Shabbat Announcements December 19 2008

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Parshat Vayeishev Torah Artscroll, 198 Hertz, 141 Haftorah Artscroll, 1142 Hertz, 152 Mevorchim Chodesh Tevet, Molad 12/27 4:10:16 pm Rosh Chodesh Shabbat & Sunday

Times Hashkama Minyan

8:00 am

Parsha Shiur

8:30 am


8:30 am

Main Minyan

9:00 am

Beit Midrash

9:15 am

Gemorah Shiur

3:30 pm


4:05 pm

Shabbat Ends

5:20 pm

Sunday, December 21

7:30 am 8:30 am

Mon. thru Fri. Chanukah

6:35 am

Second Shacharit Minyan (Daily)

7:45 am

Mincha (week of December 21 )

4:20 pm

Late Ma’ariv Mon., - Thurs.,

8:15 pm

Latest times for Shema/Shmoneh Esrei December 20

9:34/10:20 am

December 27

9:37/10:23 am

Next Shabbat - Mikeitz Candle lighting

4:15 pm


4:20 pm

December 20, 2008 23 Kislev, 5769 GNS TEFILLA DIGEST: A Weekly Discussion about the Fundamentals of Jewish Prayer By Rabbi Brahm Weinberg – Rabbinic Intern

level of kavana would be to also be focused on the meaning of the mitzvah. The Shulchan Aruch, the Code of Jewish Law rules that in regard to most mitzvoth of the Torah Issue # 25 – Kriat Shma we must have just the very basic level of kavana to (Part V) fulfill our obligation. In contrast, for the first two In last week’s Tefilla Digest article we lines of the shma, we are began to discuss the very required to not only recite it with the intent to fulfill our important idea of mitzvah but also to have an “mitzvoth tzrichot kavana” of the intention even greater level of kavana which is not required in or kavana necessary when performing Torah other realms: One must be aware that through the commandments. declaration of the shma we We explained that there are two levels are accepting upon ourselves the yoke of Heaven – of kavana that a person kabalat ol malchut could have when shamayim. One must say the performing a mitzvah: words of the shma declaring The most basic level of G-d to be the King with an kavana would be for us understanding of what it is have the intent to perform the mitzvah act that you are saying and what it means to you (SA 63). in order to fulfill our The earlier obligation towards G-d without having any idea commentaries do not all agree with this notion of the what the mitzvah is all dual kavana required for the about, or what feelings and thoughts it is meant reading of the shma. Some, such as Rashi and the to evoke. The greater This inspiring article about tefillah is sponsored by David and Diane Rein in memory of Diane’s mother, Helene M. Fink z”l.

Tosafot (Brachot 13a), think that shma is no different than any other mitzvah and simply requires a recognition that you are reading it to fulfill your Torah obligation. The Rashba, Rabbi Solomon ben Aderet, as well as other students of Rabbenu Yona (Brachot 13a) were probably the first to explicitly put forth such an argument for dual kavana in the 13th century in Spain although it is possible that the Rambam holds like this as well. They single out the shma as a unique mitzvah that requires a greater level of concentration and kavana in order to be fulfilled. The recitation of the shma requires an unqualified surrender to Gd as a higher power and recognition that G-d is the Master of the Universe. The source of this argument between the Medieval commentators is an ambiguous statement of the Gemara in Brachot (13a) which discusses a fascinating real-life situation: The Mishna says that if a person was reading the words of the Torah

Don’t forget to light! First candle of chanukah—Sunday night See for laws of chanukah

26 Old Mill Road, Great Neck, NY 11023 (516) 487-6100

and happened to get up to the section of the shma right around the time of day when the mitzvah to recite the shma kicked in (either just after sunrise in the morning or just after dark at night), if the person “directed his heart to read” then the person fulfilled the requirement to read the shma. The Talmud concludes, based on this statement of the Mishna, that mitzvoth require some level of intention, kavana. What the Talmud is essentially saying is that even if a person were reciting the actual words of the shma at the exact right time of day that person would still not be fulfilling the mitzvah unless the person knew what he or she was doing, unless he or she had his or her “heart directed to read,” unless he or she had kavana the mitzvah would not be fulfilled even though the act of reading the words was performed. It is hard to know what “directs his heart to read” means: Does it mean that the person intended to read it in order to fulfill the mitzvah, or does it mean that through reciting the words he or she was focusing on G-d and the meaning of the mitzvah? As we mentioned earlier, the law seems to side with those who read the Gemara as saying that “directs his heart to read” implies a greater level of kavana necessary for the shma. We must ask a very basic question: Why is it that, according to this interpretation, the shma requires more kavana than other mitzvoth? While there are many interesting answers to this question, I would like to begin with the explanation put forward by Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik, known as “The Rav.” The Rav explains (This theory of his is quoted in many different places because it is a principle that he seems to have used in many contexts. For the purposes of this article I will be referring to Worship of the Heart) that there are two types of mitzvoth that exist in the Torah: Subjective mitzvoth and Objective mitzvoth. Objective mitzvoth are ones whose purpose is simply to perform an act. Once you have done the act then objectively you have fulfilled the mitzvah. For Great Neck Synagogue 26 Old Mill Road, Great Neck, New York 11023 516-487-6100

