Sh Enews March2009

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Your monthly feed of Sheltoner news!


EGL L Learning i JJourneys

March 2009


On 20 February, the EGL student visited the National Museum of Singapore as part of their learning journey. The group arrived at the museum at around 2 o’clock in the afternoon and were then welcomed by a very energetic British volunteer, who herself brought the students to an understanding of Singapore’s rich cultural heritage and history. The students’ favourite part of the trip was the Living Food Gallery where they actually smelt the traditional Singaporean food and spices.

• EGL Learning Journeys

On March 6, the students visited the Jurong Bird Park at Boon Lay. The whole day was both fun and educational to the students. Watching the bird shows gave the students the chance to learn more about the tamed birds and to appreciate the wonders of nature. Environmental preservation and conservation were also emphasized in these shows.

• Saw De Boe’s Shelton Experience

These Learning Journeys allow the students to embark on, extend and enrich their educational experience. Besides helping to make real and concrete what has been learnt in schools,

Learning Journeys broaden the mental horizons of students and contribute to their total development.

A Sneak Peek.... For this issue...

• A Brief Shelton Experience • Tete a Tete with William & Hendrick • Four Koreans bid SCI Farewell • Up to the beat! • Something New • In the eyes of a Singaporean • My Aspiration • Tips on surviving the language of Business

Coming Up • LJ Trip to Singapore Science Centre 9th Mar 2009 • Shelton Fair 16th Mar 2009 • Shelton Science Fair 27th Mar 2009

At The Scene e

• We asked our students to share their experiences at school that would encourage, inspire and empower other students. • Meet Vanessa and Aryanto. They are students in Mass Communication who have volunteered to join the editorial team for this Newsletter. • Read Stella’s article about her CCA experience. • William and Hendrick, two SU alumni who have recently joined the school as full time staff, unravel the joys of reaching their goals and starting on new one.

• High School Common Tests March 12-13, 2009 • EGL Term Examinations March 16-17,2009

Shelton College International


A Brief Shelton Experience

By Merla Quiñones

F ebru February was a very busy month for SCI as we hosted around 75 visitors from neighboring oringg countries, Thailand and Indonesia. Students, parents and teachers came to have a glimpse and a firsthand experience of what it’s like to study in our school. The first batch of visitors comprised parents and students from Thailand who came on February 9, 2009. The visitors were treated to a presentation of our O and A level programmes, a rendition of songs by our talented Thai student Pro Akkhosuwan and a campus tour. The visitors were assigned classes to sit-in. Young students and teachers from Yayasan Pendidikan Shafiyyatul Amaliyyah (YPSA), Medan, Indonesia also came to experience Shelton’s hospitality. Shelton student ambassadors eagerly ushered our guests to the different classrooms. They were even lucky to join the dance CCA as it happened on the same day, 18 February 2009.

r e b m e m e R to r e t n u o c n e n A Thai visitors during the orientation

SCI Student Ambassadors with Ms Maria, Ms Merla & Ms Yen


Shelton College International


Four Koreans Bid SCI Farewell

By Antonio

Gwak Jae-ra, Kim Dong Min, Kim Hye Won and Jang Da Hui bid their classmates and mentors farewell last February 27, 2009, after completing a month of English lessons. They joined the EGL (English as a Global Language) classes and served one month of internship with the school. These students took shifts in several offices where they shared in the work of their cooperating teacher-mentor. They worked on rotation as front desk assistant, assistant librarian, I.T. assistant and student affairs officer. In January 2009, they went on a Learning Journey to Little India accompanied by their host Ms. Merla Quinones. They gave an oral presentation of their experiences in Singapore and in SCI to their EGL classmates and teachers. Ms. Maria Desengano, Senior Manager for Academics also witnessed the presentation. When asked about their experiences they all agreed that their internship was the most challenging experience. “How to effectively use the English language to communicate with different people of different needs was a practical application of what we had learnt in class. It was tough but we made it through.”

Thanks to our mentors who helped us ‘till the very end.

