Shiwli Interpretations

  • November 2019
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Planetary Yogas Damaruka Yoga Out of the three parts of life, the first part will be the best part for you. During the middle part (between age-periods 24 and 48 years approx), your progress might be hindered owing to change of circumstances on which you may have no control. The results of this yoga will be modified if some favourable yogas are present in the chart.

Malavya Yoga This fortunate combination will bestow on you an extra-ordinary strength of will. You will not only possess physical strength but also have the courage of convictions. You will be learned, wealthy, renowned and respected by all.

Anivahuppu Yoga This is a fortunate combination. You will have certain distinctive qualities and special accomplishments. You will be a self-made person and will rise to a higher station in life by your own endeavours. You will become a very prominent person in your own field and people will treat you with great respect

AmarAnant Dhana Yoga This is a highly fortunate combination. You had been born in a very wealthy family and will earn a vast amount of wealth in your life by your own endeavours. You will spend a pleasant and luxurious life with ease and all sorts of comforts

Bandhu Pujya Yoga This is a good combination. You will have high accomplishmentsfor which your friends and relatives will treat with respect.

Sada Sanchara Yoga This combination offers mixed influences. You may be engaged in a profession that commands extensive touring and travelling




Results of Planetary Aspects Sun Opposition Saturn You have a hunger for variety which will make you change your professions. You are a hard working person, though the rewards of your hard work may take some time to materialise. Your health needs to be watched over. You might have to face some disappointments and hurdles in your path. You are also inclined towards spirituality and meditation which will greatly benefit you.

Mercury Semi Square Mars When Mercury and Mars Semi Square up to each other, you might become over sensitive and prone to exhibiting unpleasant emotions. Keeping a control over your emotions will help you gain the object you desire.

Venus Sextile Mars Venus in sextile Mars infuses in you a spirit of adventure which propels you towards perilous ventures where you often succeed. Your creative urges are also quite strong and you could very well taste success in a venture involving the use of your creative faculties. Financially too, you are well-off. As a person, you share congenial relations with friends and are romantically inclined towards the opposite sex.

Jupiter Square Rahu You are a passionate person. Often, you will find opportunities and good luck come calling. You will develop novel ideas and will try to implement them practically. You will keep on improving yourself and will learn from observing others, especially children.

Jupiter Sextile Uranus You are an enthusiastic person. You will excel in a technical profession. You have a set of goals and you know how to go about them. With your positive attitude you will influence your peers who in turn will respect you. It will be through surprising developments that your financial position improves.

Jupiter Semi Square Neptune You will become a helpful person. People will respect you for your generosity and attitude. You are very confident but take care not to allow over-enthusiasm to get better of you.




Moon Sextile Neptune You have a very receptive mind. Being sensitive and drawn towards spirituality, you will have a keen interest in poetry and music. Your sympathetic nature will manifest itself in your helping attitude towards others. You are also endowed with psychic powers.

Moon Trine Pluto The emotional aspect of your personality stimulates your sensitivity. You can often base your judgements on your reliable intuitive powers. Your domestic life will be harmonious.

Ketu Semi Sextile Uranus You possess immense energy and you are well aware of it. Due to the Semi Sextile and Trine Aspects of Uranus to Ketu and Ketu, you will be interested in humanitarian and social activities. With your personal charm and brilliant ideas, you will hog the limelight and will go a long way.

Ketu Semi Square Neptune The Semi Square Aspect of Neptune to Ketu/Ketu will help you view a thing from different angles. Your activities will often be according to your ideals and the results will always be satisfactory for you. In the process, you may want to grab more power which you can achieve with adequate planning and tact.

Uranus Semi Square Pluto Due to the Semi Square Aspect of Pluto, you may want to reconsider too often some of your personal priorities. Sometimes you will be prone to parting ways with your close friends, so be on your guard. You will remain healthy and enjoy a more or less contented family life.

Neptune Sextile Pluto Due to the Sextile Aspect of Neptune to Pluto, you will be highly interested and talented in Philosophy and Psychology. Sometimes, you will go through difficult times so you need to improve your confidence.




Predictions Specific Characterstics You are a sober and placid in temperament, devoid of unruly passion and excess. You will figure in institution re-unions and social gatherings. You are even and temperate, bright, cheerful, artistic and humane. You will excel in industrial sciences and decorative arts. You have a taste of construction and will gain property. You have an independent spirit, penetrating mind and a capacity of assimilation. You will be fond of solitude and of learned society. Your mind is bent on scientific and psychological pursuits. Although slow, you will surely be a success. Your characteristics are extreme patience and great depth of thought. Your inventive faculty applied to research in medical fields, mathematics, astronomy and occult subjects will be productive of success. You will enjoy a fair name and good reputation. You will be changeful in fancy, inclined to the lugubrious, to strange terrors and weird experiences, visions and hallucinations. You will be melancholic individual, disposed to solitude and nocturnal life / work. You may have peculiar and fantastic appetites and some women may try to cause you harm. Your eyesight may be somewhat affected. You are likely to have long distance or overseas journeys on professional, cultural or religious errand.

Mental Qualities You will have a quiet, happy disposition with love for humanising influences, surrounding and pursuits. You will be kind, humane and patient. You will be choosy in selecting friends and will have lasting friendship with a few people. You will have interest in classic literature and theoretical sciences. Astronomy and cosmology may be of interest to you. You may have interest in singing and music too.

Physical Attributes According to your Horoscope, you will have a tall, well-proportioned figure with clear complexion, blue eyes and flaxen hair. You may have defective teeth and/ or dental problems. The shank proportion of your legs ( left in the case of male and right in the case of female) may have some afflictions.

