Session 4 Homework

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Differentiated Instruction Intro/Readings To be completed in advance of – and for use in – EDU 276, Session 4 Directions & Notetaker Directions:  Follow the directions for each step, reviewing the materials as directed.  Capture the URL for each resource, using Delicious. This will help you build your online toolkit, to help you return to these resources as you progress through the course.  As you mingle with each of these resources, print information or take notes as you wish, to take maximum advantage of using these materials now and in the future.

Note About Using This Notetaker:

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Note that the right column below provides a space for notetaking. If you choose to type into this format, each cell will expand to hold what you type. If you choose to print this format and handwrite notes, you may wish to change the size of the row beforehand, to give yourself more space to write. (Note: There are no hard page breaks built into this document, as it has been built for primary use as a file to be used online.)

 Do a quick Self-check. Quickly think and write: What do I know about differentiated instruction?? Just write a bullet or two…these ideas should NOT include the words differentiated, instruction, or different.

 Hear about DI from the DI “Guru,” Dr. Carol Ann Tomlinson. Interview with C.A. Tomlinson at Teacher Magazine .h02.html After reading this interview, please be prepared to answer the following questions after reading it. (You need not write the DI Intro/Readings (for EDU 276, Session 4) – © 2008, Gradel p. 1 of 5

answers.)  How does Dr. T. define DI, in the simplest sense?  Why is DI important?  What 3 ways does Dr. T. say that education has typically dealt with student differences?  What 3 core hallmarks does Dr. T. look for in a DI classroom?  What 3 big ideas must a smart DI teacher think about as s/he plans lessons?  What is one example that Dr. T. gives, of assessment strategies that can be embedded in DI classrooms?  What is one example of a “language bridge” that Dr. T. gives, to aid English Language learners?

NOTE: If you need to build your background knowledge on these concepts, visit these resources:  What Makes Differentiated Instruction Successful? (C.A. Tomlinson @ Reading Rockets):  The Big Picture of DI: Grab this graphic summary on ANGEL.  DI Myths & Realities (C.A. Tomlinson): Access this PPT (saved as a PDF) on ANGEL.  DI Overview (Storm & Centerbar): Access this PPT (saved as a PPS) on ANGEL.

 Compare a DI classroom to a traditional classroom. Use the resources listed below, to get a bird’s eye view of how traditional vs. DI classrooms differ. Can you summarize the big differences?  Differentiated Classroom Structures for Literacy Instruction (Diane Henry Leipzig @ Reading Rockets) DI Intro/Readings (for EDU 276, Session 4) – © 2008, Gradel p. 2 of 5

 Mapping a Route Toward Differentiated Instruction (C.A. Tomlinson) Access this short PDF article on ANGEL.  Differentiated Instruction Overview in a TEDU Student Portfolio (note that you are accessing this through the WayBack Machine)…Look at the chart at the bottom of this page: .edu/tedu/portfolio/diffclass.htm

 What is the evidence of DI “in action,” when DI is embedded in lessons and units? Review at least one of the resources listed below, to get an idea of how DI “structures” (e.g., flexible groupings, tiered assignments) and strategies are embedded in real lessons and units. Choose one or more lessons/units, and read through it. Be ready to give an example of something that you find, that illustrates differentiation. (Note that this is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of resources like these.)  Classrooms@Work/Tools@Hand:  Indiana Dept. of Education High Ability Education Tiered Curriculum Project: come.html  Antioch School District Staff Resources:  Plants DI-based Unit: Access this on ANGEL.

 What are some of the strategies that you should use, to differentiate literacy/technology instruction, and where are resources that can help? 5a. Capture the URL for each of the following resources using DI Intro/Readings (for EDU 276, Session 4) – © 2008, Gradel p. 3 of 5

Delicious, to help you go back to these resources as you progress through the course. While you are doing this, quickly scan the information available in each of these resource sites. Make notes about what is there in the NOTES section of each of your Delicious entries. 5b. If there is an RSS feed associated with these sites, consider subscribing to it, using your RSS reader/aggregator.  Differentiated Instruction for Reading @ The Access Center: erentiation.asp  Differentiated Instruction for Writing @ The Access Center: rentation.asp  Getting Started Using Technology to Support Diverse Learners @ WestEd:  Differentiation Strategies @ Manteno CUSD, Manteno, IL: egies.htm  Strategies for Differentiating @ Enhance Learning: es.html  How to Adapt Your Teaching Strategies to Student Needs (K. Bulloch) @ Reading Rockets:  Ten Tips for Differentiation @ Eduscapes:  Strategies for Differentiating Instruction (The Access Center): Access PDF from ANGEL, and save for future use. DI Intro/Readings (for EDU 276, Session 4) – © 2008, Gradel p. 4 of 5

 Research-supported Strategies to Improve Access to the General Education Curriculum Summary (The Access Center): Access PDF from ANGEL, and save for future use.

 Do a final quick Self-check. Look at what you wrote in Step 1. Now think AGAIN to yourself and write: NOW what do I know about differentiated instruction?? Add to what you originally bulleted…WITHOUT including the words differentiated, instruction, or different.

DI Intro/Readings (for EDU 276, Session 4) – © 2008, Gradel p. 5 of 5

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