Sharon Kidston Memorial Scholarship

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 597
  • Pages: 7
SHARON KIDSTON MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Amount Approximately $1,000 per year, renewable, to a maximum of approximately $4,000 over a four year period. Federal law indicated that 95% of the earnings of the trust fund must be dispersed each year. If the earnings increase or decrease, the amount of the scholarship award will be adjusted accordingly. A fund trustee will notify the committee by February 1 of the amount of earnings for disbursement. Availability Available to any North Central graduate attending a post-secondary educational institution of their choice. Criteria 4. Recommend at least a 2.0 grade point average. 5. Recommend student has been actively involved in school activities throughout his/her high school career. 6. Recommend student with high regard to school and community citizenship. 7. Student applicant must be accepted as a full time student in a school of his/her choice. Procedures 8. Fill out application 9. At least three references required. 10. Selection committee reviews applications and references and makes the selection. 11. Award presented to the student at the Spring Awards Assemble or at the discretion of the committee. 12. The student winner must submit the renewal request yearly. Renewal Request 13. Renewable for three years if satisfactory progress is demonstrated (approximately $4,000). 14. College grades or transcript from the preceding quarter or semester and proof of enrollment for fall quarter or semester shall be submitted to the scholarship selection committee’s designee (Guidance Counselor). 15. If for some reason, the student will not be a full time student, the award will be subject to review by the committee. 16. Renewal requests must be made by August 1 each year. Selection Committee Made up with the following five members: 17. High School Principal 18. High School Guidance Counselor

19. One member from the Kidston family (family appointed). 20. These three committee members will select two other individuals outside of school personnel yearly to make up the remaining two members of the committee. Selection Committee members shall not serve as references for students.

Sharon Kidston Memorial Scholarship Application Name Address Parents/Guardian Intended college Date of Entrance Proposed field of study Grade Point Average Have you applied for other scholarship? Do you anticipate receiving other scholarships? If yes to above, what is the amount of other scholarships? List all extra-curricular activities (include offices held).

List all activities outside of high school (include work experiences).

List three individuals serving as references. 1. 2. 3.

Personal Statement Write an autobiography, including a projection of your ambitions and goals with regard to the educational training you are seeking. Why do you believe that you are deserving of this scholarship?

_______________________________ Student Signature

SHARON KIDSTON MEMORIAL SCHOLARHSIP REFERENCE FORM You have agreed to serve as a reference for _______________________________ in the Sharon Kidston Memorial Scholarship selection process. Please rate the candidate in the categories listed below, using the following scale: 1-2 (poor)

3-4 (fair)

5-6 (good)

7-8 (excellent)

Return this form by April 5th to: Miss Diane Veres North Central High School 400 Baubice Street

9-10 (superior)

Pioneer, OH 43554 Your ratings and comments will be held in confidence.












Works to the best of his/her ability


Willingness to commit time to accepted responsibilities


Ability to work with others


Degree to which peers respect his/her opinions SHARON KIDSTON MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP

REFERENCE FORM Please write a brief statement as to the goals and ambitions of this student as you know them. Also, include any additional information you feel should be considered by the scholarship selection committee.

________________________ Signature of Recommender ________________________ Position

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