Setting The Standard 648

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  • Words: 1,476
  • Pages: 23
Setting the standard DNV Offshore Codes Svein Flogeland Product Manager, Offshore Class DNV Technical seminar on Mobile Offshore Units Mumbai, February 15th 2008

What is classification? 

Classification is a system for safeguarding life and property at sea, and the environment due to operational consequences

Classification implies a process of verifying offshore objects towards a set of requirements which are laid down in the clssification rules

Classification may be regarded a quality system continuously developed for the maritime industry and accepted by: -


International bodies; IMO National authorities; flag states and shelf states Fabricators Owners Insurers Financiers 14 February 2008

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Classification process Periodical PeriodicalSurveys. Surveys.In-service In-serviceinspection inspectionprogramme programme Survey Surveyprogramme programme OPERATION CONSTRUCTION

Design DesignApproval Approvalor oracceptance acceptance based basedon onalternative alternativeapproaches approaches e.g. proven record, testing e.g. proven record, testing



Safety Safety Principles Principles DESIGN PHILOSOPHY



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Principles embedded in DNV Rules Safety barriers related to design (four-line hazard defence)

Proper design and construction qualities to provide a safe platform Maintenance and inspection to sustain construction qualities Safety after credible accidents such as collision, fire, explosion or maloperation Survivability after major accidents to provide a safe haven through adequate damage stability, floatability and lifesaving capability


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Safety principles embedded in DNV Rules 

Safety integrity for design loads - The unit or installation shall be designed and constructed with sufficient integrity to withstand operational and environmental loading throughout its lifecycle

Maintenance to sustain intended qualitied - Survey and follow-up in accordance with In-service Inspection Program

Survivability for accidental loads - Systems and structures shall be designed with suitable functionality and survivability for prevention of, or protection from, design accident events affecting the unit

Emergency evacuation - Effective escape, shelter and evacuation facilities shall be provided to safeguard all personnel


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Additional requirements  Hazard


- Suitable measures shall be provided to enable timely detection, control and mitigation of hazards  Isolation

of accidents

- Escalation to plant and areas that are not affected by the initiating event shall be avoided  Redundancy

and defense lines:

- The design shall be sufficiently robust to tolerate at least one failure or operating error without resulting in a major hazard, or damage to the unit


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Defence line philosophy 

Defence lines or barrieres shall be established to ensure that - Probabilities that failures or situations of hazards and accidents will occur shall be kept an an acceptable level - Probabilities that such situations shall develop further shall be reduced


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DNV Offshore Publications Renewal Project

New formal structure (from 2001)

“Old” formal structure (up to1999)

Servic e Specif ication s

n tio e r a tio n O p s t ru c n C o e s ig n D

Offsho re Stand ards Recom

mend ed Practi ces


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DNV Offshore Codes:

3-level Document Hierarchy 

Offshore Service Specifications: – Principles and procedures for DNV offshore verification, classification, qualification and asset operation services

Offshore Standards: - Technical provisions and acceptance criteria for general use by the offshore industry as well as the technical basis for DNV offshore services.

Recommended Practices: - Proven technology and sound engineering practice as well as detailed guidance for the higher level Offshore Service Specifications and Offshore Standards.


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DNV Offshore Codes: Formal Document Structure 

Offshore Service Specifications:

Classification (100-series) Governmental Compliance (200-series) Risk Based Verification (300-series) Technology Qualification Management (400-series) - Other Services (900-series) -

– Quality & Safety (A-series)

 Offshore Standards:

– Materials (B-series) – Structures (C-series) – Systems (D-series) – Special Facilities (E-series)

 Recommended Practices:

– Pipelines & Risers (F-series) – Asset Operation (G-series) – Marine Operations (H-series) – Wind Turbines (J-series)


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DNV Offshore Codes - Global standards, practices and related services covering many areas and aspects of offshore field development and operation Drill Plant: OS-E101

SEMI-SUB Safety: OS-A101 Materials: OS-B101 Hull: OS-C101 OS-C103 RP-C103 OS-C-401 Stability: OS-C301 Marine/Machinery: OS-D101 Electrical: OS-D201 Instrumentation: OS-D202 Fire Safety: OS-D301

Production Plant: OS-E201

Helideck: OS-E401

FPSO Safety: OS-A101 Materials: OS-B101 Hull: OS-C101 OS-C102 RP-C102 OS-C-401 Stability: OS-C301 Marine/Machinery: OS-D101 Electrical: OS-D201 Instrumentation: OS-D202 Fire Safety: OS-D301

