Shako And Musket 1803 - 1814

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  • Words: 7,707
  • Pages: 17
The Age of Musket

Shako and Musket 1803 - 1814 Rules for scaled battles of the Napoleonic Wars

Peter Morffew

copyright 2006


These rules are part of a series that covers the era of the Musket . Starting when the smoothbore musket became the primary weapon for Infantry in the 1690's , to the end of the era when the smoothbore Musket's were being converted to rifled muskets or being discarded for more modern weapon's in 1862 during the American Civil War . The Age of Musket series reflects to changes in tactics from the slow and ponderous pace of the infantry in the 18th century to the more brisk pace that was to come about in the middle of teh 19th century . These rules are designed to capture the flavour of specific war's or campaign's with the subtle changes and nuance's. They are also designed to be easy to use , fast flowing and capable of covering small and large scale games . Happy gaming .

Contents of rules Troop types - Description's of the type of troop's of the period . Unit size - A description of the maximum size for unit's when using these rules . Formation's - A description of the different formation's used within these rules . Scale - Description of the scale used in the rules and in a game Definition's - A description of word's used within these rules and their definition's . Setting up the game - A description of how to set a game , pre-game rules and sequence of play . Charging - A description of the rules cover charges and charging . Response to a charge - A description of the rules cover unit's that are being charged and their response . Break through - A description of the rules for a break through after a charge and the melee . Melee - A description of the rules covering the melee . Movement - A description of the rules cover movement . Firing - A description of the rules covering Artillery and Musket fire . Morale - A description of the rules covering morale check's and the morale factor's . Morale result's - A list of the morale result's and the reaction's from a morale check

Troop types Line Infantry Line Infantry were the main stay of the Main Armies of Europe . Gone were the Musketeers of earlier wars . Fusiliers kept their name in spirit but were still considered to be line troops . Grenadiers These were the assault troops for this period . The Grenadiers were the taller men of a Regiment . They carried a musket and manoeuvred the same as other Infantry on the battle field . Also they carried and axe and Grenades. Most Armies had the Grenadiers attached to the Infantry battalions . Countries such as France had dedicated Grenadier Battalions within the Imperial Guard . Because of this ability to carry out an attack on troops in or behind cover there is no deduction on their melee factor against troops in cover . Light Infantry Every Army in Europe had Light Infantry during this period . Their worth had been seen where they could form a screen for the main Army and disrupt the enemy as they advanced . Light Cavalry These troops were chiefly Hussars , but there were Light Dragoons and Lancers / Uhlans . The Irregular units were also light troops , such as the Cossacks . Medium Cavalry These troops were Horse , Guards and Dragoons who had lost their role as mounted Infantry and were now classed as a Cavalry arm . Other Medium Cavalry units included Guard regiments . Heavy Cavalry Heavy Cavalry at this time were the Cuirassiers and Carabineers , some troops just have the front plate for protection and were the shock Cavalry of most European armies . Irregular Troops Irregular units were Cossacks and Trenks Pandours . These were either used for reconnaissance or raiding parties . They tended to be of poor quality on the battle field . They are all classed as Light Cavalry Battalion guns The Battalion guns that had been the main stay of the Battalion formation since the turn of the 18th Century were dying out either due to cost or the ease at which the could be lost in battle when a Battalion routed . Some nations still had them though . Field Artillery Field guns varied in size , but because of their weight the maximum sized tended to be twelve pounder guns and eighteen pounder Howitzers . The ammunition type was limited to canister for short range and for long range firing round shot and shell . The canister could comprise of musket balls . Field batteries would consist of six , eight or twelve gun teams , depending on the nationality . Horse Artillery Horse Artillery had now come into their own as a fast reacting team that could either move into position to stem an attack or quickly move forward to exploit weak point's in the enemies ranks .

Unit size Below are the Infantry Battalion and Cavalry regimental maximum strengths in figures covered by these rules . You can have less figures if you wish .


