Shabbat Announcements, June 27, 2009

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Shabbat Parshat Korach

Torah Artscroll, 820 Hertz, 638 Haftorah Artscroll, 1186 Hertz, 649 Times Candle lighting

8:12 pm


7:00 pm

Hashkama Minyan

8:00 am

Parsha Shiur

8:30 am


8:30 am

Main Minyan

9:00 am

Beit Midrash

9:15 am

Gemorah Shiur

7:00 pm


8:00 pm

Shabbat Ends

9:20 pm


7:30 am 8:30 am

Mon., &Thurs.,

6:35 am

Tues., Wed., & Fri.,

6:45 am

Second Shacharit Minyan (Daily) Mincha (week of June 28)

7:45 am 8:10 pm

Latest times for Shema/Shmoneh Esrei June 27

9:11/10:27 am

July 4

9:14/10:29 am

Next Shabbat - Chukkat-Balak Candle lighting

8:11 pm


7:00 pm

June 27, 2009 5 Tamuz 5769 GNS TEFILLA DIGEST: A Weekly Discussion about the Fundamentals of Jewish Prayer By Rabbi Brahm Weinberg – Rabbinic Intern This inspiring article about tefillah is sponsored by Diane and David Rein in memory of Diane’s mother, Helene M. Fink z”l. Issue # 47 – Philosophy of Prayer (Part IV) Last week we discussed some aspects of Rabbi Soloveitchik’s philosophy of prayer. We began by saying that according to the Rav prayer is about need awareness. Much like many of the medieval Jewish philosophers, the Rav believed that the purpose of prayer was not to effect some change upon G-d who is immutable but on our own self. He said that what it is meant to achieve is a clarification of our needs. The problem he was addressing was that we often go through life so fast and with so much on our shoulders that we do not get a chance to reflect on what is best for us and what we really need. We often make choices in life that do not allow us to reach our fullest potential as people and as ovdei hashem because those choices are based on a false sense of who we are and what we need in life. Prayer affords us the opportunity to straighten that out by discovering more about who we are and what we need. If understood in this way, prayer can be a very important component of our religious growth. Allow me to explain how that happens. Rabbi Yehuda Amital explains that while many think that people are not “open” enough in their

relationship to others, the real problem is that so many people are not even open to themselves. Consequently, Rav Amital explains that the silent amidah begins with the words “O G-d open my lips, and my mouth will declare your praise” as a means of asking G-d to help the one praying disclose his or her heart to themselves for only then can he or she really open up to G-d. Rabbi Soloveitchik would claim that when we stand during the amidah in which we petition G-d for our needs and we reflect upon the basic needs of life such as health, material well being, understanding and wisdom, we naturally scrutinize why we should desire those things and what experiences in life could provide us with the elements of those needs that will satisfy our true being rather than provide us with a temporal sense of false satisfaction.

That need awareness is a pristine awareness of our real needs unencumbered by the façade of our external being, by our fears and apprehensions or by the role expectation of society. Prayer is such a raw, open experience in which we completely reveal our own self and our needs in a serious way that Rabbi Shalom Carmy, a prominent professor of Jewish Studies at Yeshiva University, believes it is part of what makes it so hard for us to pray. He says that “we often find an inability to take ourselves seriously, to honor our genuine needs, our joys, our troubles and devotions, as worthy of our own solemn concern” and thus have a hard time taking ourselves seriously enough to address our real needs in G-d’s presence.

Besides the ability to take down the facade that covers our being, prayer can be beneficial in helping a person gain clearer self perception because it contains elements of self-judgment as well. Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch notes that There is also another aspect of the “prayer” in the Hebrew language is called prayer experience that can help us to tefilla, the infinitive being lehitpallel: a become more aware of who we are. reflexive form of the root pallel which Psychologists say that part of the way that a person can become more aware of means to judge. Tefilla, the act of selfjudgment, according to psychologists can his or her own self is to create refine the process of viewing the self by relationships in which they can be helping the individual channel his or her completely open about who they are. analysis allowing for a deeper scrutiny of Prayer provides us with that open one’s problems and failings that will lead relationship that is necessary for a him or her to see his or her own self free person’s growth. It is in that open of false perceptions. relationship that we can reveal who we These aspects of prayer that can help us truly are without the fear of being discover more about ourselves and our judged or rejected for we know that when we stand before G-d, G-d can see needs can transform the prayer experience our inner self. Thus, there is no reason in to one that is very personal and very meaningful not just in terms of our to hide it. Once we feel comfortable religious and spiritual growth but in terms revealing our inner self, including our flaws and imperfections, our unfulfilled of our happiness in life and personal desires and emotions, we automatically satisfaction. create the need awareness that Rabbi There is an element of Rabbi Soloveitchik speaks about. Soloveitchik’s philosophy of prayer that

