Service Marketing

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  • Words: 8,502
  • Pages: 34
Multiple Choice Single Answer Question It is an alliance made visible :Correct Answer Co branding Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Advantages of a Range brand policy are:Correct Answer Creates brand capital , Cost of launch is low , Focuses on single brand image Select The Blank Question Employees response to customer needs & requests is called as ________. Correct Answer Adaptability. True/False Question Coupons cannot be printed on the backs of ATM receipts. Correct Answer False Multiple Choice Single Answer Question It is a concept that serves to offset the limitations of postponing and to monitor the means of expression, the unity and durability of a brand :Correct Answer Brand identity Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The important aspects of tangible dimension of Quality are:Correct Answer Employee appearance , Dress Match The Following Question Application of service blue print

Correct Answer Computer systems analysis

Service blue print

Top down and bottom up approach

Service process

Element of extended marketing mix

Service are


Match The Following Question Correct Answer Your Answer Service operation

Service personnel & physical facilities.

Servuction Model

Visible & invisible factors

FedEx Corporation

All the sides of a triangle well aligned.

The inanimate environment

All the non living features of service encounter.

True/False Question The benefit from source brand strategy lies in its ability to provide a two tiered sense of difference and depth. Correct Answer True True/False

Question Frontline employees are key to a brand's success. Correct Answer True Select The Blank Question The service delivery is concerned with ________, when, & how to deliver service to customers. Correct Answer Where Multiple Choice Single Answer Question During which stage of 'Innovation Adoption ' model, the customers are satisfied and decide to make regular use of the product? Correct Answer Adoption Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Reasons for extending a brand are:Correct Answer Adds to image , To defend a brand at risk , Innovation Multiple Choice Single Answer Question It is the value of the brand over and above its commodity value :Correct Answer Brand equity Multiple Choice Single Answer Question It is a common element that sends a single message amid the wide variety of its products, actions and slogans :Correct Answer Brand identity Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Inseparability of services are described and interpreted differently by different workers due to :Correct Answer As they require customer participation in production process. , Performance can not be separated from performers. , Person/ equipment can not be separated/ stored. Select The Blank Question Nature of service quality is ________. Correct Answer Multi dimensional Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Reasons for customers to buy from virtual stores are :Correct Answer Convenience , Broad selection , Better prices Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The type of facility based failures that are most likely to occur is:Correct Answer Cleanliness issue True/False Question In service development of new tangible products it involves construction of product prototypes & testing for consumer acceptance. Correct Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question This phenomenon is inherent in the luxury goods sector :Correct Answer Brand Extension Select The Blank Question One of the greatest benefits of blue printing is ________.

Correct Answer


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question People are emotionally connected to a brand for following reasons:Correct Answer Admirable brand , Intense brand , Unique brand Select The Blank Question Service employees basically perform ________ functions. Correct Answer Marketing (chapter-10) Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Service skills and interactive training is required for:Correct Answer Managers , Supporting the staff , Front line employee Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Communities can be created offline through which of the following techniques? Correct Answer Community based grass root events , Customer contests , Membership organisations Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Key elements of 'NPV of future earnings ' model are:Correct Answer Financial forecasting , Role of branding , Brand risk True/False Question For a retailer, brand is a means and not a necessity. Correct Answer True Select The Blank Question ________ is the focal point around which an organisation defines how it will uniquely deliver value to the customer for a point. Correct Answer Brand Select The Blank Question Creating ________ is the ultimate objective behind building a brand. Correct Answer Apostles Multiple Choice Single Answer Question It describes a product or an item that is actually a brand name but has now become a part of our standard vocabulary Correct Answer Generic name Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Many service firms offer their customers variety of :Correct Answer Service related activities. Multiple Choice Single Answer Question All marketing activities are essential for :Correct Answer Building and maintaining relationships with customers. Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Which of the following is the characteristic of goods? Correct Answer Inventoried. Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Value of a brand is a function of which two factors? Correct Answer Earnings , Strength

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The Molecular Model has used following technology to explain it :Correct Answer Chemical analogy. Select The Blank Question The ________ has a direct impact on the type of service desired and the length of service. Correct Answer Customer Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Interactive skills training in employees allows to develop what all qualities towards customer? Correct Answer Empathetic , Courteous , Caring Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Goods can be :Correct Answer Standardized. Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Personal sources of information are :Correct Answer Family , Friends , Opinion Leaders Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question CIT study helpful in :Correct Answer Finding opportunities for future improvement. , Redesigning service delivery system. , To make more customer centric service firm Multiple Choice Single Answer Question It refers to the way in which certain groups decode all of the signals emanating from the product, services and communication covered by the brand :Correct Answer Brand image Multiple Choice Single Answer Question This method is used when valuing your own brand image for inclusion in the balance sheet :Correct Answer Historic cost method True/False Question A brand should strive to create a sense of community. Correct Answer True Match The Following Question