General State of Health Your zodiacal sign rules over the thyroid gland which regulates the body's




metabolism. Your throat and neck, larynx, vocal chords, jugular vein, chin, lower jaw and the ears are the areas which may need medical attention during some time of your life. Your skin is also a vulnerable area. You must remain careful for any early-stage symptoms which may get aggravated if not attended promptly. You should eat red gram (dal), beans and wheat. Almonds, apricots, mint and cherries are very good for you.Since the Ascendant has no affliction in your chart, you will be in good health. Since the Moon bears no affliction in your chart, you are less likely to suffer from any disease resulting from environmental causes.Since Saturn afflicts the Sun in your chart, you may suffer from colds, contractions and obstructions; constipation and general weakness are possible too.Since Mars and Saturn both afflict the sign Taurus in your chart, your neck and throat portions are likely to be affected.Since Mars and Saturn both afflict the sign Leo in your chart, the part of the body prone to affections is the belly region.Since Mars and Saturn both afflict the sign Scorpio in your chart, your generative organs and excretory system are prone to affections.

Education & Profession You are fairly intelligent and can grasp things quickly. But you may not have that much of patience and may not wish to waste your precious years. You may not complete your College education and opt for leaving it like many other celebrities did. You will have a successful career in a field where the prime criterion is not high education but certain special abilities are needed. The planetary combinations in your chart make you specially suited for the Technological fields. You will be very inquisitive not only about the principles but also with the working mechanisms involved. In addition to a basic degree in Science you may have a degree/ diploma in Technology. The planetary combinations in your chart bestow on you the qualities of a born businessman. You will be quick to learn the aspects of trade and commerce. You will make a fortune by trading and/ or manufacturing activities. As usual in business you may have to pass through some slack patches when you will need to excercise control although during the most part you will do brisk business.

Wealth & Inheritance As regards family-wealth, you will have your needs more than adequately satisfied. You will go places travelling in a pleasant way. As regards domestic




environment, the family-members will of amiable disposition, will possess fruitful intellect, and will have a cordial and peaceful relationship among themselves. In your chart the lord of earnings placed in the favourable 9th house has given rise to auspicious 'Dhana-Yoga' ensuring influx of money through various sources. But you should not be overly optimistic in speculative investments as chances of incurring losses are also there; you may have some problems from foreign lands or distant inland places and during long journeys.The favorable lines for you are institutes for higher learning, charitable organizations, museums, libraries, foreign affairs, evangelistic foundations, etc. In your chart the lord of inheritance being placed in the Ascendant is a very fortunate indication in respect of inheritance. You will not only have substancial property from your parents but also will receive a legacy through your marriage-partner who will have an aristocratic background. In one respect you should remain careful that you will be prone to accidental mishaps, which can inflict head-injuries.

Marriage & Married Life Your chart indicates that you will be married at normal age-period. In your chart the Ascendant-lord and the 7th-lord are in Quintile aspect. This indicates a favourable and lasting relationship. Both the partners will have concern and considerations for each other. Mutual love and affection will keep you cheerful and in spirit. You will have a happy family-life.

Travel & Journeys In your chart most of the planets are situated in moveable and/ or common signs. This will make you a born wanderer who will have many changes in life. You will have many journeys in connection with your profession; you will also have travels and tours for pleasure and profit.

Lucky Stone Among auspicious gemstones YELLOW SAPPHIRE (Peeta Pukhraj) will be favourable for you. You may take 5 to 7 Rattis of Yellow Sapphire in a ring of Gold which should be worn on right hand index finger on a Thursday. Cheaper substitute of Yellow Sapphire is Topaz (Sunhela) which may be taken instead in a ring of Gold. While wearing the gemstone reciting the following 'Mantra' will be auspicious:



² Devanam cha Rishinam cha Gurum Kanchana Sannibham Buddhibhutam Trilokesham tam namami Brihaspatim. The weights of gemstones recommended above are for adult male people. For adult females the weights should be reduced to 3/4 to 1/2 part while for the children the weights should be reduced to 1/2 to 1/3 part.




Predictions On The Basis of Planet Positions Ascendent Result Your Ascendant is Pisces. Your Ascendant-lord is Jupiter, which is the super-benefic planet in your chart. By virtue of being born in Pisces Ascendant, you will be a person of thoughtful disposition and generous instincts. You will have the tendency to think over a particular subject for a long time and weigh the pros and cons very carefully, for which you are less likely to arrive at wrong conclusions. You are likely to be spend-thrift by nature and money has little value to you; however, you will be openly helpful to your relatives and friends, if they are in distress and seek your assistance. You might be highly emotional, imaginative and idealistic. You may be full of enthusiasm in the beginning in regard to any work or plan, but your enthusiasm may suddenly vanish much before reaching the end. You may tend to be carried away by your emotions and very soon may abandon your own thoughts and values. Your thought process will considerably improve as you will mature through your life's experiences. If your Ascendant-lord Jupiter is well-disposed, you will be rich in insight and will be attracted to spirituality.

Result for Planets in Signs Sun In your chart, the Sun is placed in sign Aries. You will be especially fortunate in respect of gaining paternal wealth. You will have an evolved soul and will remain engaged in doing righteous deeds. You will receive favours from senior government authorities and also from political sources. You will be fortunate in respect of holding a prestigious position and will have good earnings. You will enjoy a happy life with your spouse and children. One of your sons will become a source of pride and joy to you.

Mercury In your chart, Mercury is placed in sign Aries. Here, Mercury is not well-disposed; although it endows sharp intelligence and physical beauty, it may make you a cunning person. You might be very much engrossed in smart business tricks and unworthy actions, thus inviting disputes and troubles. If the sign-lord Mars is also not well-disposed, you may get into disputes with the punitive authorities; otherwise, you may face many quarrels which might lead you to become a victim of slander and disrepute.