Graduation and Congregational Kiddush is sponsored by Our members

Seudah shlishit is in honor of the children from Chai Lifeline

26 Old Mill Road, Great Neck, NY 11023 (516) 487-6100 might seem to rub us the wrong way and make us feel as if G-d is denying the autonomy of the individual: Self-sacrifice. Rabbi Soloveitchik explains that not only are our prayers a substitute for the sacrifices of the temple, but prayer is itself an act of self sacrifice, of the “unrestricted offering of the whole self, the returning to G-d of body and soul, everything one possesses and cherishes.” Nevertheless, I would maintain that even this seeming abrogation of the self, surrender of autonomy and individuality still contains elements of autonomy and empowerment of the individual. As Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein has noted, the basis of the entire structure of sacrifices in the temple, is ownership and mastery either private or communal. As he once said: “The requirement to give is addressed only to someone who is able to give.” The very authoritarian demand to give oneself up to G-d is predicated upon the fact that the individual has the autonomy to do so. Furthermore, Rabbi Soloveitchik asserts that what Abraham taught us in the realm of prayer is that despite G-d’s overwhelming presence and commanding authority, man can stand before G-d without being consumed, man can maintain his individuality and humanity even in the face of the all encompassing G-d. In fact, G-d so much respects the individuality of man that He Himself “descends” into the world of man in friendship as a familiar companion (kiveyachol…) to meet him in prayer. The understanding that we do not lose our individuality in prayer and the status of honor bestowed upon us as a being who is approached by the Divine is empowering and affirms our individuality and autonomy. Thought to Ponder Over the last 5 weeks I tried to wind down our series on prayer on a broader more philosophical basis. After a year of seeing the explanations of many intricate laws and issues in prayer as well as elucidations of different sections of the siddur, I wanted to end the series with an explanation of what the whole experience of prayer is really about and what we are meant to get out of it. I hope that the last 5 articles have been

Shabbat Announcements Parshat Korach, 5769 helpful in that regard. There are many things we can gain from prayer and there are many explanations of what prayer is all about. One of the nice aspects of Rabbi Soloveitchik’s philosophy of prayer as “need awareness” which I chose to end with is that is makes prayer in to a very personal experience that can be helpful to you and to me. This is the last article that I will be writing in the Tefilla Digest series. As we end this series this is the message that I wish to leave you with and that I wish for you to ponder (It is based on Rabbi Soloveitchik’s philosophy of prayer that I have shared in the last two weeks): Prayer is deep, it is vast, it is extraordinarily complex and, most of all, it is really difficult. As I mentioned in my opening drasha before launching this series: “For 3 times a day, 365 days a year for the last 12 years of my life I have interrupted my day to pray. That means that roughly 13,000 times I have paused in order to fulfill the mitzvah of tefilla, of prayer. Repeating any behavior 13,000 times should certainly lead to greater levels of competence in that behavior. And yet, after 13000 practice runs, I still feel like I haven’t perfected my tefilla.” Nevertheless, at its most basic core prayer can be, for each an every one of us, a time to contemplate who we are, what our genuine needs are, what we fail at and where we succeed, what we wish to change about ourselves and what we wish to keep the same.

Prayer can be one of the vehicles through which we come to discover who we are and in that way become better people and better servants of Hashem. The closer we come to know ourselves the closer we will come to know what lies at our core which is our tzelem elokim, the Divine spark within each of us. The closer we come to knowing that spark of the Divine, the closer we come to cleave to the shechina, to the spirit of G-d Himself.