France 14/20#



Chasseurs a Cheval




Sweden 14

Russia 18



Austria 20 20


Horse Guards Hussar's





Line Infantry





Light Infantry

18 8





Grenadier's Guard Infantry




#After 1807 ; * after 1806 ; ^ Old guard ; > Middle and Young Guard ~Before 1812 ; ! after 1812


Britain 8

Hanover 10



Cuirassier's Hussar's



Guard Cavalry



Line Infantry



6 10

12 14

Light Infantry Grenadier's Highland Infantry


Guard Infantry


Jager's /Rifles








The number of Battalions per Musketeer / Fusilier Regiment are below Britain : One Battalion Prussia : Two Battalions except two Regiments had three Battalions and one had one Battalion France : Three Battalions , Guard Infantry two Battalions Russia : Three Battalions Sweden : One Battalion Austria : German Regiment Two Battalions / Hungarian Regiment - three battions . Holland One Battalion


Formations Line : Line is a formation of two rank's of figure's to indicate the unit in close formation in three rank's .

Column of attack : This formation's width is the same as the depth

Skirmish line : This formation is used by Light Infantry only . It is a single line of Infantry double spaced which charging Cavalry and Infantry will automatically break through .

Square : This is a formation that is used by Infantry in defence against Cavalry . The figures form a hollow square with an even number on the four side's . The Infantry can fire , each figure counting that is facing the Cavalry unit . Each face of the square has an arc of 45 degree's to it's front . Square's that have been formed in the same bound whilst being charged can attempt to be broken through .

Unformed : This is a unit that has had it's uniformity disrupted , this could be caused by a number of reason's . Melee , breakthrough , routing , etc. . To signify that a unit is unformed each base / stand is turned diagonally to the next one .

Reforming : When a unit comes to reform the unit must be stationary . The unit changes it's formation from that as above i.e. unformed and adopts the reforming formation . To signify a unit is reforming the stand's / bases are formed up in staggered line with the corner's of each base touching .

Scale The following scales apply to these rules Ground scale : 3'' = 100 paces Time scale : One bound = 5 minutes Figure scale : Each figure represents fifty men or horses on a base size that represent's an area covered by the given ground scale in three ranks' or in the case of the Russian's , four rank's shoulder to shoulder and one rank for Jager's . The unit size represents the troops that would fight in a battle , this excludes officer's and drummer's . The factor's are taken into account for the different depth's and the base size is kept the same for consistency . These rules are designed for 15mm and 25mm figures . For 6mm , 10mm figures halve the firing and movement . For 2mm figure's treat each firing and movement measurement in centimetres . Figure base : Below are the figure base sizes . These are per figure except for field artillery where this is the base size for gun and crew . 1 gunrepresents a whole battery based on a card of a suitable size,. The base is extended depending on the number of guns in the battery, e.g. a battery of 4 guns in 15mm is 80mm wide. For Battalion gun's one single Artillerist figure represent's the Battalion gun and crew , this is the same width as the infantry figure but double the depth of a Infantry figure .

