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“DIGITALIZATION IN HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY” A project report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the academic year 2018-19





POOJA BHAGAVAT MEMORIAL MAHAJANA PG CENTER (A Unit of SBRR Mahajana First Grade College) Affiliated to University of Mysore K.R.S. Road, Metagalli, Mysuru – 570 016, Karnataka, India

Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management Bachelor of Tourism and Hospitality Management Mysuru – 570 016


This is to certify that the dissertation report entitled “DIGITALIZATION IN HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY” submitted to University of Mysore by Mr. SHANMUGAM P, with Reg. No.TH160040 for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Tourism and Hospitality Management for the academic year 201819. This is the original work done under the Guidance and Supervision of Prof. GEORGE JAISON, HOD, Department of Tourism & Hospitality Management, Mysuru.

Place : Mysuru Date :


Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management Bachelor of Tourism and Hospitality Management Mysuru – 570 016


This is to certify that the dissertation report entitled “DIGITALIZATION IN HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY” submitted to University of Mysore by Mr. SHANMUGAM P, with Reg. No.TH160040 for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Tourism and Hospitality Management for the academic year 201819. This is the original work done under the Guidance and Supervision of Prof. GEORGE JAISON, HOD, Department of Tourism & Hospitality Management, Mysuru.

Place : Mysuru Date :


Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management Bachelor of Tourism and Hospitality Management Mysuru – 570 016


This is to certify that the dissertation report entitled “DIGITALIZATION IN HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY” submitted to University of Mysore by Mr. SHANMUGAM P, with Reg. No.TH160040 for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Tourism and Hospitality Management for the academic year 201819. This is the original work done under the Guidance and Supervision of Prof. GEORGE JAISON, HOD, Department of Tourism & Hospitality Management, Mysuru.

Place : Mysuru Date :


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I am thankful to God almighty for giving all the strength throughout my project work and study. A Project work needs able guidance and support from many people, so let me take this as an opportunity to thank all those who have helped me to carry out this endeavor successfully. It is my privilege to express my sincerest regards to my project coordinator, Mr. George Jaison, HOD- Tourism and Hospitality Management, for his valuable inputs, able guidance, encouragement, whole-hearted cooperation and constructive criticism throughout the duration of our project. I deeply express my sincere thanks to, Prof. Commander H. N. Satish, Director, Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management, for encouraging and allowing us to present the project on the topic “DIGITALIZATION IN HOSPITALITY

INDUSTRY” at Pooja Bhagavat Memorial Mahajana Education Center, Mysuru, for the partial fulfillment of the requirements leading to the award of Bachelors in Tourism and Hospitality Management (BTH) degree. I take this opportunity to thank all the teaching and non- teaching staffs, the University Of Mysore, who has directly or indirectly helped my project. I pay my respects and love to my parents and all other family members for their love and encouragement throughout my career. Last but not the least I express my thanks to my friends for their motivation, cooperation and support.

Register No. : TH160040 Place

: Mysuru




DECLARATION I the undersigned solemnly declare that the project report “DIGITALIZATION IN

HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY” is based on my own work carried out during the course of our study under the supervision of, Mr. GEORGE JAISON, HOD- Tourism and Hospitality Management. I assert the statements made and conclusions drawn are an outcome of my research work. I further certify that: i.

The work contained in the report is original and has been done by me under the general supervision of my supervisor.


The work has not been submitted to any other Institution for any other degree/diploma/certificate in this university or any other University of India or abroad.


We have followed the guidelines provided by the university in writing the report.


Whenever we have used materials (data, theoretical analysis, and text) from other sources, we have given due credit to them in the text of the report and giving their details in the references.

Register No. : TH160040 Place

: Mysuru






INTRODUCTION: In the hospitality space, customer experience is everything. Ensuring guests are delighted is crucial to success in a market that is increasingly competitive and where poor customer reviews can be disastrous for a brand. Technology is a major component in helping hotels provide optimal guest experiences, from the moment a reservation is made until a guest checks out. Everything in between—from the ease of connecting to the hotel’s guest network to the temperature of the guest room when entering for the first time or even the delivery speed of a room service order—has the potential to be enhanced by the right technology. Hotels have long recognized the importance of technology in improving the guest experience, and are now embracing digital transformation to increase the speed and efficiency of their processes and provide an even more customer-centric experience for its guests, many of whom are digital natives and expect services that support their lifestyle, such as high-speed internet and mobile check-in. Today’s guests crave autonomy but expect personalized interactions—an expectation that may seem impossible without digital transformation technologies. Companies of all sizes understand the impact of digital transformation and are investing major dollars to implement or expand their digital transformation initiatives. By the end of 2019, spending on digital transformation is predicted to reach $1.7 trillion worldwide. What’s more, hotel brands large and small are recognizing the impact digital transformation can have in helping to increase guest satisfaction and guest loyalty. In fact, many companies

reported their top tactical tech objective in 2018 was improving digital customer engagement and guest loyalty. Now, as hotels move into the second iteration of their digital transformation efforts, many are expanding their initiatives to further improve the guest experience and create even more opportunities. The drivers, technologies, processes and mindsets that drove digital transformation 1.0 have evolved. Digital transformation 2.0 uses current technologies in new ways to deliver high-quality services to guests while also embracing new technologies that enable more personalized services and extend brand reach and reputation. Digital transformation 2.0 efforts are composed of more robust and services-rich mobile apps, comprehensive in-room connectivity technologies and back-office data analytics working to improve the overall guest experience. These endeavors extend the value of hotels initial investments, as well as streamlining their processes, improving service quality and increasing customer satisfaction.

OBJECTIVES: 1. To know the Digital Transformation Trends in Hospitality. 2. To promote digital transformation. 3. To know its advantages and disadvantages. 4. Tools To Improve Hospitality Business. 5. Analyzing the need for communication in hospitality sector. 6. How digital technologies are transforming 7. Effect of Social Media. 8. The use of Technology to Improve Guest Experience. 9. To learn about the Internal Processes. 10. To know the impacts. 11. To know about Integrated Hospitality Management Systems. 12. To study guest experiences. 13. To know the technological downfalls. 14. Studying Digital Marketing. 15. To study the competition among various market heads. 16. To know the profitable investment in digital transformation. 17. To know the concepts developed on Digital Transformation.

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY This part contains details about the research design, which involves the plan of action that has been undertaken to carry out the research to solve the problems objectives that are developed include in this part. The sample size from which the information is collected, the techniques are used from sampling the data collection method which mean whether information is collected through primary or secondary sources is also include in this part. The data analysis method and the hamper the study are also mentioned in this part. DATA COLLECTIONS METHOD Data are collected from primary and secondary sources. Primary data refers to information specifically collected for solving the problem in hand. Secondary data is information that is collected for a purpose other than to solve the specific problem in hand. SOURCES OF PRIMARY DATA 

Primary data were gathered through personnel interviews with the employees and managers of the organisation. Interaction with employees was conducted by filling the questionnaires.

Personal interviews with the employees of the organisation..

Collecting information through questionnaires.

Interaction with employees who are unable to full fill the questioners.

Information discussion with employees and staff members.


Secondary data is obtained from various websites.

Information from internet.

Collection of data through books and reports etc.


Helps in identifying the potential market for Digitalization.

Helps in analyzing the potential market and discovering suitable promotional

strategies to attract the customers. 

To find out the guests perception about Digital Transformation in hospitality sector.

To find out the comfort level of the customers.

LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY 1. The research on Digitalization in Hospitality Industry is restricted for critics. 2. Some guests were not in a position to answer all the questions. 3. The possibility of bias in answer of the customers cannot be ruled out the findings of the study are strictly based on the responses of the guest. 4. Restriction in getting the data of every guest. 5. Less awareness about the operations of Digital Media. The method used for collecting the data is time consuming. 6. The data collected from the study may be ambiguous in some case. 7. Difficult to collect the information from the respondents completely at the time of the study. Due to the shortage of time the survey had to be restricted only on Digitalization in Hospitality Industry.

ABSTRACT The leisure and hospitality industry is one of the driving forces of the global economy. The widespread adoption of new technologies in this industry over recent years has fundamentally reshaped the way in which services are provided and received. In this paper, we explore some of the state-of-the art technologies currently employed in the hospitality industry and how they are improving guest experiences and changing the hospitality service platform. We also envision some potential future hospitality services we can expect as the Internet of things (IoT) technology keeps growing. We recognize that th e technological backbone of many hospitality establishments needs to be overhauled in order to facilitate the changing landscape of technology in the modern world. We discuss some fundamental challenges that need to be overcome to institute a lasting futureproof solution for the hospitality industry. We also touch upon the problems these challenges pose for guests and hospitality service providers (HSP). The future of hospitality management industry is being shaped by the current boom in the Internet of things (IoT) technology. HSP must stay on the leading edge of IoT technology to maintain a competitive edge in the market. The IoT is the interconnection of everyday physical devices like sensors, actuators, identification tags, mobile devices, etc., such that they can communicate directly or indirectly with each other via local communication networks or over the Internet. Digitalization implemented has helped improve operational efficiencies, enhance managerial effectiveness, reduce cost of goods sold, increase revenues and improve sustainability. The new technological upgrade of the hospitality industry should create a mutually beneficial platform by facilitating partnership between guests and HSP. The platform should ensure that guests are treated to an outstanding travel experience while also improving the operational and managerial efficiency for HSP. Furthermore, the new technological framework must be future proof; providing an easy upgrade schedule for addition of new/improved services. In this paper, we present a detailed overview of the role of technology in state-of-the-art hospitality services. We also describe potential future hospitality services following the burgeoning revolution of IoT technology.




Chapter 01



Chapter 02

The “Smart” Present


Chapter 03

Digital Customer


Journey and Digital Guest Experience Chapter 04

Digital Transformation


Trends in Hospitality Industry Chapter 05

Digital Signage Solution


for the Hospitality Industry Chapter 06

Technologies to Improve


Guest Experience at Hotels Chapter 07

Impacts of Digital Era


Chapter 08

List of Mobile


Applications Conclusion






CHAPTER: 01 INTRODUCTION TO THE CHANGING DIGITAL ERA We live in a digital world. Internet, gadgets, social media and different technological achievements constitute our everyday life. Slowly but surely we have becoming addicted to our smart phones, which determine our behaviour and communication in every aspect: in private and in working life as well. The aim was to examine how the Internet technology and its applications are influencing our life and what kind of changes it has made in the hotel industry. An accelerated and dynamic world had been created by these digital achievements and most likely the human creativeness is unlimited and boundless as well as the technology of the 21st century. Following the newest trends and technological world in the hospitality industry is indispensable as being up-to-date is an essential element of the success. Devices and the Internet allowed finding academic journals and articles (technological sources) without difficulties while twenty years ago we did not have this “luxury” – sometimes finding the relevant book or newspaper was a great challenge and travelling to another town to lend them from a library was not unusual either. How we could see, technology makes everything simple and time saving, however it is not always the primary and most interesting source that could be used for getting the information about a related topic. Domestic and international tourism has seen several years of steady growth. The revenue generated from accommodation, food and beverage, and other services provided to this large flux of travelers, has propelled the leisure and hospitality industry to become a key driver of the global economy. For sustained growth of this industry, experts in the field argue for major improvements in the type and quality of hospitality services to adapt to the changing consumption and travel behaviors of the evolving customer base. Specifically, these improvements are targeted towards attracting the new generation of technophile individuals traveling on a tight budget. Implementation of these improvements compounds to a complete makeover of the service packages and the underlying technological framework currently used by hospitality service providers (HSP). The goal of these improvements should be: personalization of experiences and digitalization of services.


Personalization of experiences is necessary to market services to individuals traveling on a limited budget. Personalization creates individualized guest experiences by incorporating flexibility and customizability to the offered service packages. Most of the current packages marketed by HSP offer rigid and tailored experiences. These packages bundle different combinations of popular services in different price brackets with little to no means of negotiating adjustments. This leaves travelers to choose between all or nothing and they usually end up opting for the latter choice. If HSP have more flexible service package offerings, then guests can plan their experience according to their desires and their budgets. Crafting personalized value propositions for each guest requires a massive effort on both the guests’ and the service providers’ parts. This process can be simplified significantly by using an effective technological platform to manage the interaction between guests and service providers. Digitalization of services is imperative to appeal to technophile guests. The goal of digitalization of services is to transition to a digital business model by pushing hospitality services to guests’ touch-point. A digital service platform affords guests the ability to browse, plan and pick activities at their own convenience thus facilitating seamless integration of technology into their travel experience. Booking and reservation services, location-based services and personalized communication, and social media integration are a few examples of digital services that entice technophile guests. There are a host of third party applications providing these services which guests are familiar with and rely upon. Revenue erosion to these third party applications and services is a growing concern to HSP. In order to compete with these third party applications, HSP must develop their own applications which provide better on-property and off-property services to guests. Through special incentives such as loyalty points, coupons and bonuses, guests can be encouraged to use in-house applications over third party applications. Providing digital services with the same quality as third party application services requires a sound technological infrastructure base with specialized computation and communication capabilities. This warrants the overhaul of current technological framework used by HSP. The future of hospitality management industry is being shaped by the current boom in the Internet of things (IoT) technology. HSP must stay on the leading edge of IoT technology to maintain a competitive edge in the market. The IoT is the interconnection of everyday physical devices like sensors, actuators, identification tags, mobile devices, etc., such that they can communicate directly or indirectly with each other via local communication networks or over DIGITALIZATION IN HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY | 2

the Internet. The incorporation of IoT technology in the hospitality industry qualifies hotels as smart buildings which are important facets of smart cities. The IoT paradigm offers HSP a nuanced means of interacting with guests and collecting their real-time data. This opens up new avenues for immediate, personalized and localized services as HSP can gauge guest behaviors and preferences with higher accuracy. The IoT also enables HSP to increase backend efficiency of multiple departments (e.g. front desk, housekeeping, sales and marketing, etc.) as well as enact cost-saving policies like smart energy management. The IoT technology is already spreading through the hospitality industry with public terminals, in-room technologies and mobile applications and some of the promising future IoT applications, such as body area sensor networks, environment monitoring and augmented reality experiences, will certainly usher in new business prospects. HSP should therefore aim to future proof their technology framework so that their systems can be easily upgraded in tandem with the changing IoT technological landscape. Overall, the new technological upgrade of the hospitality industry should create a mutually beneficial platform by facilitating partnership between guests and HSP. The platform should ensure that guests are treated to an outstanding travel experience while also improving the operational and managerial efficiency for HSP. Furthermore, the new technological framework must be future proof; providing an easy upgrade schedule for addition of new/improved services. In this paper, we present a detailed overview of the role of technology in state-of-the-art hospitality services. It also describes the potential future hospitality services following the burgeoning revolution of IoT technology. We then outline the challenges being currently being faced by HSP and discuss the need for overcoming these challenges to develop a lasting future-proof solution for the hospitality industry. Digital transformation is universally changing businesses. While becoming digital is important, the biggest opportunity for digital transformation is instilling modern DNA into the vision, purpose, and culture of aspiring brands. While digital implies a technological approach to competing, its power is in building brand agility and resilience in a transforming marketplace. As trends change, so do the brands and experiences guests seek and value. Modern brands must not only keep up with changing customers and technologies, but also must explore new ways to create and deliver new and relevant value throughout the entire guest journey as it evolves. Digital transformation goes beyond marketing, operations, and the latest tech. Modern brands are most successful when change purposely delivers meaningful, frictionless, and integrated experiences in the moments that matter to guests in DIGITALIZATION IN HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY | 3

each touch point throughout the guest journey and lifecycle. Those individual and collective experiences become the brand. And, this is the challenge facing hospitality brands in their quest to digitally transform. Many executives aren’t 100% plugged into evolving guest behaviors, expectations, preferences, and aspirations. Yet, decisions are being made in the name of guest experience without actually being guest-centric. That’s just one of many difficulties involved in digital transformation. Many hospitality brands, for instance, are still burdened by legacy systems and technologies, silos, inadequate customer journeys and user experience (UX) design, outdated guest perspectives, etc. For all of these challenges, these are also times for great innovation and, equally, disruption. Guest experience (GX) combined with modern technology becomes a catalyst for digital transformation and also a competitive advantage. That’s why these times represent so much promise and opportunity. Everything is open for improvement and re-imagination: not only in terms of technology, but in terms of how and with whom you work; in terms of processes and policies; and in terms of new perspectives from outside industries, which prompt you to learn, unlearn, iterate, and innovate. Hospitality is a high-tech and high-touch industry. GX (from the guest’s perspective) is expected to be high-tech and high-touch. This is why the future of GX needs architects focused on integrating modern tech and touch points at scale. Meaningful transformation and the resulting constructs for guest experience shouldn’t wholly be built upon legacy foundations. Legacy foundations are usually where we start, but that means our “thinking outside the box” is happening in a familiar paradigm, which is not the unfamiliar territory where new possibilities can be invented. Future customers are not rooted in legacy. Favorite devices, apps, and services influence them and how they value brands, products, and services. Those who build on blank canvases create the future, because they start with the questions: What if? And why can’t we …? The future GX needs re-imagination, ingenuity, and new technologies to bring improvements and ideas to life.