OUR GRADUATES Alan & Lisa Adler in honor of the graduations of their son Robert and nieces and nephews Ethan, Courtney & Erma all from NSHA Gil, Jay & Pnina Aronowitz in honor of the graduations of Josh from NYU and Danielle from Ramaz HS Gary & Lilly Chubak in honor of Jenny graduating from NYU College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Harold & Lorriane Domnitch in honor of the graduation of grandson Daniel Domnitch from GNN HS & granddaughter Shayna, Deans list at University of Wisconsin Herbert & Nadine Eckstein in honor of the graduation of their granddaughter Shoshana Mogilner as Valedictorian from NSHA HS Arnie & Kathy Flatow in honor of Sara graduating NSHA Middle School Mark & Meryl Friedman in honor of Jared graduating with a BA from Johns Hopkins. Bill & Farla Frumkin in honor of the graduations of Josh from Ramaz HS and Elliot from NSHA Middle School. Matt & Olga Gartenhaus in honor of the graduations of Sara Bernstein with an MS from Boston U.,Sargent College of Health & Rehab Sciences and Jeff Bernstein with an MBA from Harvard U. Business School. Anne Gold in honor of granddaughter Yonina Goldberg graduating from Central/YUHSG Robert & Sharon Herman in honor of Brittany & Allie graduating from NSHA Middle School Morris & Cindy Hodkin in honor of Bernie graduating from NSHA HS and attending Johns Hopkins Joe & Lauren Hyman in honor of the graduations of Rebecca from NYU Stern Business School and Jonathan Katz from Sacler Med. School CharlesStein & Jeanne Walfish in honor of granddaughter Rivky Stein Lebowitz being accepted to NY Law School. Trudy Jettelson in honor of acceptance of granddaughter Bonnie Schiffman to Cornell Leslie & Irene Kahn in honor of grandchildren Tamara Berman & Eli Kahn graduating from Middle School. Richard & Judy Lillien in honor of Melissa graduating form YU Wurzweiler School of Social Work Robert & Annie Mendelson in honor of the graduations of Eli from NSHA Middle School and Bonnie from NSHA Elementary Yaacov & Gail & Shira Mizrahi in honor of the graduation of Talia from Central/YUHSG Ed & Brenda Parver in honor of the graduations of Rebecca Parver Gams from Albert Einstein School of Medicine and Aliza Solomon Parver from Fairliegh Dickenson School of Nursing.

OUR GRADUATES Polakoff/Hoffman family in honor of Ariella Polakoff graduating Central/YUHSG Fred & Janet Pomerantz in honor of the graduations of Ilana from GNN HS and Jordan from NSHA Middle School and acceptance as a Samberg Fellow by Center for Jewish History. Edwin & Anida Rosman in honor of the graduations of Jordan from NSHA Middle School and Elana from NSHA HS Issac & Farah Sachmeci in honor of the graduations of Alon from NYU and Arielle from NSHA Middle School. Leon & Rita Silverman in honor of the graduation of their daughter Jane, from Law School, Cum Laude Esther Sloyer in honor of the graduation of granddaughter Rebecca Sloyer form NSHA HS Brian & Susan Smith on the graduations of Jodi Smith from Wash. U., St. Louis, of Daniel Zaretsky from GN South Middle and Hanna Zaretsky from Saddle Rock School. Lawrence & Cheryl Sneag in honor of Abigail graduating from Binghamton U. Summa Cum Laude Martin & Judith Sokol in honor of the graduations of Brandon Hollander from NSHA Middle School and Samantha Hollander from GNN High School Irvin & Florence Spira in honor of Shaina graduating with honors from NYIT with a Doctorate in Pyhsical Therapy Steinberg, Ginsburg & Shalmon Families in honor of the graduation of Donny Steinberg from Yeshiva Har Torah Michael & Sandra Stern in honor of the graduation of their daughter Zoe Yardena from HANC Middle School Ron & Jill Swartz in honor of Courtney graduating NSHA HS & Ethan from NSHA Middle School Steven & Jill Swartz in honor of the graduation of their daughter Erma from NSHA Middle School. Baruch & Pam Toledano in honor of the graduation of Joseph from NSHA Middle School