2mm figures 6mm figures 10mm figures 15mm figures 25mm figures

Infantry 10mm x 5mm 5mm x 5mm 10mm x 6mm 10mm x 15mm 15mm x 15mm

Cavalry 10mm x 4mm 10mm x 5mm 15mm x 10mm 10mm x 20mm 25mm x 50mm

Field Artillery 10mm x 10mm 20mm x 20mm 35mm x 35mm 40mm x 40mm 70mm x 70mm

General 10mm x 10mm 15mm x 15mm 20mm x 20mm 30mm x 30mm 40mm x 40mm

Definitions Retire : A unit will move away from the direction of the charge , attack , fire or melee in good order toward's it's own base line for one bound . If attacked the unit will defend itself and only retire for half of a bound . If a friendly unit is blocking the direction to be retired in the unit will halt in front of the friendly unit and turn to face the enemy . If a friendly unit is directly behind blocking the route to retire in the unit retiring will pass through the friendly unit's rank's leaving it unformed . After retiring the full bound the unit will turn to face the enemy . A unit retires at the normal line pace . Retreat : A unit retreating will move away from the direction of charge , attack , fire or melee towards it's own base line for one bound . If the unit is followed up and contact is made the retreat will become a rout . If the unit is retreating in response to a charge and the charging unit can make contact the unit will then rout for the remainder of the move . If no follow up is made or contact made the unit will retreat as normal . If the line of retreat is blocked by a friendly unit the retreating unit will pass through the friendly unit's rank's thus unforming it self and the friendly unit . At the end of the retreat the unit will remain facing away from the enemy and will have to turn to face next bound . A retreating unit will move at column of rout pace . Rout :A unit routing will move away from the direction of attack , fire , charge or melee toward's it's own base line for one bound . If followed up the unit will rout for a further bound , if the morale check dictates yet another bound of rout this will be added to the number of bounds that have already been dictated . If the line of rout is blocked by a friendly unit the unit will rout through it's rank's thus unforming it . At the end of a rout the unit will be facing away from the enemy and will also be unformed . A unit that rout's has to spend two bound's reforming . Artillery that rout's will abandon the gun's and will not return to them for the rest of the game . A routing unit will move at column of rout charging pace . Battalion : A unit of Infantry that can be joined with other Battalion's to form Regiment's . Reform : An action carried out by a unit so that it can dress it's rank's . This is carried out after a rout regardless of circumstance's . It can also be carried out after a melee , charge , breakthrough or being broken through by another unit . In the later the reform is optional . Shaken : A unit has become unsteady , the morale is affected and could have a detrimental affect on any future action's . Breakthrough : A charging cavalry unit has impacted on another unit and the impetus of the charging unit has caused it to penetrate the rank's and exit the opposite side/end of the charged unit . Any unit behind can be engaged during the same bound if contacted . The first engagement must be resolved first . Both unit's that have been contacted must resolve the melee . A stand : One stand is four figure's = 200 men . Referred to in the response to a charge , one stand may turn to face . Unformed : A unit that has lost it's cohesion and is unable to operate as normal i.e. it will lack impetus in a charge . An unformed unit can charge but will have it's limitation's . Bricole : A means of towing a Artillery piece forward or in some cases backwards . This method was used By most nations in the early part of the 18th Century to pull the Battle guns . The French carried on using this method during the Revolutionary and Napoleonic wars . Once French artillery is unlimbered the Artillery train/ limber team will retire .

Getting started To run a game the player needs a measure , pencil ,note paper and one six sided dice . Prior to setting out the figures and starting the game players on each side must mark where they will set up their figures and what their objective is on a map . The objective can be to hold ground on either flank / wing , attack and route the enemy , attack left or right flank or even to capture a geographical feature on the table . having drawn up the start positions and the figures are laid out on table . Once the troops are set up both sides determine if one or the other has the initiative . Both sides role a six sided die , the player with the highest score has the initiative and gets a number of free bounds as indicated by the difference between the die roles . Add one to the die score for the French .

Sequence of play 1 ) Declare charges - move charging unit up to maximum musket range of the intended target . 2 ) Charged unit's need to check their response to the charge . 3 ) Charged unit carries out it's response to the charge . 4 ) Where contact is made carry out melee . 5) Charging unit check's to see if it's break's through . 6 ) If the unit breaks through and contacts another unit carry out the same as above for charges , i.e. response to charge , etc. 7 ) If the charging unit breaks through and makes contact with another unit , again check charged unit's response and then carry out action's and melee . 8 ) Other movement , those that moved in the morale reaction's from the previous bound or charge phase do not move . 9 ) Other firing - unit's that fired in the charge response phase cannot fire . 10) Morale check's . 11 ) Morale reaction's - retire , retreat , rout , follow up . These unit's cannot move in the next bound's movement phase

Charges All charges are declared at the beginning of the bound cycle . The unit or unit's charging must be indicated as well as the unit or unit's being charged . The unit or unit's charged must check their response to being charged . If a charged Infantry unit has a rout reaction and the charging unit is Cavalry which makes contact in the charge phase the Infantry unit is considered to have been ridden down and will take no further part in the game and will carry on routing for the rest of the game . This does not mean that the entire unit is destroyed . If the game is part of a campaign the melee phase is resolved as normal to see what casualties are inflicted . An Infantry unit formed up in square from a previous bound does not have to check it's response to being charged . If the Infantry unit has a obey order's reaction to being charged the Infantry unit may form square or it may have a reaction to form square . When this is the case the Cavalry can still attempt to break through if it makes contact as the square might not be fully formed . The Infantry form square , the Cavalry make contact , the melee phase is resolved as normal and then the Cavalry try to break through . If unsuccessful it is considered the square is fully formed and there may be no further attempt to break through whilst that unit remains in square . Whilst forming square the Infantry unit cannot fire . If a charging unit is fired on and takes casualties . The casualties are removed before contact is made . If the casualties amount to more than fifty percent of the front rank the charge has been broken and will halt at the next range bracket i.e. if fired at from medium range the Cavalry will halt at short range . If fired at from medium range the unit halts half an inch short of contact . If the Cavalry unit has any movement left it may use that up , taking into account the deduction for turning about . If there are any friendly troops behind the unit that has been stopped who are also charging they will move up to base to base contact with the rear rank and halt there . When this happens the front unit , the one that has had it's charge broken cannot elect to use up any movement that remains and will stay where it is for the rest of the bound . The unit behind can if it wishes use up any remaining movement and turn about . In the event of a Cavalry unit breaking through that melee must be resolved first and the casualties taken off . The breakthrough takes place and if a second unit is contacted that melee is then resolved . Infantry cannot charge and fire regardless of the distance they move. When the order to charge was given that is what was done.

