Shattered Earth

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 6
Shattered Earth Goal: To create a dynamic and intriguing D20 SCI Fantasy campaign by thematically changing standard race/class options. Premise: Earth (or one of its colonies) is a blasted, irradiated husk following a devastating alien war against the Starborn and their allies. Inspirations: Fallout, Obsidian, WH40K, Shadow Vault, Deathstalker series, This Immortal, Heiro Desteen, and Gamma World. Races: Standard races thematically modified to fit campaign theme Emissary (1/2 Elves): Product of human eugenics experiments FC: Any/Kultist Kobolds (1/2 lings): Rad born mutants. Small, quick and deadly FC: Daemonists Man (Humans): Militaristic Neosov empire FC: Any/Guardsman Moreaus (1/2 Orks): Hybrids designed as quick breeding shock troops FC: Chemwarrior Orks (Dwarves): Ape like aliens uplifted by Starborn. Love Bioniks FC: Cyborg Ratkin (Gnomes): An unexpected psychic mutation of common rat. FC: ESPer Starborn (Elves): Cruel alien despots FC: Techmancer Classes: Standard classes thematically modified to fit campaign theme Chemwarrior (Barbarian): Drug gland augmented supersoldiers Cyborgs (Fighters): Bionik Emplanted warriors Daemonists (Rangers): Masters of mutant and alien monsters ESPer (Bard): Empathic (Music), Telepathic (Spells) and Sensitive (Bard Knowledge) Kultist (Cleric): Pseudo missionaries powered by a nanite ‘soup’ neo-blood analogue Guardsman (Rogue): Educated soldiers Techmancers (Wizards): Masters of Nanite Hive controllers (Spellbook) NPC Classes: These are the ‘Villains’ of Shattered Earth Dryad (Druid): Uncaring hosts of alien symbiontes. Fiercely anti-tech NEMOs (Monk): Neuro Enhanced Military Operatives. Without discipline they go mad Brethren (Paladins): Mysterious secret society of avengers. Created by failed Kultist operation Psions (Sorcerer): Ambitious cabal of naturally gifted nanite controllers Gear: Thematic modifications of gear and feats Bioniks (Fighter Feats): Vat grown pseudo organic plates, which augment those emplanted Mag guns (Bows/Xbows): Portable spike firing railguns. Designed after Hellbee swarms released Hive Controller (Spellbook): Programs and stores nanite swarms Spider (Hand Xbow): easily concealed ceramic dart caster. Often poisoned. The Village of Fallout (1st Adventure): Beginning adventure outline Abandoned Starborn base near town. Has evil reputation because of wartime contamination. Recently strange creatures have been spotted nearby and a local Starborn was murdered. The Area surrounding the base is filled with mutant creatures. Base itself is heavily damaged (traps) and occupied by band of Orks. Orks will flee if things turn against them (at least 1 should escape). Lower level contains several more dangerous creatures including a feral battle beast and several undead. There is also a concealed armory and an entrance into a hidden sublevel. This sublevel is semi active (some security/traps enabled) and is occupied by a Starborn infiltration group. The Orks upstairs (and more below) are their operatives. {11 lines}

Codex: Chemwarrior Chemwarrior (Barbarian): Life is based on a series of chemical reactions. Chemwarriors take control of those reactions to augment their bodies. From the ancient Celts and their woad to 21st century Atropine injectors, chemical enhancement has always had its place on the battlefield, and Chemwarriors are some of the most savagely effective soldiers on Shattered Earth. Mag Guns (Bows/Xbows/Slings): The standard ranged weapons of Shattered Earth. Mag guns are portable railguns firing ceramic spikes. Relatively slow, but still effective. Some versions include attachment points for extra batteries. While they increase the force of the bot, they require progressively more strength to use. Smaller Mag pistols {slings} are also prevalent and very popular with kobolds. Moreaus (1/2Orks): Battle Beasts as they are commonly known, were engineered as fast breeding infantry. These human/animal hybrids come in a bewildering variety, Canines, Felines, Raccoons and rodents (including rabbits and rats). Many were engineered with warglands and other enhancements, although the neural changes needed for speech and cognition have reduced their senses to human levels. Horde (Metropolis): The battle beast ‘Horde’ is a giant travelling tent city that wanders the wastes from resource area to resource area. Setting up and breaking down at the inhabitants whim. Feral (Horizon Walker): Chemwarriors normally dwell in a limbo between barbarism and civilization. Some hear the call of wildness so overwhelmingly that they seek out the hidden wastes to dwell in. Far from the civilizing effect of other, the Chemmer becomes feral and wild. Battle Beasts will often regress to a more bestial form. Mutants (Animals): During the war many creatures encountered strange contaminants or were deliberately tweaked by Techmancers and Daemonists. The wilderness and wastes are now filled with a Darwinist nightmare of biological diversity.