! s e r u t c i P e r Mo Final Project Presentation

With EGL teachers & Classmates


Shelton College International


Up To the Beat!

By Antonio

! t a e b e h t o t Dancing

School doesn’t have to be boring. On 4 February, SCI opened dance classes for all its members. The activity started as one of the CCAs for students and later emerged as an extra –curricular activity for both students and staff. Dance CCA members welcome interested students and teachers to join in the fun every Wednesday and Friday from 4:00 PM until 6:30 PM. Street dancing, focused on hip-hop, as well as modern Latin dance were two of the dance starters. The activity begins with warm-up exercises and proceeds to the main basic steps. It closes with a more relaxing and cooling down routine. Jerry Lee, a Singaporean professional dance teacher said “Anyone can dance. You just have to find your inner rhythm.” True enough, even those with two-left-legs could actually dance to the beat! After a day’s trial, the teachers and students claimed that dancing is rejuvenating and energizing rather than tiring and stressful.

The dance CCA aims to build confidence and poise among its members. The dances allow the dancer’s body to lose self consciousness by surrendering to the rhythm of the music. Their exposure to the different types of music allows the opportunity to learn to express different moods and attitude towards the body.


Shelton College International


Tete a Tete with William and Hendrik: New Singapore Permanent Residents join the staff of their alma-mater

I’ve seen them a few times coming in and out of the Academic Room filling up their homework submission forms although I have never had the chance to meet them personally. Our next encounter was probably during their graduation day. I will never forget their faces since they were the first two graduates from Staffordshire University in SCI. Many of us, would probably prefer to venture in other places right after graduation. They’re different! I had the chance to sit with them for a chat. With delighted smiles, they told me that they received their PRship (Permanent Resident in-principle) very recently from the Immigration Checkpoint Authority of Singapore. This status has given them more privileges to enjoy. These two very young Indonesians have decided to stay at Shelton even in the midst of other opportunities around. But this time around they came to school not to do their regular course work but to work with their new colleagues who were their former teachers and mentors.

“It’s a matter of time before we will be managing our own business.” When I asked what it’s going to be, they both said, “A school, an international school.”

By Antonio

I pondered, what have they experienced in this school that made them so attached to it? Hendrick: “I miss all the staff and teachers I had when I first came here. They were very accommodating and warm. I am happy that Ms. Roja and Ms. Maria are still with us, I really had a great time learning with them! We did not only cover the contents of our modules, but we also shared life’s lessons from our varied experiences. My teachers guided me throughout my entire Shelton experience.” William: “I think that if we ask our students about Shelton, their first comment would be about their teachers and their mentors. Everyone is very friendly. They would never let you down! I also miss all my classmates. If there is one thing that really helped me to improve my English, I think it was the opportunity to practice it with them, not only in our classroom activities but especially when we went for picnics or barbeque parties. I think that having international classmates will push you to really use English as the medium to communicate. Otherwise life as a student in a foreign land will be very dull.” Anyone new to Singapore would need a period of adjustment. For William, apart from leaving his comfort zones in terms of “everything I needed was within my reach”. He was almost always concerned about money as he used to compare prices here and in Indonesia.

Continue on next page...


Shelton College International


Tete a Tete with William and Hendrik: Through time, he managed to adjust and to fit in. In fact, there were times when he had to save his allowance because he had not used up all his money for the month. Family support and encouragement has sustained Hendrick in Singapore. It was very essential for him to know his environment and its culture and it was a matter of time before he was finally acclimatized in Singapore.

“Things became easier when I came to terms with the new situation I was in.” “I just had to live like a Singaporean, and forget my old way of life.” His decision to leave his old self and build a new him was a blessing. “My parents are happy to see a lot of changes in me.” William said, “My SU experience was a bit tough and challenging. Its varied modules, creative projects and exciting examinations have now been converted into something that is practical and fulfilling. I am happy to reap the fruits of my labour.” Hendrik with a gleam on his face, added “Our names will be in SU history since we were the first two students who benefited from their program here at SCI” “We didn’t have to go to the UK and spend so much for the same academic pursuits.”

