Seven Times Class 7

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the pledge with his right hand to left chest. Th e pledge is that "I pledge allegiance to the Fla g of the United States of America, and to the Re public, for which it stands; one nation, indivis ible, with liberty and justice for all." After reciting the pledge, they have principal's announcement. The principal usually gives lots o f 30, information about school life. The end of scho THE SEVEN CLASS NEWSPAPER Monday, July 2007 ol meeting, all students recite "Kids At Hope Pl Copyright(c)2007 THE SE☆EN TIMES All rights reserved. edge" loudly. It was like this; "Kids At Hope Pl Contact [email protected] for more information. Privacy Statement [email protected] edge. I Contact am a kid at hope. I am talent, smart and capable of success. I have dreams for the futur e. And I will climb to reach those goals and dre ams every day" How's it? Is it useful? If so, My Pleasure. from Ko Un-i Shang-Kyu. I'm so glad to join you in this camp. I work for Sogang Elem

THE SE★EN TIMES Se☆ens' Story

entary School. I think I'm so lucky because I'm allowed to st udy with you. I want not only to improve my English ability but also to make good friends. Anyway, have fun in English camp!!! Kim Jin-hee Hi, I'm Jin-hee. My favorite place is Vangvien. It's a small city in Lao. As yo u know, Lao is a very poor communist country. But I can't fo rget the pure smile of the Laotian children, and the beautiful sky of Vangvien. I had a great time trekking and riding rubb er boats with many friends from many countries. Even thoug h it was 7 years ago, I miss the sky of Vangvien so much. *^ ^* Nam Eun-jung Hi, I'm Eun Jung. I like drawing caricatures. Do you know the CARICATURE S? They aren't a natural portraits but drawings of people with t heir most distinctive features exaggerated for comic effect. I'll show you the caricature. Can you guess? She is Angelina Jolie.(But this is not my work). It focuses on her plump lips Bae Ji-hye

Lee Ae-li Now I teach 6th grade students, and this year my school prin cipal failed to appoint an English teacher for 6th graders. An d all of the 6th grade teachers were forced to teach English with a CD. Most of my students are, however, actually very good at Eng lish. Some might be better than I am. Even though the Engli sh CD is very useful, I've been having a hard time preparing lessons and teaching English. Struggling to survive in English, I happened to hear of this s ummer English Camp and I volunteered to come to this cam p. I'm married and I have two daughters who depend on me a l ot, but I desperately need some special help for my English. And I'm here. I hope that by the end of this camp, my English will be bette r than it is now. Then I will have more confidence about my English lessons. Yim Je-ryung I am the eldest child in my family. (I have a brot her and a sister.)


'Angel Aura', this is a book that I read before came to this camp. it may sound like an English book, but it's a Korean book written by Jung-Wha CHoi who was the first international convention interpre tor of Korea. As you may guess she met a lot of great people like Gi-moon Ban (UN's leader), French President Jacques Chirac and e ven Bill Gates while doing her job, and this book is telling us abou t the common features of these great people. We are now living in a very competitive time. we usually don't tend to accept others' small mistakes so we can beat others in competitions. The common featu res, however, she could find from those great people was not all wi nning with selfishness, wealth, talent or rank but by 'being good' th at makes others moved and impressed in a good way, When after w e recklessly run fast just for success and fame, we might end up a l onesome failure in our round grounded human society. 'Angel Aur a' is a nice force that make people love each other.

My father loves children, especially babies, so w hen I was born he was very pleased. He wanted to give me a gift of birth, that's making a specia l name which is nobody have gotten. He opened a Chinese-Korean dictionary and found some let ters that have special meaning. Eventually he m ade his 1st child's name. That was ‘瑅姈’. It mea ns be a precious women who has a prudence an d responsibility which most 1st children has. Act ually I've met someone who has name as same as me, but it was different from meaning of min e. I'm so proud of my name 'Je-ryung' not just b ecause of it's the one and only but also it was th e first evidence of my father's love♡.

