Sherry Red Shoes Final Draft

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 2,112
  • Pages: 12
Sherry Red Shoes Final Draft By Darren Barber

Darren Barber Raw Vision Film Email: [email protected] Mobile: 07990 828042

EXT. ROADSIDE - NIGHT (FLASHBACK) In darkened moonlight a car sits in the road. Looking inside the car Peter Levitt a smartly dressed man in a bow tie and white shirt lies bloodied slumped over the steering wheel his wife Linda unconscious her head slumped against the passenger side window. Peter comes too, disorientated he shouts at his wife and shakes her shoulder, she does not respond. Out of the darkness shine car headlights which ILLUMINATE a man, Peter, standing in the road stumbling about clumsily. The car pulls to a stop. Peter pulls his injured wife from the passenger side of the car, the man from the other car helps Peter gently rest her down on the ground. Peter disorientated cradles his unconscious and bleeding wife. CUT TO INT. FLAT - DAY Present day Peter Levitt, scruffy, unshaven and dirty looking, stirs on the sofa of a claustrophobic flat, beer cans lead to a half finished bottle of Vodka on the floor next to him. Another man, BARRY, enters the room and shakes him. Peter stirs from his sleep and begins to come around. Barry sits on the edge of the sofa and hands Peter a cup of tea. Peter reaches down by the side of the sofa and picks up the bottle of Vodka. He pours some into the tea and then swigs straight from the bottle. BARRY What did the doc say? PETER Couple months. Barry puts his hand on Peter’s shoulder. BARRY Sorry mate. Peter shakes it off and stands up. Peter picks up the Vodka bottle and walks over to the window staring out of it. (CONTINUED)



BARRY (OS) Sherry know? Peter again swigs from the bottle. PETER I’m gonna go see her today. BARRY Keep off the pop then aye mate. CUT TO EXT. QUIET STREET - DAY A twelve year old girl SHERRY dances along the street, a woman walks hastily trying to catch her up. Sherry dances freely and spins around hopping, skipping and dancing, playful but graceful. The camera pans from Sherry’s head down to her feet. She is wearing a pair of hand me down jeans and a plain buckle up coat but the thing that stands out most is the bright red shoes that she is wearing on her feet. CUT TO INT. DAYTIME BATHROOM Peter stares blankly at himself in the bathroom mirror, his eyes stare straight through his reflection. He takes out and opens a small bottle and drinks from it before coughing badly. Reaching into his pocket he pulls out a hanky and continues coughing into it. Barry knocks on the door. BARRY (OS) You alright? Peter looks at the spots of blood on the hanky then quickly shoves the hanky back into his pocket. PETER I’m fine! CUT TO


INT. DAYTIME PETERS BEDROOM Peter tries to find an appropriate shirt in the flat, jump cuts show him trying on several different shirts. FADE OUT EXT. SHOP WINDOW, STREET - DAY Close ups of Peter’s shoes, scuffed but smart. Jump cut to a red, dicky bow and clumsy fingers twiddling with it. Jump cut to Peter stood looking at a reflection of himself in an off license window. CUT TO EXT. NIGHT TIME LARGE HOUSE (FLASHBACK) Peter and Linda are leaving the door of a smart house, there are birthday banners and balloons stuck to the door, music is playing loudly and a woman kisses Linda then Peter on the cheek. JUMP CUT TO The couple walk along the drive, Linda is swaying slightly and they argue. LINDA I know there’s something going on PETER I’m not getting into this again. They get into the car. CUT TO EXT. ALLEYWAY - DAY Peter walks into alleyway, his hood covers his face. Slowly he slumps down against the wall. After a moment he takes a small vodka bottle from his coat pocket. Looking at the bottle he thinks deeply before slowly pouring the contents onto the ground beside him and smirks to himself shaking his head.