Venus In your chart, Venus is placed in sign Pisces. It will make you good-humoured, just, kind, mild and peaceable. Although ingenious, you might be somewhat unstable. You will be exceedingly fortunate and enjoy your life by gaining favours and benefits from the authorities. As Venus is exalted, it will make your spouse extremely beautiful and highly cultured. You will lead your life in comfort and style; you will also be in a position to assist others if they are in distress. You should however remain careful as some opportunist acquaintances may try to take advantage of your praise-worthy qualities.

Mars In your chart, Mars is placed in sign Taurus. It is not a very good position; it may make you headstrong and give you a self-indulgent nature. You may have a speculative mind and selfish habits; you might even be garrulous and tend to usurp other people's money. You may not remain in good health and during sometime in your life you may lose your position. If your Ascendant is Libra, although you will be fortunate in respect of family-wealth, the health of your spouse might cause you some concern. The situation will however be much improved if Mars is associated with or aspected by Jupiter or Venus.

Jupiter In your chart, Jupiter is placed in sign Capricorn. Although this position has not been praised as Jupiter becomes debilitated here, the condition will become improved if Jupiter obtains 'neecha-bhanga' or cancellation of debility. It will make you a clever person with a very practical outlook and you are likely to become more interset-oriented and money-minded. You may have good gains from livestock, forest-products, agricultural produce, etc. If Jupiter is associated with Mars or Saturn or Venus or the Moon, then during sometime in your life you will have influx of wealth from a very unexpected source.

Saturn In your chart, Saturn is placed in sign Scorpio. Unless associated with or aspected by benefic planet(s), it is likely to give you an adventurous and quarrelsome nature. If associated with or aspected by malefic planet(s), you may become violent and perform some dangerous deeds which will be to your own detriment. If Ketu is in conjunction, your financial condition might become deteriorated. If Mars is debilitated or combust and the 8th-lord is also so, then you may become a victim of physical violence.





The Moon is situated in sign Aquarius in your chart; so your 'Janma-Rashi' (or Chandra-Lagna) is Kumbha. Your mental qualities and certain other characteristics will be governed by this masculine, airy, fruitful, humane and fixed sign and, to some extent, by it's sign-lord Saturn. Moon in sign Aquarius may cause disorders in the stomach, for which you are likely to have emaciated appearance. Unless the Moon is involved in some good yoga with other planet(s), you may acquire an unstable disposition and have association with undesirable people. However, if a good yoga is present, then you will have strong curiosities and will be engrossed in deep studies; your associates will hold you in high esteem for your inventive genius, humanitarian spirit, meritorious deeds and praiseworthy actions.

Rahu In your chart, Rahu is placed in sign Aries. If it is associated with or aspected by Jupiter or Venus or Mercury, you will be endowed with many desirable qualities; but if it is not at all under the influence of benefics, then it can impart a vicious nature in you. If associated with or aspected by malefic planet(s), then you may even acquire wicked tendencies and antagonize your own men. If associated with or aspected by the Moon, then you may become sickly or diseased. If Rahu is situated in Ashwini star (while Ketu is situated in Swati star), you might be prone to suffer resulting from accidental mishaps.

Ketu In your chart, Ketu is placed in sign Libra. Unless associated with or aspected by Jupiter or Venus or Mercury, it can impart a vicious nature in you. If associated with or aspected by malefic planet(s), then you may even acquire wicked tendencies and antagonize your own men. If associated with or aspected by the Moon, then you may become sickly or diseased. If Ketu is situated in Swati star (while Rahu is situated in Ashwini star), then you might be prone to suffer resulting from accidental mishaps. If Ketu is situated in Vishakha star, then you will be religiously inclined and will study many ancient classics.

Uranus In your chart, Uranus is placed in sign Scorpio. You may become a kind of rebel in your own way and may have no sense or appreciation of the orthodox in life; you may have strange experiences in your love-life and your outlook might be radically changed during sometime of your life. If Mars is well-placed, then you may tend to be fastidious and try to retain your figure neat and shapely; but if Venus is afflicted, then you might be very slovenly in dress and remain careless in respect of cleanliness.




Neptune In your chart, Neptune is placed in sign Sagittarius. It will make you a person of principles, possessing generous instincts as well; you will become a worthy companion and a trusted friend. You will not condone anything deceptive, tricky or unfair and will be quick to discern these traits if anyone tries to take any undue advantage. You might travel a lot and may become a prolific story-teller.

Pluto In your chart, Pluto is placed in sign Libra. It is a fortunate position. It will accentuate the graceful poise and enhance the sense of balance and deportment. Your willingliness to co-operate with others and exercise the function of arbitration will be well-marked. You are very much likely to take part in public and social life, in which your spouse will not only render support, but will actively assist you also.




Prediction On The Basis of Bhavas Ascendant Lord In your chart, the Ascendant-lord is situated in the eleventh house, which is called the house of gains (Labha). Besides gains and profits, this house has governance over earnings from occupation and self efforts, wealth, acquisitions, accomplishments, fulfilment, praise, etc. Since this is the best possible position for the Ascendant-lord as any planet gives it's excellent result when it is situated in the 11th house; you can therefore look forward to receiving only the very best in your every effort. If a natural benefic planet is situated with the Ascendant-lord or aspects it, the beneficial results will be more pronounced. If your Ascendant is Capricorn or Aquarius and if your Ascendant-lord Saturn is neither associated with or aspected by a natural benefic planet, then your personality may become weak and you may become less energetic -- unless some modifying influences are present in your chart; although you can still earn a lot and amass wealth by following convenient means. If your Ascendant is Taurus or Cancer, you will become exceedingly fortunate as your Ascendant-lord will be exalted in the 11th and you will be rolling in wealth. This house rules over left ear and pleasant news; if the house has no affliction, your elder cousins and friends will be very helpful and incoming good news will increase your pleasure greatly. You are very much likely to be the eldest among your co-borns -- this will be more so if you are a male person.

