Sheen Sharing Trials Planning Workshop, 6 April 2009: Public Slides

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Download & View Sheen Sharing Trials Planning Workshop, 6 April 2009: Public Slides as PDF for free.

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  • Words: 1,912
  • Pages: 23
Planning Meeting St Andrews University 6 April 2009

Sarah Currier, Project Consultant

SHEEN Sharing Project

10:30-10:45 Arrival; tea, coffee & biscuits; intro to the day’s objectives 10:45-11:45 Project re-cap and findings 11:45-12:30 Participants’ feedback on their progress and thoughts so far 12:30-13:15 Lunch 13:15-14:00 Groups: topics/projects/tools/champions? 14:00-14:45 General project requirements: evaluation / support / clinics 14:45-15:00 Break 15:00-15:30 Barriers and solutions 15:30-16:00 Agreeing next steps


time do folk need to leave today? Agenda is flexible: we’ll go with what seems best as we go.


everyone up on SHEEN Sharing

• Project plan from here • Barriers and requirements identified Identify

groups and champions for trialling tools Identify next steps Agree plan: action points with names against them!

Planned Project Outputs: 

      

Snapshot review of Web 2.0 technologies and their potential application to resource sharing and community building. Review of research literature and previous and current outputs from similar Web 2.0 initiatives. Report on user and other stakeholder requirements, including review of current practice and skills of ECN. User training sessions with accompanying HowTo guidance. Report on user trials of Web 2.0 technologies and tools. Regular progress reports as detailed in Appendix A: Workpackages. Dissemination event in September 2009. Final report detailing findings, exit strategy and sustainability plan for project.

Project outcomes will include:  Increased

ease of sharing of resources and practice amongst the ECN, leading to more effective use of resources, better support for their professional development, and enhancement of their community of practice.  Support for discovery and dissemination of relevant employability resources to stakeholders outwith the ECN, e.g. academics, staff developers, student support departments, etc.  Dissemination of the project findings for the benefit of the wider education community, and the FE and HE funding bodies across the UK.

April 2009 - Get trials planned, prepared for and under way - Start speaking to HEA and others re sustainable exit strategy - Publish results of review and benchmarking

May – June 2009 -

First phase of trials Report back to SHEEN Steering Group Start planning Dissemination Event Start collating sustainability/exit strategy recommendations


Final phase of trials Evaluation and exit workshop? Planning and advertising dissemination event Writing final reports

June – August 2009

September 2009

- Dissemination Event - Other dissemination - Final recommendations and report to SFC

        

Experimental Developmental Iterative Flexible: able to change track quickly if something isn’t working Must have ownership and involvement of ECN as first priority for it to succeed Safe communication spaces vital as well as open dissemination spaces Must not be driven by traditional project reporting outputs CoP* = sharing of knowledge, experience and peer teaching within community CoP* = room for mistakes, learning from trial and error, reporting what doesn’t work as well as what does, supporting each other Validated 100% by Project Review! * Community of Practice

 Easily

discuss issues and resources with other ECN members in targeted way: projects, subject interests  Safe space for internal discussions, resource development  Share resources within and outwith project groups, entire ECN, other stakeholders  Facilitate resource access for new people in post, handing over  Learning from each other  Not losing experience, knowledge  Easing workload, helping with work and information overload

 Time,

time, time: time to learn new things, time to participate  Information overload already via ECN email list  Differing levels of support for involvement by local departments / HEIs  Institutional technical barriers- some tools blocked  Concerns about privacy, safe spaces to discuss / develop  Confidence in resource finding, saving and sharing - quite a spread evident, with noone “extremely confident”  IPR: levels of understanding (institutional/personal)  Concerns about identity - work vs private?

    

 

Individual groups with safe group spaces, per individual group One generic space for all Ease communications, ease of filtering resources Feeds out into university sites (Pam mentioned Careers Service at St Andrews as example) Sharing best practice as usually happens informally at F2F meetings, conference lunch queues etc. • • • •

Case studies helpful People learn best when told stories by their peers Just one thing to change practice for some folk Recommendations of resources, sharing use ideas (Diigo?)

Openness important- don't be too restrictive beyond group spaces F2F training/support /resources from Sarah • Ensure mentors start to feel comfortable giving support • Regular Web-based clinics and formative evaluation meetings

 

(separate, or blur two into one) - how often? What technology given restrictions in some institutions? Across all groups, not specific?

Include academics / academic departments? What about institutional libraries?

 

Safe group spaces needed: • Google Groups, others?

Easy sharing of links to resources • Delicious – feeds into blogs/sites based on tags • Diigo – like Delicious but can share highlighted text,

annotations, comments, with Friends, within Groups, via Twitter etc.

Easy quick communications:

• Twitter? – public/private; integrates with other tools; amplifies  

 


Student / class push: Facebook groups? Collaborative website /resource development: blogs, wikis, Elgg, NetVibes? Use participants’ existing tools/knowledge Look at sites where we want resources to be pushed to / disseminated via: how best to do that? Look at local tools, e.g. VLEs, ePortfolios, local social apps, where participant works at that HEI, how can we use/link to?


have you tried to date? What would you like to try? Any thoughts on experiences so far? Any serious barriers emerging? • Anyone got technical barriers re


Ideas to date:  Whole

ECN Group – sharing resources in general (social bookmarking; closed discussion/sharing group); dissemination via NetVibes page (Sarah Currier to co-ordinate)  Workplace Voluntary Sector Project (Fiona Boyle)  PDP (International Taught Post-Grads) (Joy Perkins)  e-Portfolios (David McCall)  Sharing Student Experiences (Pam Andrew)  Action Learning Sets? (Cherie Woolmer)  ... Anything else?