The World before the Internet – The Past Milestones of Technology This is a world where we are wilfing and keep us tweeting busy. We upload selfies on an everyday basis, create blogs but sometimes it is TL; DR1. (Oxford 2013.) Technology and Internet have changed language, dictionary and lifestyle. Now it shapes the way we live, DIGITALIZATION IN HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY | 4

work or think. But there has been a world existed before the Internet emerged and today’s life is a result of a very long journey that started centuries ago. The first technological achievement – the first milestone in the history – was Gutenberg’s work on the printing press (1450). It made information available for a wide segment of the population and also made it spread quickly and easily. It became the achievement of preservation of knowledge; it introduced the “information revolution” like Internet today. (Kreis 2000). We are all grateful to I. Manzetti, A. Meucci, J. P. Reiss, E. Gray, A. G. Bell and T. Edison for their precious work on the forerunner of the telephone (1876) and then to the Hungarian inventor, Tivadar Puskás for inventing the actual telephone (Kante 2014). The emerge of the telephone had an effect on the communication as well as the society. It became a useful tool in homes, business life and in the education. The invention of the telephone helped develop city centres and office buildings. It replaced the position of the messenger boys, telegraphers and operators. It made the world smaller and helped to keep family bonds together. (Kang 2013.) As an interesting fact: the word “computer” was used first in 1613, although it meant something else like today. It described a human who completed calculations and computations (Computer Hope). However the product what we call computer recently was invented in 1950. It was able to store information and run a program from memory. Afterwards, the computer technology speeded up and developed constantly. According to Kante (2014) CompuServe was the first commercial Internet provider in 1969. The first email was sent in 1971 and the World Wide Web was provided to the world twentytwo years later. These data was collected from United States; Internet itself became a known phenomenon in Hungary in 1995 (26 years later) for instance (Social Daily, 2010) and became popular in education in 1998. However there are still countries around the world where the Internet is restricted or imposed prison penalties for anti-government manifestations (e.g. Turkmenistan, Vietnam, Tunisia or Cuba) and all the Gmail and Yahoo sites are constantly monitored. (Lilkty 2010). Technological Improvements in the Hospitality Industry – Long Ago


An article from 1995 (Hansen & Owen) predicts that technology achievements are going to be used in future hotels. They write about smart cards what the customer could use as a hotel room key and also mention future kiosks that will make possible the easy and timesaving check-ins in hotel lobbies. Database marketing (segmenting customers and making further profile improvements of frequent clients etc.) was a future trend twenty years ago and now these are all standard tools in the day-to-day operation in hotels. These are not just facts but also great proofs that the future is predictable. All these “new” achievements had the same goals twenty years ago: reducing the general and administrative expenses as well as staff requirements. The importance of the Electronic Distribution became significant already in the 1960`s. The opportunity was given, so hotels started to follow the airlines’ system and already in 1970’s travel agents, airlines and hotels were electronically connected. (Riesselman 2011.) Eight years later the first computerized bulletin board appeared which the forerunner of Facebook and LinkedIn. However, doubts have arisen regarding technological changes: travel agents were not sure that computer is a more efficient communication channel than the telephone but gradually it became more popular in the hospitality industry. Afterwards all hotel wanted distribution systems but on a different way, thus it caused a massive inconsistence. This is the reason why HEDNA (Hotel Electronic Distribution Network Association) was founded in 1991, which is one of the most popular global forums by now. HEDNA improves and expand hospitality distribution through co-operation and knowledge sharing (HEDNA). Electronic Distribution is still developing and direct connects have a remarkable role thanks for the social media and mobile devices. Technology has changed everything – said Michael Murphy (“a hotel industry veteran”) in an interview with Jeff Higley (2013): “Guys that would apply for franchises might sit in their cars all night counting cars at their competition to see if there was a need for another hotel.” Today we have computers and apps, which easily give us the answers by saving time, money and energy. STATE-OF-THE-ART HOSPITALITY SERVICES HSP are making large IT expenditures to revamp their technological infrastructure base. In 2016, midscale hotels led in IT expenditure (7.3%), trailed by upscale hotels (6.1%) and luxury hotels (5.6%). The expenditures are largely focused on digitalization of the service platform to benefit both parties of the hospitality service exchange – the guests and the DIGITALIZATION IN HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY | 6

service providers. Innovations in smart devices and IoT are driving the reform of technology used in the hospitality service platform. Guest interactions are being migrated towards onscreen and online interfaces through guest-facing systems which apart from being convenient for guests doubles as an opportunity for service providers to collect valuable data and feedback. Digitalization, implemented by HSP through back-of-house (BoH) management systems, has helped improve operational efficiencies, enhance managerial effectiveness, reduce cost of goods sold, increase revenues and improve sustainability. In a digitalized hospitality service platform, guest-facing systems are the primary interfaces for interaction between the guests and the HSP. Therefore, it is imperative that these systems provide easy to use interfaces for guests to manage their travel experience. Guest-facing systems include hospitality service mobile applications, point-of-sale (POS) terminals, handheld devices, thin-client terminals, etc. These systems should be integrated seamlessly into all three phases of the guest cycle: pre-sale, point of sale, and post-sale phases so as to provide a complete digital service experience for the guests.

Guest-facing systems improve guest experience in several different ways. Firstly, guestfacing systems ensure guest satisfaction by allowing guests to control their environment. Guest-facing systems empower guests with services such as automatic check-in and checkDIGITALIZATION IN HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY | 7

out services, keyless entry services, control of in-room functions etc. For example, Hilton and Starwood hotels offer guests automatic check-in and keyless entry service using their mobile apps. Telkonet’s Eco Smart Mobile offers similar mobile applications with the added features to allow guests to have control of in-room IoT products. Samsung’s Hotel Management Solutions and SINC entertainment solutions also allow guests to control in-room functions as well as check weather and flight information through a TV remote interface. Hotels like Mondarian SoHo, The Plaza and The Marlin are placing tablets in their hotel rooms to provide guests with interfaces for controlling in-room functions. Peninsula Hotels is developing their own line of proprietary in-room tablets which allow guests to order room service, message the concierge, arrange transportation, make free VOIP calls, and select TV stations and movies to stream onto the hotel room television. Secondly, guest-facing systems provide guests with location-based services which is another important service linked to guest satisfaction. More than 30 percent of hotels in 2016 allocated budgets for location-based technology. Guest-facing systems enabled with locationbased technology offer on-property and off-property guest services like digitally guided tours, recommendations of local events and attractions, as well as suggestions for dining and entertainment options. These services not only aid the guests in getting around and exploring during their stay, but, also enable service providers to keep guests within the revenue loop by preferably steering guests to sites and establishments that profit the HSP. For example, Fontainebleau Miami tailor their prearrival and checkout offers using their guests’ location data. Finally, guest-facing systems make it easy for guests to participate in loyalty programs with HSP. By using hotel loyalty mobile apps, guests can keep track of coupons and bonuses, and get notifications on deals and special offers. The services offered to guests through guest-facing systems are driven by sophisticated BoH management systems. These systems are tasked with managing service staff and balancing operational costs and revenue without compromising quality of service provided to guests. The BoH management systems include property management system, customer relationship management, revenue and sales management, housekeeping maintenance software etc. The developments in guest facing systems and IoT technology are significantly enhancing the capabilities of BoH management systems. For example, in-room IoT units like thermostats, motion sensors and ambient light sensors can be used to control temperature and lighting in hotel rooms when they are unoccupied or unsold which can reduce energy costs by 20 to 45 percent. Starwood Hotels and Resorts’ “daylight harvesting” is such an energy-saving scheme DIGITALIZATION IN HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY | 8

which saves energy and increases indoor lighting consistency by automatically adjusting the energy- efficient LED lighting based on the natural light detected coming into the hotel room. The innovations in guest-facing systems are also reshaping the customer relations dynamic between guests and HSP. Guest-facing systems enable service providers to closely monitor the guest cycle by collecting data on specific guest preferences, behaviors and locations. Service providers and BoH systems make use of this data to create custom guest profiles which they use to personalize service offers for repeat business. These custom guest profiles can be shared with a large network of partner service providers which ensures that services offered to guests are always highly personalized. Custom guest profiles also grant HSP the ability to entice guests into using their services by means of targeted advertisements and special insiders’ guides and offers. Another critical management task associated with BoH management systems is to build up the online brand value of HSP. This includes developing and maintaining good customer relations through effective use of the social media platform, and engaging guests to rate and review services in online portals. The online standing of a company directly correlates to its revenue stream. Around 90% of modern day technophile travelers base their decisions on online reviews when purchasing hospitality services. A single negative review can thus result in potential loss of a large number of customers. It is therefore necessary for BoH management systems to monitor online portals for bad reviews and ratings and take necessary action to mitigate their effects. However, through the effective use of social media platform such as live chat-based assistance for prompt response to guest queries, advertising group activities and services to a group of a guest’s friends etc., hospitality services can be highly personalized which makes them lucrative in a guest’s point of view. The BoH management systems also help improve revenue per available room (RevPAR) by speeding up the housekeeping and maintenance processes. By using in-room technologies and guest preference profiles, BoH management systems can schedule housekeeping services efficiently. This effectively reduces the downtime of hotel rooms, improves the utilization of labor resources, and significantly improves guest satisfaction. The use of housekeeping management systems and applications can help in reducing payroll costs by 10% to 20%. The BoH management systems also help in maintenance of in-room and on-property smart systems. These systems help discover faults and failures in near real-time and thus facilitate prompt maintenance. DIGITALIZATION IN HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY | 9

SCOPE OF FUTURE HOSPITALITY SERVICES As the IoT ecosystem grows and spreads into different facets of everyday life, we can expect a future where every physical device that we use aggregates and analyzes our data and automatically provides us services. The hospitality industry is inclined to follow this growing trend to offer new types of services to its guests as well as to enact cost saving measures. In this section, we discuss some of potential services and use cases that the burgeoning IoT ecosystem may bring to the hospitality sector in the future.

Body Area Sensors Smart and wearable devices are at the forefront of the IoT revolution. Sales of devices such as smartphone, smart watches, etc., are soaring and smart technology is beginning to be included in other wearable forms like smart clothing, smart shoes, etc. These devices gather user data like body temperature, heart rate, location, fitness activities etc. Wireless medical sensor technology further expands the scope of data collection by providing detailed data about organs and systems within the body. With proper analysis of data gathered through body area sensor networks, HSP can offer a host of new services to their guests such as, automatic adjustment of inroom temperature based on body temperature, adjustment of inroom lighting based on a guest’s sleep-cycle, provide meal suggestions based on a guest’s desired fitness goal, etc. HSP can also provide special facilities to guest’s based on the type of medical devices they use. For example, service providers can filter out high carbohydrate and DIGITALIZATION IN HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY | 10

sugary meal options for diabetic guests, high cholesterol meal options for patients with heart disease, etc. Augmented Reality and Beacon Technology HSP are coming up with new ways to incorporate augmented reality and beacon technology into their own property systems. This technology can be used to provide guests with services such as digitally guided tours, previews of in-room environment (e.g., decor, facilities and amenities, etc.), immediate translation services for signs and other written materials, interactive restaurant menus with dish previews, critic reviews, food allergy information, etc. as well as interactive trivia games around on-property points of interest. These services can be bundled as part in-house loyalty applications. As guests use these services, HSP can advertise new services or collect data to improve guest preference profiles. Energy Management HSP can enact several cost-saving measures in the management of on-property energy consumption by leveraging IoT technology. These measures are particularly helpful in achieving “green” operation of on-property systems. Some of the energy-saving systems currently in-place at many hotel properties include smart lighting and temperature control systems as well as use of low power devices like compact florescent bulbs, LED lights etc. IoT technology can significantly expand the scope of energy-saving systems. For example, IoT-enabled power outlets and IoT-enabled smart devices alert housekeeping and maintenance service personnel if a particular outlet exceeds a set limit for power consumption over a given period of time. The service personnel can then track down whether the guests are mindful of the power consumption or whether the power is leaking due to malfunctioning devices. IoT technology can also be employed to limit water consumption. This can be achieved through IoT-enabled smart bathrooms with smart shower heads, smart sinks, flow-controlled toilets etc. Building Automation and Monitoring Both guests and service providers benefit from building automation and monitoring. New hospitality services such as keyless entry services, automated check-in and check-out services, digital concierge, etc. which will be brought about by developments in IoT-enabled systems will greatly improve guest satisfaction. These services are not only appealing for technophile users but, they can be specially helpful for guests with disabilities. Building DIGITALIZATION IN HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY | 11

automation also leads to greater operational and managerial efficiency for HSP. For example, in-room monitoring systems can be used to detect whether a room is occupied or unoccupied so as to schedule housekeeping services. IoT-enabled in-room and onproperty guest-facing systems as well as other utility systems such as elevators, automated doors and windows, power lines, pipelines, etc., can report faults and malfunctions and schedule preventive maintenance services before any problems are detected with regular physical inspections. CHALLENGES In this section, we identify four major challenges associated with an effective IoT implementation in the hospitality industry. These challenges need to be addressed by the new technological infrastructures being adopted by HSP in order to sustain steady growth.

1. Interoperability The hospitality industry lacks standardization. Many HSP are developing their own proprietary solutions based on their own metrics and methodologies in order to accommodate the technological service demands of modern day guests. This has led to a diverse spectrum of implementations which are essentially targeted to provide a similar set of services. Although these implementations work well within the scope of a single property, they lack the potential to be extended to intra-organization and inter-organization scopes. This imposes limitations on the usability of guest preference profiles on a broader scope because of the lack of a standard platform for sharing guest data across different businesses. This can lead to loss in potential


revenue for HSP as they may be unable to effectively provide personalized services to their guests. Interoperability issues also impact guest experience as they create hassles and inconveniences that take away from seamless user experience desired by guests. Nonstandardized systems at different hotels introduce unwanted learning periods for guests during their stay. Such systems may also have issues in interfacing and using data from personal devices brought by guests. These problems warrant standardized vendor independent systems and solutions for hospitality industry. 2. Data Management Aggregation and analysis of guest data is an integral part of the hospitality service chain. With the introduction of new technologies and service platforms in the hospitality industry, data volume is bound to grow exponentially. Personalization of guest experience contributes significantly to increase in data volume. As personalized services become the norm in hospitality industry, HSP must treat each of their guests as unique individuals and maintain accurate and up-to-date records of their preferences and behaviors. HSP can collect guest data through guest-facing systems as well as personal guest devices connected to the hotel network. The BoH management systems in hotels must be capable of properly managing the influx of wide variety of guest data from wide variety of sources. In order to provide personalized services to guests, BoH management systems must analyze guest preference profiles along with data about the state of the surrounding environment detected from IoT devices/sensors. This places a considerable computational burden on BoH management systems that can only be tackled through the use of specialized technological infrastructures. Additionally, secure sharing of relevant data from these guest profiles across different intra-organization and inter-organization systems is a monumental logistic challenge that requires both centralized and decentralized data management approaches. 3. Security and Privacy In order to provide guests with highly personalized services, it is necessary for HSP to track guest preferences, behavior, and location. HSP must ensure that guest data is used and stored properly so as to protect guests from physical, economic, and societal threats. Guest-facing systems and point-of-sale terminals are the most susceptible systems in hotels to security attacks. These systems should ensure that interactions with guests are secure and private by employing robust security measures to prevent DIGITALIZATION IN HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY | 13

data leaks and theft. Security primitives should also be supplemented in the hotel network for added security in interfaces with personal guest devices and in-room and on-property IoT devices. A secure hotel network prevents hackers from gaining access to guest data by attacking personal guest devices connected to the network. It also prevents hackers from reprogramming the hotel’s IoT systems for annoying or malicious purposes. Adding strong security protocols in every guest interaction and every active connection on the hotel network requires significant computing resources. Moreover, these security protocols should be implemented close to the data source so that data is secured in as few number of hops in the network as possible. A decentralized computing platform is necessary to meet these requirements. 4. Responsiveness HSP must ensure prompt acknowledgement of guest requests and prompt delivery of services to guests. This can be achieved by digitalization of the interaction between guests and HSP. By pushing guest interactions to guest facing systems and implementing automatic control through IoT sensors/devices, HSP can eliminate the need for human interaction and intervention when dealing with guests. These systems leave little room for miscommunication and confusion when interpreting guests’ requests. These systems can also readily fulfill guests’ requests faster than any dedicated hotel staff/personnel. This greatly improves responsiveness to guest requests and adds to the seamless experience desired by guests. Responsiveness is also crucial for a hotel’s upkeep and maintenance. No or slow response to repair and maintenance needs can lower the hotel’s revenue per available room (RevPAR). For example, a room cannot be rented if something as simple as the phone in the room is not working. In hotels that have large scale IoT deployments, repair and maintenance requests can be responded to swiftly because most IoT sensors and devices can detect and self diagnose problems. Timely repair and maintenance makes hotel rooms available for occupancy quickly thus reducing loss of revenue to maintenance. In order to improve responsiveness of hotel systems, they must be equipped with more computing resources and unfettered access to guest and BoH management data which requires a decentralized computing and data management platform.