Risers: OS-F201 RP-F201 RP-F202

Wire rope: OS-E303 Mooring: OS-E301 Chain: OS-E302 Anchors: RP-E301 RP-E302

Pipeline: OS-F101 RP-F101 RP-F104 RP-F105 RP-F106 RP-F107 RP-F108

FSO Safety: OS-A101 Materials: OS-B101 Hull: OS-C101 OS-C102 RP-C102 OS-C-401 Stability: OS-C301 Marine/Machinery: OS-D101 Electrical: OS-D201 Instrumentation: OS-D202 Fire Safety: OS-D301

Wellheads: OS-E101 Version

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Publication methods  Electronically available on Intranet and Internet

 Paper documents for “traditional” distribution  CD-ROM


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Service Specifications - Classification

DNV-OSS-101: Rules for Classification of Offshore Drilling and Support Units

DNV-OSS-102: Rules for Classification of Floating Production and Storage Units

DNV-OSS-103: Rules for Classification of LNG/LPG Floating Production and Storage Units or Installations

DNV-OSS-121: Classification using Performance Criteria determined By Risk Assessment Methodology



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DNV-OSS-101 / 102

Classification of Offshore Units and Installations


Chapter 1: Principles and procedures for classification –

Chapter 2: Design and construction provisions – – –

Design and Construction Requirements for Main Class Supplementary Requirements for Service Notations, e.g. ‘Drilling Unit’, ‘Well Intervention Unit’ Design and Construction Requirements for System and Special Facility Notations, e.g. POSMOOR

Chapter 3: Operating provisions –


Classification Principles, Scope and Notations, Procedure, Legal Provisions

Periodical Survey Requirements 14 February 2008

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Class Notations 

Scope of classification is determined by mandatory and additional class notations, e.g.

Construction symbol

Main character of class


Service and type notations

Ship-shaped Oil Production and Storage Unit(N)

•Special system and equipment notations



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Classification of Drilling Units based on Offshore Codes Classification Specification DNV-OSS-101 Main Class

Additional Class

DNV-OS-A101 Arrangement

Drilling DNV-OS-E101

Materials DNV-OS-B101

Mooring DNV-OS-E301

Structural Design DNV-OS-CXXX

Helideck DNV-OS-E401

Structural Fabrication DNV-OS-C401

Dynpos Ship Rules Pt.6

Guidance Documentation DNV-RP-A201 DNV-RP-A202

Stability & Watertight Integrity DNV-OS-C301 Marine And Machinery Systems DNV-OS-D101 Electrical Systems DNV-OS-D201 Instrumentation DNV-OS-D202 Fire Protection DNV-OS-D301


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Design Approval Requirements are given for 

Safety principles and Arrangement


Structural design - Traditional Working Stress Method (WSD) - Modern Load Resistance Factored Design (LRFD)

Stability and Watertight Integrity

Mooring and Towing

Marine Machinery Systems and equipment

Electrical Systems and Equipment

Instrumentation and Telecommunication Systems

Fire protection Version

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Detailed requirements are given for Welding procedures Qualification of welders Fabrication and tolerances Testing of welds - NDT requirements according to criticality: Special, primary and Secondary areas - Other tests - Corrosion protection system -

Development for a more effective class-yard process: - Integrating class survey programme with yards QA system by shifting focus from final “block inspection” towards correcting quality breaches in fabrication process


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In-service surveys  Periodic

surveys according to IACS requirements: Annual, Intermediate, Renewal Survey


of visual, close visual and NDT of the load bearing structure stated in the rules as well as in individual In-service Inspection programs (IIP) developed for each unit


of survey decided on the basis of

- Unified IACS requirements - criticality considerations - experience Version

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DNV’s Offshore Codes – Widely used industry standards

Through the establishing of self-contained technical standards, DNV Offshore Standards and Recommended Practices have become widely used technical reference standards for: -


Engineering companies Oil companies Regulators Yards, Suppliers, Owners of offshore units

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Offshore Class - Relationship to International Standards 

DNV is an active Contributor to International Standardisation

DNV participate in more than 50 external standardisation committees, e.g. ISO, IEC, CEN, API

Principles applied in DNV Offshore Class: - Increased use of internationally recognised standards as basis for class - Straightforward procedures for accepting alternative standards to the ones listed as basis for class


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Offshore Classification

Criteria for accepting a standard for Class:  Used widely in many parts of the world  Widely recognised as representing good practice  Regularly maintained up to date  Developed by a committee representing the principal industry technical stakeholders (e.g. owners, operators, regulators, designers, manufacturers, certification bodies, academics)  Reviewed by DNV and found to represent an acceptable minimum level of safety


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