Yee Shang-kyu Have you ever thought about school meeting in Am erica's? Here is the example of 'Laird Elementar y School' in AZ. They usually have school meetin g every morning at 08:45~09:00. It was like this. First, they start the meeting with 'Moments of S ilence'. All students and teachers should recite

Ji Hyo-jeong When I was young, I imagined the future, especially the 21st century, there would happen some special things. A flying ca r or something...." But nothing has changed. We still walk and dride a car on the ground. There are no amaging chang in the world, but just one fact r

emains clear. We must study harder and harder.^___ ^ This is because we have to lead the world to the better place. Choe Jeong-yun I like to do exciting activities. I'm especilly,interested in sk iing. I began to learn it five years ago. when I was in colleg e, I took part in ski camp. It was too hard the first day. I slip ped down several times. At the first time it was so scary but later I got more and more confident. Whenever I do that, I'm very excited. Because it was so amazing and its scenery was fantastic when I slid down the slope. So I'm going to be there in this winter. How about going to ski with me?

Choi Hee-jin I like to go window shopping. There are lots of places to loo k around. One of those places is a flea market. When I was i n NYC last summer vacation, there was a big flea market ne ar the chinatown on weekend. It was pretty interesting. You can buy various things in flea markets and prices are cheape r than in usual markets. In Korea, we have a lot of flea mark ets, too. So how about going there in your free time? You ca n find something special and unusual. ☺

Movie Review 조그만 거미가 물대롱에 올라갔어요. 비가 와서 거미는 씻겨 갔지요. 해가 나와 비를 말리고, 조그만 거미는 물대롱에 갔어요

2. One little finger

My Summer Camp Experience by Robert Ginn

On Monday I came down to Jochiwon for the first time. Alth ough I had been to Chungcheongnam-do once before, I had never been to Ko-Dae. I am really fortunate to be here and h ame the opportunity to meet so many frienddly teahers from Seoul. The schedule has been quite busy for the trainees, my respected fellow teachers, the administrative staff and me. T his is the best educational camp that I've ever taught at thoug h. The food has been acceptable, the administration has done a good job of organizing classes and other activities and my fellow teachers have been fantastic company for me. Most o f all, the trainees I have met so far me. Most of all, the traine es I have met so far are really nice people. My colleagues an d I appreciate that they have come down here for three week s to improve their English. Class number seven are especiall y edeicated and kind trainees. I hope that they will take with them knowledge and experience in English that will benefit t hem in their careers and in their lives in general.☺

Song for the English class We'll introduce two songs for the beginning of t he class to warm up the children. 1. Eensy Weensy Spider

한 손가락 펴요. 한 손가락 펴요. 두 손가락 마주쳐 탭, 탭, 탭 천장을 가리켜요. 바닥을 가리켜요. 머리에 올려요

by Eun-jung

Sites for Studying English : Scripts of 'AP News' and 'PBS News' once a week. : an American Public Broadcasti ng. 'Washington Journal' will be more useful I thi nk. : It show interviews and scri pts with an author. video220.asx : It's a toronto's news in Canada. you can use 'presentation m aterial' in E-mail. : very useful for teaching materials. htm : English grammar study. : You don't need to say anything. Visit now! http://www.ans : Online Dictionary, Encyclopedia and much mor e ☺ by Shang-kyu

