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o After the last period of Usman (RA) there were several problem, which brought to 2 war among Muslim , whi cwere o Jemel o Siffeen

o So sfter that Muslim differ into 3 groups,   

Ayisha Ali Not belong to 2 ( seemed to be these group is the more numbers)

 Historical backround of the opening Shiasm.    

Ali (RA) attacked with khawarij without considering about shia After that Hasan withdraw his Govern to Mu’aviya Then next Khaleefa was Muaviya’s son Yazeed, he is not a good JHaleefa So, then the Karbala war happened. So, Ali (RA) – son in law RS 

Hassen & Hussein – sonf of RS’s daughter

So, when they loose, in the view innocent Shiaism created. Main group of Shia, • Isna share’a ( means 12 ; they believe 12 imams will come after RS)  Concepts of Isna Shareea • Imamiyyath ( Isna sharee’s also called as Imamiyyathj) Concept of Imamiyyath 1. Imamiyyath is a Basic fundamental of Islam Ahlus sunna does not take Imamiyyath as basic fundamental of Relegion ( ex: Sa’d bin Ubada did not give Bai’a to AB, but people did not say that he is Kafir, cz it’s a problem of selecting leadership)  

2. Imam is ma’soom.( this is the Quality of Nabi, Wahi is realed to Nabi, but not to Imam ; this is wht they beleive) 3. Allah selec the Imams, (Allah does this through his messengers, its RS selected 12 Imam , 12 Imam were elected, one select the other.) When RS select Ali as a Imam, he has told him the next eleven I. Ali Bin Abi thalib ( RA) II. Hassen bin Ali : 3 – 50 III. Hussein Bin Ali : 4 -61 IV. Ali Ibnul Hussein Zainul Abdeen : 38-95 V. Muhammed Ibnu Ali ) Al bAkir) : 57-114 VI. Jawfar ibnu Sadiq ( jawfar Sadiq) : 83-148 VII. Mooas Ibnu jawfar ( Al-Kazhim) : 128-183


Ali bin Musa : 148-202 Muhammed bin Ali : 195-220 Ali bin Muhammed : 212-250 Al-Hassen bin ali ( Al-ASkari) : 232-260 Muhammed bin Hassen ( Al-Mahdi) :

At the same year when 11th died ( i.e on 260) his son Muhammed also died in his age of 4. ( He born in 256)  Death of 12th has two concept, • Ghaibathis Suqhra ( Small death: i.e till 329 he had no contact with people , but had contact with 4 represenators of Shee’a one by one. they r usman ibnu Sa’ed umari, Muhammed ibnu USman, Hussein ibnu rooh, Ali ibnu Muhammed as sumair. • But in Hijri 329, died completely. Then a letter came to Ali ibnu Muhammed as sumair, it says, “ I died completely, when Allah ordered only I will raise again, If any one tel he has meet me hereafter, he is a lier”. He died in Surra man ra’a at Syriya. He will become the Mahdi. th After the death of 11 Imam, they had a contradiction of next Imam. Eventually komainy made a theory to that, “ VILAYATHUL FAKEEH”. I.E: When there is no Imam, Scholar of Jurispurdance will take the lead, so almost they have the power of Imam. Based on this, they had the renaissance. 

How come they try to priove these, 1. 7 Riyaths in Musnad Ahmed regarding Ali (RA) Abdur Rahman abi lail anarrates: kufa people were helped to Ali very much, but they gace up him several times, 1 day Ali came and said to that Kufa people, “ who ever has heard Rs saying in the place of Ghadeerukum that “ MAN KUNTHU MAWLAHU FA ALIYYUN MAWLAHU” - do not give up Ali, but help him – then 12 badr sahabas stood up and said we are witness that RS said …FA’AN KUNTHU MAWLAHU WA ALIYYUN MAWLAHU” – to whome I was leader, Ali also will be the leader- ….. . .so they say through this words RS appointed Ali as the Walee.

( i.e ; there is a meaning of Leader to the word of Awla, even in Quran it is used to describe Allah as RAB) But really there is a meaning of Mawla, that is help, support. This is what RS mentioned. So, Ahlus sunna says, the word Muwalat used in that Hadees point the meaning of loving and heping. Reasons, ) and remember this Hadees is authentic.