Codex: Cyborg Cyborg (Fighter): Many people of the Shattered Earth rely heavily upon armor to survive the deadly perils of the postwar era. Most wish that they could wear their armor full time. Bioniks are a natural outgrowth of that desire. Cyborgs seek to improve their bodies to a point where they do not need any vulnerable equipment that can be lost or damaged. Bioniks (Fighter Feats): Bioniks are biomechanical constructs created by layering a stem cell-like alien organism with a protective metallic shell. These can be customized to provide biological advantages to their hosts. Orks (Dwarves): Orks originate from a steamy primitive rocky planet long ago conquered by the Starborn. On the homeworld the ape-like progenitors of the ork race are simple tool users about on par with earth’s orangutans. After many painful experiments by the Starborn, Orks were reborn as brutish soldiers in the service of their alien masters. Orks originated on the same world as Bioniks, and have proven to be highly receptive to emplantation. Kore (Metropolis): Kore is the main habitation for Orks on Shattered Earth, a twisted rocky series of mines and shafts filled with alien fungi and other creatures. Ork Stalwart (Dwarven Defender): Amongst Orks, holding territory is an important measure of status, virility and strength. Stalwarts are those who will not move, holding their ground against outrageous odds. Stalwarts enhance themselves with ancient bionik designs known only to the elder breeders of the tribes. Karapax (Adamantine): Karapax is a wondrous alloy formed by a secret (and some believe biological) process. Although expensive, its value cannot be gainsaid. Starborn Marksman (Arcane Archer): Starborn cyborgs typically master Mag Blaster technology rather than melee weaponry. The mix of Nanomancy and targeting Bioniks makes for a potent combination.

Smart Rounds (MW arrows): Semi guided munitions. Some are explosive {alchemist’s fire}, some are flashbangs {thunderstone} and others contain smoke generators {smoke sticks}. Nanomancy augmentation can greatly improve accuracy and power.

Codex: Daemonists Daemonist (Ranger): In the rapidly declining areas of the Shattered Earth, many communities are returning to mythic beliefs, including the belief that strange alien and mutant creatures that roam the wastelands are ‘Demons’ and ‘Monsters’. Those who study and seek to control these strange beasts must be tough survivors well versed in animal and plant lore, medicine and combat. Pheropacks (cloak of charisma): Pheropacks utilize a combination of Bioniks and techmancy to create external pheromone generators. These sophisticated devices are prized by most beings for their subtle utility. Daemonists use them to augment their ability to control wild mutants. Kobold (1/2Ling): These small mutants have begun breeding true in the aftermath of chemical and nuclear destruction. Like the Ratkin, whom they deal well with, They are proving to be a growing concern to humans and the other races. Kobolds are small (1m), thin and agile, with longer than normal arms, larger eyes and ears. They have excellent eye hand coordination and keen hearing. Their padded feet and natural grace serve them very well in the dangerous wilderness they call home. Burrow (Metropolis): As with the mutants themselves ‘Burrow’ (as their largest concentration of beings is known) is a mysterious and well hidden citadel buried deep within the ruins. The ruins themselves are inhabited by many strange and dangerous mutants. At the center of the city is a large towering building which is surrounded by twisting hidden tunnels and burrows. Weaver (Shadow dancer): Weavers manipulate delusion. The art of the weaver lies in the manipulation of ‘Prana’, a subtle field effect created by unknown means, which can be used to create minor and ultimately major delusions. Many researchers are working to discover the source and uses of prana, but none have yet had much success. Spiders (Hand Xbows): Small silent and easily concealed, these small Mag blasters are the preferred weapons of assassins and others who dwell in the shadows. Spiders fire small ceramic darts, which are often poisoned or drugged.

Codex: ESPer ESPer (Bard): Sensitive, empathic and possessing mysterious powers all describe these odd beings. Most ESPers don’t know how they do what they do, or from where their power comes from. To be sure, their powers are not as dramatic as those of the Techmancers are and Kultists are, but their usefulness cannot be denied. ESPers can sense the past of objects by psychometric touch, aid others with telepathic encouragement, and have access to small but varied powers. Syntha (Musical Instrument): A common electronic musical instrument that can emulate a wide variety of sounds. Syntha music can include a subsonic harmonic tone that helps focus and direct ESPer telepathic broadcasts. Ratkin (Gnomes): No one is sure if these diminutive beings were engineered from the common rat or are the result of some fabulous mutation. What is known is that they are gregarious, clever (both with words and hands), and a seriously growing contender for the title of ‘Earth’s dominant species’. The Warren (Metropolis): A twisting collection of small market squares, covered and uncovered avenues, earth topped dome homes and tall twisting spires, the Ratkin capitol is nearly unnavigable by outsiders. Warren was designed, literally, as a maze to confuse and bewilder invaders and foreigners. Its unorthodox defenses work very well. Psychomancers (Lore Master): Psymon’s, as they are commonly known, utilize advanced computational and information retrieval techniques to interact with the world statistically. Their training allows them to ‘see’ probabilities in ways that allow predictive effects similar to precognition. These ‘secrets’ are what make Psychomancers valued advisors.