4. CUT TO EXT. CARE HOME - DAY Peter sits restlessly in a communal room waiting. A stern looking women enters, MRS. BRIGGS, she’s holding a clipboard tightly against her chest. MRS. BRIGGS Mr. Levitt you really should have made an appointment! PETER (sarcastically) To see my own daughter? MRS BRIGGS You know you shouldn’t just turn up unannounced. Peter coyly nods. MRS. BRIGGS (embarrassed) I’ve got to ask. BEAT MRS. BRIGGS Have you been drinking today? Peter shakes his head dismissively. In the background, Sherry enters the room tightly hugging a teddy. Peter turns smiles as he slowly stands. Sherry’s face lights up when she sees him. SHERRY Dad! Sherry runs into her fathers arms almost knocking him over. PETER Hello pumpkin. Sherry steps back and stares at her father before gently touching his bow tie fiddling with it. PETER You still like red then? CUT TO


EXT. CARE HOME - DAY Peter walks hastily out of the front door of the care home holding Sherry’s hand. Mrs. Briggs follows behind, trying to keep up. MRS. BRIGGS Mr. Levitt. Mr. Levitt, you just can’t take her! Peter ignores her. MRS. BRIGGS I’ll have to report you to social services and the police if you don’t come back. Peter stops before turning around and sticking his middle finger up at Mrs. Briggs. A look of horror washes across Mrs Briggs face before she storms back inside the house. Peter looks at Sherry and they both start laughing PETER Crazy woman! SHERRY I like Elaine. PETER How about we go on a trip? Sherry nods. SHERRY Where are we going? PETER You’ll see. CUT TO INT. TRAIN - DAY Peter and Sherry sit next to one another on a quiet train. Sherry has fallen asleep on Peter’s shoulder. Peter looks down at his daughter and delicately brushes her hair away from her face before turning to look out of the window at the world rushing past. He slowly closes his eyes.


CUT TO EXT. NIGHT TIME INSIDE A CAR (FLASHBACK) Peter is driving home from the party. Linda intoxicated still argues with him. LINDA Your having an affair aren’t you? EXT. WESTON-SUPER-MARE - DAY Establishing shots of Weston Super Mare, the distant beach, the desolate pier, the emptiness of a beach in Winter. -Peter and Sherry are in an arcade playing on two penny slot machines. -Peter and Sherry sit in the cold eating ice creams, Sherry makes a mess and Peter tenderly cleans her face with his shirt sleeve. -Peter and Sherry stand staring at a disused merry go round. -Holding hands and with trousers rolled up Peter and Sherry walk shallowly into the sea but run back out from the cold, laughing and dancing around. Sherry splashes Peter. -Peter and Sherry build a sandcastle. CUT TO EXT. ROADSIDE - NIGHT (FLASHBACK) Peter disorientated cradles his unconscious and bleeding wife, distressed he is crying and shouting. The passer by stands up upset by the situation and looks at the open passenger door of the car, after a moment noticing something in the back of the car he runs quickly towards the car and opens the back door. There a little girl is quietly asleep in the back. EXT. SEA AQUARIUM PIER - DAY Peter and Sherry sit side by side underneath the pier. The pier is derelict and quiet and peaceful, a special place for just the two of them to be alone in the world together. (CONTINUED)



Peter takes Sherry by the hand and turns to face her with a warm smile. PETER Pumpkin, you know that you will always be daddy’s special girl? Sherry stares at Peter with open eyes; she smiles and nods in agreement. PETER You know Daddy loves you so so much? loves you more than anything in this world and always will. Sherry’s smile widens. PETER Do you remember when mummy went to stay with the angels? Sherry nods and for a moment gets distracted by a rustling bag moving in the wind. PETER And you didn’t get upset like everyone else at the funeral because you knew where she was.... and you told me that night that you could see her up in the sky. Sherry nods. PETER Can you remember where mummy is? SHERRY Smiling down on us from up there. Sherry points to the sky. PETER That’s right. PETER Baby.......daddy has to go to that special place now too. Sherry looks confused. SHERRY To see mummy?




