Short Codes

  • May 2020
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SUMOTEXT, Inc. 2100 Riverdale, Suite 200 Little Rock, AR 72202 1.800.480.1248

SUMOTEXT, Inc. is a short code application provider that enables any business to instantly launch product offers, promotions, and time-sensitive alerts into the mobile channel – a channel previously only accessible by the largest brands and media companies. By reserving and promoting identifiable keywords on one of our mobile short codes, our clients leverage our platform, carrier relationships, and campaign management tools to begin engaging their most valued customers on their mobile device.

© 2008 SUMOTEXT, inc.

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INTRODUCTION About Us SUMOTEXT provides the short codes, SMS gateway, and campaign management tools that marketers and organizational leaders need to attract, identify, and engage mobile audiences. No other channel (radio, TV, print, internet) can compete with the cost-effectiveness of text message marketing. With SUMOTEXT, customer loyalty and rewards initiatives can be planned and launched in minutes. Campaigns can send text messages that contain exclusive offers, invitations, and mobile coupons, or can engage audiences with interactive voting polls, contests, and links to mobile web sites. For organizational leaders, no other channel offers the immediate or ubiquitous reach of a text message alert. Our powerful keyword and group management controls streamline communications and keep dispersed groups organized, connected, and informed.

Our Client’s Problem The Pareto Principle – also known as the Law of the Vital Few – states that 80% of your sales come from 20% of your customers. This principal was the foundation for the gaming industry’s most successful marketing strategy ever – the ‘Player’s Club’. While similar customer identification strategies have since been adopted by most other business sectors, until now, email and direct mail were the only channels capable of leveraging these rich databases with targeted communications. With e-mail read rates for marketers down to 5%, and the high-costs, long lead times, and even lower read rates associated with direct mail, marketers need a more efficient and effective channel to attract and reward their most valued customers.

The Benefits of Text Message Marketing When your customer opts-in to your marketing campaign or alert service over a Short Code: You’ve identified someone very likely to buy, attend, or participate. You’ve received permission to send them text messages You can reach them instantly - anytime and anywhere - with a 95% read rate You instill trust in your brand by providing them a reliable method to ‘Opt-Out’ at any time

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INDUSTRY EXPERTISE SUMOTEXT is not a sales organization private-labeling another company's SMS gateway We designed, built, operate, support, and enhance our own SMS gateway. We offer our clients a 100% proprietary solution that includes both ‘packaged’ and ‘custom’ applications to manage text message marketing and alert programs over common short codes. Each of our packaged solutions is 'ready-to-go' and provides our clients the reliability, real-time compliance, and flexibility they expect from industry experts who do nothing but SMS over short codes. We have direct relationships with aggregators, wireless carriers, and exclusive industry organizations that keep us ahead of the issues, trends, and emerging technologies related to SMS over short codes.

COMPETITIVE AND SUSTAINABLE PRICING We do not attempt to buy market share with unsustainable pricing proposals We are a high-volume application provider. We purchase millions of SMS transactions each month from network operators. Through the combined message traffic of our clients, we achieve volume discounts from aggregators and network operators only achievable by the largest media companies.

COMPLIANCE Our System was designed to impress and protect your customers. Our system was designed to keep our clients compliant with the FTC's CAN-SPAM Act, the Mobile Marketing Association's Code of Conduct, and the most stringent of all Operational Playbooks published by any wireless carrier. The SUMOTEXT system auto-formats messages differently for each wireless carrier to ensure continued compliance and adds "Reply STOP. to Cancel" to the end of each message. This provides your customers a constant reminder that they are in complete control of the experience. SERVICE AND SUPPORT Our small, but experienced staff of engineers and subject matter experts support clients that include Fortune 500 organizations, national political campaigns, professional sports venues and teams, directselling organizations, national retail and restaurant brands, as well as local school systems, megachurches, and non-profits. Select client references are available at

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MOBILE MARKETING BASICS Call to Action A ‘Call to Action’ invites customers to opt-in (join) to a text message marketing campaign or alert service by texting a specific Keyword to a Short Code. This can be done via an email campaign, by personal invitation from an employee, or through in-store signage. For signage examples and access to editable artwork, please visit: Typical Scheduled Message “ABC Retail Store: Look POSH in our new selection of Denim by Victoria Beckham. 3 new styles just arrived! So cute – and perfect for any season. Open until 9:00 tonight! Reply Stop.ABC to Cancel.”