Lord of 2nd House In your chart, the second-lord is situated in the third house, which is called the house of courage (Vikrama). Besides courage, valour, prowess, etc this house also rules over right ear, arms, shoulders, (younger) siblings, cousins, kindred, neighbours, short journeys, news, correspondence/ communications, writings, etc. This is a favourable position for the 2nd-lord and you will be fortunate in many of these respects. You will have good education and your family-wealth will be ever-waxing. If the 2nd-lord is associated with or aspected by a natural benefic planet, your family-life will be peaceful and happy while your relationships with your kindred and neighbours will be cordial. You will be religious-minded, have a philanthropic outlook and charitable disposition and will become known for doing worthy deeds. But if the 2nd-lord is associated with or aspected by a natural malefic planet, then the opposite might hold good; neverthless, it will make you courageous and you would always remain alert for defending your interests. As the 2nd-lord aspects the 9th house, some of your family members may reside in a distant/ foreign place and alongwith your family members, you may have occassional journeys to such places.




Lord of 3rd House In your chart, the second-lord is situated in the Ascendant, which is called the house of body (Tanu) and is the general significator for everything including life. This is a highly favourable combination and you will be very fortunate in respect of all favourable 2nd house attributes, although the position may not be very good in respect of health as the 2nd-lord is termed as a 'maraka' -- this is more so if the 2nd-lord is a natural malefic planet. However, in case of Capricorn Ascendant, the 2nd-lord Saturn situated in own house in Ascendant will give favourable 'Dhana Yoga' results and bestow wealth in abundance. If your Ascendant is Virgo, then debilitated 2nd-lord Venus situated in the Ascendant may cause health-problems; however, your father will be wealthy, you will receive higher education and will have gains from foreign sources. If the Ascendant-lord is situated with the 2nd-lord or if a natural benefic planet is situated with the 2nd-lord or aspects it, then also you will become very wealthy. If the Ascendant-lord is not well-placed while a natural malefic planet who is either 'combust' or "eclipsed" is situated in the Ascendant, then you may suffer from some health-complications and your prospects might be affected.

Lord of 4th House In your chart, the third-lord is situated in the Ascendant, which is called the house of body (Tanu). This will make you fortunate in respect of many 3rd house significations; your younger co-borns and cousins will be very helpful while your relationships with your kindred and neighbours will be excellent. Your profession may have some connection with news-paper/ press, posts/ telegraph, radio/ broadcasting, transport, etc lines. You will have a lot of writings, correspondence/ communications, etc and some of your writings might be published in periodicals; you may acquire good proficiency in translation also. You will become known as a versatile genius. In connection with your profession, you may have many short journeys; alternately you may be connected with transport, railways, airlines, tourism, etc. Your life will be very changeful and you will greatly enjoy the company of the members of the opposite sex. If your Ascendant is Taurus or Virgo and if the Ascendant-lord is not well-placed, then you might be prone to face serious accidental mishaps; but if your Ascendant is Pisces, then you will be very attractive looking, acquire proficiency in some field of fine arts and will become quite famous in your sphere of profession.

Lord of 5th House In your chart, the fifth-lord is situated in the twelfth house, which is called the house of expenses (Vyaya). If your Ascendant is Virgo, you will be highly fortunate since your 5th-lord will be the 6th-lord too and for being situated in the 12th, as 'Veepareeta Raja Yoga' will be generated, you will enjoy favourable results in




many respects. Otherwise, this is not a favourable position. If Mercury is also ill-placed, you may lose your discretion; if Jupiter is ill-placed, you may not be able to secure a lucrative position and may become worried or unhappy on account of your children -- more so if a natural malefic planet is situated in the 5th house or aspects it, in which case you may have difficult child-birth. You should refrain from all sorts of speculations and investments as losses are feared -- more so if the 12th-lord is also ill-placed. You may not have much of fortune in or from distant inland places and/ or foreign countries, which you should also keep in your mind. If Venus is not well-placed, then taking plunge into adventurous love-affairs could spell ruin to you; if a natural malefic planet influences either the 5th house or the 12th house by association or aspect, then you may become a victim of slander and disrepute; but if a natural benefic planet is situated in the 12th house or aspects it, then the situation will be much improved.

Lord of 6th House In your chart, the sixth-lord is situated in the second house, which is called the house of wealth (Dhana). The position is favourable if the 2nd-lord is well-placed or if a natural benefic planet is situated in the 2nd house or aspects it. You may secure a lucrative employment in a big orgnization and will have cordial relationships with your relatives -- particularly, with maternal ones. This combination may help you to secure employment in a financial institution if the 10th-lord or Jupiter is also well-placed. If the 7th-lord is well-placed and a natural benefic planet is in the 2nd house, you may be in business. As the 6th is the 10th from the 9th while the 2nd is the 6th from the 9th, your father might be or have been in lucrative employment as well. As the 6th is the 12th from the 7th, you may have gains from your spouse or from business-partner -- if any. Since the 6th is the 2nd from the 5th, your children may assist you to increase your family wealth. However, if the 2nd-lord is ill-placed or if a natural malefic planet is situated in the 2nd or aspects it, then your family-members may suffer from diseases and your inimical relatives might cause you troubles. In addition, if the 6th-lord is a natural malefic planet and if the Sun or the Moon is ill-placed, then you may have defective eye-sight, wear specs., and your speech may become somewhat indistinct.