PETER That’s right to see mummy. SHERRY Can I come? Peter smiles and gently laughs at his daughter’s innocence. PETER No pumpkin, you need to stay here and make the world a brighter place. SHERRY Can you send me a postcard? Peter Laughs. PETER Yes baby, of course. As Peter’s tears gently flow, Sherry tenderly wipes them away with her sleeve, just as Peter had done with Sherry’s ice-cream. SHERRY Don’t cry daddy. Sherry hugs Peter and he wraps his arms tightly around his daughter lovingly embracing her. After a few moment Peter moves back. PETER I’ve bought you something. Peter rummages around in his pocket. He pulls out a red heart necklace and slowly puts it around his daughter’s neck. PETER This was your mum’s, she would have wanted you to have it. SHERRY (excitedly) A red heart. Peter smiles. PETER Think of it as your mummy’s heart and how much she loves you. (CONTINUED)



Sherry wraps her arms around Peter and squeezes him tightly in an understanding embrace. Peter kisses her head gently. CUT TO INT. TRAIN - EVENING Sherry is playing with the necklace, spinning it around, Peter is just watching. EXT. FOSTER HOME - EARLY EVENING Mrs. Briggs comes to the front door and stands waiting for an explanation. MRS BRIGGS (worried) Where have you been all day? Peter says goodbye to Sherry and hugs her tight to his body. Mrs. Briggs looks on impatiently. PETER Remember pumpkin, daddy loves you more than anything in the world. SHERRY Have a nice trip daddy. MRS BRIGGS What trip? SHERRY Daddy’s going to heaven. Sherry blows kisses to her father as she runs into the house to play. Mrs. Briggs looks taken back. MRS BRIGGS (embarrassed) Mr. Levitt if you had said you were ill.....I’m really sorry. PETER (interrupting) Listen ELAINE, you didn’t give me the time of day this morning so don’t pretend you care now. Mrs. Briggs looks embarrassed, lost for words.




MRS BRIGGS I’m not your enemy I was looking out for Sherry. PETER (softly) Look, I’m sorry. Just promise me you’ll give her this when I’m gone. Peter hands over a postcard. Mrs. Briggs nods. MRS BRIGGS Of course, you have my word. Peter goes to walk away MRS BRIGGS Mr Levitt Peter turns MRS BRIGGS We will look after her. Peter solemnly nods and walks away. Mrs Briggs looks crushed and shuts the door. CUT TO EXT. WESTON BEACH - DAY (FLASH BACK) Peter and Sherry play on the beach. PETER (VO) To the best girl in the whole world. I’m with mummy now and she looks more pretty than ever. We both send our love and big hugs and kisses to you. JUMP CUT TO INT. TRAIN - DAY Mrs Briggs and Sherry sit next to one another on a quiet train. Sherry has fallen asleep and is holding Mrs Briggs hand, her necklace hangs out of her coat. Sherry’s hair is covering her face.




PETER (VO) The necklace I gave you. When you feel sad, just hold it close and feel it beat, that’s our hearts and how much mummy and daddy love you. Mrs Briggs tenderly moves Sherry’s hair from her face, Sherry stirs and Mrs Briggs looks on with a look of love and affection before looking down at the postcard Peter gave her. PETER (VO) Be good for Mrs Briggs and keep smiling. All our love mum and dad. CUT TO EXT. WESTON-SUPER-MARE BEACH - DAY Sherry and Mrs Briggs stand on the beach, they have a red balloon and are laughing and giggling. Mrs Briggs finishes tying the postcard to the balloon. MRS BRIGGS Are you ready? SHERRY Yea Sherry lets go of the balloon and it fades up high into the sky. Both Sherry and Mrs Briggs look up at it smiling and then fall about laughing and smiling. Mrs Briggs hugs Sherry tightly to her. FADE TO BLACK WITH A CLOSE UP OF SHERRY SMILING THE END

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