Correct Answer

Tangibles Employee motivation Empowerment Service orientation

Dress, employee appearance Mission statement Authority to employee Social skill, Likeability

True/False Question The business strategy in a production line organisation is one of Differentiation and Customisation. Correct Answer False True/False

Question Appearance of personnel and facilities often have a direct impact on how consumers perceive that the firm will handle the service aspects of its business. Correct Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question It is the difference between the price customers pay and the amount they would actually have been willing to pay to get the desired benefit :Correct Answer Surplus Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Which knowledge is essential for building winning brands? Correct Answer Customer True/False Question Horizontal extension of a brand is less of a handicap than vertical extension by which brands try to cover all levels of quality and status. Correct Answer True Select The Blank Question Brand's ________ are a measure of potential profitability. Correct Answer Earnings Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The value of brand equity is a function of :Correct Answer Age of the brand , Cumulative advertising , Order of entry into the market Multiple Choice Single Answer Question This approach is often used for outsourcing contracts to provide food service, freight transportation etc :Correct Answer Price bids Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Various media options available to a service marketer are:Correct Answer Magazines , Flyers , Radio Select The Blank Question ________ helps usage extension. Correct Answer Co-branding Match The Following Question

Correct Answer


Uses brand earnings model

Super brands

Marcel Knobil

Councils of Super brands

Indonesia, Netherlands, Portugal

Super brand's juggernaut

UK, France, Germany

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Service blue print supports which approaches to quality improvement? Correct Answer Top down , Bottom up Select The Blank Question The second objective of commercialization is to monitor ________ aspects of

service during complete service cycle. Correct Answer All Select The Blank Question Perishability refers to the service provider's inability to ________. Correct Answer Inventory services. Select The Blank Question A strong brand ________ gives relevant, differentiated, purchase motivating benefit to the target customer Correct Answer Promise Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Various value based pricing are:Correct Answer Service guarantees , Flat rate pricing Select The Blank Question Selling goods and services through the ________ is a major growth trend. Correct Answer Internet Multiple Choice Single Answer Question This approach is based on a standard sales presentation containing statements that lead the customer through stages to a purchase :Correct Answer Formula approach True/False Question Service industry is a zero growth industry. Correct Answer False Select The Blank Question The ________ as a supply strategy used to assist during peak demand periods. Correct Answer Part time employees Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The new retailing models provides information based benefits such as :Correct Answer Greater customization. Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The following is new core products for markets that have not been previously defined :Correct Answer Major Service Innovations Select The Blank Question Educate customers to understand their ________ & perform them better. Correct Answer Roles Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Use of multisite location is used to provide services in case of :Correct Answer Bank ATMs. True/False Question Blue printing offers an excellent way to understand customer's service experience. Correct Answer False Select The Blank

Question A service firm can also expand its supply of a service through use of ________. Correct Answer Third parties. Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Factors influencing service pricing are:Correct Answer Variablilty of both inputs and outputs , Many services are hard to evaluate , Importance of time factor Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Organisation that communicates heavily through physical evidence is :Correct Answer Resorts Select The Blank Question ________ is usually specific to a time period, price or customer group. Correct Answer Sales promotion Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Stores add value to the product by following features:Correct Answer Free home delivery , Gift wrapping , Customised advice Match The Following Question

Correct Answer

Issue of Airline miles in return for a purchase


Face to face communication

Personal selling

Fund raising, recognition and reward programs

Public relations

Samples, coupons, gifts etc

Sales promotion

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Service quality is a critical component of :Correct Answer Customer perception. True/False Question For services all three marketing activities represented by the sides of triangle are critical to success. Correct Answer True Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The examples of backstage failures include :Correct Answer Not receiving your course grades , Delay in flights , Receiving incorrect hotel bill Multiple Choice Single Answer Question For services its quality depends on :Correct Answer Consumer's Perception Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Strategies used to implement a culture of internal service quality are:Correct Answer Internal service guarantees , Internal customer service audits True/False Question

The pricing of services is difficult.