Ratatouille a work of art from Disney -- from Joongangdaily com Linguini, the garbage boy at a famous Paris restaurant, catc hes Remy, a rat who happens to be a culinary genius, with hi s hand in the pot in “Ratatouille.” Provided by Disney, Pixar. Ask today’s kids to name their favorite animated movies and almost all their answers will probably involve Pixar. Adults will probably say the same, for that matter. With endearing t ales like “Toy Story,” “Monsters, Inc.” and “Finding Nemo,” this is truly a Disney for the new generation. These films, though they were about bugs and toy cowboys, confronted real human emotion, even suffering and trauma. Who can forget the chilling opening of “Finding Nemo,” wh ere Marlin loses his wife and all but one of his children. The y may be fish, but it was still a scene of murder, unsanitized, as scary as if it had been a human mother. Given Pixar’s stellar record, when “Cars” came out last year in the wake of Pixar’s announced merger with the decrepit D isney, critics were looking for chinks in the armor. And we f ound them. Though good, “Cars” lacked the special spark th at drove the studio’s early successes. Pixar was even passed over for the Best Animated Feature Film Oscar in favor of “ Happy Feet.” But Pixar’s latest effort, “Ratatouille” is a giant step forwar d. Brad Bird, the creative mind behind “The Iron Giant” and “ The Incredibles” cooks up this confidence-restoring brew fr om a truly odd recipe: A rural French rat with an unbearably good sense of smell called Remy (Patton Oswalt) can’t stand the garbage his family eats, and aspires to emulate the greate st chef in Paris, the deceased Gusteau (Brad Garrett), a bulb ous good spirit who admonishes human food snobs that “any one can cook.” When a trip to the kitchen goes awry and the clan is forced t o evacuate, Remy is separated from his father and ends up in the alley behind Gusteau’s restaurant, where he gets his first taste of haute cuisine. Remy can’t resist fixing a soup that has been disastrously rui ned by the garbage boy Linguini (Lou Romano), and an unu sual partnership is formed.

Hollywood Gossip Though Remy can understand Linguini, the rat can’t speak E nglish, and after a lot of trial and error the two discover that Remy can manipulate Linguini’s body by pulling on differen t areas of his hair (perhaps it’s directly connected to the poor boy’s brain). Pixar’s backgrounds are as painstakingly rendered and beaut iful as they have ever been. As Remy looks down over Paris for the first time, it’s a perf ect transmission of that feeling of awe that floats like an aur a above the city of love. The sensation of taste is communicated through splashes an d loops of color that recall “Fantasia” and reveal the limitati ons of the visual medium. Though an interesting idea, Bird would have done just as we ll to stick with visual representations of the dishes themselve s, which look positively delectable. Linguini also happens to be Gusteau’s illegitimate son. A sa vage review by a notorious critic, Anton Ego (Peter O'Toole) knocked his restaurant out of the top tier, and broke the old man’s heart. Now the head chef (Ian Holm), named in Gusteau’s will, is u sing his name to hock lucrative TV dinners, and he’s terrifie d that the boy will make a claim on his inheritance.

Of course it all comes down to a final duel between Remy a nd Linguini and the stodgy old critic for the future of the Gu steau name. Ego is one of the most outrageous and memorab le villains of all time. Introduced in a room shaped like a coffin, his pale, thin visa ge parked behind a monstrous typewriter, this despicable ant agonist is made more delicious by O’Toole’s performance, which savors negativity just as a genuine evil food critic mig ht. The score by Michael Giacchino is one of the most evocativ e and playful ever to accompany an animated film. “Ratatouille” is such a feat that it deserves a place above Pix ar’s other successes. Endearing, well acted characters that en dure drama without being trite and generate sympathy witho ut pandering are truly rare in today’s family movies. Even rarer is the originality and care that went into crafting every facet of this film perfectly before its release. In short, “Ratatouille” is Pixar’s masterpiece, its most admir able achievement, its greatest contribution so far to the histo ry of the animated cartoon. ☺ Ratatouille Animation / English 110 min. by Hyo-jeong Broke Up: Jessica Alba, Cash Warren End Relationship For two and a half years, Cash Warren was the only man luc ky enough to view this beautiful sight - but now the couple h as broken up and the Fantastic Four actress is on the market. Sources tell Us Magazine that Alba called Warren on July 22 and told him, “I’m not in love with you anymore.” Simple a nd honest. Unlike Diddy and his handling of the Kim Porter break-up, it appears Alba is at least mature. Within hours, sh e had dispatched an assistant to the L.A. home she shared to pack up Warren’s belongings and move him out. Despite the gap between these two on the film industry food chain - Warren is merely a director’s assistance - the couple was often seen partying at Hollywood events and enjoying r omantic vacations from Mexico to Miami. Just a month ago, Spike TV named Warren the “Luckiest Ba stard” of 2007 at their first annual Guy’s Choice Awards, du e to his relationship with Alba. James Blunt was in contentio n for that award until his relationship with Petra Nemcova e nded. The breakup “happened…almost out of nowhere,” a s ource said. “[Cash] thinks it’s for another guy but doesn’t kn ow….he’s totally devastated. But it was all her.” (Alba’s rep declined to comment.) So, if there’s another guy - or if there will be soon - who might it be? When Cosmo asked the actre ss to name her celebrity crushes a few months ago, she repli ed: “I would have to say Johnny Depp, Michael Caine… Morga n Freeman, and Jake Gyllenhaal.”☺ by Uni Ko