Lord of 7th House In your chart, the sixth-lord is situated in the Ascendant, which is called the house of body (Tanu). If your Ascendant is Cancer, then the 6th-lord Jupiter will be exalted in the Ascendant; since Jupiter will be the 9th-lord too, you are likely to be a person of noble descent, will remain in good health, will be engaged in performing meritorius deeds and will be exceedingly fortunate . If your Ascendant is either Taurus or Scorpio, then the 6th-lord will be in own-sign while placed in Ascendant; then you will be happy as you will remain free from diseases, will not




be troubled by enemies and will become successful in competitions or competitive examinations. If the Ascendant is Leo, then the 6th-lord will become the 7th-lord also; it may give you a quarrelsome nature and you may antagonize even your relatives -- unless a natural benefic planet is situated in the Ascendant or aspects it. If your Ascendant is Aries or Libra, your 6th-lord will be the 3rd-lord also; this will give you a changeful nature and make you fond of travelling. If your Ascendant is Gemini or Sagittarius, then the 6th-lord will act more as the 11th-lord; it will give you earnings and gains from various sources and you will remain surrounded by your relatives and friends. In other cases, the position won't be favourable as you may suffer from disease and be troubled by enemies.

Lord of 8th House In your chart, the seventh-lord is situated in the Ascendant, which is called the house of body (Tanu). As the 7th-lord aspects the 7th, you will be fortunate in respect of most of the 7th house affairs like marriage, own business, business-partners -- if any, public dealings, contracts, foreign affairs or journeys (if applicable), etc. If the Ascendant-lord is also situated in the 7th, then you would be an expert administrator and will become renowned for your far-sightedness and framed policies. If your Ascendant is Cancer, then the 7th-lord will become the 8th-lord too, aspecting the 7th; then the health and well-being of your spouse may cause you some concern. Besides, if Mars is either situated in the 8th or aspects the 8th, then you may have a war-like disposition and might be associated with such activities in life; it may also make you susceptible to receive injuries from weapons or from accidental causes. If the Ascendant-lord or a natural benefic planet is situated in the Ascendant or aspects it, then you will be long-lived. If your Ascendant is Taurus or Scorpio, then your health might be affected, you may go to a distant or foreign place and stay for long durations but you may incur some losses there; but as the 7th-lord will be aspecting the 7th, you will be very fortunate in respect of having a caring and loving spouse who will be long-lived. If your Ascendant is Leo, then the 7th-lord will be the 6th-lord also; your health may become delicate in early years; although you may be in service in the beginning, later you may have a brisk-running business.

Lord of 9th House In your chart, the ninth-lord is situated in the third house, which is called the house of courage (Vikrama). The 9th house signifies father, fortune, foreign countries, etc. Since from the 3rd house, the 9th-lord will aspect it's own house the 9th, you will be fortunate in many such respects. Your father will be well-placed and he might be running his own business-house successfully. Since the 3rd house rules over printing while the 9th house rules over publications, he might own a newspaper or printing Press or may be in the publication business; alternately, you may have connection with these sources. As the 3rd house indicates road/




journeys, messages, etc while the 9th house indicates distant places, you may have some connection with long-distance road-transport or courier services. As the 3rd house indicates the lower mind while the 9th house indicates ideals, if your Ascendant is Aries or Cancer, the 9th-lord Jupiter situated in the 3rd will make you religious-minded and you will have lofty ideals. If your Ascendant is Leo, then your 9th-lord Mars in 3rd house may harm your younger co-borns unless the 3rd-lord Venus is well-placed. If your Ascendant is Taurus or Gemini, the 9th-lord Saturn in the 3rd may affect the health and well-being of your mother -- more so if the Moon is also in the 3rd and the 4th-lord is not well-placed.

Lord of 10th House In your chart, the tenth-lord is situated in the eleventh house, which is called the house of gains (Labha). This is a favourable position and you will be fortunate in respect of your profession and earnings. This will be more so if your Ascendant is Aries as the 10th-lord will be the 11th-lord as well and as it is in own-house, you will have excellent earnings and will have a large circle of friends. In other cases, if the 11th-lord is situated in any of the houses among the 11th, the 10th, the 9th, the 5th, the 4th, etc., then you will be fortunate in respect of your earnings through profession. If the Moon is well-placed and is situated with the 10th-lord or the 11th-lord or if it aspects either the 10th house or the 11th house, your profession may have some connection with medicine. If Mercury is found in a similar position instead, then the connection will be with books, papers, etc. If Ketu is situated in the 11th house or aspects it, then Computer may be a source of your earnings. If a natural benefic planet is situated in the 11th house or aspects it, your earnings will be steady and ever-increasing but if a natural malefic planet inflences it, then there will be considerable fluctuations in this respect. If the Sun or Jupiter is in the 11th, you might be the eldest among co-borns (if you are a male person) and you would develop friendship with worthy people.

Lord of 11th House In your chart, the eleventh-lord is situated in the eighth house, which is called the house of longevity (Ayus). This is not a favourable position as you may not have a regular source of earnings although you may have occassional gains in bulk through some unusual activities which might involve taking great risks; owing to some obstructions or untoward developments occuring suddenly, at times your sources of earnings may run dry . If you have an elder brother, then his health and well-being might cause you serious concern while one of your intimate friends may meet with some grave misfortune which might cause you great pain. As the 8th rules over vicious people while the 11th rules over friends, you may have some friends who live dangerously by 'playing with fire'. As the 11th house rules over arms and the 8th house rules over weapons, you may acquire some weapons and learn the art of using them -- more so if a natural malefic planet is situated in or




aspecting the 11th house and the 8th house is also similarly disposed. If the 3rd-lord is situated in the 10th house or aspects it, then you may wish to cause harm to some other people; if the 7th house is not well-disposed in your chart, then some people may become a victim of your cruel wrath. If Mars and Saturn or Jupiter and Venus are in opposition, or if one of the former is in opposition to one of the latter, then you may get badly intangled in criminal proceedings.

