutch-tilt, etc.) 28. Occasional cuts of Colin chasing him. 29. Ben runs onto frame with hole at foreground and where he came from in the background. He comes onto frame from right. 30. Colin comes onto screen behind hole, says his line and runs off screen left. 31. Cut to close up of Ben hoping Colin has moved on. 32. Medium shot of Ben catching his breath and falling asleep.

Scene 6: 1. Cut to sun setting and/or rising to show passing of time. 2. Body shot of Ben waking up and walking around. 3. Cut to Ben walking toward body. Body shot of him kneeling down picking things up. 4. Close up of him finding things in dead man’s pockets. 5. He finds the slingshot, stands up. Head shot of him firing nothing through the slingshot at the camera. 6. Cut to him walking back, he takes a drink of water and keeps walking. 7. Ben walks onto frame of hole in dead zone. 8. He is looking at his stuff. He says his line about the slingshot. 9. Cut to behind shoulder of him with a rock in the slingshot and firing it at a tree trunk. 10. He misses a few times, and then he hits the tree. 11. Close up of face as he gets an idea. 12. He stands up, puts on the hat, and walks off frame. 13. Cut to him running towards camera. He stops behind a tree. 14. Close up of him behind tree. He peeks around tree trunk, as he does this, camera slides sideways to reveal Colin’s camp. 15. Close up of Colin sitting on his chair slightly sideways from camera. 16. Cuts back to Ben returning back behind the tree, he says his line, then turns and pulls back his slingshot. He fires it. 17. Cut to Ben facing camera, medium shot, the rock goes two feet forward. He returns behind tree. 18. Cut back to behind tree of him reloading slingshot. 19. Again he turns, camera still behind him, and he fires another shot missing long behind Colin. 20. Cut to Colin in center of frame. You see the rock hit something behind him, but he doesn’t notice. 21. Again he reloads behind tree. He turns and fires. 22. Cut back to Colin, being hit by the rock and falling back in his chair. He gets up quickly and gets ready to fire scanning forest. 23. First person view of Colin, panning around forest looking for Ben. 24. Cut to Ben behind tree in foreground on left side of camera, Colin is in background on the right side of the camera. Camera moves from right to left as characters switch side of camera screen. 25. In same cut, you see part of the bark behind Ben fly off the tree. 26. He runs away toward his hole. 27. Cut back to Colin after a few gunshots, he lowers his gun and says his line. 28. Cut back to Ben already far away still running into the forest. 29. Transition as Colin slowly walks back to his tent. Scene 7: 1. Opens the scene with him practicing with his slingshot. He is getting better. 2. Cuts of trail mix bags slowly fading into less and less amounts of food. 3. Couple of cuts of him trying to start a fire with sticks and other methods.

4. Music is playing. 5. Cuts to him hitting something on a tree trunk with pin point accuracy. He turns and clutches his stomach from hunger and says his line to himself. 6. He turns and starts walking towards Colin’s camp. 7. Cuts to Colin inside his tent. Something hits the outside of the tent and starts Colin. He gets out of tent and you see Ben far off with his slingshot just fired. 8. They stare at each other for a couple of cuts. 9. Then Colin raises his gun. 10. Cut to Ben diving behind a tree trunk as you hear a gunshot. 11. Close up of Ben gathering rocks behind tree trunk. 12. Camera rises to show Colin above tree trunk in the distance. 13. They both yell out their lines and each other. 14. Close of Colin saying his next line. He again raises his gun. 15. You see what will end up being a scope of Colin’s rifle on Ben’s hat sticking out above the tree trunk. 16. Close up of Colin about to pull the trigger. Music climbs. 17. Cut to close up of Colin’s lips saying, “Good Bye, Ben.” 18. Cut back to Colin’s scope. You see something brown come over scope right before a gunshot. 19. Camera quickly cuts to show Ben over Colin with a tree branch he used to knock Colin out. Below eye level shot of Ben kneeling down saying his last line to Colin. He stands up. 20. Cut back to behind tree trunk showing hat suspended in air with a tree branch. 21. Above eye level of Ben slowly walking back to Colin’s tent. 22. Fade out to end scene. . Scene 8: 1. Body shot of Inn-N-Out worker taking food to booth. Waiter says line. 2. Cut to across table shot of Ben saying his line looking up at waiter. He takes food, looks at it, and starts eating. 3. Camera fades out.

The End (Credits) (Bloopers)

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