Data boxes (Masterwork Tools): The Shattered Earth’s version of a computer, data boxes are small handheld devices with voice activated or touch sensitive displays. Data boxes provide a use bonus to knowledge skills. Some data boxes also provide bonuses to other skills due to built in tools or diagnostic sensors. Data boxes are very common and show a wide range of variation in shape and function.

Codex: Guardsman Guardsman (Rogue): The immense variety of opponents a typical soldier might encounter during the course of their career means that to succeed the common soldier must be anything but. In most communities the armed forces are the best (and sometimes only) route to education. Some guardsmen disdain augmentation, seeing it as ‘selling out’, most however are far more pragmatic in their approach. Lokpik (Lock Picks): An electronic pack used to bypass common locks and security systems. Most governments restrict the ownership of such devices to authorized military and law enforcement personnel. Man (Humans): Humans of the Shattered Earth are much like humans of other era’s but have a harder, edge. This harshness is exemplified in the ‘EarthGov Alliance’; a brutal military republic headed by a charismatic figurehead whose circle of ‘advisors’ make policy decisions in his name. A separatist movement has begun raising the specter of civil war. A situation sure to involve the other races as well. Bastion (Metropolis): Bastion, ‘Mans last hope’, is a huge blocky fortress arcology. It is the home of Mankind’s remaining military and government offices. Bastion is so efficiently constructed that over 70% of the city’s power are provided by the conversion of its inhabitants body heat. Alliance Commando (Duelist): Trained in brutal ‘Top Gun’ style academies, Alliance Commando’s are supposedly the Best and Brightest that EarthGov military forces can supply. Used both as military assets and as tools of propaganda warfare, they act with a mix of secrecy and flair. Striking from the shadows in faceless stealth armor and often leaving only burning wreckage behind. Commando Stealth Armor (Cloak of displacement): These formfitting, faceless suits are issued as standard equipment for authorized missions. They are designed to intimidate and possess many small enhancements to aid their wearer (+2 circumstance bonus to intimidate, bluff, climb, escape and spot) Circuit Wraiths (Red Wizards): Circuit wraiths, so called because of the circuit glyphs etched into their skins as well as the concealing red robes and outlandish masks they wear for their ceremonies, can interface their controllers by ‘circling’ themselves. Circuit wraiths are of high rank in the alliance. Circuit Glyph (Feat: Tattoo focus): Nano drawn interface circuits which cover the subjects body. These glyphs enable the subject to interface in a wraith circle.

Codex: Kultist Kultist (Cleric): Kultist seek power by replacing their bloodstream’s with a nanite filled soup that provide all the same functions as blood as well as generating and controlling nanite effects. Kultists organize themselves into pseudo missionary guild like structures based on which one of five blood types they possess. Ikons (Holy Symbols): Ikons are neuro controlled nanite interfaces attuned to one Kultist blood type. They are also used to broadcast commands to ‘Daemonites’ and other reanimates. Emissaries (1/2Elves): Descendants of human eugenic breeding programs, the Emissaries gained their name due to their strange commonalties with the Starborn, which made them the preferred diplomats in human/Starborn negotiations. Today, emissaries still fall naturally into the role of mediator, although the pool of conflicting peoples has increased greatly. Home (Metropolis): The birthplace of the emissaries, Home is a sprawling, dynamic research center. Well-defended and self -sustaining, Home is a cross between a college campus and an open-air arcology. Changelings (Assassin): Changelings are the flip side of Alliance Commando’s, Secret operatives who use their internal technology (holofields, micrograv generators, etc.) on missions of sabotage and assassination.

Often commandos are sent on one of their typical ‘flash and bang’ missions simply to provide cover for a changeling operation. Holo Cloak (Disguise Kit): Intentionally misnamed, the ‘Cloak’ is a featureless white mask containing pockets of nanites. On mental command, these nanites swarm over the wearer, shifting their configurations and coloration to simulate facial and body features. The cloaks built in data boxes contain many built in presets. The cloaks utility is limited by amount of convertible material the nanites have access too.