Response to a charge A unit being charged must check it's response to being charged . The only unit that does not have to check it's response to being charged by Cavalry is a Infantry unit formed up in square . A unit that has checked it's response to being charged and chooses to form square cannot fire and the square can still be broken through , the square would not have been formed properly and is still vulnerable to a Cavalry charge . If a friendly unit is in base to base contact with a charged unit this unit must check it's response to a charge as well . A Cavalry unit that has a reaction to obey order's and is unformed can remain stationary and dress rank's . The unit will be form to receive the charge . If the Infantry or Artillery response to a charge is to fire and the target is closer than the range given then the unit does not fire as it is construed that the unit is unable to respond quickly enough and is shaken . Infantry will stand and receive the charge . Artillery crew's will abandon the gun's . Artillery crew's who abandon the gun's will seek cover with Infantry within six inches and when the threat has receded can return to the guns . If the closest Infantry are further than six inches but less than twelve inches they will abandon the gun's and will need a morale check to return to the gun's unless an Infantry unit moves to within base to base contact with the gun bases , physically recapturing the gun's . If the closest Infantry are more than twelve inches the Artillery crew's will abandon the gun's and not return for the rest of the game . Where the Artillery crew's seek refuge with an Infantry unit they are effectively part of that unit and will adopt the same charge and morale reaction's . Where the Infantry unit rout's the gun's are also lost for the rest of the game . To check a unit's response to being charged . Role a six sided die and compare the score against the unit's present morale status on the chart below . Die role score 6 or more points under present morale status 4 or 5 point's under present morale status

Response to the charge Infantry fire at 2'' , if charge is halted will counter charge . Artillery will fire at 3'' and stay with gun's . Cavalry counter charge and use charge factor's Infantry fire at Cavalry at 2'' range , Infantry counter charge Infantry . Artillery fire at 3'' range and retire to closest Infantry . Light Infantry fire at 3'' and retire . If attacked in the flank Cavalry and Infantry turn to face .Cavalry counter charge but do not count the charging factor . Artillery crews of 8lb or less turn the guns . Heavier gun's crew's abandon gun's and retire to nearest Infantry unit .

Equal to the morale Infantry charged by Cavalry fire at 3'' or can form square . Cavalry and Infantry against status or 1,2 or 3 Infantry obey order's . Light Infantry fire at 6'' and retire . If attacked in the flank or rear point's under present one stand my turn and face . Artillery fire at 6'' then retire to safety . morale status 1 or 2 points over Infantry fire at 5'' , Artillery fire st 8'' , Light Infantry fire at 8'' and retire , Light Cavalry present morale retire , Medium and Heavy cavalry dress rank's and receive charge . If being charged in status the flank rear will retreat . 3 or 4 point's over Infantry shaken , will not fire . Artillery fire at 10'' , Light Cavalry retreat , Medium and present morale Heavy Cavalry retire . Light Infantry retreat . If being charged in the flank or rear will status . rout . 5 or 6 points over Infantry rout . Artillery fire at 15'' , Light Cavalry rout , Medium and Heavy Cavalry present morale retreat . If being charged in the flank or rear will rout for two bounds . status More than 6 points All rout for two bounds . If charged in the flank will rout off table . over present morale status

Break through A charging Cavalry unit must check to see if it breaks through the unit or unit's it is charging . A Cavalry unit cannot break through a Infantry unit that had formed square in the previous bound . Infantry that have formed square this bound in response to a charge can be broken through . If two Cavalry unit's charge each other and only one breaks through , that unit will carry on . The other unit will have it's movement arrested at the point of contact and will remain stationary for the rest of the bound . It will reform if not attacked . Infantry and Cavalry will automatically break through infantry in skirmish line . To test for a break through . Total up the factor's below to determine the factor needed required to break through . Role a six sided die . If the score is less than the factor the the charging Cavalry unit has broken through . Charging unit factor : Heavy Cavalry .............................................................5 Medium Cavalry...........................................................4 Light Cavalry............................................................... 3 Factor's : If charging a unit in the flank or rear ..........................+ 2 Cavalry charging Cavalry ...........................................- 2 Both unit's charging each other ..................................+ 1 Each casualty lost during the charge ..........................- 1 Charging unit unformed .............................................- 2 Charging square formed this bound ............................-2 Charging in column .....................................................+1 Lancers charging .........................................................+3