Left: William

Right: Hendrick

When asked for an advice that they could share win students who are contemplating pursuing an education in an international school, this is what they had to say: William: They just have to work hard and that’s it! A good international school such as SU and SCI will bring you closer to your dreams. The use of English in all classes is also a big plus in international schools because it is the language spoken in business all over the world. Hendrik: Pursuing an education in an international school is good for the students in terms of curriculum content and the international environment itself. The content is not localized. It brings the world closer to your very eyes. The foreign students also help you to progress in the English language as it is the language spoken by all. An international experience is also a good teacher in terms of taking responsibility for your independence from home. William and Hendrik are the first two graduates of Staffordshire University (SU) in Singapore. SU offers degrees in Mass Communication, Travel Tourism & Hospitality, Business Administration, Business Management, Marketing Management, International Business Management and Human Resource Management


Shelton College International

SHELTONTIMES In The Eyes of a Singaporean

By Vanessa d/o Sundrasagar Nationality: Singaporean Course: Dip. in Mass Communications

M name is Vanessa and I’m a Singaporean. I speak perfect Singlish. I live for My unhealthy food like ‘nasi lemak’ and ‘char kway teow’. I think joining queues to collect hello kitty dolls are a perfect way to utilize my time. I first got to know about Shelton at an education fair held in Suntec city last year. I was walking around in my new shoes, which gave me painful blisters at the end of the day. But, that’s another story for another day. The thing that attracted me to find out more about the school was the video camera. I was very interested in Mass Communications and seeing that camera in the booth made me walk in with a silly grin on my face, to find out more. A week later, I came down to Shelton College to get an idea of where I would be studying. I met Mrs. Yen Lim who explained to me what I would be learning in Mass Communications. I then, started my Certificate in Business Administration on April 2008. My first day in Shelton was a breeze with the friendly teachers and classmates. Ms. Janet taught me for 4 months and for someone like me who hated numbers, I actually caught on pretty quickly with Ms. Janet’s patient teaching and guidance. I went on to do my Diploma in Mass Communications conducted by a teacher who is the epitome of the Greek god, Adonis. You know what I mean, I’m sure you, my fellow female schoolmates have made eyes at Mr. Karan too. Jokes aside, lessons were always interesting and it also broadened my thinking and made me understand more about the media. I learnt to not only watch but also understand the ideas behind movies or dramas. My favourite assignment to date was the one where I got the chance to make my own advertisement for Shelton.

My most memorable experience in Shelton was when I got the chance to take part in the 15th Anniversary celebrations last year. Let me refresh your memories. I was the one who represented Singapore in a blue Indian traditional costume during the fashion show. You know, the nicest one there? I’m kidding!

Vanessa in her traditional Indian-Singaporean costume during the 15th anniversary celebration

Everyone looked really good that day. When I was asked to participate I was rather reluctant at first, as I did not know most of the people who were taking part. But, I was still excited. There was this certain “glam”(glamorous) factor about telling my parents that I would be participating in the fashion show. Practicing was mostly fun as I got to know more of my fellow models. It gave me a chance to make more international friends. Coming from a local government school, the only international student I met was a Singaporean who had a Caucasian dad. I remember the few days before the 15th anniversary celebrations. Practices were stepped up and everyone was feeling the tension. The evening of the anniversary, we were all sitting in the library preparing for a last minute rehearsal. I was a bundle of nerves then. I could imagine myself falling flat on my face, tripping over myself and basically ruining the whole show. But, it never happened. You guys saw how well I did right?!