Correct Answer


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Controllable factors by which services marketers can influence customers are as follows :Correct Answer Explicit service promises. , Implicit service promises. , Avoid engaging in price. Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Major Process Innovations consists of :Correct Answer New process to deliver existing core products in new ways with additional benefits. True/False Question Too much crowding of ads leads to customer ignoring ads or not registering in the mind. Correct Answer True Select The Blank Question ________ provides a basis for identifying and assessing cost, revenue and capital invested in each element of the service. Correct Answer Service blue print Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Mental stimulus processing services directed at people's minds are :Correct Answer Psychotherapy. , Music concerts. , Education. Multiple Choice Single Answer Question It links resource expenses to the variety and complexity of products produced :Correct Answer ABC Multiple Choice Single Answer Question It is a set of tasks that combine to compose the processes needed to create and deliver the service :Correct Answer Activity Multiple Choice Single Answer Question This approach to Selling is based on the premise that for a given stimulus, there is a particular response :Correct Answer Stimulus-response Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The sources of customer expectations consists of :Correct Answer Pricing. , Advertising. , Sales promises. Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Names of customer relationship building approaches are:Correct Answer Financial benefits , Structural ties , Social benefits Select The Blank Question ________ is both the brand's backbone and its tangible added value. Correct Answer Physique Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Types of competition based pricing are:-

Correct Answer

Price leadership , Negotiation

True/False Question Servuction Model used to illustrate the factors that influence the service experience are visible & invisible to customers. Correct Answer True True/False Question Product planners need to include three components in the design of the service offering. Correct Answer True Select The Blank Question Many ________ also sell insurance products and collect commission but are not normally involved in handling claims. Correct Answer Banks Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Reasons for growth of service industry are as follows :Correct Answer Increase in per capita income. , More leisure time. , Increase in health awareness. Select The Blank Question Increased service delivery during peak periods is ________ service intensifiers. Correct Answer Transitory Select The Blank Question Market research used to determine ________ of derived service expectations & their requirements. Correct Answer Sources Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Strategies for enabling service promises are often referred to as :Correct Answer Internal marketing Multiple Choice Single Answer Question A legally protected brand name or brand mark is called :Correct Answer Trademark Select The Blank Question Neither ________ service nor its supplementary elements are delivered continuously throughout the duration of service performance. Correct Answer Core True/False Question The vandals resort to physical abuse or damage of property. Correct Answer True Select The Blank Question In case of services ________ can not be separated from consumption. Correct Answer Production. Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The Molecular Model is developed by :Correct Answer Lynn Shostack.

Select The Blank Question The problem with umbrella brand strategy stems from the failure to appreciate its ________. Correct Answer Demand True/False Question The firm do not collects & documents complaints from customers. Correct Answer False Match The Following Question Television Broadcasting.

Correct Answer Channel 7.

Railroad Transportation.

Konkan Railway.

Education Services.

Indian Institute of Management.

Retail Trade.

Food World.

Select The Blank Question In case of services whose technical quality can not correctly evaluated ________ used as signal of quality. Correct Answer Courtesy True/False Question A strong company name attached to a new product, transfers positive association and provides confidence and incentive to trial. Correct Answer True Match The Following Question Correct Answer Your Answer Service distribution agreements Independent franchising, licensing and financial services Example of purchasing space from another provider Shopper's stop in a big shopping mall Problems with intermediaries Channel conflict occurs when

Difficulty controlling quality and consistency across outlets Service principal and intermediaries are too dependent

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Front end planning involves :Correct Answer Business Strategy Development. , Idea Generation. , Business Analysis. True/False Question Re-engineering is one of the most difficult strategies to implement in organisations that are traditional. Correct Answer True Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Basic theme of strategies required for delivering service as per standard are:Correct Answer Hire the right people , Provide the needed support system , Retain the best people

Select The Blank Question Service industries who follow traditional practices, service personnel are the ________ on the corporate ladder. Correct Answer Lowest Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The zone of tolerance is a :Correct Answer Window of customer service level Your Answer Non customer service level Multiple Choice Single Answer Question These messages often include promises about the benefits that customers will receive and the quality of service delivery :Correct Answer Communication Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Communication dimension of service quality includes :Correct Answer Listening to customers. , Keeping them informed. , Simple language to be used. Select The Blank Question While purchasing a service, perceived benefits are weighed against the perceived ________. Correct Answer Costs Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The three overlapping subsystems are :Correct Answer Service operations , Service delivery , Service marketing Select The Blank Question The service offer should first marketed ________ & then service process in action is observed before it introduced to external market. Correct Answer Internally Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Following are Possessing processing services directed at physical posessions :Correct Answer Freight transportation. , Repair & Maintenance. , Warehousing / Storage. Select The Blank Question ________ are the customers who tell others not to buy the brand from the company. Correct Answer Terrorists Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The main don'ts kept in mind in face to face contacts with customers are :Correct Answer Blame the colleagues , Show favoritism , Promise what you can not perform Multiple Choice Single Answer Question During which stage of 'Innovation Adoption' model, customers need to be stimulated to seek information about the brand's uses and features? Correct Answer Interest True/False