Dale Polakoff, Rabbi Shalom Axelrod, Assistant Rabbi Brahm Weinberg, Rabbinic Intern Dr. Ephraim Wolf ,z”l, Rabbi Emeritus Zeev Kron, Cantor Eleazer Schulman, z”l, Cantor Emeritus Mark Twersky, Executive Director Howard Silberstein, President Harold Domnitch, Chairman of the Board

Shabbat Announcements, Vayieishev 5769

reasons we cannot always understand, G-d simply wants that act to be performed regardless of what kinds of emotions it evokes within you. As long as you do what you are supposed to, and you do it for the sake of fulfilling the mitzvah, you have fulfilled your obligation. Subjective mitzvoth are ones whose purpose is to reach an internal feeling. G-d commands us to feel something, to experience something, to think something, to transform our inner beings in some way. These mitzvoth have two components to them: They have the ultimate and essential aspect of the inner feeling, but they also have the external performance like any other objective mitzvah. The Torah understood that it is hard to just pop in to an emotional sate and so it gave us some help. The Torah attached a physical act to these mitzvoth in order to help us reach the emotional state and in order to concretize the mitzvah in some way. The shma and tefilla (the amidah prayer) are some of the only mitzvoth that belong to the subjective category. The purpose of the shma is really to reach the inner feeling or intellectual realization of “kabbalat ol malchut shamayim” of accepting G-d as the King (this concept will be explained further in next week’s Tefilla article). Thus, the act itself of reading the shma is really secondary. The real fulfillment of the mitzvah happens when you reach that inner state of being. Thus, it follows that with regard to the mitzvah of the shma it would be impossible to fulfill the mitzvah with the basic level of kavana required by other mitzvoth. If all you did was read the words of the shma for the sake of fulfilling the mitzvah you would have never really reached the essence of the mitzvah. You would have performed the act of the mitzvah, the concretization of the mitzvah, the first step of the mitzvah, but not the mitzvah itself. Therefore you are required to have the added kavana of focusing on G-d and the meaning of accepting His rule and His kingship so that you reach that inner feeling and understanding which is the true fulfillment of this unique mitzvah of shma. Thought to Ponder Begin thinking about what “kabbalat ol malchut shamayim” “accepting the yoke of Heaven” is all about. In next week’s Tefilla Digest article we will go in to greater detail about what that means.


RABBI REISMAN SATURDAY NIGHT TELECAST In the Weinstein Torah & Technology Center Saturday evening 7:30pm,

Mazal Tov to Elana & Jonathan Kroll on the birth of their son. Mazal Tov to Laura & Elie Cohen on the birth of their daughter. Mazal Tov also to Elizabeth Lieberman on the birth SUNDAY BREAKFAST of her granddaughter. Sunday Breakfast is sponsored by Sonia & Ernest Herman in Mazal Tov to Bracha & Cantor Ze’ev Kron on the birth of a memory of his mother ray Herman. granddaughter to their children Rivi & Moshe Moskovitz. Mazal Tov to Vera Bernstein on the birth of a grandson born SAVE THE DATE to her children Susie & Robert Schwartz and siblings Jacob & December 18, 7:45pm, GNS is showing “The Lonely Man of Faith” the story of Rabbi Joseph Soloveitchik. Rabbi Polakoff and Rabbi Lerner Emily. Mazal Tov to Sharon & Mark Twersky on the engagement of will lead a panel discussion following the film. Sponsors are welcome. their son Daniel to Jennifer Pudles of Lakewood, NJ. CHANUKAH YOUTH LUNCHEON Mazal Tov to Rabbi Sholom Jensen on his engagement to Chanukah Bash, Youth Luncheon Dec. 20, 2008. Entire Aksana Mavashev. youth program invited. 1st grade and up. Don’t forget to sign Mazal Tov to Rachel & Norman Lee on the birth of a grandson, Jack Evan to their children Randy & Daniel Lee and Mazal your tickets before Shabbat and bring to shul on the 20th. Tov to great grandmother Sabina Geist. There will be a ticket hunt followed by the Grand Raffle. PARENTS PLEASE PICK UP YOUR CHILDREN AT 4:00pm. Thank you to the Sisterhood of Great Neck Synagogue KOL DITZRICH for sponsoring the luncheon for our children. With Chanukah and the season of giving upon us, we are embarking SHARING THE LIGHT DECEMBER 21st Great Neck Synagogue Hunger Initiative is sponsoring a Chanukah “Share The Light” program. We would like to collect Chanukah related foods and items – such as jelly donuts, cookies, latkes, and candles to provide to needy families and individuals. Please volunteer by either donating these items and/ or helping to package and deliver these items. How can you help? Make or buy a holiday food item. Email or call Cindy Hodkin if you can donate items, help pack or deliver. Email address is [email protected] Collect Chesed hours by helping. December 21 is the day! Pick the time slot that is most convenient for you to drop off food and/or to assemble packages and deliver them. Food Drop-Off: Between 12:00-2:00. Volunteer (assemble/deliver): Between 12:00-3:00. For directions and additional information, please call Cindy Hodkin at 516-482-7771 or 317-9632 (before 9:00 please). Thank you for your support! Let’s bring light to those in need. SISTERHOOD CHANUKAH WORKSHOP Sunday, December 21st, Erev Chanukah, 10:30am-Noon at GNS, Sisterhood presents a Stained Glass Chanukah Workshop with Artist Roberta Flatow. Make your very own gift for someone you love, $18 per item. Cider and Sufganiyot will be served. Adults and children 7+ are welcome. To RSVP contact Margery Libin at 466-7336 or email [email protected].