CHAPTER: 02 THE “SMART” PRESENT With emerging technologies, strict regulations and changing customer preferences, the hoteliers are now forced to be highly vigilant. Today’s biggest challenge is about staying relevant in the market. The need to provide a fantastic customer experience and embracing new market requirements are the key drivers for the digitization in the hospitality industry. A large number of companies in the hospitality industry have now come to a realization that by adopting digital technologies, they are able to maximize their brand visibility, gain operational efficiencies and redefine customer experiences. In order to offer innovative solutions for their customers, an increasing number of hotels across the globe are partnering with IT companies. Within a decade, most of the emerging technologies that we have today would have moved in as mainstream operation. The robotic – process automation, for instance, will transform the way the hotel bookings are carried out. The use of Biometrics will ensure that we are more secure, and the Chatbot services will make the hotel booking process faster. The constant technological development in the hospitality industry has made the lives of the customers easy. Customers of the modern times have a growing comfort with new technology, and this is leading to some disruptive trends. Going forward, hotels without staffs will be more appealing to the independent travelers as most of them are tech-savvy. This will also benefit the hoteliers as they will be able to reduce their operational costs.

How digital technologies are transforming the hospitality industry? Our general life preferences are becoming more focused on technology as the world around us continues to become more digital and the hospitality industry is becoming transformed by these digital technologies too. But what exactly is changing in the hotel industry? We have started to become more interested in engrossing ourselves in the local culture of the places to which we travel, using digital technology as our guide. For example, Google Maps no longer makes us wary of travelling to new areas because we can see places highlighted on an app, which even has helpful reviews to let us know whether we would like to visit those attractions or bars/restaurants.


However, where we really have some help is when we go to look for a place to stay during our trips. Whether these be fortnight-long leisure jaunts, or even just a one-night business stay over, digital technologies can help us find the best place for us to lay our heads. And, of course hotels and other places are interested in using technologies to make sure that they are certain a customer’s trip will be at its very best. Social media and customer care Even if you aren’t an avid Facebook or Twitter user, you’re likely to have at least seen one of your friends write a post along the lines of “Does anyone know any good hotels in insert place here?” And just like that hotels in the relevant area are suddenly privy to positive (or negative reviews), sometimes within seconds. The great thing about social media is that it gives places in the hospitality industry the chance to have their say too. If a hotel or bar is tagged in a post, similar to the one above, they will receive a note of it, which is an opportunity to send and receive information on the best features of that place. It seems to go without saying that any aspect of the hospitality industry needs its own Facebook profile and Twitter handle. If you own a hotel for example, this is the easiest and potentially the best way for you to garner positive, practically free publicity for your business. This is particularly true of millennials (adults aged 18-29 who have grown up in a digital society) as they crave relationships and having a social media profile to boost your products will help to establish a strong one with your customers. Dealing with negative customer complaints is also extremely easy thanks to social media, as the internet has given everyone a voice and people tend not to be shy about expressing their frustration through tweets and posts. If a hotel does receive negative feedback, it’s generally accepted to respond to that person within an hour to make them feel heard. Places in the hospitality industry can also instigate conversations and discussions, which Likeable Social Media calls ‘table talk’ and it can help build trust with your customers.


Technology that integrates Moving on from social media, technology has now begun to integrate into people’s everyday lives, thanks to things like Apple Watch. Not just a standard watch, this model allows the user to track their own movements with a pedometer and running enthusiasts find it a welcome companion when they’re training. But what of hotel integration? Hotels such as the Hilton have begun offering a digital room selection choice and a digital check-in service for their guests, according to Travel Trends Today. This service is live across 4,300 hotels in general and includes 14 hotels that operating by Hilton Worldwide in India. With this service, guests will be able to check-in and choose their exact room from digital floor plans on their desktop, tablet and mobile devices. While this takes away face-to-face customer relations, what is does do is help to improve customer satisfaction as they will be able to customize their stay, by picking a room from a digital floor plan and requesting upgrades. They can also make special requests for items to be delivered to their rooms ahead of their arrival, with just one touch to the screen of a smartphone. The aim of this ease of room preference and check-in is to reward loyal customers to the Hilton chain by giving them freedom of choice to better enjoy their stay. Some other hotels are also integrating technology into their hospitality service, by teaming up with Apple Watch to allow customers to enjoy keyless room entry. This takes the stress out of staying in a hotel as you won’t have to worry about where the key is and who has it at that particular time. In the back end of hotels (i.e. not front of house) sensor systems are already well in place with regards to things like built-in sensors for lights and air conditioning, which can be controlled via mobile or tablet applications.


More on mobile devices As mobile devices were invented to make it easier for us to stay in communication with each other via call, text, tweet and so on… But, the reality is that we use them for so much more than communication, they’re a tool that we need to perform tasks and make our lives easier. Of course, this has begun to revolutionize the hospitality industry in ways that we don’t even realize. For example, how often do we go into bars or restaurants and our orders are taken on specific smartphone or tablets. Apple was one of the first companies to do this in a consumer setting, being a pioneer of digital technologies. But now many hospitality related businesses find that mobile devices fit their strategic vision, operational methods and budgets better than computers. This is because computers and desktops in particular can be cumbersome and their hardware has virtually disappeared from modern homes. Even laptops and web browsers are being swapped for tablets around the home and books are being swapped for Kindles, because even books are too clunky for the modern person. With regards to hotels, tablets can take up less space and perform much faster than traditional computers. Smartphones are also becoming a valuable tool for concierge professionals as it means they can interact with guests from anywhere on the property. It also affords guests the opportunity to have their problems solved in real time, rather than having to go hunting for somebody to talk to.

How a Digital Communication Platform can transform? How Your Hotel Operates? Digital age technology has revolutionized the way we talk to each other. Messaging apps and social media give us the ability to chat, make plans and organize our lives in a fast and effortless way. Yet for some reason, much of the hotel industry continues to use outdated tools and methods to communicate. Handwritten notes are often used to pass on important guest information, and the latest staff arrivals, promotions and internal events are announced via cluttered notice boards.


These inefficient systems set the scene for confusion, and rely on staff going out of their way to keep informed. Management also has no way of accurately tracking when, or if, messages have been read and understood. A New Era in Seamless Communication To become more effective at communicating, information sharing needs to be digitized. Hotels need to use the kind of technology that replicates our mobile, socially connected lifestyles. In the hospitality industry, digital communication tools such as Beekeeper can provide this platform. Beekeeper allows information to be shared via a team app, employee portal, group messaging app, and workforce platform. Everything can be accessed via desktop and mobile, so all staff at the hotel are connected and in the loop at all times. Beekeeper is used to exchanging information, share property updates, and communicate best practices within or across departments at the property. In the following post, we’ll look at some of the specific benefits these kinds of digital platforms offer, and how they can transform the way hotels communicate with their staff. Seamless Sharing of Information The beauty of platforms such as Beekeeper is that information can be shared instantly and with everyone. For example, at the start of the day, your team can look at the most important information for the day via an app on their smartphone. This lets them look at things such as daily events, numbers in and out, and any VIPs that are arriving that require special attention. Because this real-time information can be accessed 24/7, a new team starting the night shift can instantly be brought up to speed on the day’s activity. A streamline digital communication tool also acts as a great time-saving device. Instant messages can be sent to an individual or groups in real time, reducing the need for unnecessary face-to-face meetings. Engagement and Recognition


One of the less obvious benefits of communication platforms is they can be used to engage and motivate staff. Achievements, work anniversaries and personal celebrations can all be announced to the whole team. This form of public recognition helps to make employees feel connected and valued, builds esteem, and can ultimately help with retention. New employees can also be announced to everyone via social media-style posts. These posts can include the employee’s name, photograph, profile and any hobbies or interests they have. This fun and informal introduction means that new starters are immediately made to feel welcome and part of a wider team. Gauge Staff Sentiment in a Flash Tools such as Beekeeper allow you to send out polls and surveys to get quick feedback from your team. Managers can quickly poll their team on a host of issues, such as getting their reaction to a recent event, or asking for ideas on a future team-building activity. Because they’re easy to complete, staff are far more likely to reply without needing to be chased up for a response, or consulted individually. In addition, the act of regularly seeking opinions from everyone within the business shows respect for their ideas, creates stronger teams, and helps to build a culture of inclusivity. Increased Employee Productivity Through mobile communication, working together is so much easier and time saving. Employees can instantly share thoughts and flashes of inspiration to solve problems and generate ideas within a team. It’s a far more efficient way of working than arranging formal meetings to overcome every new issue or challenge. Files, links, videos and images can also be shared to add information, context and creativity to on-the-go conversations and brainstorms. When collaborating is made simple, the entire hotel operation stands to benefit. Employees are encouraged to work as a team, and creative solutions to problems are more likely to happen as a direct result. The Power of Mobile Communication


Internal mobile communication platforms are transforming how hotels and their staff interact. Bulletin boards and post-it notes are being replaced by digital technology that meets the communication demands of 21st-century hospitality.

6 Benefits of Technology in the Hospitality Industry Customer expectations are changing. Technology can help businesses in the hospitality industry stay relevant and competitive, save time and money, and increase client satisfaction in six important ways. 1. Relevance Guests are more likely to recommend locations that are up-to-date. Stay ahead of the technology curve by integrating modern devices into your establishment: mobile keys, smart TVs, room controls, interactive digital signage and things of that nature. 2. Security Your customers trust you to protect their personal data — credit card numbers, billing addresses, contact information and more. Instead of storing those details exclusively in computers on-site, where they can get lost or stolen, use the cloud. Most modern software applications include cloud storage and backup capabilities 3. Sustainability Saving energy and money has never been easier. Go green by installing programs that adjust room lighting based on the amount of natural light provided. And use motion sensors to automatically shut off electricity in unoccupied spaces. 4. Scalability Hotel Customer Relationship Management (CRM) programs consolidate guest data, automate payments, and aid in account management, reporting and more. That means you can continually grow your business around practices that produce the highest ratings and revenue. 5. Efficiency DIGITALIZATION IN HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY | 21

Guests don’t like waiting in line. In the hospitality industry, using tablets at the front desk will streamline the check-in and check-out process. Not only will this improve satisfaction, but it will save time so you can focus on improving the guest experience. 6. Simplicity Integrated smartphone tools conveniently provide all of the resources customers need in one place. With a custom hotel app, users can easily locate amenities such as the pool, gym, spa, bar or laundry rooms; check their charges; and leave reviews.

PROS & CONS OF TECHNOLOGY IN HOTELS Cons of Technology in the Hotel Industry For Employees & Customers: Cons for Employees "The production of too many useful things results in too many useless people." - Karl Marx The quote above is a perfect example on how technology is a disadvantage for hotel employees. The more technology could just mean the less people the company will need, which mean no jobs. It could mean that with hotels not needing people anymore that the world will lose a lot of jobs due to it, since hotels are one of the top job makers. Could you imagine going to a hotel and having no employees there? I could not imagine this. In the hospitality field it is all about customer, employee interactions and face to face time with them. If an employee does everything online with a customer there could be lost translations and wrong meanings of things. It also gives employees the chance to meet new people and love the job that they are doing, since that is why they are there. With how far technology has come, it would be very hard if not impossible to go back to when there was no technology. Who knows it might not even be better. What might be best it to have it so that you have a balance of both: 

New Technology


Cons for Customers The disadvantages of technology in the hotel industry for customers would not be as bad as the employee, but it wouldn't be great. People like to interact that is a reason why we travel and go different places and do not just hang out in our house all the time. Imagine you are on vacation and when you go to check-in you: 

Are greeted by a computer as you walk in

Put all your information in

Get a key

Walk to your room

Now how fun does that sound? That is why we still need employees and can not just go all to machines. Technology is great, until it is not. What if the hotels: 

Homepage stops working

The pictures don't work

Or customers don't have a way to access the internet

That is where technology would fail for customers.

Just like the employees there needs to be that balance for technology and no technology.

Pros of Technology in the Hotel Industry for Employees and Customers: Pros for Employees With technology, it makes a hotel employees job that much better. They are able to have all the information they need to know about the hotel and the customer right in front of them on a computer.


Employees do not have to look through other employees notes and papers to find a customer who needs to check-in. This makes check-in and out smoother for the employee and as well as the customer. To help eliminate the wait to check-in, some hotels have even started using kiosks to check-in all by yourself. This would be impossible if it wasn't for technology. These kiosks are computers that allow you your customer to: 

Pull up all their information


Give them a room key

Send them straight to their room

These make it easier on the employee so that the wait is not long for people who know what they need to do and do not need a lot of guidance. With employees having access to computers they are also able to pull up any information the need regarding the customer when they are already checked-in and in their room. With the advancement in technology, employees have more time to focus on specific needs from customers as well as things they need to get done on their job. Overall technology helps the employees make the best of out the job. Without technology there would be long lines and made customers. Always remember a happy customer is a returning customer. Technology in the future For the employees in the future, they will be able to do everything that they need to do right from in front of them. There will be no more "front desk" and employees will be walking around with hand held computers helping customers check-in. Pros for customers Technology in the hotel industry is great for the customers. They are able to quickly pull up the hotels internet homepage from their computer or their mobile device and look at just about anything about the hotel. Some of these things include, but not limited to: DIGITALIZATION IN HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY | 24

Information about the Hotel

Restaurants in the hotel or around the area

Around town

Pictures of the hotel, including rooms

Information about staff

Amenities of hotel

With all of this information right at customers finger tips it is perfect for anytime they need to use it, whether it be at work, at home or on the go. With a nice, neat and effective homepage for the hotel it will drive busy up. This being because people like to know what they are getting for their money. When they see pictures it makes it even better because they know exactly what they are getting. Hotels are also becoming more technology advanced not just with their webpage and check in, but also in the hotel in general. Most hotels have: 

Big Flat Screen T.V.



High end work out areas

Even iPods

Some hotels even have started making apps for smart phones for customers. The apps range from: 

room keys

room service

remote controls to the TV as well as the temperature

and even the lights

Customers expect to have technology available to them because that is what they are use to in their everyday life. The more the better for most people.


Technology in the future As time goes on and technology is still advancing, the industry needs to make sure that they are giving their customers the top of the line technology. Customers do not want to come to a hotel with no technology. More and more customers are leaving comment cards with better ways to advance a hotels technology and how they would like to see it.

Technology in the Hotel Industry Today in the world we live in, technology is everywhere. I bet most of us can not even think of what life would be like without technology. In Hotels, technology is very important. It helps the industry make the best possible outcome for customers. Technology has made it possible for customers to: 1. View Rooms 2. Book Room Reservations 3. Talk to an employee online For Hotel employees, technology has also made their lives a lot easier. They are able to have all the information right in front of them on a computer and can pull up anything about a customer. But technology is not all good for the hotel industry. It can harm the industry just as much as it can help it. The Hospitality industry is all about customer service. With technology you lose that interaction with the customer. With both the pros and cons of technology in the hotel industry, people will just have to keep adapting because technology is here to stay and is only getting stronger as it continues on.


CHAPTER: 03 DIGITAL CUSTOMER JOURNEY AND DIGITAL GUEST EXPERIENCE: There’s little doubt that technology has played a massive role in the growth of almost every segment within hospitality. As software-enabled management began to replace the traditional pen-and-paper approach, hotels began to witness improved efficiency. A few years later, the onset of the cloud computing platform had revolutionized the industry – independent hoteliers could now access the same enterprise-level tools that were once only within the reach of the largest hotel chains. And things haven’t been the same ever since! Today, we live in a digital era surrounded by intelligent devices capable of even making decisions for us – and we’ve now become conditioned to expect this level of convenience everywhere we go, especially in a hotel.