Road Rules Consumers must ‘Opt-in’ to a Short Code program from their mobile device before they can be sent anything. Even an initial message that asks for permission is considered SPAM. Consumers must ‘double' opt-in (confirm their intent to subscribe by replying "YES" to a welcome message) to any program that charges fees or any standard rated program when the subscriber opts-in from a web form. All programs with recurring messages (even standard rated programs) must provide the frequency of alerts ("Max 8x/mth"), the cost disclosure ("Std msg charges apply"), as well as instructions for how to get help or quit the service ("Reply STOP to end or HELP for help") in the Opt-In confirmation message. All subscription services with recurring messages (even standard rated programs) must contain “Reply STOP to Cancel” in each and every message sent from the system. All programs must support the universal commands STOP, QUIT, END, CANCEL, UNSUBSCRIBE, STOP ALL, and HELP.

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FULL CAMPAIGN EXAMPLE Example – Black Tie Casino 1.

Black Tie Casino chooses a unique keyword to identify not only themselves (like BLACKTIE), but possibly a particular list or interest group. For example: BTPOKER


Client offers exclusive access, status, news, service or discounts to customers willing to opt-in (join/subscribe).


A customer opts-in by texting a keyword (BTPOKER) to a Short Code (e.g. 74700) from their mobile phone. NOTE: A user could also opt-in from a web form to submit additional data (e.g. player’s reward card #).


System SMS Response: "(1/2) Black Tie Casino: Thanks! You’re confirmed. Mobile Loyalty & Rewards (max 8x/mth). Reply STOP to end or HELP for help. Std msg charges apply.”


Auto-Campaign: “(2/2) Black Tie Casino: In appreciation for joining, please show this mobile coupon at the box office for $10 off any show – tonight only! Reply STOP.BTPOKER to end.”


First SMS Campaign: “Black Tie Casino: Texas Holdem Tournament Friday at 7:00PM in Tunica. $100 entry fee. Grand Prize $10,000. Reply STOP.BTPOKER to cancel.”


Opt-Out Process: The user decides to unsubscribe by replying “STOP” to an SMS message.


System SMS Response: “You are subscribed to multiple services on this short code. Reply STOP.ALL, STOP.BTPOKER, or STOP.BTSLOTS.


Opt-Out: The user replies to the SMS “STOP.BTPOKER”.


System SMS Confirmation: “Thanks. You have been un-subscribed from keyword BTPOKER.”

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Campaign Management Tools To manage your campaigns, SUMOTEXT provides a suite of .NET software applications. All of these applications are 'ready to go' with all of the features and functions that marketers and organizational leaders need to instantly launch their mobile loyalty, rewards, and alert programs. However, unlike other packaged solutions that are 'ready to go', our platform was architected to support the inevitable need for customization. Though each of our packaged applications share and leverage the basic features required to manage shared or dedicated short codes, our unique application framework allows us to release and support a multitude of front end variations - some designed for specific industries, and some for specific clients. When combined with our published web services and API's, our clients can leverage all the benefits of a packaged solution partner without sacrificing creative control.

SMS Gateway The SUMOTEXT SMS gateway houses our data layer and SMS transaction engine. The gateway provides distributed connectivity to aggregators and flexible access for integration with external systems and data sources. The gateway is managed by a highly sophisticated business logic layer that allows our campaign management tools be leveraged across a broad customer base and geography. For example, business rules can be defined that process and route SMS transactions differently based on the country, aggregator, short code, keyword, client ID, program ID, or carrier ID. Our gateway’s distributed network architecture maintains multiple SMPP binds to our SMS aggregation partners with service level agreements that can support a throughput of up to 40 messages per second. In the U.S., this provides our clients an authorized and reliable 2-way connection with over 98% of mobile subscribers in the United States including: AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, Verizon, Alltel, Virgin Mobile, Cellular South, Boost Mobile, Midwest Wireless, Suncom, US Cellular Corp., and Cincinnati Bell.

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1. Compliance SUMOTEXT was designed to impress our clients and their customers. Using our tools, our clients stay in compliance with the FTC’s CAN-SPAM Act, the Mobile Marketing Association's Code of Conduct, and the most stringent of all 'Operational Playbooks' published by any wireless carrier. Our software only sends and receives SMS over a Short Code and only allows our clients to send text messages to customers who have subscribed to their service from their mobile device.

2. End-User Opt-In There are two (2) ways end-users can ‘Opt-in’ (subscribe) to a marketing campaign or alert service: 1) By texting a Keyword to one of our Short Codes, or 2) by submitting information through a web form (then confirming that intent by replying “YES” from the mobile phone). NOTE: Our system automatically creates a custom opt-in web form for each keyword! Demos: From your mobile phone

Demos: From your browser

Text: HR

To: 74700

Text: Staffing

To: 74700

Text: Food

To: 74700

Text: Retail

To: 74700

3. End-User Opt-Out Our system adds "Reply STOP. to Cancel" to each message sent. This provides your customers a constant reminder that they are in complete control of the experience. The system also supports the generic SMS message commands STOP, QUIT, END, and HELP. If a user is subscribed to multiple keywords and sends or replies ‘STOP’, the system will respond with a list of keywords the user is subscribed to and the option to: STOP.ALL or STOP., STOP., etc.