I’m really thankful that Shelton gave me the chance to participate in the Anniversary and to share a part of their joy. 6

Shelton College International


By Stella Kirana Salim Class: O Level Nationality: Indonesian

I’m from Indonesia and I’m in O’ level Secondary Four preparing to sit for my ‘O’ Level papers in October this year. When the school first announced that CCA (Co-curricular Activities) is required for all students, I was quite reluctant about it. I thought it was just going to be a cut in my already tight schedule. Nevertheless, I enrolled in badminton. Why badminton? It was because I wanted to do more exercises to improve my health. (In joining the CCA, hopefully, I can lose some kilos!) There are actually other CCAs in school such as the Dance Club, Table Tennis and Singing (to mention a few.) I had to choose carefully because managing time and expectations isn’t quite easy. I am too shy to join the dance CCA and I might be the only girl in the Table Tennis Club. Finally, the actual dilemma was between singing and badminton. I thought singing was just a matter of practice since I know the basics. With this in mind I opted for Badminton. I am totally zero at it but I wouldn’t mind learning something new! This CCA is not just for fun because our CCA master records our scores too.

Believe it or not, at this point in time, badminton is the only sport that I like. If you ask me why, I do not have a ready answer. I just enjoy playing the game!

Badminton is a very popular sport in Indonesia. In fact, many people say that that most Indonesians are good at playing badminton. I could actually tell just by looking at my Indonesian friends who are in the CCA. This has encouraged me to play better. I do not want to be the only one who can not play this game. I do not want to be left behind. (It reminds me of the Shelton motto, “At Shelton, Nobody is left behind.”) If others can do it, why can’t I do the same thing? Incidentally, my Chinese and Indonesian friends who are close to me also chose to be in the badminton CCA. I didn’t n’t have any clue that they would also choose the same CCA. (Thankk God, they did!) I think that, it is a more enjoyable game when played ed with people you like. ause I am just a beginner. Sometimes, they teach me new moves because At first, I didn’t know how to smash but I have ave slowly learnt how to do it. I’ve also learnt many things more. I just hope that one day I will be at the same level as them.

Indonesia's Maria Kristin Yulianti

Anyway, learning something new is not ot bad at all. It motivates you to try more and more. I couldn’t play badminton adminton before but I was brave enough to try it. I do not worry aboutt my score, because at least I have gained a new experience and I have ve learnt so many new things.

Do not be afraid off somethingg new because you’ll never know what it is unless you try.


Shelton College International

SHELTONTIMES By Aryanto Krisnandanu

My Aspiration

Five months ago, I was a new student in Mass Communication. I didn’t really know a lot about this school but after a few weeks in class, I felt settled and at home. At SCI I have found many friendly people, with whom I could share my experiences, troubles, problems and anxieties. My lecturers/mentors have consistently encouraged me to persevere in my studies and to always seek opportunities for self growth and development. In SCI I try to maximize the use of the school facilities to add joy and fun to what I do in school. Now, I can play badminton, basketball, table tennis and football. I have improved a lot in my reading, writing and speaking skills in English because all my subjects are taught in English. Since it is an International school there is always somebody who does not speak my own tongue. Mr. Karan is the friendliest and most responsible lecturer I have met in Shelton. Every Mass Communication student likes him very much because he can handle all foreign students enrolled in his class.

Course: Dip. in Mass Communication Nationality: Indonesian

He always guides us on ‘how to catch a topic and how to understand it.” He also shows appreciation for our efforts because he himself believes in its power. Mass Communication (or MassComm) is the course I am taking. The term is used to describe the academic study of

the and the the

various means by which individuals entities relay information through mass media to large segments of population at the same time.

It is usually understood to relate to newspaper and magazine publishing, radio, television and film, as these are used both for disseminating news and for advertising. Some of my subjects include Creative Writing, Fundamentals of Marketing, Media Management, Advertising-Planning and Management, and Public Relations-Principles and Practices. All my lecturers are highly qualified professionals with varied experiences and portfolios. I guess it takes concrete experiences to be able to teach these subjects.

Someday, I want to be like my teachers. I want to experience working in the industry and later on impart my knowledge to others by becoming a teacher.


Shelton College International

SHELTONTIMES Saw De Boe’s Shelton Experience

First of all, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Saw De Boe, and I am from Myanmar. I had been introduced to this college by Smart Agency which gave me the chance to achieve my diploma at Shelton International College, Singapore, which I have to say is the most suitable and best college for students like me who are looking to be successful and getting a good career.