True to its name, the hospitality industry always strives to fulfil guest preferences and a number of larger properties have been toying with the idea of a streamlined guest cycle – one


where guests slide from one stage to the next with little to no interruption. And this year, a number of hotels have begun to implement these systems. Let’s take a look at how this will affect each stage of the existing guest-cycle: Pre-Arrival The first stage of the guest cycle, it is during pre-arrival that guests select the hotel and make their reservation. Millennials – who are on their way to becoming the dominant spending majority – use mobiles for almost everything and making reservations is no exception. With so much of the guest cycle dependent on this stage, hotels cannot afford to ignore these trends. A number of them – large as well as independent – have been adopting mobile apps to boost direct bookings, while some like Hilton are taking it a step further with their HHonors program. The app allows guests to select the room of their choice and a number of other extras, such as an additional bed, a day prior to arrival. Arrival Traditionally, the arrival stage involved the guest waiting in line at the front desk to interact with the front desk agent – they would then present identification and collect their key before heading for their room. It’s not an ideal scenario for jetlagged travelers looking to grab a shower and some sleep after a long journey. A number of hotels are trying to reinvent the process by taking the front desk out of the equation altogether! Hilton’s Honors program also includes a ‘Digital Key’ – an electronic key sent straight to the guest’s phone once their room has been prepped for occupancy. This enables the guest to enter the hotel and walk straight to his room, without having to wait in line at the front-desk. The app displays a map of the property’s layout, allowing the guest to make his way to his room. Occupancy After checking-in at the hotel, guests would rely on the room service and concierge to make any requests. Lights and air-conditioning/heating units would need to be turned on and adjusted manually. It doesn’t sound like much but guests today love attention to detail and with demands growing so rapidly, in-room technology might just be the way to win them over. What’s more, 2016 will witness the IoT enter a more mainstream, executional phase as IPv6 deployment continues to escalate. This means that it won’t be long before hotels can DIGITALIZATION IN HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY | 28

employ a multitude of connected to enhance the quality of the stay like never before. Guests will be able to utilize an in-room iPad to control the lighting, temperature, television, and almost any electronic device inside. Room service and concierge would also be available on the tablet. The experience doesn’t end in there – as a guest locks his door, beacons within the room will instruct any unnecessary electronic devices to turn off, such as the lights and television. Simultaneously, the lobby lighting is turned on while the elevator is summoned – all without the guest touching a single button! Even while walking around the property, beacons located at POS terminals – such as a gift shop – will monitor guest movement and alert them with personalized deals and special offers via push notifications as they stroll past the store. Departure The final stage of the guest cycle, this is where guests are billed and all the accounting aspects of the guest cycle are completed. Room keys are returned, and the hotel collects feedback from the guest by handing over a feedback form. But with apps running the show, there will be no keys to be returned and feedback can be filled in online. Time spent interacting with different employees within the hotel is minimized; the emphasis is placed on the guest experience instead. It’s only a matter of time before the existing guest cycle becomes redundant – guests will soon run out of patience and hotels that fail to oblige will no longer be able to compete. But these are exciting times for the industry!


CHAPTER: 04 DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION TRENDS IN HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY Communication Trends in Hotel Technology 1. Mobile Device As Door Key It’s fascinating that a function as simple as a door key could undergo so much evolution. But the tool that once started as a carefully shaped piece of metal quickly turned into electronic key cards, and is set to shed its physical form altogether. The next evolution of the hotel key transforms it into data on a guest’s mobile device. Some hotels have already starting using implementing this, whether it involves NFC technology or visually scanning a code like many airports now do with plane tickets. 2. Service Automation Self-serve is in. Today, many guests prefer technology over human interaction for simple tasks. Remote check-in and check-out options are becoming popular, and some hotels are beginning to work with apps that let guests order room service right from their mobile devices. There’s a whole range of basic guest requests that can be automated with the right technology, which frees hotel staff up for other activities that enhance the guest experience. And the trend is only going to accelerate. 3. Fixed-Mobile Convergence Once upon a time, people used their room phones. However, the pervasiveness of mobile devices has relegated the conventional room phone to a vastly reduced role. But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have a role moving forward. The room phone of the future may serve as a hub for a larger connected experience. Imagine a guest arrives at your hotel and pairs his mobile device to his room phone. Now he can use his mobile to control the TV and the sound system, perhaps even the blinds. He can use it to request a wake up call if he finds himself out late. You can let him know that his dry cleaning is ready, even if he’s across town at a meeting. And if DIGITALIZATION IN HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY | 30

he needs to take his call from your lobby into a cab so he doesn’t miss a meeting—the handoff from Wi-Fi to 4G is seamless. It may sound like science fiction, but many of the pieces of this scenario are already available or in development. The guest of tomorrow will be more connected than ever before. 4. Guest Apps The vision of the connected guest entails nearly every aspect of the guest experience. Something as complex as that needs a single hub from which to operate—and guest apps for personal mobile devices are the natural place to host all of these functions. A smartly designed guest app combines everything from deal notifications to hotel services to loyalty programs. If you see a guest used the group rate for a conference, you could use the app to electronically send your guest the event itinerary, complete with a map of meeting spaces where sessions will be held. Most major hotels have some element of this picture in play already, and they’re adding capabilities every day. Some of the major flags are closer, but much of the technology and integration is still in development. Regardless of who gets there first, one thing is certain—the hotel with a truly connected experience will be full of very happy, very empowered guests. 5. Battle For Bandwidth A smart phone, A laptop, A tablet, An e-reader. It seems like hospitality guests bring every Internet bandwidth-sucking device they own when they travel. And whether they’re travelling for business or pleasure, you can bet you’re going to hear about it if they can’t connect as quickly and reliably as they’re used to at home. But a hotel is not a home. You have to multiply those data needs by dozens, if not hundreds, of guests—possibly thousands if you land a big conference. It’s a huge strain and one that many of the best hospitality brands are working on. Whatever your solution, rest assured, the demand for bandwidth at hotels is only going to grow. 6. Location-Based Services


Much of this technology is in its infancy, but the implications are huge. Being able to understand where hotel staff and guests are located at any given time creates all kinds of opportunities to improve the guest experience—from being able to deliver services to guests while freeing them from their rooms to helping event staff operate more efficiently to turning over rooms more quickly and beyond. Some employee locationbased features are already available using SIP-DECT, but this is just the beginning. This is a category to keep an eye on. 7. Tech Lounges Airline check-ins. Local info guides. A place where guests can get out of their rooms but still access Wi-Fi to relax or get work done. The use cases for technology in hospitality seem to grow every year, and savvy hospitality businesses are transforming these guest desires into stylish semi-public spaces where guests can engage tech on their terms. Many guests are even beginning to include these kinds of technologies in their online hotel search criteria, so hospitality businesses that lack them may eventually find themselves at a disadvantage. Want To Increase Your ADR? Check Out The Advanced Hotel Communications Solution (Phone System + Apps And Integrations) For Small And Boutique Hotels > 8. SIP-DECT Already popular in the hospitality space and other industries in Europe, SIP-DECT is a mobility-enabling alternative to VoWLAN and radio-based networks that’s starting to get attention in North America. Many SIP-DECT setups bring the kind of features usually found on a fixed network to mobile workers all over your hotel or campus without tethering them down to specific locations. Since hotel service staff, like housekeeping, valet, concierge, and event staff are often on the go, SIP-DECTa natural fit for hoteliers. With relatively low cost compared to the alternatives, ease of deployment and quality, predictable voice quality, SIP-DECT is poised to take off in a big way. 9. Tech-Enabled Meeting Spaces DIGITALIZATION IN HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY | 32

The modern meeting space has evolved. No longer is it about tables and chairs and nice serving carts. Modern meetings run on technology. Business people need to make multimedia presentations and videoconference remote attendees—sometimes both simultaneously. And for the marathon meetings, they’d like access to services like catering with minimal interruptions. Most of all, smart hotels know they need these spaces to be as user-friendly as possible. The A/V rooms of the past that required dedicated engineers are no longer an option. If you think these kinds of business needs are limited to boardroom-style conference spaces, you’re missing an important part of the picture—business customers are increasingly asking for advanced technology enablement in ballrooms and event halls, as well. 10. Social Listening Guests have a lot to say about their experiences at hotels, but they don’t always say it directly to you. And in a hospitality world where word of mouth and online reviews have more influence every day, it’s one of the reasons that more and more hotels have started investing in social listening tools. These tools allow hotels to find out about guests’ wants, needs, desires, complaints and more—and jump into the conversation if it makes sense. Some even let you keep an eye on the competition. The Internet is treasure trove of business intelligence if you know how to look.

Digital Transformation Trends in Hospitality and Tourism In the past few months, we’ve been looking at digital transformation trends in different industries like healthcare, retail, finance, and media and entertainment. Today, we look at an industry that’s been completely turned on its head in recent years, due to extreme digital transformation: tourism and hospitality.


It used to be that we’d visit a brick-and-mortar travel agent every time we needed to plan a family vacation or work trip. (Granted, some of you may not remember that.) But today, thanks to mobility, travelers are playing a much larger role in the experience. They want to find a hotel that matches their style—on their terms—the very moment they need it. And thanks to players like AirBnB, which set the stage for a completely new era of travel, they can. Indeed, when it comes to the hospitality business, digital transformation is a mix of greater customer demands—and the technologies that can help meet them. Let’s take a look at the top trends impacting the hospitality and tourism industry. Mobile Integration The digital transformation is a dream come true for introverts who like to travel. With mobile-first and mobile-only brands continuing to grow, customers can do practically anything on their phone, from checking in—to ordering room service—to unlocking the room door itself. In fact, one can plan an entire trip—from booking to bedtime and home again— without ever talking to a live human. AI and Chat bots Remember when all hotels used to have clunky welcome binders on the desks, outlining where to eat, what to see, and what to do in the area—everything you needed to know? Today, hotels can provide all that information—and more—via AI-powered apps and technology. Guests can access the information at any time they need, right from their phones in the form of an e-concierge. They can even access voice-activated chat bots to open the DIGITALIZATION IN HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY | 34

curtains, set the alarm, or order breakfast, without ever talking to a human being. At the Cosmopolitan in Las Vegas, you can even text a robot named Rose at any time, 24/7, and she’ll find a way to fill your request, fast. Meanwhile, Marriott has been using AI-powered chat bots at nearly 5,000 hotels to do things like make reservation changes, and check on account balances or redemption vouchers. Integration of the IoT As more and more devices get connected to the Internet of Things (IoT), it makes sense that the tourism and hospitality industry would begin to harness that data to improve the customer experience. After all, the more they know about their guests, the better they can please them. If the IoT data tells them the customer has visited their resort every year for the last three years, it can automatically send a message proactively asking the guest if they’d like to make another booking this year. You just saved your customer a step—and guaranteed a booked room—without ever lifting a finger. The same could be said by harnessing information about food selection, excursions, and in-room amenities. The opportunities for up-sells and better CX are endless. Focus on Data As noted above, data is going to play a huge part in the new era of hospitality and tourism. In the case of AirBnB, they were able to use customer data to determine that guests who chose not to book were doing so because they were discouraged by hosts who failed to respond to their inquiries. (I’ve been there it’s annoying.) By offering instant booking feature to guarantee their reservation, they helped alleviate many of the customers’ concerns and helped automate what had previously been an incredibly arduous part of their business model. Data didn’t just improve CX. It improves the bottom line, as well. Reputation The fact that guests can book instantly also means they can share their opinions instantly via Facebook, Yelp, Trip Advisor and other travel review websites. That’s why technology has pushed hotels and restaurants to focus even more on providing quality customer service. Yes, there are outliers. I’ve experienced them myself. But there is no doubt the trend is toward better service for guests—not just a better return for operators.


Virtual Reality Whether it’s a hotel property, museum, or a tourist destination, guests can take a look without even leaving their living room via virtual reality. The goal is either to offer a preview of what guests will experience—or offer the next-best-thing to visiting at all. (For instance, would you rather pay $4,000 to visit Paris in real life, or $200 to take the same trip in a virtual world?) This isn’t being done on a widespread scale yet, but some major operators are offering guests the chance to experience at least a snippet of their travel experience—offering greater piece of mind especially to those planning a visit to a faraway destination. Others destinations, like the Museum of Modern Art in New York (MOMA) are already offering VR installations as part of their exhibits. The travel and tourism business is a $1.2 trillion industry. Clearly, there is incentive to invest to grow it even more. Whether the IoT is improving the accuracy of flight schedules, or the lure o f VR is convincing someone to take their first overseas trip, there is truly no end to the value tech can add to travel. They just need to be careful it doesn’t become so good that guests prefer the tech over the real thing.

Online Social Media for Hoteliers Verbal exchange is the most capable type of marketing in this industry. This is the reason it has turned out to be imperative for accommodation properties to build up an ear for social media listening. Social platforms can be utilized to find out about the guest experience and rolling out vital improvements to convey better experience over time. Also, these platforms offer hoteliers an opportunity to promote their properties at extremely low costs. Regardless, social media for hotelier is the huge trend that opens new possibilities for people in the hotel business. While connecting with guests, it is vital to utilize hashtags to expand the viral potential.

Chatbots Giving data and a first-class benefit for guests all day and all night is an essential factor of customer experience today. Chatbot innovation offers new ways for hoteliers to connect with their intended interest group and increase conversion rates. DIGITALIZATION IN HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY | 36

Thanks to the fast improvement of innovation in this field, hotelier chatbots are free, as well as offer booking and reservation benefits other than the standard info-desk ones. We can hope to see them put without hesitation by numerous hoteliers since they don't require any coding and past specialized information. Obviously, you need to be deliberate as this can result in obnoxious experience as well. Somebody needs to monitor these discussions and be provoked to reply back to the guest. Self-Service Self-service has turned into a well-known option for numerous businesses. In the wake of overcoming the customer support industry, it has achieved client benefit. People are accustomed to utilizing innovation today. This is the reason hoteliers ought to consider replacing legacy solutions for easy, simple and redundant activities in their business with automated solutions. There is an innovative solution for different guest demands. By implementing it, you won't just make your guest stay more enjoyable, however, you will likewise free your staff from these commitments and empower them to further enhance your guest experience. Fundamentally, mobile applications that guests can use to connect with services, and in addition to staff and departments.

Committed Mobile Apps A committed mobile application is another approach to streamline your communication endeavors. What are the services a committed mobile application can offer to your guests? For example, they can order room service benefit without grabbing the telephone, plan a sauna or a massage, check-in or check-out, etc. Having a committed mobile application is also another extraordinary effort towards building a genuine hotel brand, one that gives benefits that meet the needs and desires of the modern traveller.


Support for Smartphone's Thanks to Smartphone’s; correspondence has never been more streamlined and available. If you need to inspire your guests, you need to do everything possible to empower them to continue their mobile phones as though they were at home. Ensure that you have the best Wi-Fi routers, sufficient network coverage on the premises, and transfer speed enough dispersed over your network hubs. Make a point to specify this on your website and social media platforms, because people nowadays include free Wi-Fi in their online search criteria. You can furnish essential Wi-Fi free with constrained bandwidth and charge for higher bandwidth capacities.

In-room Technologies Have you perceived how the greatest airline registration looks like? People can sit back, relax, and gain access to the ideal internet connection and chargers. Make a point to launch surveys and ask your guests about their desires. It isn't just to grasp the entire new tech-savvy mantra, however, to empower the guests to engage with innovation all alone terms. Keep in mind, what is a cool gadget to somebody, is an outright need for another person. Concentrate on your target market and deliver what is expected of you. If you want to empower your guests to flawlessly communicate with you and your business, you need to consider depending on smart innovations. Smart hotel software innovation will empower your guest to connect with your services in an altogether new, captivating and memorable form. Would you come back to a hotel that recollected your favourite song and TV channel to wake up to? Obviously, you would. Furthermore, this is precisely what best hotel innovation has on the plate for hoteliers.

Digital Menus Fueled by spic and span accomplishments in the hotel innovation field, digital menus bring yet another change to every now and again utilized communication channel in the DIGITALIZATION IN HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY | 38

accommodation business – ordering. But, is there anything other digital menus offer other than the undeniable simple ordering advantage? Each order made by your guest will be stored in the local database. This data can be utilized to custom-tailor the experience for every one of your guests, subsequently empowering you to convey information-driven proposals and enable your guests to see the degree to which you to look after their prosperity. This will enable restaurants to strategically pitch and upsell things and enhance their services, the guest's experience, and revenues.

Innovation for Keyless Practices Room keys have been turned out to be an extremely inconvenient solution over the previous decade. This is the reason accommodation business is beginning to implement keyless in innovation. While the guests will have the capacity to open a door by means of their Smartphone’s, you will have the capacity to get important insights into their stay and habits.