Melee When a melee is carried out the first two rank's of a unit are counted . There is also an over lap of two figures at each end . Infantry in square can only count those figures facing the opposing figure's . After one bound of melee all troop's become unformed unless in square . To reform the unit need's to be stationary for one bound and carry out no other function , i.e. fire , move or come under fire . A unit unformed can still charge , test for a break through and melee but with impediment's . Unit's in skirmish line will avoid a melee . If charged they will fall back as indicated by the response to a charge and will then reform in skirmish line at the end of the bound , unless in hard cover then the unit will stay where it is . If a Cavalry unit contact's with a unit in skirmish line it will automatically break through . Artillery that is attacked will fall back to safety to the closest Infantry within 6'' . They will return to the gun's once safe and will not be able to fire until next bound . If a Cavalry unit has broken through a square that has been formed this bound then the factor for Cavalry against Infantry in square does not apply . The melee factor for the charging unit breaking through is applicable for both units whether they have broken through or have been broken through .

Casualty calculation : Multiply the melee factor's by the number of figures . Add or subtract the tactical factor . Subtract the score of a six sided die . For each total score of six one figure or one gun is lost . If the final score is less than six than the die is rolled the score must be equal or be less than the remaining melee factor . Melee factor : In contact : melee from last bound Infantry / Light Cavalry........1 Medium Cavalry ..............1 . 5 Heavy Cavalry.......................2

Charging Infantry / Light Cavalry .......1 . 5 Medium Cavalry.........................2 Heavy Cavalry.......................2 . 5

Tactical factor adjustment : Being attacked in the rear or flank ......................................................................................Deduct2 Infantry meleeing against troop's behind hard cover , except Grenadiers ..........................Deduct 2 Cavalry meleeing against Infantry in square *.....................................................................Deduct 2 Meleeing up hill ..................................................................................................................Deduct 1 Reforming , shaken , unformed, retreated last bound .........................................................Deduct 1 Unit routed last bound .........................................................................................................Deduct 2 Grenadiers meleeing against troops in hard cover .............................................................Deduct 1 Charging in Column............................................................................................................Add 1 First bound of melee for Lancers .......................................................................................Add 2 * Not applicable if Cavalry have broken through .

Movement Formation's : Line is a unit of figures formed up in two rank's . Skirmish line is a unit - battalion formed up in single rank . Column of attack is a unit formed up in a column , two figures wide . Advancing and firing : Infantry may advance and fire . The distance they can advance and fire depend's on the type of Infantry they are . Light Infantry can advance 5'' and fire , other Infantry can advance 3'' and fire . Infantry cannot fire whist charging regardless of the distance moved. Formation changes : These are carried out with the unit stationary and will take one bound to complete . A unit forming square can change formation whilst being charged . This can only be carried out during the response to the charge phase . Turning about , turning to the right or left only takes half a bound . Reforming : Unit's take two bound's / cycles to reform after a rout and one bound to reform after any other event i.e. melee , charge , breaking through another unit or being broken through . Unit's reforming must be stationary whilst carrying out this action and cannot change formation . If a unit need's to defend itself it cannot reform until it has finished firing or meleeing . Any troops routing off table will not return to the game . Any troops following up a routing unit off table will need a morale check to return i.e. obey order's or better . Arriving on table they will be unformed . Obstacles : Wood's , wall's , hedge's , uphill , moving in and out of building's , crossing stream's and ditches reduces a unit's speed by half .Wood's , wall's , ditches , stream's building's and hedges nullify the charge impetus of Infantry . Wall's , wood's and building's nullify the charge impetus of Cavalry . Artillery : Movement of Artillery is restricted by the weight of the cannon / howitzer . Light Artillery : 3lb /6lb cannon's and Howitzer's up to 7lb . These are considered to be light gun's for the period . These move at line pace when unlimbered and at skirmish pace when limbered up , i.e. Battalion and Regimental gun's . Battalion gun's always move at the same pace as the Battalion they are with . Medium Artillery : 7lb , 8lb , 10lb , 12lb cannon's and 10lb Howitzers are considered to medium gun's for the period . These can only be moved limbered up . When unlimbered they can be pivoted through 90 degree's per bound or 45 degree's and fired at half effect . Heavy Artillery : 18lb , 24lb 30lb cannon's and howitzer's are considered to be heavy gun's for the period . These can only be moved limbered up . Once unlimbered they cannot be pivoted but fire from the position they are pointing in , with a 45 degree arc to the front . Infantry 12''