Another has mentioned in Thirmidi, that RS mentioned in the place of Ghadeerukum after the Hajathul Wada,

I leave u some thing, if you follow those, u never go astray, 1.Kithabullah ( Allah’s Book) , 2. WA’UTHRATHEE AHLI BAITH ( people come from my family ( paramparai)). But in all other Hadees, it is mentioned the second as Hadees  But most of the Imam says that last part of that Hadees is Dha’eef , and some Shia scholars also says that,

Here Jawfar Sadiq is a scholar of Shia, Muhammedul Baqir is the father of Jawfar Sadiq, Jabir ibnu Abdullah is a Sahabi. 

Therefore, with having a hadees which also has contradiction or confusing can not prove a basic Iemanic facture, but if it is true, it should be in Quran clearly mentioning their name of the Imam and order to follow them after RS, since it is the part of Ieman. Assume that RS said in Hajathul Wada in the place of Ghadeerukum that Ali will be the KHaleefa after me, then we most of the sahaba will oppose Ab, Umar and Usman, and wht abiut hier authenticity, and wht will happen to Hadees???

   

Not only that Ali was very close with Ab & Umar, they searcj Ali for Fiqh issue, Ali proposed did the marriage with his daughter Ummu Kulthum to Umar. And Also Ali has named his child as AB and Umar.. When ali made bai’ath to AB, ( Ali did not give Ba’ia to Ab for 2 or 3 days..) , after that after Dhuhar infront of people he emphasize AB and gave the Baiah. So to prove the that hadees, they blams heavily Ssahaba. ( Specially Ayisha(RA), but Zaidiya shia ( who live little in Lebanon, Iran and Yemen) do not blame Ssahaba and do not say Imams are Mahsoom, but they say Ali was the person to Kaliph after RS, but no issue of AB, Umar,,, being they are close to Ahlus Sunna) • There someverses of Sahaba, infront of these verses it is very difficult ot blame or scold Ssahaba,

9:100. ,d;Dk; K`h[pHfspYk;> md;]hHfspYk;> Kjyhtjhf ( Rtdgjpfisr; rpj;jg;gLj;jpapUf;fpd;whd;> mtw;wpd; fPNO MWfs; Xbf;nfhz;bUf;Fk;> mtHfs; mq;Nf vd;nwd;Wk; jq;fpapUg;ghHfs; - ,JNt kfj;jhd ntw;wpahFk;. ..

48:18. K/kpd;fs; me;j kuj;jbapy; ck;kplk; thf;FWjp nra;j NghJ nka;ahfNt my;yh`; mtHfisg; nghUe;jp (Vw;Wf;) nfhz;lhd;; mtHfSila ,jaq;fspy; ,Ug;gij mtd; mwpe;J> mtHfs; kPJ (rhe;jpiaAk;) mikjpia(Ak;) ,wf;fpaUsp> mtHfSf;F mz;ikapy; ntw;wpiaAk; mspj;jhd;. If they become bad after the death of RSS, this verse beome lie, ( Nazoo bilhai minha). So in Baithur Ridhwan there were 1400 Sahabas, including AB, Umar. In this event, RS took hi sleft hand for Usman and mae the Baia on his right hand.

3:110. kdpjHfSf;fhf Njhw;Wtpf;fg;gl;l (rKjhaj;jpy;) rpwe;j rKjhakhf ePq;fs; ,Uf;fpwPHfs;; (Vnddpy;) ePq;fs; ey;yijr; nra;a VTfpwPHfs;; jPaij tpl;Lk; tpyf;FfpwPHfs;;. ,d;Dk; my;yh`;tpd;Nky; (jplkhf) ek;gpf;if nfhs;fpwPHfs;;. Ntjj;ijAilNahUk; (cq;fisg; Nghd;Nw) ek;gpf;if nfhz;bUg;gpd;> (mJ) mtHfSf;F ed;ikahFk; - mtHfspy; (rpyH) ek;gpf;if nfhz;NlhuhAk; ,Uf;fpd;wdH;. vdpDk; mtHfspy; gyH (,iw fl;lisia kPWk;) ghtpfshfNt ,Uf;fpd;wdH. This verse points the sahaba first, then only others.