Blockchain Technology

Blockchain innovation has discovered its way into the hospitality business. Presently, it is utilized to associate hotels with guests by empowering the first decentralized markets. While this undermines some huge players in the business, for example, and AirBnB, hoteliers consider this to be an astounding chance to be more focused on offering more moderate convenience costs. Automated Check-ins & Check-outs Hotels have brought about a different outlook to check-ins and check-outs. Long queues at the front desk during peak seasons are quite distressing for guests.Would you like to wait for a room key when you’re all jet lagged? That’s when innovation can really do wonders. Digital check-ins and check outs along with initiating special requests in your hotel are now possible for guests on their mobile, tablets or computers. Hilton Worldwide enabled this feature for enhancing guest experience by allowing them to select rooms according to their preference.


Self check-in kiosks for smooth check-ins Mobile applications have also come up with this facet to provide convenience and choice to guests. Guests are updated when their room is ready, allowing them to bypass the front desk. Marriott.Inc introduced their mobile app, empowering guests to check-in after 4pm, a day prior to their check-in date. Leveraging this innovation, your staff can focus on delivering high level of service that guests are always looking for. Digitized Room Key How many times have you had to issue a duplicate room key to guests who have misplaced it? Ever thought how annoying it could get for guests to prove their identity every time? Well, digitized room keys are a saviour here. Swipe cards have been replaced with smartphones and apps to ease check-ins and reduce loss of key. Hilton has introduced this component with the vision to install keyless entry in 2,500 hotels by the end of 2017. No losing room keys anymore So how does it work? First, you create an app for your hotel with a level of security. Guests receive the room key through the app and the room appears only when they request for it. You can control the IMEI and help out guests in case guest’s phone battery dies or losses the phone. Additionally, guests can share the room key with their fellow travelers. Near Field Communication (NFC) Technology NFC has been here for over a decade now. But what is NFC? NFC enables seamless transmission of data from compatible devices over a short range with the help of radio waves. It is widely used commonly for payments, sharing media files, or any other form of data by a single tap. All that’s required is this little device we know as smartphones that enable NFC. So how can NFC work for a hotel? Well to begin with, NFC can reduce the load of work at the front desk by enabling faster check-ins and check-outs. Moreover, it provides the function of making secure payments and shields against theft or loss. As discussed earlier, digitized room keys can be shared over this technology ensuring safety and misplacement of keys.


You can focus on providing a personalized experience to your guests by advertising to them based on their demographics and further track or make them earn loyalty points. NFC provides you an option for cross-branding and increase your offerings. A single NFC card or device can be configured a number of times allowing you to add features as and when required. You can further partner with other vendors like local restaurants, shops, amusement parks, etc to give a seamless experience to customers while they are visiting, thereby increasing guest loyalty. NFC is an effective way for reducing costs and opens up opportunities for you to attend to your customer’s needs and increase guest satisfaction. Infrared Sensors Ever heard your guests complaining about disturbances from the housekeeping staff? The traditional method of knocking and announcing the arrival of the staff or waiting for 10 seconds before the second knock, has become out of date. Infrared sensors allow you to know about the surroundings by detecting and emitting infrared radiation. The LED light notifies you whenever an object is near the sensor by automatically bouncing back into the light sensor. If you’re looking to install infrared sensors in your hotel, think no further. These can also detect body heat and thereby alert you whether or not a room is occupied. Instead of having ‘Do Not Disturb’ door cards or disturbing jet lagged guests, these help your staff know if they need to come back later to clean the room. While these are just a few of the latest technologies that have been listed out, they have surely brought about a different outlook to the hospitality industry. These will not only provide a brilliant guest experience but also give you a competitive edge.

ROBOTS BEING USED IN THE HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY The use of robots within the hospitality industry is becoming more commonplace, with uses ranging from artificially intelligent chatbots, designed to assist with the customer service process, through to robot assistants, deployed to improve guests’ experience in a hotel. In this article, you will find more information about the uses of robots within hospitality, complete with eight specific examples from around the world. DIGITALIZATION IN HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY | 41

What Are Robots? When discussing robots and their uses, it is important to first establish what they actually are. In simple terms, a robot is a machine, which has been built to carry out complex actions or tasks automatically. Some robots are designed to resemble humans and these are called androids, but many robots do not take such a form.

Modern robots can be either autonomous or semi-autonomous and may make use of artificial intelligence (AI) and speech recognition technology. With that being said, most robots are programmed to perform specific tasks with great precision, with an example being the industrial robots seen in factories or production lines.

Robots and Artificial Intelligence The use of artificial intelligence within the field of robotics is one of the most exciting and promising applications for individuals and businesses operating within the hotel or hospitality industry. Nevertheless, this is another complex area, where a clearer understanding is necessary.

Essentially, artificial intelligence refers to the performance of seemingly intelligent tasks, which mimic human cognitive functions. Although there is no precise definition of what constitutes artificial intelligence, problem solving, reasoning, understanding human speech and autonomous navigation are typically viewed as examples of AI.

Therefore, references to artificially intelligent robots will usually be describing robots that have been designed to be able to achieve some of these ‘intelligent’ tasks or functions.

Robots in the Hospitality Industry Part of the reason why robots have emerged as a popular technology trend within the hospitality industry is because ideas of automation and self-service are playing an increasingly vital role in the customer experience. The use of robots can lead to improvements in terms of speed, cost-effectiveness and even accuracy.


For example, chatbots allow a hotel or travel company to provide 24/7 support through online chat or instant messaging services, even when staff would be unavailable, delivering extremely swift response times. Meanwhile, a robot used during the check-in process can speed up the entire process, reducing congestion.

Examples of the Use of Robots within the hospitality industry Below, you will find a list of eight current uses of robots within the hospitality industry. 1. A Tour of the World’s First Robot-Staffed Hotel Situated in Nagasaki, Japan, Henn-na Hotel became the first hotel in the world to be entirely staffed by robots. Throughout the hotel, robots are deployed to provide information, front desk services, storage services, as well as check in and checkout services, with technology including voice and facial recognition.

2. Meet Connie, the Hilton Robot Concierge Connie is a robot concierge, used by Hilton. The robot makes use of an artificial intelligence platform developed by IBM, and is able to interact with guests and respond to their questions, thanks to its speech recognition capabilities. The system also learns and adapts with each interaction, improving the answers it provides.

3. A Robot Suitcase Called Travel mate Away from the hotel industry, Travel mate is an example of robotics being used for luggage purposes. Essentially, it is an autonomous suitcase, which is able to follow you on its own. It makes use of anti-collision technology, has 360 degree turning capabilities and eliminates the need for carrying, pulling or pushing a suitcase around.

4. A Robot Assistant for Airports and Hotels Airports and hotels are increasingly making use of robotic assistants, transforming the entire hospitality industry. These assistants are capable of carrying out various tasks, including room service and information provision. A key advantage is the ability for robots to offer support for a variety of different languages. DIGITALIZATION IN HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY | 43

5. A Robot for Travel Agencies Some travel agents are also looking into the use of robots, especially as a means of prequalifying customers. For example, Amadeus have experimented with a robot called 1A-TA, which is powered by artificial intelligence. Rather than forcing customers to wait during busy periods, the robot is able to immediately get to work, finding out about their needs and preferences and passing the information on when they actually speak to a human travel agent.

6. A Chatbot to Make Your Flight or Hotel Booking To date, chatbots have been one of the most common uses of robots within the hospitality sector and these can be used to deliver basic customer service, or for more complex tasks, like hotel or flight bookings. A great example of this is the SnatchBot Booking Travel Template, which intelligently guides customers through the booking process.

7. Security Robots for Airports Airport security is one of the most important areas where new technology is deployed and robots are in use here too. One particularly strong example of this is the Knightscope robots that are increasingly being used to autonomously detect concealed weapons, helping to keep passengers safe during their flights.

8. More Examples of Robots in the Hospitality Industry There are a number of additional uses for robots, especially within the hotel industry. For instance, as the following video will show, there are examples of robot butlers and robot luggage porters, which make use of a variety of technologies, including collision detection, Wi-Fi and AI, in order to navigate hotels and provide services.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Robots vs. Humans The subject of robotics and the use of robots to perform human tasks is a matter of some debate, and there are both advantages and disadvantages. In terms of positives, robots do not get tired, do not get bored, can work 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and do not require a salary. They can also process many tasks faster than humans.


In certain situations, robots can perform with a greater degree of accuracy and consistency than humans would be able to, and ‘human error’ is eliminated. Moreover, robots can perform in dangerous or hostile environments, and can be programmed to perform actions that humans would be unwilling or unable to do.

With that said, there are also disadvantages. Increased automation could lead to an employment crisis due to fewer jobs, while the initial investment and maintenance costs associated with robots can be high. They are also unable to act outside of their programmed parameters, meaning they cannot adapt to unanticipated situations.

Robots and artificial intelligence are emerging as valuable solutions for those operating in the hospitality industry, and the uses are numerous. However, while robots can improve automation and perform tasks without tiring, it is important to acknowledge limitations as well, including an inability to quickly adapt to circumstances.

INNOVATIVE HOSPITALITY TRENDS AROUND THE GLOBE Frankfurt - The hotel industry is seeing significant digital transformation. With a new generation of travellers who want innovation and technology in their rooms, many hotels put technology first. From robots in the lobby to free mobile phones in every room – World hotels properties around the world keep up with the digital economy. Here are 16 hotels that are embracing the latest trends in hospitality. Free mobiles phones at Hotel Opera Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland Hotel Opera Zurich is one of the first hotels in Switzerland to offer free mobile phones in all rooms. The phones can be used in- and outside of the hotel and offer free internet access, free national and international calls. This service is particularly useful for international guests, including business travellers. Furthermore, they work as local guides by offering local insider tips. Due to a butler service button, devices provide information on services in the hotel such as restaurants. Furthermore, the hotel offers an online check-in via smartphone and laptop for their guests. Soon they will also guests will also be able to use their smartphones as their room keys.


The Chinese hotels Hongqiao Jin Jiang Hotel in Shanghai, The Royal Garden in Kowloon, the Lan Kwai Fong Hotel in Hong Kong, The Singapore hotels Carlton Hotel Singapore, The Carlton City Hotel Singapore and Goodwood Park Hotel as well as the following French hotels also added smartphones to their rooms: In the Parisian hotels Kube Hotel Paris, 1K Paris and Villa Panthéon mobile devices are also free to use. Robots at Dorsett Shanghai, Shanghai, China They are fun, informative and interactive: Dorsett Shanghai has welcomed two high-tech additions into its hotel guest service team. The two robots are equipped with voice and touch screen and provide information on hotel facilities and the neighborhood. During They also entertain during event break time with song and dance performances. High-tech personal assistants at ACME Hotel, Chicago, United States A high-tech personal assistant waiting in the room? The ACME hotel Chicago fulfils the dream of tech-savvy guests. Upon check-in, guests find the voice-controlled Amazon Echo waiting in the room. Voice activated by "Alexa, Ask Acme," the Amazon Echo provides intelligent personal assistance, including room service, information about the weather, traffic and ACME's free morning coffee delivery, setting alarm, extra pillows, music via a Bluetooth connection and maintenance requests. ACME even offers more extra's for the techy-inclined, like Hot-Spots To-Go, keyless entry into their room via a mobile key app, Snap Chat Spectacles and Apple watches that guests can check out for free. In-room tablets at Hotel Damier, Kortrijk, the Netherlands In every room, Hotel Damier offers tablets at their guests' disposal. Guests can use them to call for room service, play games and access the weather channel. Hotel staff can directly send messages and push offers to their guests via the tablets. More hotels that offer tablets or iPad minis in each room are Dana hotel and spa, Chicago, United States, Phoenix, United States and The Woodlands Resort, The Woodlands, United States.


THE KEYS TO DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION IN THE HOTEL INDUSTRY The hotel industry is in the middle of a digital transformation: Significant advancements have been made, but there is still a lot of work to be done. And it needs to be done, as users are increasingly more digital, and want their experience to be digital as well.

But the concept of the digital consumer is very broad, and there are a lot of digital consumers with many different profiles. There are consumers who are digital as a matter of demographics, digital natives who are already at the age to make their own bookings and organize their own trips; as well as older groups who have incorporated the Internet into their buying process, whether they use it for finding information on prices, getting the opinions of other travelers, or deciding on their vacation destination.

In this digital world, booking a room cannot be our only objective. Now we need to offer an experience that sets us apart. But this digital transformation can help the hotel industry to increase profits, make internal processes more efficient, and comply with applicable regulations.

1. Big data and smart data Information is indispensable when it comes to making the right decisions. But not just any information: We have to be aware of what data we need and why we need it. According to a study conducted by the website Rastreator, 80% of Spaniards search for ideas and prices on the Internet, and 73% take into account the recommendations of other travelers on social media. In this way, digital users have become even more self-reliant, and do not need our advice or that of the direct contact at the destination. But this also provides us with an opportunity, as the users’ online searches and comments leave behind a digital trace and qualitative information that can be very valuable in discovering consumer interests, needs, and trends.

For example, the Meliá chain detected that one in five customers requested free Wi-Fi through comments and ratings on social media. A month after they began offering this service, the negative comments on the Internet went down by 20%. DIGITALIZATION IN HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY | 47

Weather in the consumer’s destination of origin can also influence bookings. A study from Destinia and DigitalMeteo determined that the likelihood of choosing a sunny beach vacation destination was three times higher when it was raining while the bookings were being made. Do we have more potential in countries with bad weather, or could launching certain campaigns based on weather forecasting get better results?

2. Hyper-segmentation Big data provides us with information. With this knowledge, we can deeply personalize our customers’ experience and the value proposition we offer them. Therefore, hyper-segmentation must be based on the criteria of interest and needs, not on sociodemographic criteria. It is no longer valuable to say that our ideal customer is a 45-year-old divorced woman with children, who wants to go to the beach and have a relaxing vacation. Now we want to know our customers’ names, where they work, if they like sports, if they would want to travel with their pet, what kinds of restaurants and shows they want to go to, their cultural interests, and with which devices they want to receive our messages, their reasons for travelling and their travel concerns, etc. That is to say, we need to build buyer personas for our ideal customer or customers.

We can run into problems, as some of the hyper-segments are incompatible with one another, so we will need to choose or prioritize them. This seems difficult to many businesses who often think “more is better”. But we have to be realistic. Which hypersegment will be most interested in what we have to offer? Which ones will be most profitable?

What is clear is that we cannot forget to hyper-segment. According to a study by Google and Phocuswright, 57% of people from the United States want brands to personalize information based on their personal preferences or past behavior.


3. Omni channel approach An omnichannel approach is a recurring trend in digital transformation, even though with the passage of time, the weight and importance of different channels change. Mobile devices are gaining even more ground on the web with regard to looking up information and making bookings, and social media and digital advertising are becoming more important in the search for recommendations.

But we cannot choose just one channel. Users often look up prices on their mobile devices, read opinions on social media, and make bookings on their PC. It is no longer an option to have different prices online or offline, as our users want total transparency and for all channels to be integrated. We don’t necessarily want them to use the online channel more when making reservations; rather, we want them to have a good experience, so that they will come back and recommend us to others.

4. New models of digital business Users are not just looking for accommodation. They want personalized experiences. What effect does this have on the hotel industry? It requires not just a change in marketing messages or initiatives, but an entirely new perspective regarding the company’s focus on their product or service.

A paradigmatic example of this is the rural hotel of the future: It is not longer just a trip to the countryside, with its traditional benefits and inconveniences. The rural home is automated and sustainable, with windows that change color and intensity and an automated gardening system that can be personalized to help us smell the plants that we like most. The rural home also allows guests to request regional dishes or specific food items for athletes or vegans using an app. At the end of the day, it seems that it is less important to be near the countryside; it is the experience as a whole that fascinates customers.

Some businesses have been created to take advantage of new technologies, with disruptive businesses, like Kayak, using big data and analytics to predict the best time DIGITALIZATION IN HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY | 49

to book a flight, or compare the prices of different vacation packages according to the parameters that the user has selected. Traditional hotels can also reinvent their products or services in this way, or use technology to improve them, such as through the technological integration that some of the hotel chains on the Smart Travel app have made.

The path forward is clear. Digital transformation is inevitable if hotel businesses want to stay competitive in the new environment, but there are two crucial steps that must be taken in order for them to do so: All of the business’s personnel need to be trained about and involved in the transformation, and technology needs to be considered an investment and not an expense.