Upon completion of my Theory aspect of my Diploma course, I was sent to Chan Brothers Travel, the biggest travel company in Singapore, to begin my industrial attachment. I am very grateful to Rachel who found me this company because I would definitely gain a lot of experience and exposure.

I attended and completed my Diploma in Travel, Tourism and Hospitality Management and in order to successfully complete it, I had to finish the two aspects of the course – theory and industrial attachement.

I learnt many things at Chan Brothers Travel – serving customers, both good and bad as well as the sales aspects of my job. Without Shelton’s help, it was almost impossible to secure and attachment here in Singapore, but because of Shelton, I was given the best chance to shine.

Being a foreign student, I was feeling apprehensive and afraid when I first attended class. However, I realised that it was nothing like that at all. The warm welcome I received from my teachers and school stuff all gave me much encouragement.

I would like to encourage all the students to maximise the chances that Shelton offers. Put your trust in Shelton and do your best. Finally, I would like to give thanks to all my teachers, school staff and Rachel who always monitored our needs.

All the lessons I had been taught were interesting and filled with information that would be useful for my future career.

Thank you Shelton

Thanks to nice and patient teachers, I was able to easily understand and keep up with the Diploma programme. And I managed to pass all my exams with flying colours.

Saw D S De B Boe 3rd August 2008


Shelton College International

SHELTONTIMES Tips on Surviving the Language of Business

By Vanessa Sundrasagar

We all encounter language problems on a daily basis. Being a Singaporean sometimes, I cannot even understand what some of my fellow Singaporeans are trying to say. I would imagine that it is worse for you guys who are here to study with English as your second language. First of all, let me tell you about a funny experience I had because a friend could not understand what I was saying. We were having lunch when I loudly declared that I needed a new earpiece. My friend gave me a weird look so I quickly corrected myself and said that I needed new earphones to listen to my music. She replied by saying that, “Oh! I thought you were deaf or something”. I have asked a few of the students in Shelton about the problems they faced. Being from a foreign country, most of them were shy or afraid to speak in English fearing that they would be wrong. Well, fear not! Vanessa is here to help with some helpful tips! First up, getting to know your words.

2. 1.

to dictionary mal English u r no y yo a s d in or w Invest s of certain ad the g in an e m t find ou ught to re o e. I was ta a word I d read or se ly, pick out ai it d e s te r it ri e ap w newsp of and e meaning r not know th would then search fo I . ry t d pa d te an ary in a no the diction in s. s nt d e or nm w g assi these my written in m e th to use would be ne website A good onli

Invest in an E nglish Thesaur us to find word s with the sa me meaning . Thi s will help yo u improve your vocabulary. I personally lik e Longman’s Thesaurus.


d nd functions an dictionary ’s th it bo l, al as h of It Best s. on ti nc fu thesaurus free!


Try speaking to your friends m ore in English instead of your native languages. This way, you could all le from each othe r. Everyone mak arn es mistakes once in a while.



If someone does not und erstand the word you are using , you could try pronouncing it diffferently. If that doe s not work, maybe hand gestu res could help. Don’t worry ;I sometimes use hand gestu res to eexplain myself too.

radio. The Listen to more English radio is English language used on and basic. pretty straightforward tand and This could help you unders .I develop your spoken skills 98.7fm to ng eni list e lov personally get your between 4pm to 8pm. You guage with daily dose of English lan ay life. some jokes about everyd


English word games are also a big help. Try

This way, you could have fun while learning. I am sure everyone has a Fac ebook account. You can add the application Word Challenge on your profile. It is another fun and interactive Word Game wit h answers at the end of a challenge.


arn at get. Le ay. r a t a d urself ords a Set yo new w 0 1 least 5


If you find a word you cannot pronounce or if you are unsure of the pronunciation, try asking your tteachers or someone with a good c command of English for help. I am su sure they would gladly help you.

write better English. I hope these tips will be of help you speak and 10

Shelton College International

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