Lord of 12th House In your chart, the twelfth-lord is situated in the eighth house, which is called the house of longevity (Ayus). This is a favourable combination in respect of having material gains as a trika-lord situated in another trika house gives rise to beneficial 'Veepareeta Raja Yoga'. This yoga favours having sudden gains from unexpected sources but this happens in a place quite far away from the birth or native place. But for it's pecuiliar attribute, you may tend to live dangerously and you may have some secret enemies in your circle who might seek to cause you harm. You will possess a special ability to effectively utilise any available opportunity; but you may have to use dubious methods for fulfilling your purpose, which may later create problems for you. You may tend to take big risks and consequently may remain in perpetual tension. Although normally you will remain in good health and high spirits, accidental mishaps might occassionally lead you to bed-ridden condition and you may need hospitalization for short-durations. If a natural benefic planet is situated in the 12th house or aspects it, you may become very extravagant; but if a natural malefic planet is placed in the 12th house or aspects it, you may run the risk of incurring losses.

Results For Planets in Houses

Mercury Since Mercury is situated in your Ascendant, it will give you a restless spirit and a ceaseless inquisitive mind. You will always remain on the alert for information in respect of new developments. You will have the gift of eloquence and possess a sense a humour and wit. You may have many journeys and might be engaged in some work which involves much writing; you may have a taste for literature of some sort. If Mercury is exalted or in own house, then you may become distinguished by the use of your pen; as your Ascendant will then be Gemini or Virgo, you will be more fortunate as for being in own house or exalted, it will give the beneficial results of 'Pancha Maha-purusha Yoga'; if your Ascendant is Pisces, then debilitated Mercury might create health-problems or nervous disorders and




you may have to struggle a lot as your business may become slack or you may have to pick up odd jobs in small private organisations. If Jupiter is with it or aspects it, you will be intelligent, educated and learned. If Venus is with it, you will have artistic inclinations or acquire some special skills. If Rahu is with it, your thinking might be confused; but if Ketu is with it, you may have computer education or may have gains by dealing in small components.

Venus Since benefic planet Venus is situated in your Ascendant, you will have an amiable and docile nature, a sociable spirit inclined to brilliant company, pageants and festivities. You may be very much interested in poetry, drama, music, singing, dancing and may have good proficiency in fine arts. You will be very much fond of all sorts of sparkle and glitter. You will be fond of comfort and luxury; you are very much likely to spend a lot for acquiring fashionable dresses, perfumes, jewellery, personal adornments, etc. Your domestic life will be peaceful and happy; socially you will be a well-known and sought-after person. If your Ascendant is Taurus or Libra or Pisces, then you will be more fortunate as it will be in own house or exalted and you will enjoy the beneficial results of 'Pancha Maha-purusha Yoga'; if your Ascendant is Virgo, then debilitated Venus would create health-problems and you may not be fortunate in respect of your profession -- unless Mercury is well-placed, or either the Moon or Jupiter is with it or aspects it. If Venus is close to the Sun, then you may suffer from eye-disease and wear specs. If it is close to Saturn, then you might be reserved. If it is close to the Moon, then you will always remain in a happy and joyous mood. If it is is close to Rahu or Ketu, then you might be greedy and find it difficult to resist temptations.

Sun Since the Sun is situated in your 2nd house, you will receive favours from your superiors, benefits from government sources and through your association with the people of rank and status. If a natural benefic planet is also in the 2nd or aspects it, you will have good gains and lead a happy family life; but if a natural malefic planet is also in the 2nd or aspects it, then the results will be the opposite. If a "combust" planet is in the 2nd, then you may suffer from some disease, your speech may become harsh and you may quarrel with your family-members. If your Ascendant is Pisces, the Sun will be exalted and, as the 5th-lord in the 2nd, it will offer auspicious 'Dhana Yoga' results; you will earn well from speculative investments and will be fortunate in respect of your family and children. If your Ascendant is Cancer, then the Sun will be in own-house and will make you fortunate in respect of family and wealth. If your Ascendant is any other, then you may have some problems with your eye-sight. If your Ascendant is Virgo, the Sun will be debilitated and, as the 12th-lord in the 2nd, it will offer inauspicious 'Dainya




Yoga' results; if Venus is not well-placed, then you may have to meet with heavy wasteful expenditures and may even incur big losses.

Rahu Since Rahu is situated in your 2nd house, you are likely to experience wide fluctuations in your financial affairs. Rahu gives good results in sign Taurus, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Aquarius but gives adverse results when it is situated in sign Scorpio. If the 2nd-lord is well-placed or if Jupiter or Venus is in the 2nd or aspects it, you will enjoy beneficial results and your financial position is likely to remain steady; but if it is situated with Saturn or Mars, it can give wide fluctuations with big gains and losses alternating. If the Sun is with it, then your father may face some problems -- probably owing to money-matters; if the Moon is with it, then the health and well-being of your younger co-born might cause you some concern; if Mars is with it, then you may lack peace of mind owing to quarrels and misunderstandings in your family. Unless the 2nd-lord is well-placed, and if no natural benefic planet is with it or aspects it, this position is not favourable for having happiness in marriage; if a natural malefic planet is with it or (except Ketu any) aspects it while the 7th-lord is not well-placed, then the span of your married-life may come under doubt.