Go through one-by-one -



Who will be lead? What level of time commitment can you make? Possible membership - Within ECN - Outwith ECN

What skills do you already have in your group? What tasks do you need to perform? - Internal communications? - External dissemination? - Collaborative tasks, e.g. resource development?

What tools are appropriate/would you like to trial? What support is needed from SHEEN Sharing? NB: Not important to answer all these definitively today: just to get started thinking

ECN Community - Who will be lead? (Sarah Currier) - What level of time commitment can you make? 1 day a week to September - Possible membership -

Within ECN - Potentially all


Outwith ECN - Disseminate some stuff outwards only. ECN members of group only.

What skills do you already have in your group? – see Survey results What tasks do you need to perform? -

Internal communications? - Private discussion space, private resource sharing




External dissemination? – yes, sustainable after end of project Collaborative tasks, e.g. resource development?


NetVibes central page Private discussion group? or area in NetVibes? SHEEN Sharing blog to feed in plus other blogs Diigo / Delicious tag feeds

What tools are appropriate/would you like to trial?

What support is needed from SHEEN Sharing? Sarah to co-ordinate

Action Learning Sets - Who will be lead? (Cherie Woolmer) - What level of time commitment can you make? - Possible membership



- Within ECN - People in Cherie’s “set” only at first – if willing. - Outwith ECN

What skills do you already have in your group? What tasks do you need to perform? - Internal communications? - Closed discussion group only - External dissemination? - None (possibly reflections on how technology is being used via blog?) - Collaborative tasks, e.g. resource development? - Mutual support

What tools are appropriate/would you like to trial? - Google Groups?

What support is needed from SHEEN Sharing? - Sarah to help set up.

Voluntary Sector Project -

Who will be lead? – Fiona Boyle What level of time commitment can you make? 0.5 day a fortnight Possible membership - Within ECN - Dave Surtees, Karen Sleith, Pam Andrew, Sabine McKinnon, OU rep, Joy Perkins


- Outwith ECN - Voluntary organisations and others on project Steering Group

What skills do you already have in your group? -


Started trying blog, Google Group set up. Pam has experience with wiki

What tasks do you need to perform? - Internal communications? - Private discussion space


- External dissemination? - Yes: project blog - Collaborative tasks, e.g. resource development? - Literature review needs collating and disseminating

What tools are appropriate/would you like to trial? -


Wordpress blog, Google Group, possibly bookmarking for lit review, use ECN NetVibes page to disseminate as well

What support is needed from SHEEN Sharing? – Help thinking things through and setting things up

PDP Taught International Post-Grads Project - Who will be lead? – Joy Perkins - What level of time commitment can you make? - – Project still being set up; will be clearer after meeting at end -


of April

Possible membership - Within ECN - Fiona Boyle, David McCall, others? - Outwith ECN - TBC

What What What What

skills do you already have in your group? tasks do you need to perform? tools are appropriate/would you like to trial? support is needed from SHEEN Sharing?

- Fiona Boyle to report initially to project group; Sarah to meet

afterwards and discuss/advise.

E-Portfolios - Who will be lead? – (David McCall) - What level of time commitment can you make? 0.5 day a fortnight - Possible membership


- Within ECN - Dave Surtees - Outwith ECN

What skills do you already have in your group? What tasks do you need to perform? - Share findings about use of PebblePad (and other tools) with SHEEN




What tools are appropriate/would you like to trial? - Post reflections and findings to blog - Bookmarking relevant links via Diigo or Delicious

What support is needed from SHEEN Sharing? – Setting up on blog, training on using bookmarking, deciding on tags, setting up feeds from your bookmarks into NetVibes

Sharing Student Experiences - Who will be lead? – (Pam Andrew) - What level of time commitment can you make? – initial discussion - Possible membership



- Within ECN - Cherie Woolmer - Outwith ECN - Saltire Foundation? And similar groups?

What skills do you already have in your group? - Existing St Andrews wiki

What tasks do you need to perform? - Identify requirements, identify potential solutions - Share findings with SHEEN Sharing

What tools are appropriate/would you like to trial? - TBD, possibly vidcasts (of students sharing experiences)

What support is needed from SHEEN Sharing?

- Initially help thinking through requirements and solutions

Training, resources, support for groups • Initial F2F sessions (1 per group) • HowTo resources (targeted to groups needs) • Identifying and engaging group

mentors/champions • Weekly drop-in clinics (Web-based conferencing)

Wednesdays suggested as a good day for this.

 Formative


• Sharing experiences: commitment to sharing

comments on blog? (Varied according to person’s time available / involvement level) • Weekly drop-in discussion forum (Web-based conferencing) – combine with above clinics

Image on 1st slide by ycc2106: available under Creative Commons: Slides by Sarah Currier, Consultant, SHEEN Web 2.0 Resource Sharing Project [email protected] Slides © Higher Education Academy, 2009.

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