Light Infantry 15"

Light Cavalry 18''

Medium Cavalry 15''

Heavy Cavalry 12''

Line Skirmish line Charge












Bricole Limber up unlimber





Heavy Horse 4''


18'' +5'' 4"



Half bound

One bound

Two bound

Half bound

Firing Both rank's in a Infantry unit formed up in line may fire when stationary . Line Infantry can advance 3'' and fire. Light Infantry can move 5'' . If a unit being charged intends to fire it must remain stationary . There are three types of fire in these rules they are direct , diagonal or oblique and enfilade fire . Direct fire is directed at right angles to the target unit at the widest part of the target unit , there is a 45 degree angle either side of the right angle and can be fired at the rear or front of the target unit . Diagonal or oblique fire is directed at a 45 degree angle and is aimed at the widest part of the target unit thus firing across the target unit and can be aimed at the front or rear of the target unit . Enfilade fire is directed at right angles to the target unit and is aimed at the narrowest part of the target unit thus firing along the target unit , there is a 45 degree arc either side of the right angle . A unit firing has a 45 degree arc to it's front . Any target in this arc can be fired upon by all of the figures in the Battalion or Battery . If an intended target is outside this arc the firing unit must wheel or pivot around with the distance moved measured from the outer edge . When a target is within range of the musket's in a Battalion the Battalion gun's will also fire at this target . The Battalion gun fire factor is added to the Battalion musket fire . Then the firing factor's are added or subtracted along with the die score . Calculation of casualties : Multiply the weapon factor by the number of figuresin the Infantry unit or the number of gun's in the battery . Apply the firing factor's then subtract the score of a six sided die from the subsequent score. The final score is the casualty factor . For each score of six a figure or gun is lost . If the final figure is less than six or there is a remaining amount then a six sided die is roled , the die role must equal or be less than the factor to gain a casualty .

Weapon factor's Musket - per figure Jager's / Rifles - per figure 3lb / 4lb gun - per gun 6lb / 7lb / 8lb gun - per gun 9lb/10lb / 12lb gun - per gun 18lb / 24lb gun - per gun 30lb gun - per gun

Short range 2'' - 1 . 5 3'' - 1 . 5 9'' - 1 . 5 9'' - 2 9'' - 2 . 5 9'' - 3 9'' - 3 . 5

Medium range 4'' - 1 6'' - 1 15'' - 1 18'' - 1 18'' - 1 . 5 18'' - 1 . 5 18'' - 1 . 5

Firing factor's : Target formed up in skirmish line . Target enfiladed or in column . Target in square or diagonal / oblique fire. Target in or behind hard cover . Target in or behind soft cover , i.e. in a wood Musket fire at Cavalry. Artillery fire at Cavalry. Infantry advancing and firing . Firer shaken , unformed , retired this bound or retreated last bound . Infantry firing first volley of the game, ( each group of 3 figures ). Russian Infantry firing . Firing unit routed last bound .

Deduct 2 Add 2 Add 1 Deduct 2 Deduct 1 Add 2 Add 1 Deduct 1 Deduct 1 Add 1 Deduct 1 Deduct 2

Long range 6'' - 0 . 5 9'' - 0 . 5 30'' - 0 . 5 30'' - 0 . 5 33'' - 1 36'' - 1 39'' - 1

Morale Morale check's are carried out for the following reason' s . Having taken casualties during a melee , casualties from Artillery or musket fire , if a friendly routing unit passes through another unit's rank's - unless either are Light Infantry or if when formed up in line the unit is in base to base contact with the next unit which rout's , if a unit that follows up a routing unit and goes off table , it will need to take a morale check to return . Morale checks are carried out at Battalion level for Infantry , Regimental level for Cavalry and battery level for Artillery . Any morale check on an Infantry Battalion will also affect the Battalion gun's . This rule also applies to the Regimental gun's with Russian Dragoon and Grenadier-a-Cheval Regiment's . To check the present morale status of a unit you add or subtract the morale factor's to the relevant unit morale factor below . The resulting score is the present morale status . Role a six sided die and consult the morale result's chart , the bold type refers to the die roll . Unit morale factor's :