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4. Sub-Accounts In addition to typical ‘Master Account’ login credentials which can access and manage all keywords associated with an account, the SUMOTEXT system also supports sub accounts – i.e. the assigning of login credentials to individuals with permission to only access and manage particular keywords within the account. NOTE: This is a valuable feature for corporate leaders who may want to provide limited access to department heads or location managers while maintaining ‘Enterprise’ control.

5. Group Management Within each keyword subscriber list, the SUMOTEXT system allows the additional segmentation of subscribers into sub-groups. These groups can be auto-organized by parameters collected through the SUMOTEXT web form, through custom web forms provided by our clients, or by integration with existing CRM applications through simple web services or application programming interfaces (API’s). NOTE: This is a valuable feature for campaigns that want to target specific groups of known customers, employees, or constituents within a single keyword subscriber list.

6. Sending and Scheduling Messages After the system’s default settings are configured; account managers can send messages without even accessing the system’s software interface. For example: By texting “Send..” from a mobile device with system credentials, the system will respond with an SMS that says “The next message you send to this short code will be relayed to everyone in ..” . NOTE: This is a valuable feature for emergency alerts or when managers are in remote locations without internet access. The system’s software interface also easily creates and schedules outbound message for future dates and times. Scheduled messages can also be set to repeat (recur) M-F, weekly, or monthly. NOTE: This is a valuable feature for regularly scheduled conference calls or team meetings

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7. Campaign Modes At all times, the system ‘Opts-in’ subscribers who text a Keyword to the Short Code or who confirm their intent to subscribe by replying YES (for customers who opt-in via a web form). However, each keyword can also operate in 1 of 3 modes. Depending on which operational mode the keyword is currently in, the user will receive different SMS content after subscribing: Standard Mode – This default system mode allows an ‘Auto-Campaign’ message to be sent to new subscribers only. For example: “In appreciation for joining our VIP club, please show this message to your server for a free dessert!” If that mobile device ever opts-in again, the system will prevent them from receiving the auto-campaign. NOTE: This valuable feature can be turned ‘on’ or ‘off’ and prevents end-users from abusing campaigns that provide rewards to new subscribers. Contest Mode – When an end-user texts a keyword that is in ‘Contest Mode’, the system will auto-respond with a ‘Winner’ or ‘Loser notification message based on the contest criteria. Definable criteria include the total number of winners allowed (e.g. 10), the frequency (e.g. 1 out of 100), and whether or not to allow multiple entries. NOTE: Contests are the best way to quickly grow mobile subscriber databases!

Vote Mode – When an end-user texts a keyword that is in ‘Vote Mode’, the system will autorespond with a question with up to 4 possible responses. For example: “Who should win the employee of the week? Reply A) Tim Jones, B) Martha White, C) Sally Baxter, or D) Tom Hughes Upon a response of A, B, C, or D – the system follows with a confirmation message and track all results until the vote has been reset.

8. Keyword! Inbox & Group Collaboration When a user sends an SMS to the short code that begins with a keyword followed by an exclamation point (e.g. “BTPOKER!”), the system takes the entire message and 1) Logs and displays the message in the ‘Keyword! Inbox’, and 2) Optionally forwards the message to any defined email address, mobile phone, or keyword group.

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9. Mobile Web Site For each keyword in our system, SUMOTEXT also hosts a mobile web site with a simple interface to edit and add content including pictures. Example: NOTE: This is a great tool for retail stores to SMS a link to pictures of new items!

10. Reporting & Queries The SUMOTEXT system provides immediate access to searchable, criteria-driven, filterable reports on all message events in the system through a paralleled archive database. This allows our clients to run large reports without interfering with normal system performance. Message Transaction Reports columns include: Delivery Status – Recipient – Mobile Number – Carrier – Event Name – Event Date – Scheduled Date – Time Zone – Ticket Number – Ticketed Date – Response Code – Response Code Description The system also provides a powerful interface to perform ad hoc searches on subscribers in the system based on unique criteria. When the results are returned, selected subscribers can be added to groups for targeted marketing campaigns.

For example, A retail clothing boutique may search for subscribers who are over 35 years of age, wear sizes 2-4, who have opted-in in the last 30 days, and who have received less than 10 campaign offers. When those results are returned, those subscribers can be automatically added to a new group that today’s blast can target.

© 2008 SUMOTEXT, inc.

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