on the second half of our Initiative, Kol Ditzrich. We are collecting and distributing non-food items. On Dec. 18th from 6-9pm at GNS, we will be collecting new items, such as mistaken purchases, “oops items” and unused unwanted gifts to give to those who wouldn’t get any gifts at all. What is extra to you may be valuable to others!

MAGAZINES WANTED Please drop off your used magazines to the Synagogue office.

SHABBAT ANNOUNCEMENTS Due to the way the Post Office is now handling bulk mail, you may have been getting your Shabbat Announcements very late. To keep them current, we are sending an email version of the news out each week. Our new website will be running soon, where the full version of the announcements will be available. Please send your email address to: [email protected] so you may get your news in a timely fashion. The board has decided to stop mass mailing the announcements by the first of the year. Hard copies will be available in the office, and on Shabbat. If you don’t have internet access, let us know, and we’ll mail your copy. NSHA PTA FUNDRAISER Harlem Wizards vs. North Shore Lions, (Parents, Faculty and Students) this January 10th, at North Middle School at 7:30pm. $25 per person in advance, and $30 at the door. For more info: Dalya Vilinsky 487-1221.

Paula Minsky and Family would like to thank Rabbi Polakoff, Rabbi Axelrod , Cantor Kron, Mark Twersky, Norman Rutta, the Synagogue staff, and the entire community for their outpouring of support, sympathy and kindness following the death of her mother Bella Lefkowitz Baum.

DOS YIDDUSH VORT Nachas Fun Kinder? Hear what Shalom Aleichem has to say at Dos Yiddush Vort on Tuesday, December 23, at 1:30pm in the Chalfin Room. Chanukah Treats will be served. All are welcome! For more info call Roz Wagner 487-9795. SAVE THE DATES: SISTERHOOD CALENDAR Jan. 13th 8pm - Guest Speaker, Dr. Jill Maura Rabin, head of Urogynecology, Chief of Ambulatory Care at LIJ and Clinical Associate Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, and Women’s Health at Albert Einstein Medical School, will be speaking on women’s health issues, at the home of Cindy Ludwig, 22 Nassau Drive. We are grateful to UJA for providing a grant for her appearance. THANK YOU The Hunger Initiative would like to thank Sharon Goldwyn, David Birnbaum, and Raphaela & Isaac Keschner for donating the extra food from their Cheva Brachot to help others. If you are having a simcha and would like to have someone pick up the extra food to donate to those in need, please call Margery Libin at 242-1928 SCHOLARS KOLLEL The Scholars Kollel is meeting at GNS every morning from 8:30 to 10am. For more information contact Steve Zuckerman at 652-5266.


Saturday, 23 Kislev Al Leiderman for Leo Leiderman Karen Wydra for Evelyn Stein Sunday, 24 Kislev Henry Dicker for Blanche Dicker Susan Goldman for Malia Ring Ernest Herman for Ray Herman Michal Malen for Emanuel Hoschander Monday, 25 Kislev Tuesday, 26 Kislev Mahin Aryeh for Marilyn Schwadron Mr. & Mrs. Eliezer Noy for Yosef Zargaryan Wednesday, 27 Kislev Stuart Kaufman for Morris Kaufman Thursday, 28 Kislev Pauline Loewenstein for Naomi Rutta Amir Mardkha for Touti Mardkha Friday, 29 Kislev Helaine Helmreich for Harry Gewirtz Reuel Shinnar for Miryam Shinnar

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