Irregular troop's


Artillery , Regular Cavalry , Line Infantry








Morale factor's : General with unit - base to base contact Unit in hard cover General within 3'' British , Swiss or Kings German Legion troops . Each casualty taken by a unit during game . Each bound Cavalry are in continuous melee Battalion , Regiment shaken or retired this bound / Infantry rank's broken through by Cavalry Being attacked in the flank or rear Unit retreated this bound . Unit routed this bound Unit routed last bound

Add2 Add2 Add1 Add 1 Deduct1 Deduct1 Deduct3 Deduct2 Deduct3 Deduct 2

Morale results 5 or more point's under the morale status : Cavalry in melee follow up routing , retreating or retiring unit's for one bound . Infantry in melee follow up routing or retreating Infantry for half a bound , ( unless in square ) . Artillery man gun's . Otherwise obey order's . 4 points under the morale status : Cavalry in melee follow up routing or retreating unit's for one bound . Infantry in melee follow up routing Infantry for half a bound , ( unless in square ) . Artillery man gun's . Otherwise obey order's . 3 point's under morale status : Cavalry in melee follow up routing unit's for one bound . Infantry in melee follow up routing Infantry for half a bound . Artillery man gun's . Otherwise obey order's . Equal or 1 or 2 point's under morale status : Obey order's . 1 point over morale status : Shaken , will not initiate a charge , halt for half a bound to dress rank's . Artillery battery that is limbered up will unlimber to fire . Unlimbered French Artillery can be moved by Bricole . If unlimbered will hold unless in melee will then abandon guns . 2 point's over morale status : Shaken , will not initiate a charge , Infantry in melee will recoil 3'' , if followed up will retire . Infantry in square against Cavalry will hold . Cavalry will retire for one bound . Artillery battery unlimbered will hold present position . Artillery limbered up will unlimber to fire . Unlimbered French Artillery can move by Bricole . Artillery in melee will abandon gun's . 3 point's over morale status : Shaken , will not initiate a charge , halt for one bound to dress rank's . Infantry in melee will retire , if followed up and casualties received will become a retreat . Infantry in square against Cavalry will hold . Cavalry will retire for one bound . Artillery unlimbered will hold present position for the rest of the game unless it has a reaction to retire , retreat or rout . Artillery limbered up will retire for one bound and unlimber - will not advance any further for the rest of the game . Artillery in melee will abandon gun's for two bound's . 4 point's over morale status : Retire for one bound at line pace , if followed up and casualties received will become a retreat . Infantry in square against Cavalry hold . Artillery unlimbered or limbered up will limber up and retire for one bound and not advance for the rest of the game . Artillery in melee will abandon gun's . 5 point's over morale status : Retreat at line pace for one bound , if retreat is followed up the retreat becomes a route . Infantry in square against Cavalry can be broken through , Cavalry can role for the break through . If successful square will break and rout for one bound . Artillery retreat for one bound whether unlimbered or limbered up , If battery is attacked or fired upon whilst retreating it will become a rout . 6 points over morale status : Rout for one bound at column of route pace , Artillery will abandon gun's for the rest of the game . Unit will take two bounds to reform . More than 6 points over morale status : For each point the die roll exceeds 6 point's over the morale status the unit will rout one extra bound , i.e. a unit has a morale status of minus one . A die roll is six . This is one point above six and so the unit will route two bounds .

The sets of rules in the Age of Musket series is always expanding. Those available via the internet are. Tricorne and Musket 1690 – 1739 These rules cover the Marlbourian Wars Tricorne and Musket 1740 – 1763 These rules cover the Wars of Austrian Succession and Seven Years War Bicorne and Musket 1792 – 1803 These rules cover the French Revolutionary Wars Shako and Musket 1803 – 1814 These rules cover the Napoleonic Wars up to Napoleons defeat in 1814 by the Grande Alliance. Shako and Musket 1808 – 1814 These rules cover the Napoleonic War in the Iberian Peninsula Shako and Musket 1812 These rules cover the North American War between Britain and America Shako and Musket 1815 These rules cover Napoleons 100 day campaign leading up to Waterloo Shako and Musket 1854 These rules cover the Crimean War Kepi and Musket These rules cover the American Civil War Rules that are in the pipe line Shako and Musket 1807 These rules will cover the Wars of San Martin and Simon Bolivar in South America Tricorne and Musket 1742 These rules will cover the Jacobean Wars of 1742 Shako and Musket 1772 These rules will cover the War of American Independence