CHAPTER: 05 DIGITAL SIGNAGE SOLUTIONS FOR THE HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY Here are five ways digital signage in the hotel industry can create a better guest experience, improve communications across departments and provide enduring value. Hotels are starting to recognize the importance of an integrated communications strategy. Utilizing both face-to-face and digital communication ensures guest satisfaction and reinforces your brand’s differentiating factors. Digital signage for the hospitality industry creates an integrated and dynamic system, linking the operations and marketing aspects of the hotel to create an efficient system that benefits not only guests but hotel staff as well. Here are the top five ways in which digital signage in the hotel industry can create a better guest experience, improve communications across departments and provide enduring value. 1. Virtual Concierge A concierge helps guests adjust to their new location. They provide information about the area, introduce them to nearby amenities, and help them register for events and activities. But in a digital world, many guests and visitors, especially millennials, want to be able to find information on their own. They don’t always want to speak face-to-face with a concierge and often prefer doing research on their own. So, you can use digital displays or kiosks to deliver information to your guests on-demand on their own time. Digital signage displays information your guests will find useful such as: 

Hotel Daily Events

Details of Local Events

Additional Offerings and Amenities of the Hotel

Weather Forecasts

Snow Reports (for ski resorts)

Beach Reports (for beach resorts) DIGITALIZATION IN HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY | 51

Your digital display is also a classy way to display the fine print about your location such as rules for the pool, gym, etc. And your signage can double as a marketing tool. You can also display reward programs and promotions offered by the hotel by adding marketing media or placing a banner around the content. Digital signs work best in waiting areas and locations with high foot-traffic such as spaces near: 

Service Desks


Taxi or Valet Waiting Area

Gift Shops

Exits to Beach

Exits to Sky Lifts

Digital displays are a helpful way to provide information. But remember that many guests still like the availability of a real person. Providing a concierge in addition to your display board is a good practice. 2. A Conference Directory and Event Guide Conferences at a hotel or resort can be small with a few dozen guests or large with thousands of attendees. But no matter the size of the event, you need to have prominent signage that guides visitors through the event. Digital signage is an ideal way to present event info. They are easy to adjust, customize, and update information such as an: 

Event Directory - You can easily display the agenda, speaker details, and times and locations of events.

Way finding - In a large space, use signs as a way to direct people around the conference and highlight special points of interest.

Content from Event Sponsors - Sponsors pay to promote their brand or company alongside the event, so use digital displays to post their brand name and marketing materials throughout the location.


Utilizing digital signage is a good way to take an event or conference at your location up a notch. It is also a good selling point when negotiating with brands or business considering using your location for an event. 3. A Look Into Your Dining Options Digital signage is a great way to introduce your guests to your menu offerings and restaurant. Digital menu boards help customers make selections by displaying images of food items and upgrade options. Digital menus boards also benefit the management of a restaurant. Because you can easily modify the contents of a menu board, managers can quickly remove or add items to help manage inventory and daily specials. If the restaurant is one of many at your resort or hotel, you can also use digital displays to help guests make dining decisions. The display can be placed outside of the restaurant to show images of the interior and menu items so guests can decide which restaurant best matches their needs and cravings. 4. In-room Entertainment Custom video presentations are not reserved for digital displays around your location. You can also integrate them with in-room television entertainment. You can create a custom video that welcomes your guests when they turn on their television. The platform can entertain and inform by sharing: 

Private Label Television

features on nearby restaurants or attractions

previews of available entertainment

trivia or interesting facts about the property or area

promotions for events at the hotel

Entertainment In Waiting or Sitting Areas


Digital displays can also provide entertainment outside of guest rooms. Don’t bombard guests with information overload with your signage. Use displays in sitting or waiting areas like hotel lobbies or casual dining areas to inform and entertain. Consider the profile of your typical guest and deliver entertainment that will make their wait seem more enjoyable. You may want to stream a Private-Label entertainment program if your location caters to business professionals traveling for work. Or if your hotel is located near familyoriented tourist locations, you may want to deliver cartoons, games, and other content that younger kids will enjoy. The best benefit of using digital signage in your location is that the display are fully customizable and easy to change. You can quickly modify your display to provide timely information and create custom content that perfectly matches your audience all while enhancing your guest’s experience. 5. Reader board Reader boards are another good use case for hospitality digital signage. Functioning as a rich visual display board of information, reader boards are a perfect way to inform guests of the experiences they can take part in during their stay. This digital signage solution, when integrated with the hotel’s database, can display real-time, highly relevant information such as upcoming events and where they’re located. With the Four Winds Interactive (FWI) Visual Communications Cloud and Integration Framework, linking digital signage solutions to any existing hotel database is easy, letting you give your guests access to real-time event information at key points around your property. 6. Meeting Rooms Management of meeting rooms is very challenging, especially if it’s done the oldfashioned way. Whiteboards and paper scheduling are manual processes that are prone to error, not to mention a highly inefficient way of managing meeting rooms. Hospitality digital signage is the perfect tool for meeting room management, DIGITALIZATION IN HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY | 54

particularly when it’s integrated with a hotel’s event management system (EMS). With FWI’s Content Player solution, the intuitive interface can be linked to your EMS, so you can display real-time room availability, and even upsell custom meeting room sign branding for large events. Digital signage solutions such as FWI’s meeting room management application allow direct reservations, cancellations and schedule changes to be made quickly and easily. 7. Guest Room TVs Digital Signage in the hotel industry is also a good way to create a digital network to communicate with guests in a structured and efficient manner. Valuable information such as amenities, events and promotions, local attractions and even advertisements sponsored by hotel partners can be shown on guests’ in-room TVs (GRTV). Sheraton Overland Park and JW Marriot San Antonio are two good examples of how FWI's digital signage solutions can be used for GRTVs as well as other common applications. Sheraton Overland Park created a dedicated guest room TV channel providing all property details through the convenience of in-room TVs. 8. Mobile Hotel employees are always on the go. Your room manager may be doing her daily rounds of inspections, the front office is busy dealing with guests and your logistics team is moving around taking care of hotel supplies, purchasing and security. By equipping your staff with mobile applications, you can connect your employees with the information they need to do their jobs well. You can use digital signage in the hotel industry to inform all hotel staff of the day’s events and alert employees of any issues or actions that need to be performed in a collective and coordinated manner. Virtual concierges, reader boards, meeting room signage and employee communications are just a few ways hotels can utilize digital signage. When building your own digital signage network, remember that technology, though important, is only one side of the story. Make sure that your content, processes and people are also aligned so you can take advantage of the benefits of a fully integrated plan.


CHAPTER: 06 TECHNOLOGY TO IMPROVE GUEST EXPERIENCE AT HOTELS 1. Online Bookings The most apparent manifestation of technology in the hotel industry is hotel bookings. The internet also obviously makes accessing information easy, and transparent. Data such as check-in and checkout times, rates, facilities on offer, and other key details allow guests to make informed decisions. Surveys show that around 48% of smartphone users in the U.S are comfortable researching, booking and planning their entire trip to a new travel destination using only a mobile device. Popular websites such as,,, and even websites of hotel chains, such as and others are now the default way people search for room, deals and make bookings. There are already websites that compare deals and offers from various websites, and with technology advancing, the day is not far off when potential guests can experience their room in a virtual reality setting, before making a booking. According to the Oracle Hospitality report, 35% of guests said they would prefer the ability to schedule room cleaning and 26% said they would like to receive a smartphone notification to show if their room was being cleaned. Improved analytics may also allow guests to select hotels with facilities that best match their tastes, interest, and convenience. Hotels that do not embrace technology and facilitate such options for their guests stand to miss out big time. 2. Online Reputation Today’s customers are highly knowledgeable and see through marketing pitches instantly. They are more likely to take official communication, even if true, with a pinch of salt. They increasingly rely on social media to seek reviews and recommendations from genuine travelers. In such a state of affairs, hotels are increasingly investing in enhancing their social media presence through brand ambassadors, brand advocates, influencers and others. Large hotels now even have dedicated social media teams, scanning the internet, and responding to bad reviews, 3. Hoping to make amends. DIGITALIZATION IN HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY | 56

A positive social media reputation works wonders in terms of hotel occupancy. About 87% of Trip Advisor users feel more confident when they read travel reviews, and about 98% find such reviews “accurate of the actual experience.” Technology has shifted the balance of power toward guests, and hotels have no option but to work harder to match customer expectations. 4. Enhancing Guest Experience The latest technological advances contribute greatly to making check in and check out, and other guest related processes easy, seamless, and fast. Self check-in and checkout through electronic kiosks, online check in, online payments, and more all does away with the lines and long wait times, both major pain points for long. The latest technology allows guests use their smart phones as the room key, enabling them to proceed straight to their rooms. Likewise, guests can check out with a few clicks of the smartphone, and avoid the reception altogether. Hilton Worldwide already offers guests the ability to check in and out, select their room, check maps and make extra requests or purchases, from their smartphones. For those who think such benefits are too exaggerated, all they need to do is try and check in or check out of a Las Vegas hotel on Sunday noon. Here are some other ways hotels are using hi-tech to enhance their guest experience: 


Wynn Hotel & Resort, Las Vegas has implemented Amazon Echo to maximize their customer benefits. With Amazon’s Alexa voice assistance, guests of Wynn can control the lighting, temperature, draperies, and TV in their rooms. Here’s a video that shows how it’s all done. 


Aloft in Cupertino has implemented hi-tech features to optimize hospitality for guests. In addition to keyless entry via Aloft smartphone app and Apple TV in every room, Aloft Cupertino employs a robotic butler called Botlr to deliver 24/7 customer services of all kinds. 



Renaissance Midtown Hotel, New York, features an interactive wall called The Discovery Portal. It’s a virtual concierge where guests are allowed to choose from categories of entertainment, dining and much more by stepping onto a circular hologram projected on the floor. In addition, the hotel also offers in-person concierge service to provide guests with in-depth information on what they have found in The Discovery Portal. 


Yotel in New York is using robotics and artificial intelligence to delight guests while making the most of small spaces. To make check-in process more convenient, Yotel has touch-screen kiosks instead of front desk staffs and friendly robots to store luggage. Check this video to learn how guests at Yotel uses Robotic Luggage Storage. 5. Enhanced Targeting From a marketing perspective, technology allows hotels to target their prospects and customers better. A basic manifestation is hotels reminding business guests about their meeting room schedules, targeting specific groups, such as those who have arrived for a convention, with special deals or offers, and more. The ability to connect with targets in real time reduces marketing costs while increasing effectiveness at the same time. 6. Streamlining Internal Processes Technology allows hotels to become lean and mean, and make their internal processes more seamless and effective. A customer relationship management (CRM) suite allows organizing and managing information from a central console, enabling guest relations executives to get the complete history of the customer when interacting with her. A marketing automation suite makes it possible to customize interactions with guests, send automated emails to guests as required, and do more with less effort. The future holds much more promise. The hotel could, for instance, leverage deep analytic to structure a package comprising of facilities best suited for the guests. For instance, if the guest is coming for a vacation, the package may include a sightseeing trip, and business visitors may be given access to meeting rooms. 7. Smart Solutions DIGITALIZATION IN HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY | 58

Smart appliances and home automation solutions are a godsend for the hotel industry, with automated temperature control, lighting, alarms, TV, radio, blinds, and other technological innovation contributing to improved customer satisfaction, and improved services, while reducing overheads at the same time. Guests may, for instance, turn the air conditioner on through an app installed on their smartphone, to ensure optimal temperature when they enter the room. For the hotel, this is a much cost-effective solution compared to leaving the air conditioner on at all times. With travelers becoming increasingly tech-savvy, hotels who do not embrace the latest technology to deliver innovative services to their guests stand out to lose big time. However, keeping abreast of the changing technology, and developing cutting-edge solutions based on such technology is a big challenge for hotels, and would, in any case, be a drag on their core focus. Hotels would rather do well to partner with our experienced and talented team to develop technology related solutions. Get in touch with us today to know how our extensive experience in developing highly customized solutions for hotel and related industries can benefit your business. 8. Speak-To-Order Only very recently have voice and natural language processing technologies advanced enough to truly interpret questions and deliver intelligent answers. Machine learning has allowed Siri and other voice platforms to get smarter. Custom voice programs are becoming even smarter and more intuitive, demonstrating the true ingenuity and potential of these hands-free options. Humans in the hospitality industry won’t be fully replaced, though. By allowing a virtual assistant to manage everyday mundane tasks, such as taking simple food orders, humans can dedicate more of their precious time toward meaningful customer service interactions and tackling more complex issues with guests. We are already seeing large restaurant chains like McDonald’s moving to adopt this technology to build a more efficient and consumer-friendly model, ultimately helping customers accurately place and receive orders better and faster. In the next year or so, we should start to see the next round of enablement through voice assistants. Amazon has started to show us what is possible with Alexa and Alexa-enabled endpoints, and


we’re finally getting closer to these opportunities with Siri. Although this type of purchase intent is already available through some early apps, we’re going to see it become ubiquitous. 9. Augmented Reality While augmented reality (AR) has yet to become a prominent feature of most businesses, consumers should expect to see more adoption within the hospitality industry in the next few years. AR-powered signage can equip hotel and venue managers as well as restaurant owners with the ability to route customers to specific locations, including pickup or check-in points. Some hotels are also using AR to make the hotel experience more compelling and thematic. For example, Holiday Inn devised an AR experience around the 2012 Olympics in the U.K. that enabled guests to view realistic, virtual representations of sports celebrities in the hotel by using their smartphones. Restaurants are also taking advantage of AR promotions. Restaurant chain Bareburger recently ran a Snapchat contest, offering free food to people who scanned Snapcodes from their takeout bags. To redeem prizes, customers posted Snapchat stories featuring Bareburger AR images and then brought the Snapcode to the nearest Bareburger. The restaurant also ran an AR filter that allowed customers to access menu items in detail, effectively previewing their customized food order before placing it. 10. Biometric Authentication Biometrics is another key technology that is consistently improving and finding its place within many industries. Facial recognition has been well executed by Facebook, and Apple has shown that biometrics have proven consumer benefits with Touch ID and Face ID. In a hospitality context, we’re getting closer to seamless processes where consumers can authenticate a purchase without a phone or wallet, digital or otherwise. We’ve already seen frictionless use cases with proof-of-concept trials at Amazon’s physical store, Amazon Go, in Seattle and now additional stores are planned for Chicago and San Francisco. Microsoft is also planning to create its own version of Amazon Go.


The nature of biometric authentication allows for consistent and seamless customer transactions that enable users to leave right after a restaurant meal with the confidence that their bill was paid automatically without the need for waitstaff or pay terminal interaction. Due to infrastructure, security requirements and the complex way credit card processing systems work, this ability may take some time to evolve, perhaps as much as five years. Since this is a potentially disruptive change, it will likely be the case that progress and adoption are hindered by consumers’ increasing fears of privacy and security. 11. Hospitality without Technology Ironically, as more and more technologies exist to help us do our jobs, the concept of tech detoxing is gaining ground. Some hotel chains like Wyndham Grand have offered promotions to guests willing to give up their devices and go “off the grid” during their stay. The thinking is that if guests aren’t surfing the web, they’re more aware of their physical surroundings, open to other amenities and, ultimately, will utilize more hotel services and facilities. Even with promotional pricing, hotels are coming out ahead and customers have an excuse to unplug for a more relaxing and fulfilling experience. While exciting technology advances will undoubtedly improve many business processes within the service industry, there are few signs that customer service and human interaction will be fully replaced by automation any time soon. Tools like AI, AR, and biometrics can bring us to a new level of enablement and a transformation of the customer experience in the hospitality context, but their purpose is inherently limited to providing a more frictionless experience with mundane tasks -- not amenities and experiences. Technology is no match for the warmth and personality of the maitre D's welcome at your favorite restaurant or the hotel concierge whose 20 years of personal connections lands those sought-after dinner reservations or concert tickets. The future of hospitality will accommodate both human interaction and more advanced efficient technologies that best serve both consumers and businesses alike.


TOOLS TO IMPROVE HOSPITALITY BUSINESS Let’s see how the digital factor has been integrated over the years and to what extent. 1. What is the first step when planning for a vacation? Search the web for hotels, locations, services, offers and most important reviews.

So the hotels implemented the Software for hotel reputation which gives them an idea about customers opinions on their services and so they can work on improving the customers experience and build a good reputation.

2. Another digital technology that has helped the Hospitality Industry tremendously is the POS.

Imagine having to do all the transactions manually, all the accounts, all the stock counting, it would take a lot of time and man-work, so by implementing the POS software has cut down the human work a lot, not to mention reduced the human error.

3. The Property Management System is probably the most used and useful tool for the Hotel Industry that offers a huge variety of functions from hotel reservations to housekeeping, billings and much more that will allow hotel staff to focus on interacting more with the customers instead of doing all these time consuming tasks. 4. A must have lately is the IoT, Internet of Things, the network of physical devices, such as property video monitoring, comfort automation used lately in the hotel industry.