Codex: Techmancer Techmancer (Wizard): The Starborn’s most potent weapon was, of course their mastery of Nano technology and hive swarms. Traitors within there own cadres gave these secrets, once held only by the cruel alien overlords, to humanity and the other races. Today, creatures of any background can learn how to control the wild hive swarms by using controllers based on stolen (and sometimes debased) artifacts of the Starborn. Hive Controller (Spellbook/Scrolls): Techmancers control their nanite swarms by means of an electronic signal storage device called a ‘hive controller’. Hive controllers are individually customized and contain scripts to reprogram swarms (i.e.: spells). Hive controllers can also store specially tasked swarms {scrolls} that can be activated without compromising their own capabilities. Starborn (Elves): The Starborn no longer remember what planet, if any, they hail from. For countless centuries these nearly immortal raiders have conquered and subjugated planets within the galaxy (and, they claim, beyond). These endless wars have proven taxing, however, as their race is in decline. Those left behind on Earth have been cut off from their brothers in space. Being in decline, however, is not dead. And despite (or perhaps because of) their defeat and the traitorous loss of their greatest weapons, the Starborn still plot and scheme. Spider (Metropolis): The last remaining Starborn fortress, Spider (the name it is commonly known as, it’s Starborn name is unknown) is a concealed vault of nanomatic wonders. Warlock (Eldritch Knight): Warlocks specialize in the use of Nanomancy in warfare, their training and education make them invaluable members of military. Starborn warlocks, called ‘Archons’, directed and guided the ancient star raiders before their exile on Shattered Earth. Nanoweave (Mithril Shirt): A lightweight and flexible armor material created by nanite woven carbon micro chain. Typically created as a tunic with trailing tails or skirt Nanoweave provides excellent protection without greatly limiting mobility or the use of Nanomancy. {27 lines}

Codex: Villains Dryad (Druid): The dryad is an alien spore infestation of Kultist Nano blood that creates an independent ecosystem for its host. Dryad hosts need no food or water {good berry, create water}, little or no shelter {endure elements}, and can shape both themselves and their environments in devastating ways. Dryads have an alien perspective on the world, viewing others through the deadening filter of symbiosis. Familiars (Animal Companion): Familiars are small animals liked to the Dryad (or techmancer/psion) via Nanomancy. The link augments the animal’s abilities and provides enhanced awareness. Avatars (Mystic Theurge): Dryads who study techmancy can be a potent threat indeed. Although the hosts studies partially stunt the growth and assimilation of the symbionte it’s control over the external environment grows rapidly. Orbs (Rods/Staves/Wands): These spherical devices have the capability to create and format specialized nano swarms. Orbs range greatly in shape, size, color and capability. Orbs eventually wear out, becoming worthless (but pretty) shells. Psions (Sorcerers): Secretive and ambitious, the Society of Psions manipulates behind the scenes and are the powers behind the thrones. Recruited and indoctrinated at a young age, a Psion will not (indeed, CAN not) betray his allegiance. Psions utilize many hidden labs for their experiments in power; some of these have borne very strange fruit. Drops (Potions): Drops are the common term for a nutrient solution laced with tasked nanites. Ingestion activates their preprogrammed instructions. Drops come in a wide variety of ‘flavors’. Mutates (Dragon Disciples): Psion workshops discovered a powerful mutagenic process called ‘The Wet’ which, as the mutation progresses causes the subject to become larger, tougher and stronger as well as capable of projecting a dangerous breath weapon. The process is highly unstable, however, and as yet only those who are able to subconsciously guide the process (i.e. Psions and ESPers) can survive. NEMOs (Monks): The NEMO project was an experiment to accelerate human reflexes by the implantation of neuro fibers, reflex encoders and other esoteric augments. Most of the project experiments were hideous failures but they did develop a method of enhancing humans (and, later, other races) neurally. NEMOs are fast, with instinctive defensive responses and lightning fast hands. Unfortunately, without strict discipline and control, the NEMOs augmentations will drive them insane. This insanity often manifests in violence. The Box (Monks Belt): The box is a nickname for an external reflex processor that was the precursor to NEMO modification. Attaching the processor correctly results in an impressive increase to reflexes. Untouchable (Arcane Trickster): Somewhere between the NEMO neural enhancement and the chemical treatments of changelings an odd synergy sometimes occurs resulting in an increase of the subjects telekinetic potential. Brethren (Paladins): The process of transforming a being into a Kultist is both ceremonial and scientific and can result in failure. Most of these failures result in death or disfigurement, but a very small percentage merely enter into a transformative death like state. Upon awakening they find themselves driven by a strange urge to preserve and protect others. The reason for this strange transformation is unknown. The Unclean (Bandits): These pitiful degenerates dwell in the wastelands and prey upon those they can catch. Many are cannibals and most are twisted and diseased {use a variety of diseases from DMG}. Unclean can be of any race, but most civilized folk refuse to acknowledge this. For this reason, kobold unclean are called gobbers, humans are homunculi or ‘Moncs’, etc. Fallen (Blackguards): Brethren Nano blood can be further tainted by exposure to extradimensional radiation. This taint drives the brethren (or those created using the tainted blood) insane and evil.

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