CONGREGATIONAL KIDDUSH Jacob & Esther Ambalu in memory of his mother Esther Cohen Ambalu Frank & Eva Bachrach in memory of Lotte & Ludwig Bachrach Gerald & Joan Begun in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of grandson Yosef Aryeh Begun Carol Buckmann in memory of Mayer Siegel Serge Fischler in honor of the NSHA Soccer Team winning its 3rd championship in a row. Arnie & Kathy Flatow in honor of Elie who was the regional winner in the Chidon Hatanch Raphael Gad in memory of Michael Gad, Ber Yaakov ben Sara Barbara & Gedale Horowitz in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Jared Isaac Horowitz Linda & Seth Horowitz in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Jared Isaac Horowitz Trudy Jettelson in honor of the Bat Mitzvah of granddaughter Rebecca Schiffman Pauline Loewenstein in memory of Naomi Rutta Albert & Elaine Miller in honor of their 50th Wedding Anniversary Ed & Brenda Parver in memory of his mother Sylvia Parver and in honor of the birth of granddaughter Sara Rosenblum Polakoff/Hoffman family in honor of Grandpa Cap's 90th birthday Carl & Rivka Rosenberg in memory of his father Henry Rosenberg, his mother Blanche Rosenberg, his aunt Bluma Miller and his grandmother Julia Muller Uri & Aviva Rosin in memory of his sister Miriam Aldouby Rafi & Arlette Shaya in memory of his father David Shaya & her mother Odette Dayan Izzy & Sydelle Slochowsky in honor of the Bat Mitzvah of their granddaughter Rebecca Hering Jonas & Gisella Steigman in memory of his mother Itel bas Yonah Jacob & Hadassah Wachstock in honor of David Werber's birthday and Oren & Esther's marriage. Alex & Lily Weiss in memory of his father Ignatz Weiss and in memory of her parents Zeev and Hanah Krendel Murray Weiss in honor of the 55th anniversary of his Bar Mitzvah David & Ellie Werber in memory of her parents Rosa & Michael Preis and in honor of the first anniversary of Tovah & Josh Marmer Edward & Karen Wydra in memory of his mother Helen Wydra Adam & Karen Zalta in honor of the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter Danielle

ANNOUNCEMENTS HIGH SCHOOL PIRKEI AVOS CLASS There will be a Pirkei Avos shiur for High School students every shabbos afternoon approx. 40 minutes before mincha given by Cary Schwechter in the GNS Youth Center.


Mazal Tov to Ellen & Rabbi Dale Polakoff on the birth of their grandson, born to their children Tova & Ephraim Polakoff. Mazal Tov to Sharon & Mark Twersky on the birth of their CHAI LIFELINE SHABBATON granddaughter, born to their children Tamar & Evan Twersky. On June 27th, together with YIGN we will welcome children from Chai Mazal Tov to Bracha & Cantor Ze’ev Kron on the Bar Lifeline who will be in Great Neck for a Shabbaton. They will be at Mitzvah of their grandson Ari, son of Gitty & Shloimie Kron in Great Neck Synagogue Saturday afternoon for Seudah Shlishit and Mincha. We thank the following for sponsoring this event: Lilly & Gary Lakewood NJ. Chubak, Jacqueline & Stan Fischer, Sarita & Ben Greszes, Alisa Mazal Tov to Aksana & Rabbi Sholom Jensen on their & Michael Hoenig, Addie & Avi Markowitz, Florence & Irvin marriage. Spira, Orly & Alan Steinberg, Michele & Howard Wolf, Shellie & Mazal Tov to Helene & Lloyd Bayme on the Bar Mitzvah of Steve Zuckerman, Michelle & Norman Rutta, Ed & Brenda their grandson Netanel Bayme, son of Shira & Michael Parver, Mordechai & Nurit Weiss, Ruth & Mel Klapper, Sara & Bayme in Israel. Andrew Feldschreiber, and Anne & Harvey Brenner. Mazal Tov to Jolanta & Frank Rosenstein and Marilyn Druker on Rabbi Dan & Audrey Rosenstein, Dasi, Moshe, GNS GRADUATION AND CONGREGATIONAL KIDDUSH Shani and Tani on making aliyah to Israel. Saturday, June 27th, celebrate all of your smachot with us! Births, Bar & Bat Mitzvahs, graduations, weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, or commemorate a loved ones yahrzeit. To participate, call the synagogue office, or send your info to [email protected].