These are 2 verses among several Ayath from the Quran by which Shias try to get the argument,

5:55. epr;rakhf cq;fSf;F cw;w ez;gHfs;; my;yh`;Tk;> mtDila J}jUk;;. vtH njhOifiaf; filg;gpbj;J> [fhj;Jk; nfhLj;J> (my;yh`;tpd; fl;lisf;F ve;NeuKk;) jiyrha;j;Jk; tUfpwhHfNsh mtHfs;jhk;. Though this verse points in plural, they say this points the Ali(RA), since when one day one came to beg then Ali gave him some thing while Ali was in the stage of Ruk’uin the prayer. (this rivayath is not Authentic, how ever that that has contradiction )

33:33. (egpapd; kidtpfNs!) ePq;fs; cq;fs; tPLfspNyNa jq;fpapUq;fs;; Kd;dH mQ;Qhd fhyj;jpy; (ngz;fs;) jphpe;J nfhz;bUe;jijg; Nghy; ePq;fs; jphpahjPHfs;; njhOifia Kiwg;gb cWjpAld; filg;gpbj;J njhOq;fs;; [fhj;Jk; nfhLj;J thUq;fs;. my;yh`;Tf;Fk;> mtDila J}jUf;Fk; fPo;gbAq;fs;; (egpapd;) tPl;ilAilatHfNs! cq;fis tpl;Lk; mrj;jq;fis ePf;fp> cq;fis Kw;wpYk; ghprj;jkhf;fptplNt my;yh`; ehLfpwhd;. They say that Ahlul baith points Ali, Fatima, Hassen & Hussein… hw ever in the beginning of in this Aya .. So, wht they are trying to tel s, here Ali has mentioned as pure, the pure only can come as Kaliph, so Ali should be the Kaliph. 

How about current situation, Imam Komaini in his book “Hukoomathul Islamiya – Islamic government ” (which was given to Naleemia by Iran embassy at their visit to Naleemia soon after the period of Iran revelution) says,in page 52,.. Topic, Al-Wilaya,

For the Imam, he has great status, he is representation of creation ( Wakhilafatu thakweeniha) , the every atom this world obey that leadershop or authority, one of the basic fundamental our Mazhab is that Our Imam ( Leader ) has a status, even a close angel also can not reach that position, A Nabi (rasool) also can not reach. According to to our Rivayath and Hadees, the RS and our Imam after him was alive before this universe, they were in the form of light, and they were rotating Allah’s Arsh. Allah has given them a close and great status, its Allah only knows that. 

The roots of Relegion, baught from iran embassy. It says as it is under the topic of Imamiyyath. And it has another topic, brief history of Sakeefa ( sakeefa Banu Sa’eeda, is the place whre AB, Umar and Abu Ubaida jerrah got to gather to select next Khaleefa after RS’s death) which says,

There are some good scholars too, there were 1 scholar Bakirus Sadr ( Iraqi) who talked about Islamic banking in these days also. He had written a book wilayath, he accepted Imamiyyath, but never scold sahaba. • Another scholar: Ali Sharee’athi (Iraqi) – sociology scholar, since roit against Sha, he was shot killed inside the hotel in france in his age of 34. He too though accepted that Ali shoud be the first Kaliph, but he never blame of Ab and Umar.. . There were several scholars in Shia community, but argued against their wrong concepts,

There some Judgment issues, but in some cases they are contradict where can not bear more, …  Examples • Muth’a marriage : they accept while RS made it Haram, Ali narrates this Hadees,

Which says, “in the time of Khaibar RS made unlawful of Muth’a, and Donkey”: shia says RS made it Haram in the period Khiabr only. o In the time of Umar, he have heard that ther some people who talks about Muth’a, so Umar went to the member and said, it was made unlawful in the period of RS among us, if any one do that hereafter, I will give him treat as the person who does Zina. o Regarding the Jma’u salah, (joining prayers), we do it when we are in a journey, but hey do it every day.

o We have some close relationship and there some huge dangerous contradiction. o eventually, we can conclude in this way

o Some early shi scholar said, our Quran is not equal to their one, the one which was in the hand of Ali is the correct one, so thay add some sura and said that was the correct one, but most of them did not accept that, and they accept our Quran. o The second points, that Imam will come one by one until the end time, so the continuity of RS’s family is important, example, Ali has several children, but they take only, but suddenly their Imam stopped, so Imam is not here, so how they are going to govern, then they say there is another one “ Wilayathul Fakeeh” – represntator of Imam. o Ahlus sunna do not oppose their Imam, they were living with our Imams, ex: Jawfaru Sadiq learned the Muwatha from Imam Malik, had met seen Imam Abu Haneefa. .while Zaid bin Ali ( called as Zainul Abdeen) gather battle Imam Mali gave a fatwa that people can join him, ( that’s y Imam malik punished in the period of Abbsiya, that’s y his hand was broken) o However, we never oppose the Sahaba whome they say, but they oppse most of the Sahaba, .. We never oppose their Imams, but they oppose our Imams.

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