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  • Words: 719
  • Pages: 6
1). In the following diseases spleen is massively enlarged, except in: a). Chronic myeloid leukemia b). Myelofibrosis c). Long standing sickle cell disease d). Hodgkin’s disease 2). All of the following are chemotactic except: a). Serotonin b). Kallikrein c). C5a d). Cytokine 3). Pale infarcts occur in all except: a).Spleen b).Small intestine c).Kidneys d).Heart 4). Term used to denote nuclear fragmentation in necrosis is : a). Pyknosis b). Karyolysis c). Pinocytosis d). Karyorrhexis 5). Antibody in patients of myasthenia gravis is directed against : a). Acetyl choline b). Acetyl choline receptors at motor end plate c). acetyl choline vesicles in nerve terminal d). Actin myosin complex of muscle 6). Amyloid is demonstrated by all except a). Congo red b). Saffranin O c). Methyl violet d). Periodic acid Schiff’s stain 7). Children with trisomy 21 have increased risk of developing: a). AML b). CLL c). ALL d). CML

8). Delayed hypersensitivity reaction is seen in : a). asthma

b). tuberculin reaction c). serum sickness d). syphilis 9). In sickle cell anemia the amino acid replaced by valine is : a). methionine b). arginine c). glutamic acid d). glysine

10). Military tuberculosis does not spread to: a). liver b). kidney c). skeletal muscle d). bone marrow 11). The following are features of Bronchopneumonia except : a). Usually due to highly virulent pneumococcus b). Usually affects infants and olds c). Can be produced by a foreign body obstructing bronchus d). Usually bilateral 12). The most common complication of infective endocarditis is : a). Fibrinous pericarditis b). Myocardial abscesses c). Mycotic aneurysm d). Thromboembolism 13). Microscopic examination of heart in acute rheumatic fever shows all of the following except : a).Aschoff bodies in interstitium b). Microthrombi in intramyocardial arterioles c). Focal myofibre necrosis d). Lymphocytic myocarditis 14). Which of the following does not predispose to lung cancer: a). Smoking b). Beta Naphthylamine c). Asbestos d). Beryllium 15). ulcers in duodenum occurring 4 wks after burns are k/a

a). cushing's ulcers b). curling's ulcers c). false stress ulcers d). Marjolin’s ulcer 16). The following finding are in favour of Crohn’s disease over ulcerative colitis, except: a). Skip lesions b). Granulomas c). Fistula and sinuses d). Thin wall with normal serosa 17). Commonest salivary gland tumor is: a). Pleomorphic adenoma b). Warthin’s tumor c). Adenoid cystic carcinoma d). Adenocarcinoma 18). Incorrectly matched paraneoplastic syndrome is : a). polycythemia – renal cell carcinoma b). hypercalcemia – bronchogenic carcinoma c). hypoglycemia – fibrosarcoma d). dermatomyositis – gastric carcinoma

19). The most common causes of centrilobular necrosis is: a). Anaemia b). Chloroform poisoning c). Alcoholic hepatitis d). Ischemia

20). The following are true about aneurysm except: a). a true aneurysm is covered by all three layers of the vessel b). dissecting aneurysm results from destruction of the vessel media layer c). hypertension is associated with formation of true aneurysm

d). berry aneurysm is associated with hypercholesterolaemia 21). Following stain is used for staining reticulocyte: a). H and E b). Geimsa c). Brilliant cresyl blue d). Reticulin 22). A man with fever wt loss and cough, PPD test is 17 x 19 mm induration, sputum cytology negative for Acid Fast Bacilli the diagnosis a). pulm tuberculosis b). fungal infection c). viral pneumonia d). pneumonia

23). In which variant of Hodgkin disease lacunar cell is present : a). Nodular sclerosis b). Lymphocyte Predominant c). Mixed cellularity d). Lymphocyte depletion

24). tricuspid valve vegetation is likely to embolise to a). lung b). liver c). spleen d). brain

25). Iron absorption is increased by : 1). Fibre diet 2). Vitamin C 3). Phosphate 4). Phytic acid

26). A male 60 yrs has a been admitted to the icu for myocardial infarction. Four days later he has a reinfarct , the most reliable enzyme assay would be : a). Troponin-T b). LDH c). Troponin – I d). CPK- MB

27). Target cell are seen in : a). Hemolytic anaemia b). Sickle cell anaemia c). Thalessemia d). Polycythemia vera

28). Neutropenia may be seen in all except: a). Typhoid b). Acute Myocardial Infarction c). Brucellosis d). Rubella

29). Which of the following is an example of dystrophic calcification a). Hyperparathyroidism b). Renal failure c). Leukemic infilteration of bone marrow d). Damaged heart valves

30). Wound healing is delayed by all except a). Diabetes Mellitus b). Vitamin C c). Infection d). Foreign body in wound

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