Horoscope for August Aries (21 March – 19 April) Link to Pluto which could stabilize your romantic life with s omeone who lives at a distance or who is from a different ba ckground than yourself. Fields afar will capture your attentio n and you may develop a passion for studying foreign cultur es.

Taurus (20 April – 20 May) Link to Pluto which could bring some amazing new financia l ventures to become involved in, especially ones that involv e a partner. You may desire to enter the field of real estate an d make some solid financial investments that pay off handso mely over the next several years. Gemini (21 May – 21 June) Link to Pluto which can stabilize your thought patterns and help you to reach some major decisions that require great cla rity of vision. You may also choose to work in a field connec ted to the public. Cancer (22 June – 22 July) Link to Pluto which can promise you more power in the wor kplace and a feeling that you have found your destiny. Your financial situation can improve dramatically if you are prepa red to work hard. Leo (23 July – 22 August) Link to Pluto which will inspire you to chase after your drea ms knowing that you can achieve whatever you set out to d o. Your level of creativity will be in excellent form, and you can produce good works that will bring in some major finan cial rewards. Virgo (23 August – 22 September) Link to Pluto that can assist you in researching your family t ree to unravel some mysteries from your past. You may also decide to re-locate to a totally different location that will bett er serve your interests and suit your sensitive personality. Libra (23 September – 22 October) Link to Pluto which will give you a greater feeling of self-co nfidence and improved communication skills so that you are able to fulfill your obligations. Your determination to succee d will bring you long lasting rewards that can help to make y our home base more secure than you have ever known befor e. Scorpio (23 October – 21 November) Link to your co-ruling planet Pluto which can re-assure you that if you seek help from those in positions above your stati on, you will be very well received. You can gain great recog nition for your talents at this time if you reach out and ask fo r favours. Sagittarius (22 November – 21 December)

Link to Pluto which suggests that a person or place at a dista nce could completely transform your life and your philosoph ies. Take into consideration all overseas offers at this magic t ime. Capricorn (22 December – 19 January) In August your ruling planet Saturn makes a helpful link to Pluto that has the potential to release you from old habit patt erns that have held you back from success. Now you can co nfidently approach your future with the insight you gain fro m the results of your deep and profound soul searching. Aquarius (20 January – 18 February) Link to Pluto so you will be able make significant changes t o your life that will give you a solid foundation for success f or the future. If you choose to marry at this time, it will total ly revolutionise your life and your most immediate plans. Pisces (19 February – 20 March) Link to Pluto so glam yourself up ready to ask for a favour f rom those in a position above you, as you will be welcomed with open arms. You have the potential now to rise above yo ur station and gain the recognition you know you have truly deserved. ☺ by Ae-li

Sports Asian Cup News on Sat, Jul. 29, 2007 Korea faced Japan 29th night in a regional soccer grudge ma tch at the Asian Cup. Unfortunately for the two nations, it was not for the Asian Cup title. Korea and Japan played for t hird place at the tournament in Palembang, Indo nesia. Both teams bowed out in the semifinals Wednesday night. Korea won this game 6-5 on p enalty kicks after a 0-0 tie, both team made 5-5, but at the last minute, goal keeper Wonjae Lee blocked Hanew's goal by Ji-hye

Riddles Guess what !!

▿ ▿ ▿ ▿ ▿ ▿

by Jeong-yun ☺

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