NETWORKING EVENT Sunday, June 28th, 9:30-11:30am the second networking event will take place at Temple Israel. Please tell your friends and colleagues about this event. People who are looking to hire from a very talented pool of people should take advantage of this opportunity. INTRODUCTION TO ORTHODOX SOCIAL JUSTICE Join us for an Introduction to Orthodox Social Justice on June 30th, 7:30pm at GNS. We will welcome Rabbi Ari Weiss and Ari Hart leaders of Uri L’Tzedek, to engage the community in discussion about how Jewish ethics and law challenge us to spiritual activism on crucial social justice issues including the innovative Tav HaYosher– an ethical seal for kosher eating establishments. All ages welcome to come and learn! We will also be doing a clothing collection, please bring any gently used clothing. A special thank you to the GNS Sisterhood, The Hunger Initiative, and the GNS Men’s Club for their support! For more info contact Jordana Birnbaum at 516-993-6448 [email protected], Sam Griffel at 917-647-2924 [email protected], or Bradley Hercman at 516-532-8162 [email protected]. SAT TRAINING July and August, 6-7:30pm at GNS given by David Rabinowitz. Mondays: Math, Tuesdays: Verbal, Wednesdays: Writing, Thursdays: Misc. review of material from the previous three days. For more info call 998-6621. MEN’S CLUB EVENTS Bus Trip to NYC Sun., July 26th 10am, to the NYC Eldridge Synagogue and Center for Jewish History. Cost including lunch is $60 per person. Call Dave Wagner 487-9795, Hilly Milun 597-0320, or Al Leiderman at 4820628. Maccabi Electra Tel Aviv vs New York Knicks at MSG Sun. Oct 18th, at 1pm. All proceeds are donated to Migdal Ohr. Mid-court tickets at $105 each. Tickets are now available on a first come basis. For tickets call Steve Blumner 487-3859, Hilly Milun 504-0320, or Paul Brody 466-5412 SAM AHARONOFF MEMORIAL SHIVTEI TORAH CAMPAIGN The NSHA and the NSHAHS in conjunction with the greater Great Neck Jewish Community, is holding a unique and unprecedented campaign that involves the commissioning and dedication of 12 new Sifrei Torah. The Siyum will take place on Sun., Nov. 22nd, the Yarzheit weekend of Sam Aharonoff z”l. All proceeds will support the Sam Aharonoff Memorial Scholarship Fund to help offset tuition costs for dozens of needy students. To participate in the campaign or for more info:, or call Arnie Flatow 487-8687 ext 2. GIVE OLD MAGAZINES A NEW LIFE Please drop off your current used magazines to the Synagogue office to be donated to NSUH. Please cut off labels, do not tear.

SCOPE MAGAZINE The deadline for the Rosh Hashanah Scope Magazine is Monday, August 3rd for all advertisements, articles, photos and New Year Greetings. We strongly encourage you to be a Scope Sponsor in honor or in memory of a loved one for $36 an issue or $100 for 3 issues (Rosh Hashanah, Chanukah, and Pesach) Please email all submissions to [email protected]. SAVE THE DATE YU Women’s Organization is holding its annual Spring Ballet Swan Lake Wed., June 24th, 2009 at Lincoln Center. For info and to RSVP call 212960-0855 or see Sydelle Slochowsky. NSHA’s 6th ANNUAL GOLF & TENNIS CLASSIC Monday, July 13th, NSHA invites you for a day of golf (noon shotgun), tennis (ladies at 9:30am & men's at 2:30pm), ladies card games/mahjong lessons (for those who don't play golf or tennis from 10:30 am to 5pm), brunch, lunch, BBQs and a sunset cocktail party & million dollar Jet Blue Challenge followed by a buffet dinner and our Charity Texas Hold’Em Tournament starting at 7:30pm until 11:30pm. Brochure/registration has been mailed. For info. please call Arnie Flatow at 487-8687 ext 133. REFLECTIVE GNS VESTS A limited supply of reflective vests with GNS logo on them are available in the synagogue office for $5.


Saturday, 5 Tamuz Yafa Gabbaizadeh for Eliazer Sadigh Helen Ishofsky for Ethel Herskovits Edward Parver for Sylvia Parver Sunday, 6 Tamuz Ida Forkosh for Tzvi-Dov Hayzler Leslie Kahn for Benny Kahn Barry Libin for Paula Libin Rona Mittelman for Ida Haber Monday, 7 Tamuz Deanne Lipsius for Joseph Sirkin Tuesday, 8 Tamuz Charlene Milun for Suzanne Berchowitz Howard Wolf for Carrie Wolf Wednesday, 9 Tamuz Laura Cohen for Marvin Leiberman Betsy Lieberman for Marvin Lieberman Rita Gordonson for Leon Gershkowitz Ruth Kraft for Mosche Bogatyrow Thursday, 10 Tamuz Jerrald Weinstein for Leonard Greenberg Friday, 11 Tamuz Oded Daskal for Eitan Daskal Joan Hope for Lionel Hope Florence Roteman for Lillian Fang Frederick Shaw for Lillian Shaw

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