The IoT allows objects to be managed remotely in the existing network infrastructure, to create opportunities for a more direct incorporation of the physical world in the computer based system, to improve the efficiency, precision and economic profit and also reduce the human interference which anyway would not be easy.

5. Hotel Comparison Platforms such as Trivago, Hotel-Scanner, Hotel Hunter and many more, have made everything on a touch of a button easy for travellers but have kind of outdated the job of travel agencies.


Not only have these easy to do from our desktops but lately has been even easier with the mobile phone versions giving the option of mobile apps for us to use when choosing a hotel, restaurant or catering company.

6. Accepting the Integration

Mentioning all these everybody should absolutely take advantage of the digital technology, however NOT replace too much of the human factor. Can we accept the idea that one day we might be greeted by a robot when we get to the hotel or have robots catering our events?

Everybody appreciates the help of the digital factor but none really want to do without the warmth, empathy and cheerful personality that human factor offers. Blending the Digital and Human factor to create a perfect cooperation between man and machine has to be done carefully, achieving the best of Both Worlds.

Benefits of Technology in the Hospitality Industry Although technology can be very costly, it pays off in the long run by simplifying and condensing everyday tasks at work resulting in valuable time being spent more efficiently. Computerized technology has impacted both front-of-house and back-of-house staff in a positive way. While some individuals may take longer to embrace new computerized systems, once they catch on they will have a new appreciation for technology as it has made a tremendous difference in workload while still generating revenue. Many electronic components are currently used in hotels to make work easier for employees and to keep guests content and happy during their stay at a hotel. Some examples are: 1. High definition television 2. High speed wireless internet 3. Telephones and mini bars that are connected to a computer system which automatically posts charges to the guest folio as they take advantage of those items 4. iPads for guest use so they can search activities, restaurants, etc. in place of a concierge


5. iPod docking station/alarm clock – all in one 6. Connectivity panels for business travellers 7. Mirror televisions 8. Climate control

9. Energy management systems (EMS) have aided many hotels in reducing energy bills. A motion sensor that is placed in guest rooms can detect when the guest has left, which then essentially shuts the room down (lights, television, air conditioning) saving energy and saving costs.

10. Electronic Distribution Systems (EDS) are yet another benefit of technology in hotels. EDS helps hotels reach customers all over the world by advertising their business online as well as allowing travellers to make reservations at their fingertips in a short amount of time. Most importantly, they are at low cost for the hotel to use, and research shows that online bookings are continually growing. Computers in general have made daily tasks much more organized and easy to access. Storing files on a hard drive in a folder rather than in a filing cabinet with thousands of other papers where they can be easily lost is a big advantage for hotels. Also, with the help of technology, some jobs can even be completed in the comfort of your own home via smart phones, IPads, computers, etc. which could be a great benefit (provides flexibility) to some employees. In today’s world, it is important that hotels keep up with the evolution of changing technology as the hospitality industry is, and always has been, a competitive business. As guests are more often exposed to new cutting-edge technology, they will slowly start to have different needs and expectations of what an everyday hotel should consist of.

Digital marketing Digital marketing is the promotion of products or brands through online. In recent days the demand of digital marketing in hotels has become increasingly high with Social Media Marketing (SMM) which works with social networking sites and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) making the website to appear in search results with advertisement on DIGITALIZATION IN HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY | 64

Google and online magazines by search engine marketing (SEM), video marketing through you tube and websites are types of digital marketing. Searching hotels through online by computers and mobile with the hotel websites is the new trend of digital marketing and it makes the possibilities to enhance the local search on hotels by giving required content, User profiles, managing citations and in search results. The aim is to study the role of digital marketing in hotel industry.


CHAPTER: 07 IMPACT OF DIGITAL ERA ON THE HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY The growth of technology across businesses and industries has been tremendous, over the past decade or so. The hospitality industry has also witnessed a digital revolution and tried to cope with it. The industry’s constant endeavor is to transform it’s products, services, infrastructure and other offerings to meet the requirements of the digital age.

New trends and technological advancements have in turn enhanced the hospitality sector by providing greater business opportunities. Here are some examples of the impact of digital era on this booming industry: Social media marketing The global internet statistics have highlighted the fact that more than half of the world’s population is now online. Social media has thus emerged as the most powerful tool connecting people from all walks of life.

Dated outbound marketing campaigns have made way for updated and special promotions, to attract social media users who are interested in discovering different places. Greater emphasis on customer care

Using the social media platform for marketing their products and building relations with their clients, can be a double-edged sword if they want to share their grievances about a product or a service. It has become very easy for people to share their feedback publicly, which creates a pressure on the service provider for the betterment of services. This no-holds-barred feature of social media platform has kept the hospitality industry very vigilant on the customers’ feedback and therefore work towards it, for further improvisation.

This has led to greater transparency and accountability on part of the service providers.


Integrated systems

For many years, the hospitality businesses like hotels and car rental companies use simple customer relationship management (CRM) systems. However, the systems used now are more sophisticated with multiple features that have improved the integration process.

Guest preferences are recorded by hotels in their databases, to ensure they enjoy a more personalized experience during their next stay. This could include their opinion on the rooms they stayed in, choice of food and beverages. Upon subsequent visits, the guest is greeted in accordance to their preference. Such details are often linked to the company’s supply purchase systems. Mobile communication

A rapid increase in the use of smartphones and tablets has made way for various travel applications, including those of travel companies. People have plenty of options to choose from in a hassle-free way and also compare the available options. This helps companies to monitor trends and customize their offerings. Technology-driven check-ins at hotels and airports using mobile apps and automated kiosks have helped both the parties.

By including information such as surrounding entertainment venues, restaurants, places of interest etc, the service providers are popularizing the concept of ‘concierge in your pocket’. Cloud services

Hotels have profited by investing in cloud services with the advent of entertainment on mobile. They do not necessarily have to invest in IT infrastructure and staff, as cloud computing offers high-end digital content. This technology allows data management and backup along with online file storage. The advent of cloud technology has helped the service providers to move to a secure digital workspace platform, by swapping desktops for internet browsers.


Smart room keys

Many hotels use smart room access system which is an ever-expanding technology. This system allows guests to unlock their doors by swiping their phones, across a keyless pad on the door. Therefore patrons do not have to bother with picking up keys, while the front desk need not worry about issuing new keys when the guest loses one. Fingerprint-activated room entry systems and retina scanning devices are also being used by some hotels and they are expected to be widely used across several others too. Wi-Fi infrastructure

Wi-Fi services are no longer a perk, as guests expect this service to be available at every hotel. Hotels which provide greater internet speed, have an advantage as laptops, mobile phones or tablets can be used by most guests. Interruption-free and faster Wi-Fi infrastructure provides an edge to a specific brand of hotels, over their competitors.

Besides, offering high-density Wi-Fi for meetings and conferences, hotels have also started to provide audio-visual (AV) facilities to attract business clients. Some hotels have started using robots for room service and infrared scanners to minimize manual house-keeping work. These features are expected to be improvised further, for a larger customer base acceptance.


The overall development of a nation is characterized by the technological advancements made across sectors. Modernization, coupled with technological evolution has helped attract a large customer base to the existing hospitality sector. Constant Innovation should be practiced, which will instill a growth trajectory in the industry revenue, even further.



Millennials (those ages 18-34) are expected to represent 50% of all travelers to the USA by 2025, according to the Cornell Center for Hospitality Research. Companies need to define their strategies based on this demographic group’s personality traits and habits—they travel a lot; are early adopters of technology; like personalized interactions and are spontaneous. Hotels will want to please them with easy check-in and gourmet dining experiences at reasonable prices. In return, satisfied millennials will actively promote their businesses on social media channels. Smart Meetings’ personal research found that travelers of all ages seem to enjoy easy checkin and gourmet dining at reasonable prices. Who knew? But more to the point, a 2018 Future of U.S. Millennial Travel report based on a Resonance Consultancy survey of U.S. 20 to 36year-olds found that 85 percent put a priority on venturing out of their comfort zones and learning new things. That ranked right behind dining (91 percent) and fun attractions (90 percent).

2. Tech explosion The majority of guests today are self-sufficient, tech-savvy travelers who are comfortable using apps or mobile websites. Hotels need to make sure their offerings are up-to-date and user-friendly. At business meetings and conferences, travelers expect hotels and conference centers to have high quality tech equipment and a knowledgeable support staff. In the meeting room, planners are leveraging cloud-based digital registration and event app tools to deliver greener, more personalized experiences. From chat to VR and AR, tech has gone from gee-whiz to must-have as a tool to understand attendee preferences.

3. Influx of international visitors International leisure travel is on the rise—Dubai International Airport has become the busiest airport in the world. Hotels must be able to provide services in a multitude of languages, and tailored experiences properly suited to the culture and unique needs of their international visitors.


U.S. Travel Association has warned that the U.S. is not keeping pace with global long-haul travel expansion. In the United States, international inbound travel is expected to continue to grow at a rate of 2.2 percent while the same traffic worldwide is estimated at 6 percent.

4. Increased emphasis on health and well-being Guests today are taking charge of their health; hotels are responding with well-equipped fitness centers, pools and spas. Increasingly, travelers are expecting innovative wellness options. In addition to healthy food options, growing trends include lighting that energizes, air purification, yoga spaces, in-room exercise equipment and even vitamin-infused shower water. Wellness tourism is estimated as a $563 billion industry. From MGM Resorts and Wyndham Hotels and Resorts’ Stay Well rooms to Pullman’s focus on sleep, food, sport and spa, and Hilton’s Five Fee to Fitness program that puts the capability of a gym in the guest room, the hospitality industry has made it easier to stay healthy on the road.

5. Need for seamless technology Seamless connectivity across platforms and devices is growing more important. Many hotel groups are offering mobile check-in and digital concierge services. At Aria Resort and Casino in Las Vegas, guests are issued high-tech cards that detect their presence and unlock the door before they even reach it. Everything is smart these days. Smart rooms, smart badges and smart phones are all connected to share information and make getting what you want when you want it easier than ever. Look for facial recognition to unlock clickless access to just about everything.

6. Sustainability rules Eco-friendly practices are becoming the norm, as properties focus on renewable energy resources and water scarcity. Many hotels are installing solar panels and updating systems so that air conditioners and lights automatically switch off when guests leave their rooms. DIGITALIZATION IN HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY | 70

Considering the environmental impact of everything from plastic straws to leftovers has become an essential part of an event professional’s job. Venues are making it easier than ever to track food chains, reduce waste and minimize greenhouse gas footprints.

7. New roles for staff Many travelers seem to prefer technology to human beings—they want to check-in digitally and don’t mind if a robot delivers room service. This will give staff the opportunity to focus on more personalized service, as opposed to rote tasks. A quick search for hospitality jobs includes the titles such as social media coordinator, creative lead, events and experiences, audio-visual technician and yoga instructor. To qualify for these more specific roles, many are opting to pursue industry certification.

8. Destination promotion The explosion of social media is causing hotels to become more involved in destination and self-promotion. Many are featuring guests’ images and tweets on their websites; some are even using the material in their advertising campaigns. The #Hotelier, augmented reality ads and room service virtual reality goggles are now “things.” Planners can visualize spaces in multiple destinations without leaving their computer.

9. Real-time damage control If a hotel guest is dissatisfied, he or she can easily complain on Facebook, Twitter, Yelp or TripAdvisior. Hoteliers must be able to quickly respond. Engaging with customers and responding to their needs through these public forums help maintain positive guest relations and drive future bookings. The world witnessed TanaCon in real time when 20,000 people showed up for a YouTube’s event at a venue that holds 5,000, leaving thousands sweltering in the Southern California sun. DIGITALIZATION IN HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY | 71

10. Unique perks With so many brands to choose from, properties need to find a way to stand out. Some are offering free daily wine tastings in their lobbies or bars; some are incorporating sophisticated informational screens in bathroom mirrors; and others are giving away curated set lists of downloadable music. This is the year of the public living room as hospitality properties scramble to create comfortable spaces for informal gatherings in lobbies, restaurants and entries.

Driverless Cars: Getting to Hotels Will Impact How and Where We Travel The democratization of cars will have a profound impact on hotels. Auto makers and transportation providers are collaborating to make driverless cars available when and where customers need them. Will the hospitality sector’s focus on comfort as its primary service become redundant in era of autonomous vehicles? Autonomous vehicles let riders work, eat and sleep as they motor along. That stepped-up comfort in cars will likely mean fewer nightly stays at hotels. Room nights are the most perishable and highest revenue contributor to hotel balance sheets. What products and services should hospitality organizations create to remain relevant to business and short-haul travelers? • Hourly room rentals Instead of overnight stays, travelers on road trips of six to eight hours in driverless cars may begin to view hotels as places to shower and change clothes, or to hold meetings and events. Options for hotels in 2025 might include subscription services in partnership with car manufacturers and rental or transportation providers. • Vehicle leasing programs Will car ownership become a thing of the past? One 2025 scenario predicts the rapid rise of car sharing, with drivers purchasing subscriptions to car manufacturers rather than owning vehicles outright.11 By offering daily hotel credits to travelers in exchange for use of a vehicle, hotels will reduce operational costs for fleet maintenance and insurance. DIGITALIZATION IN HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY | 72

• Repurposed parking lots Autonomous vehicles could reduce the need for parking space in the U.S. by more than 5.7 billion square meters, according to a report by McKinsey.12 Moreover, it’s estimated that autonomous cars will require only four inches of parking space on either side, making parking garages 60% more efficient, reports Boston-based architectural firm Arrow street Inc.13 With less demand for parking and fewer nightly stays, hotels will need to explore new revenue-generating uses for parking lots, such as restaurants and conference centers. • Rethinking of hotel rooms The room of the future will be smaller, and some may not even include beds. Properties with studio-size guest rooms that are within 500 miles of major locations will offer short-term services. Hotels need to invest in smart partnerships and technologies to be ahead of the curve. New services and business models can enhance hotels’ role in the travel journey.


CHAPTER: 08 LIST OF MOBILE APPLICATIONS List of Hotel-Booking Apps Here are plenty of hotel-booking apps to help you find rooms in the U.S. and around the world. Some of these apps are offered by hotel chains for direct booking, and some are through a third party. In addition to the convenience of being able to book your hotel room right on your mobile device, these apps can also help you get last-minute deals, keep track of your rewards programs, and, in some cases, allow you to check into your room using your smartphone. Here are the best hotel-booking apps you should be using (all are free and for both iPhone and Android). 1. What you'll find: This app offers access to thousands of hotels, and with its filtering options, you can quickly find the room that best suits your needs. Check its "Deals for Tonight" feature for deep discounts on last-minute bookings, while "Your Secret Price" can offer savings up to 50%. You can also take advantage of the app's popular "Collect 10 Nights, Get 1 Free" feature. 2. Marriott What you'll find: With Marriott's hotel-booking app, you can book the lowest rate at any of its 4,400-plus properties worldwide and earn points for each stay. You can also keep track of your Marriott Rewards account from the app and redeem points on bookings. Plus, you'll receive an online alert when your room is ready, so you can check in before you even get to the hotel. Note: Now that Marriott has acquired Starwood, the company recommends combining your Marriott Rewards and Starwood Preferred Guest (SPG) accounts (if you have one). Learn more here.


3. Starwood Hotels & Resorts What you'll find: With the SPG app from Starwood Hotels & Resorts, you can book a room in the company's worldwide stable of hotels, which includes brands like W, Westin, and Sheraton, as well as with Marriott's massive stable of hotels (Marriott bought Starwood earlier this year). Members can also receive round-the-clock assistance from a support team by phone or FaceTime. Marriott is still working out all the kinks of the combined rewards programs — read about the latest offerings here. 4. HotelTonight What you'll find: While this app lets you book up to a week in advance (or 100 days in advance for stays up to 14 nights), you'll save the most money by booking last-minute, so if there's a hotel you've had your eye on, this is your chance to stay at a reduced rate. Deals go live each day at noon, and there are thousands of hotels to choose from. The app also includes handy information like whether Wi-Fi is included, as well as a "Why We Like It" section. 5. Hilton What you'll find: The Hilton Honors hotel-booking app covers the company's massive inventory of some 5,000 hotels across a multitude of brands that include Hilton, Embassy Suites, Conrad, Hilton Garden Inn, and DoubleTree. You can also use the mobile app to select the exact room you'd like, check in, unlock your hotel room door, and even request extra pillows for your room. Plus, there are no blackout dates when using points to book a room. 6. What you'll find: In addition to being able to book flights and cars, Travelocity's mobile app has access to some 300,000 hotels. If you don't mind being surprised, use its "Top Secret Hotels" feature to book a mystery hotel at a deeply discounted price. You'll also find hotel reviews, 24/7 customer support, and a guarantee that it'll match any room price and refund the difference if you find a cheaper rate online.