Mars Since Mars is situated in your 3rd house, it will make you very bold and courageous. You may be emotionally somewhat 'charged' and habitually may become very impatient. You may have a short fuse for which you may get into disputes with your relatives and might even be dragged into litigations. You may incur some losses through correspondence, contract or through postal transit. If Mars is neither exalted or in own house and if it is neither associated with or aspected by a benefic planet, then you may acquire notoriety and for some of your acts, you may attract the attention of the police. If two other natural malefic planets (the Sun, Saturn and Rahu) are also situated in the 3rd, then you will be highly fortunate as unobstructable 'Vishesha Argala' will be generated for your Ascendant which will take you far and will surely bestow a very high position in life -- although you may not have any surviving younger co-born. As Mars will aspect the 6th- and the 10th- houses, you might be engaged in active services like the defence or police if either the 6th- or 10th-lord is also well-placed. If your Ascendant is Virgo or Aquarius or Scorpio, as Mars will be in own house or exalted, you will become very happy in respect of your younger co-borns.

Saturn Since Saturn is situated in your 8th house, you may not be in good health and your married-life may not be very peaceful or happy unless Saturn is exalted or situated in his own house. If your Ascendant is Gemini or Cancer or Pisces, then




you will be well-placed in life as you will enjoy the beneficial results of 'Veepareeta Raja Yoga'. Normally, this position gives good longevity unless another natural malefic planet is situated with it or aspects it. If the Sun is situated with it, then the physical or mental health and well-being of your father might cause you some concern. If the Sun is situated close to it, then you may suffer from diseases affecting your eyes and also due to obstruction of body's waste elimination system; there are also chances of having bone-breakage during sometime in your life. If Mars or Rahu is with it or is placed in either the 6th house or the 7th house, then your married-life may not be happy or your spouse may not be long-lived; alternately, she/ he might opt for leaving you for ever and you may have to face a law-suit with her/ him. The position will however be improved if Venus or Mercury is situated with it or if Jupiter aspects it. If your Ascendant is Virgo, then you may receive injuries resulting from accidental fall and if Mercury is also not well-placed, then the part of body prone to sustain injuries might be your head or face.

Ketu Since Ketu is situated in your 8th house, you will have strong religious inclinations and will enjoy performing religious rites regularly. You will have an optimistic outlook and philanthropic nature; you will do your level best for helping your friends and acquaintances if some of them per chance fall in dire straits. If Mercury is situated fairly close to it, then you may gain proficiency in computer operations and may also become interested in mystic subjects like Astrology, Palmistry, etc. If Venus is situated fairly close to it and the 7th-lord is not well-placed, then your spouse may suffer from blood-shed or blood-loss some time after your marriage; alternately or in addition, your business-partner may meet with some gross misfortune within a few years of joining you in a new venture. If Mars is situated fairly close to it, you may have to undergo through a major surgical treatment during sometime in your life. If Saturn is situated fairly close to it, you may not be fortunate in respect of inheritance and in spite of hard work and directed endeavours, your prospects would improve quite slowly. But if your 11th-lord is well-placed, you may earn a fortune by dealing in computers/ components or by running a software development company; if Jupiter is well-placed, then you may be successful in operating a popular training center for teaching computer courses.

Pluto Since Pluto is situated in your 8th house, you are more apt to live dangerously -- in quite a literal sense of the term -- and during your active life you may find special pleasure by playing with fire. It will be more so if you are a male person; you may actively take part in adventurous explorations and/ or may become adept in martial arts. If a natural malefic planet is with it or aspect it, then you may take part in physical combat and might even be tempted to take the law into your own hands.




If the 8th-lord is well-placed and the Ascendant-lord is also similarly disposed, you won't have the risk of facing a premature exit to the other world. If the 8th-lord is not well-placed, then you may face a serious accidental mishap in a far-away place or face a calamitous disaster; but if a natural benefic planet is with Pluto or aspects it, you will pull through. If another malefic planet or the Moon is close to Pluto, you may have the risk of facing a violent end or you may suddenly disappear either by personal choice or owing to actions of your enemies. If your 10th-lord is well-placed and Mars is also strong, then you may do well in active services like fire-fighting, explosives detection squad, disaster management, etc for which you may receive special honour.

Uranus Since Uranus is situated in your 9th house, you may have pecuiliar experiences and face wide fluctuations; while some people and the prevailing circumstances around you might take you on the verge of losing mental balance during sometime in your life, at some other point of time you might tend to drive some people around you on the brink of madness. You may have misadventure in foreign lands, your marriage-relations may cause you troubles and you may face legal difficulties of unsurmountable sort. However, if Uranus is situated in airy signs (Aquarius or Gemini or Libra) and if it is associated with or aspected by Jupiter or Venus, then the situation will be considerably improved for the better. If Mercury is well-placed in your chart, then you are likely to have a taste for the occult subjects and might be engaged in antiquarian pursuits. If in addition the 8th-lord is associated with or aspects Uranus while it is either associated with or aspects the 10th-lord, then you are sure to acquire praiseworthy competence in predictive Astrology -- this will be more so if the 5th-lord is in the 5th-house in your chart or aspects it.

Neptune Since Neptune is situated in your 10th house, you are likely to have a strange and eventful career. If the Sun or the Moon is not well-placed in your chart, then you might be separated from one of your parents in your early childhood which might leave a void in your mind. If Mercury or Venus is well-disposed, then you would do well in artistic pursuits and by dint of your inspirational nature, you may attain honours in a relatively late age under curious circumstances or through some unique achievement. You might receive full co-operation and active assistance from a foreigner or a person residing in a foreign country quite unexpectedly and by using an assumed name or through some other covert means you may suddenly find the gate-way to the hall of fame suddenly opens up for you. If Jupiter is situated with it or aspects it, then you will be very fortunate as your acquired fame and raised status will be lasting and stable; but if a retrograde malefic planet is with it or aspects it, then these might be like a rosy dream fading away.