Shako and Musket 1803 Quick reference sheet

Sequence /cycle of play 1 Declare charges - move charging unit upto intended target . 2 Charged unit check for reaction to charge . 3 If charged unit stand's , carry out any firing . 4 Where contact is made carry out melee .

5 Check for any breakthrough by charging unit . 6 If breakthrough is made carry out any subsequent melee 7 Any other movement by other unit's . 8 Any other firing by other unit's . 9 Morale check's . 10 Morale check reaction's

Response to a charge : Check morale status of charged unit . Roll a six sided die and consult chart below . Die role : 6 or more point's under present morale status

Response : Infantry fire at 2'' , if charge is halted will charge . Cavalry counter charge , charge factor used . Artillery fire at 3'' and stay with guns . Light Infantry fire at 3'' , if halt charge will not retire . If charged in flank unit will turn to face , except Light Infantry , will retire . If charged in rear will turn to face .

4 or 5 points under present morale status

Infantry fire at 2'' . Artillery fire at 3'', gunners leave guns . Cavalry counter charge but no charge factor . Light Infantry fire at 3'' and retire . If charged in flank 2 stand's can turn to face , except Light Infantry , will retire. If charged in rear will turn to face

Equal to morale status or 1 , 2 or 3 point's under present morale status .

Infantry fire at 3'' or can form square Artillery fire at 6'' then leave guns . Cavalry obey order's . Light Infantry fire at 5'' and retire . If charged in the flank or rear will retire .

1 or 2 point's over present morale status

Infantry fire at 6'' , Light Cavalry retire ' , artillery fire at 8'' , Medium and Heavy Cavalry dress rank's and receive charge . Light Infantry fire at 8'' and retire . If charged in flank or rear will retreat

3 or 4 points over present morale status .

Infantry shaken - do not fire , Artillery fire at 10'' , Light Cavalry retreat , Medium and Heavy Cavalry retire . Light Infantry retreat . If charged in the flank or rear will rout .

5 or 6 points over present morale status

Infantry rout , Light Cavalry rout . Artillery fire at 15'' . Medium and Heavy Cavalry retreat . If charged in the flank will rout

More than 6 point's over present morale status .

All rout for 2 bound's

Break through : add or subtract factors to score below . Role and six

Factor's : If charging troop's in Flank.....................................................+2 Cavalry charging Cavalry.........................................................-1 Both unit's charging each other ..............................................-1 Charged unit unformed ..............................................................-1 Each Casualty lost during charge and in melee......................-1 Charging unit unformed ...........................................................-1 Charging square formed this bound .......................................+1

side die . If die role score is same or less than factor unit break's through . Heavy Cavalry : 5 Medium Cavalry : 4 Light Cavalry : 3 Automatic break through for Cavalry and Infantry when charging Light Infantry or routing Infantry .

Melee : Multiply melee factor's by number of figures , add and subtract the factor adjustment . Subtract the score of a six sided die from the factor . For each total of 6 a figure or gun is lost . If score is less than 6 then role a six sided die , if the die score is equal to or less than the factor a figure or gun is lost . Melee factor's : Per figure In contact/melee : Infantry 1 Light Cavalry 1 Medium Cavalry 1 . 5 Heavy Cavalry 2

Factor adjustment : Being attacked in the flank or rear ........................deduct 2 Infantry meleeing against troop's in hard cover .....deduct 2 Grenadiers meleeing against troop's in hard cover ..deduct 1 Cavalry meleeing against Infantry in square @........deduct 2 Meleeing up hill......................................................deduct 1 Reforming , shaken , unformed ..............................deduct 1 Retreated last bound ...............................................deduct 1 Unit routed last bound.............................................deduct 2 @ ) Not applicable if Cavalry have broken through .

Home History Battles of the period

1 von 1


Charging : Infantry 1 . 5 Light Cavalry 1 . 5 Medium Cavalry 2 Heavy Cavalry 2 . 5


Page 2 Quick reference sheet


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