7. The Ritz-Carlton Download the Ritz-Carlton Hotels & Resorts app and make room reservations with a few taps at any of its high-end properties in cities like Chicago, San Francisco, Barcelona, Cairo, and Beijing. The app allows you to check in prior to your arrival, request room items, access concierges' top dining and shopping recommendations, and manage your Ritz-Carlton Rewards account. As Ritz-Carlton is also owned by Marriott, you can join Marriott Rewards and combine your accounts to have more hotels to choose from. 8. Expedia What you'll find: Expedia has thousands of hotels to choose from, but the app makes it easy to sort, filter, and browse, so you can quickly find the hotel room you're looking for. Save big when you bundle a trip — meaning book your hotel and airfare together — and all bookings made on the app receive double Expedia points. Plus, you can save up to 40% on mobileexclusive deals. 9. One:Night What you'll find: Another last-minute hotel-booking app is One:Night, which lists its sameday offers starting at 3 p.m. Though operated by Standard International, the parent company behind Standard Hotels, which is listed already, it also has several other stylish hotels, such as New York's Gramercy Park Hotel and LA's Viceroy L'Ermitage Beverly Hills. It now offers rooms at properties in 10 U.S. cities, as well as London. The app's interface is easy to use, and it has plenty of attractive photos. 10. LateRooms What you'll find: While this last-minute hotel-booking app got its start in England in 1999, it now has access to more than 200,000 properties around the world (but it offers more UK hotels than anyone else, including places like London's Radisson Blu Edwardian Grafton and the Hilton Edinburgh Carlton in Scotland). You can book the day of, or up to a year in advance.


11. Hyatt What you'll find: With Hyatt's reward program, called World of Hyatt, you can book a room, often at discounted rates, at more than 700 hotels and resorts around the world (with a concentration in the U.S., Canada, Europe, and Mexico), as well as earn points and redeem free nights. Other fun perks available on the app include the ability to check-in/check-out, make restaurant reservations, order an Uber, and request room items. 12. What you'll find: For convenience, there's's app, which is basically one-stop shopping: Not only can you book your hotel room, but your flight, rental car, and cruise as well. The app is easy to use, has the popular "Name Your Own Price" feature for choosing hotels, and has app-only hotel deals, promotions, and special coupons that often offer deeply discounted rates. 13. What you'll find: Another last-minute booking app, HotelsCombined allows you to compare the prices of all the top travel sites, providing access to more than 800,000 hotels in every corner of the globe. In addition to hotel reviews and ratings, this comparison hotel search site offers receive a best-price guarantee and plenty of filter options so you can drill down quickly to the hotel that's right for you. Plus, each hotel listing comes with plenty of photos. 14. Accor Hotels What you'll find: Download AccorHotel's app, and you'll be able to book a room at any of Accor's hotel brands, which include Novotel, Raffles, Fairmont, Sofitel, and many more (it even includes hip lower-priced brands, such as Jo&Joe and Mama Shelter, which is now in eight cities ). There are more than 2,000 destinations around the world and more than 4,000 hotels to choose from. Perks include instant confirmation and online check-in. 15. OYO – Online Hotel Booking App


This app was launched by India’s largest network of hotels only in 2015 and now it has more than 5 million downloads on Google Play! Absolute success, at least we can’t find any hotel brand with better results. OYO app gives users access to over 50 thousand rooms across 200 cities in India including Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Goa, Kolkata and many others. How it works: OYO app allows users to book a hotel room ‘in a matter of just five seconds’ or three taps, as developers say. You can find closest OYO hotel using specific landmark or your GPS location. An app lists all amenities – like the availability of parking or payment systems so that users can choose exactly what they look for. Guests can request room service and pay for it with their mobile wallets. And with the last update, an app remembers previous searches and shows hotels, visited earlier, on top in the results. Cool features: Sunrise Check-in. OYO app provides guaranteed early check-in. It starts at 6 AM and is available in 2 thousand brand hotels. Transportation. Users can book a cab to the hotel through the app or get best directions to the chosen accommodation. User Tip: OYO app shows the latest and the cheapest bookings across India, so it is a good tool for saving money during your Indian tour. 16. Choice Hotels Choice Hotels is an American hospitality holding corporation. It owns more than 6,400 hotels in over 35 countries all over the world. The company manages the hotel and motel brands like Comfort Inn, Quality Inn, Sleep Inn, Clarion, Cambria, Mainstay Suites, Econo Lodge, Rodeway Inn and others. Choice Hotels app has more than 500,000 downloads on Google Play. It gives users access to all Choice Hotels in one place.


Best Food Delivery Apps in India With the development of technology, people look over mobile app for every work to be done. From paying online bills to buying grocery products everything being ordered from mobile apps. With huge number of young professionals in the big cities people can’t find much time to prepare food. Here comes Food Delivery Apps to make the job too easy in India 2019. Downloading the app from play or App store, register into the app. Selecting the menu to place food delivered to your doorstep. Most of the young IT professional and other office goers found this method too easy to place a food order online which save them huge time. Online food delivery website and mobile application much popular in Indian cities like Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Mumbai. With a large number of young audience in various cities, Food Delivery Apps in India has become instant popular among users. People have a huge number of choice to select among the apps to compare and pay with offer price from online food ordering app. Here we look at the top 10 most popular mobile apps for food delivery in India that are helping to serve tastier lives at home. 1. Swiggy 2. Zomato Order 3. Uber Eats 4. Foodpanda 5. Domino’s 6. Pizza Hut 7. JustEat 8. Faaso’s 9. TastyKhana 10. FoodMingo

1. Swiggy Available – Android | iOS Swiggy is one of the top rated food ordering mobile application in India. It was aroused by the prospect of giving entire sustenance requesting and conveyance arrangement from the DIGITALIZATION IN HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY | 79

best nearby hotels to the customers. Swiggy is best food delivery apps bangalore and other top cities in India. With over 10,000,000+ downloads in the play store, Swiggy rated as No. 1 online food ordering app in India. The service which provides customers offering from any restaurant with no minimum order method and receives an amount from all nearby hotels collaborates with. 2. Zomato Order Available – Android | iOS Zomoto Order is an online food ordering service which is launched by Popular restaurant finder Zomato. The food delivery service in India operating from all major cities. With huge popularity in a quick span of time, Zomato is the biggest rival for Swiggy in India. Zomato is an online restaurant search platform available for Mobile devices discovered in 2008. Later the company expands the feature by including food order and delivery in top cities. Zomato operating in nearly 25 countries across the world including India, Australia, United States. A user can place an order by selecting nearby restaurant and tapping over the menu. 3. Uber Eats Available – Android | iOS Uber Eats is a popular online food ordering app in India which operates in all major cities including Mumbai, Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Delhi and more. The mobile app available for both android and iOS devices. This is a venture of Uber Technologies, Inc. who is also own popular taxi service across the globe. Uber Eats operating in over 1000+ many major cities around the world in various countries. The app allows users to pick favorite food from nearby restaurants and delivers to the spot in quick time. In a quick span of time, Uber became a tough competitor to other leaders like Swiggy and Zomoto. Try the app and get an offer on first delivery. 4. Foodpanda Available – Android | iOS DIGITALIZATION IN HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY | 80

Foodpanda is a prominent online food ordering website and mobile app which is operating in 43 different nations across the globe as of 2017. The company headquartered in Berlin, Germany and found the service in 2012. The firm has partnered with nearly 40000 local restaurants in various cities to provide delivery on time. 5. Domino’s Available – Android | iOS Domino’s is a prominent pizza delivery app which is avilable in Android and iOS platfroms. The telephone call pizza ordering service now upgrade as a mobile app to place an order without calling. Domino’s provides different coupons and offers for customers to choose the best availability to taste with continent payment options. 6. Pizza Hut Available – Android | iOS Pizza hut is a global pizza delivery app service which is operating in several countries. In India, Pizza hut operating in several cities for providing on time food deliver to users. It offers all your most loved arrangements, pasta, pizzas, beverages and sweet. Pizza hovel application offers quick get to and neighborhood bargains. 7. JustEat Available – Android JustEat is another comparable sort of administration which gives you a chance to peruse adjacent eateries and after that request nourishment on the web. You likewise get rebates for online installment or by means of different coupon codes. It works in the greater part of the huge urban Cities in India and rated as Top Food Delivery Apps Mumbai. 8. Faaso’s Available – Android | iOS


Faasos’s is an Indian food ordering app startup which started in 2011. The app owns huge customers in top cities of India like Mumbai, bangalore, Hyderabad. Faaso app comfortable runs with Android, iOS, Windows operating sysyems. The app provides easy navigation for customers to choose the best available menu for order. 9. TastyKhana Available – Android TastyKhana is an Indian based Food Delivery mobile app founded by Sheldon D’souza and Sachin Bahrdwaj. It empowers Customers to get moment access to its database of more than 7,000 eateries crosswise over India. It gives a couple of choices to give Customers a chance to make profiles, spare eatery areas, and their past requests. Founded in 2007, TastyKhana available for Android and iOS platforms. 10. FoodMingo Available – Android | iOS FoodMingo operating in top Indian cities like Hyderabad, Pune, and Mumbai. The company founded in 2012 by Pushpinder Singh. FoodMingo application empowers Customers to request sustenance online form and book tables at eateries of their decision. It additionally offers coupons and arrangements from its accomplice eateries in those urban communities. Customers of FoodMingo application can track their requests progressively. 11. Holachef Available – Android | iOS Holachef is a nourishment conveyance stage which serves sustenance made by famous gourmet experts to your doorstep. Holachef has a changing menu consistently with delectable nourishment made crisp by cooks working in the cordiality business for a considerable length of time. How to choose the best online food delivery app? Install respective mobile apps from the above and search the list of restaurants which available in your location.Compare the price of DIGITALIZATION IN HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY | 82

order menu in each app and restaurant. Place the order for the best price which available from the apps.

Food Delivery Startup in Bangalore: Bangalore, the technology capital of India is one among the busy cities in the country. There are a large number of Food Delivery startups in Bangalore operates by taking orders online and delivering food on doorsteps. Below we are listing of some other popular startup which provides food online in Bangalore. Many of them operating only in particular areas, check the location and place your order to try some new dishes. Some of the prominent Food Delivery Startups in Bangalore: •



Fresh Menu

Masala Box

Ready Bowl

48 East



To order food online in Bangalore from the above, you need to check their respective website or mobile app.

Food Delivery Startup in Mumbai: Mumbai is the business capital of India which opt to all latest trends. Online Food ordering takes a huge leap in the city over a short period of time. Apart from popular apps like Swiggy and Zomato, there are plenty of other startup companies provides the best services. Some of the popular Food Delivery Startups in Mumbai: DIGITALIZATION IN HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY | 83



Burgundy Box

Fresh Menu

Pizza Express

Calorie Care


To order food online in Mumbai from the above, you need to check their respective website or mobile app.

Food Delivery Startup in Delhi: India’s capital Delhi is other top cities follows a trend of online food ordering. With easy access to restaurants via mobile app and website, a user can able to place an order from anywhere. There is a large number of new food delivery startup growing in Delhi over the years. Some of the Famous Food Delivery Startups in Delhi: 


Fresh Menu



Pizza Express

To order food online in Delhi from the above, you need to check their respective website or mobile app.

Must-Have Travel Apps in India In the age of smartphones, all you need to get something done is an app that’s made for the task. Starting from ticket booking to finding a restaurant or business anywhere on the globe, there is an app you can find for everything. With information at your fingertips, there is little chance that you will lose your way with a smartphone at hand. There are hundreds of apps DIGITALIZATION IN HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY | 84

available on the Android and Apple markets. We’ve collated 10 of the best travel apps handpicked from the lot. TripAdvisor TripAdvisor is a must-have app, with over 50 million user-generated reviews for thousands of hotels. With a clean format optimized for mobiles, it also incorporates a tool to find low airfares, among other things. You can also query for information on the TripAdvisor forum. Google Maps Google Maps is the app of choice for navigation, and regardless of whether you’re walking, driving, riding a bicycle or using public transport, its direction feature helps you find your way to wherever you want to go. With crowd-sourced traffic date being included in maps now, you can also receive free and accurate traffic updates. Don’t leave home without it. RedBus is the preferred application in India for bus booking and related information for over 67,000 routes from around 1800 operators. Features include live bus tracking and one-tap ticket cancellation. Since buses are a widely used and common mode of transport in the country, this app is invaluable for travelers. IRCTC Connect The app is designed to search and book train tickets across the country. It features alerts and journey details, and lets you check details of recently added passengers, which is very convenient to keep track of seats and so on. Skype Skype is an alternative to calling and can help save costs such as roaming charges. Videos calls also make more sense when you are traveling to beautiful locations. MakeMyTrip As one of the most popular travel portals, Make My Trip has its own app as well. Apart from booking flight and bus tickets and finding packages, the app provides information about several heritage destinations in India, along with photographs.


Weather Pro India is a country with vast variations in topography, and it makes sense to include an app in the list that helps you stay updated with the weather. It’s useful to know the changes in weather when you are traversing across a humid region in North India, cyclone-prone areas like southeast, or in a location with heavy rainfall such as the north-eastern states. Cleartrip Cleartrip is another popular web portal-turned-app that helps you get the best prices for accommodation, bus fare, etc., and makes the online booking process simpler and easier. You can avail special discounts on the app as well. TripIt TripIt is a journey planning tool that creates itineraries for you based on your travel confirmation info. The app has functions like a personal travel organizer that syncs data to your calendar and maps. You can get directions, maps, and weather for each destination on the itinerary. Google Translate This is an invaluable tool in a country like ours where more than 1000 languages are spoken across the country, amid many more. It instantly translates from one major language to another, and the text can either be read or heard as audio.


CONCLUSION Digital transformation represents a whole bunch of opportunities for the hospitality industry, leading to great changes and growth. More & more hotels and restaurants are working with software developers to provide their guests with innovative solutions and big players have already adopted digital initiatives using emerging technologies such as IoT, VR & big data and the results are quite clear; higher guest satisfaction, better experience, better previsions, better management. In this digital era, we all are in the generation of independent travelers who mostly plan, book and manage travel trips or traveling tickets through online travel agencies or OTA. The era of traditional agencies and independent travel agents is almost over. While digital transformation has brought 90% of the travel agents and tour business to the brink of extinction, survivors have to adapt digitization to overrule the reckless competition. In order to serve the customers better, one could lift their business with latest emerging technology like virtual reality to attract customers in their field. Digital transformation has flooded the entire travel ecosystem, resulting in a huge increase in competition. Surviving without digitalization is not possible for traditional travel agencies in the modern internet world where there are big players available online just a tap away from a customer’s smartphone. According to the World Tourism Organization, the number of international tourist visits worldwide increased by 3% to 4% this year, compared to 1526 million in the year 2017. The global business of the travel industry is $ 1.3 billion today. It is, therefore, necessary for travel agents to invest in a digital transformation in order to survive in the marketplace. With the parallel upsurge in travel demand, shifting the way to digital will be the key factor to meet the expectations of travelers in the future. Digitization changes processes and workflows in hotels and supports you as the hotelier, your employees and your guests. In addition, hotel digitization will attract the attention of your potential guests. Digital hotel solutions support the independence of hotels in the battle against online travel agencies and spread information in a more targeted way. For future


generations of employees the question will not be whether digitization is important, but, at best, how we can use it. To stand still in this fast-moving time can quickly mean the end for hotels, as the competition already offers new guests many new experiences. Which digital solutions can be implemented during the Stay-Phase of the Guest Journey. In this research, we outline many critical enhancements that need to be implemented in the hospitality industry to restructure its service platform to fit into the modern technological landscape. We identified personalization of experiences and digitalization of services as the two fronts in which these enhancements have to be focused. Many HSP have taken radical steps to remodel their services and we discuss some of these state-of-the-art hospitality services offered by them. We also envision several new future services that might be offered by the hospitality industry as some of the bleeding edge of systems, such as body area sensors, augmented reality, etc., enter maturity. We identify some fundamental challenges that need to be overcome to institute a lasting future-proof solution for the hospitality industry. We envision that future technological solutions for the hospitality industry will consist of geo-distributed systems that are capable of providing localized information and services, high volume data aggregation, security and privacy, and low latency event responses through energy efficient computing and bandwidth efficient communication resources. These solutions must also enable local, regional, and global analytics for providing valuable insights into improving quality of service as well as building better business models.


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