If Neptune is retrograde, then you may have a serious setback in profession and may have to leave the field.

Jupiter Since Jupiter is situated in your 11th house, you will be fortunate in many respects; as Jupiter will be aspecting the 3rd (= younger co-borns), the 5th (= merit, children) and the 7th (= spouse, partners in business, public dealings), you would be blessed in all these respects besides in respect of the 11th (= earnings from profession, friends, etc) -- of course the results could be modified depending on the condition of these houses, of their respective lords and of their respective natural significators (Mars for siblings, Mercury for merit, Venus for spouse, etc). You will be more fortunate if your Ascendant is Taurus or Virgo or Aquarius as Jupiter will be exalted or in own house. But if your Ascendant is Pisces, then as Jupiter will be debilitated in the 11th, you may not be very fortunate -- unless Saturn is well-placed or if Jupiter is associated with or aspected by Venus or the Moon. Jupiter's position in the 11th is considered to remove all evils and afflictions as the saying has become legendary; but unless Jupiter is fairly free from afflictions from natural malefic planet(s), you should be modest in your expectations as this position all by itself cannot make you rich or famous. However, this position will give you good education, a respectable profession, good earnings, assistance from worthy friends and realization of your ambitions. If you are male, you would be the eldest among the co-borns. You may attain success just after the birth of a child.

Moon Since the Moon is situated in your 12th house, you will be fortunate in respect of your mother; but if the 4th-lord is not well-placed, then she may not be in good health or either of you may leave for staying in a distant place or you might be separated from her fairly early in your life. If your Ascendant is Leo, then you will enjoy beneficial results as the Moon will be in own house; but if your Ascendant is Sagittarius, then you may not be very fortunate -- unless some modifying influences are present in your chart; you may keep something secret and may have sworn enemies among the females. If your Ascendant is Leo or Sagittarius or Aquarius, then you will enjoy the benefits of 'Veepareeta Raja Yoga' as you will suddenly become rich in a spectacular way and become very popular. If the Moon is 'waxing', then you will have fertile imagination and love of mysteries but if it is 'waning', then you may have fanciful fears; if it is situated close to the Sun, then you may have sentimental nature and suffer from consumptive- and eye- diseases in your early life. You may have many journeys and find success in isolated places and remote corners. If a natural benefic planet is with it or aspects it, you will be blessed and have excellent earnings; but if a natural malefic planet is with it or aspects it, you will have extravagant nature and may incur losses.





Result For Birth Nakshatra General Details You will be very calmed natured. But at times you may lose your temper. You will be very much inclined to the religious activities as you’re god fearing. Due to your hot-temperament, you will be mostly confronted with family quarrel and this will result in frequent lack of mental peace. You will have a very good memory. You will be highly sympathetic and generous. While you may not expect anything in return for your humanitarian action, you may be often misunderstood not only by the general public but also by your own family members.

Physical Characteristics You will be tall and lean, fairly handsome and have an elegant disposition. You will have fleshy lips and cheeks with prominent temples and buttocks.

Education You will be interested in the scientific study. Percentage wise assessment shows that most of the female doctors are born in this Nakshatra.

Family Life While you will love and adore your husband, your life will be full of problems. You may have to part with your husband for long period of time. If you attain puberty during the operation of this star, you will be blessed with more female children.

Health Your health will be a cause of concern for you. You may suffer from urinary and uterus disorders. You may also suffer from colic troubles and chest pain.

Sun - Krittika - Quarter - 1 If Sun is situated in this quarter in conjunction with benefics, you may have many children and may become poor. You may have interest in learning astrology and allied subjects. You may have defective eyesight. You may be a voracious eater and may have fear of facing a fire accident. You might be employed in military or police department.

Mercury - Ashwini - Quarter - 2 If Mercury is situated in this quarter; you will be an ardent learner and will acquire knowledge in various subjects. Your outlook may be radically changed at around 35




years of age and you may feel increasingly less concerned about the mundane affairs.

Venus - Revati - Quarter - 1 If ascendant is Citra 1st quarter, a female native with Venus here, will be extremely beautiful, liked by her husband and ornament to her husband's family.

Mars - Rohini - Quarter - 3 You will be courageous and will be honored by the learned men. If your Ascendant falls in Ashwini nakshatra and Mars is situated in this quarter of Rohini nakshatra, you may have loss of children and your spouse may become a source of troubles. You may suffer from muscular rheumatism in the neck or pharyngitis.

Jupiter - Shravana - Quarter - 4 You may be straightforward and blunt in your behavior but will have a generous mentality. You will have temper and your mind may wander. You may have your share of difficulties up till the age of 32 years. You will experience stability after your 37th year.

Saturn - Vishaka - Quarter - 4 If ascendant falls in Svati, you will be immensely rich, and if Moon is also placed here, you will have large family.

Moon - Satabhisha - Quarter - 1 You may be a doctor. You will be highly courageous, but soft-spoken and religiously inclined. You may have to marry more than once. There may be an identification mark in your left arm. The 5th, 12th, and 28th year may not be favorable. You will an obstinate daredevil. You will be extremely graceful in your appearance and gestures. It may not be easy to know your inner feelings and thoughts. You will love your mother and care for her more than any body in this world.

Rahu - Bharani - Quarter - 4 You are likely to earn your living from dairy products. You will have good earnings, will be well mannered and will have generous instincts. You will be kind to the needy and the poor. For your extremely helpful nature, other people will treat with respect. You should however remain careful as some disharmony in your married life might possibly arise.

Ketu - Vishaka - Quarter - 2 You may not be an asocial and extrovert sort of a person. You may like to keep things

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