Question Levels of customer contact is used as variable in services classification. Correct Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question It implies that employees will pay attention, listen, adapt and be flexible in delivering what customers need :Correct Answer Empathy Multiple Choice Single Answer Question It is a way to expand delivery of an effective service concept to multiple sites without the level of investment capital :Correct Answer Franchising Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Service encounter may takes place between customers and :Correct Answer Service employees. True/False Question Advertising and public relations can be effective in encouraging evaluation and trial. Correct Answer False Select The Blank Question Time, Fatigue, Negative feelings etc are the ________ costs of service. Correct Answer Non-financial Select The Blank Question When customers evaluate competing service, they are comparing the relative ________ value. Correct Answer Net True/False Question When decisions regarding customer satisfaction are left to the discretion of employees, there may be inconsistency in the level of service delivered. Correct Answer True True/False Question Front office automation has also revolutionised the sales function. Correct Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Consumer judges the quality of services on the basis of :Correct Answer Outcome was delivered. Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Service expectation meetings & reviews techniques of service quality research is made up of :Correct Answer Asking clients what they expect , Enquiring the particular aspects of service , Requesting client to provide ranking as per his requirements Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Blue prints are particularly useful at which stages of service development? Correct Answer Design , Redesign Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The various sources of mass media are :-

Correct Answer

Radio , Television , Newspapers and Magazines

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The number of interlinked groups that work together in Service Marketing Triangle are :Correct Answer Three Select The Blank Question The ________ Model used to illustrate the factors that influence the service experience. Correct Answer Servuction Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The fluctuating demand of services can be overcome by :Correct Answer Peak load pricing , Motivating non peak consumption , In house alternative services Select The Blank Question ________ can be effective in generating awareness and interest. Correct Answer Advertising Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The level of service the customers hope to receive the level of performance wished for is called as :Correct Answer Desired Service Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Research objectives for services are as follows :Correct Answer To identify dissatisfied customers. , To monitor & track service performance. , To forecast future expectations of customers. Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The difference between the two levels of expectations is called as :Correct Answer The zone of tolerance True/False Question Internal procedures must support quality service performance. Correct Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The Service Marketing Triangle have evolved by :Correct Answer Mary Jo Bitner Select The Blank Question ________ help us in achieving our mission and vision. Correct Answer Values Match The Following Question

Correct Answer


Unique selling proposition

Extraneous factor

Fantasised identity

Brand signals

Sponsoring, patronage

Relationship aspect

Banks and services

True/False Question Empathy is non ability to provide caring individualized attention the firm provides its customers. Correct Answer False Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Eventually a firm goes out of business because it :Correct Answer Can't do a decent job on the core elements. Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Numerous forms of communication, collectively referred as the marketing :Correct Answer Communication mix True/False Question Stimulus Response approach and Formula approach takes into consideration customer questions and individual customer needs. Correct Answer False Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Three horizontal lines of the service blue print are:Correct Answer Line of Internal interaction , Line of Interaction , Line of Visibility Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Advantages of Endorsing brand strategy are:Correct Answer Greater freedom of movement , Least expensive way of giving substance to the company name , Responsible for the guarantee Select The Blank Question Sometimes employees can give ________ service spontaneously. Correct Answer Extra Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Following are the examples of Style changes :Correct Answer Repainting retail branches. , Vehicles in new colour schemes. , Outfitting service employees in new uniforms. Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The challenge in many service settings is to design the physical space and evidence so that it can simultaneously support the needs and preferences of : Correct Answer Customer , Employees Select The Blank Question The ________ has made world wide brand building easier. Correct Answer Internet True/False Question Relationship Research does not involve comprehensive approach on all aspects of customers relationship with the service. Correct Answer False Select The Blank Question The extensive use of physical evidence varies by the ________. Correct Answer Service type

Match The Following Question

Correct Answer


Does the airline have 24 hour toll free phone number?

Customer Gap

Focus of the Gap Model


Does Hospital have a good reputation?


Is it safe to use the banks ATMs at night?

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Marketers should understand that zone of tolerance can even fluctuate within the same person depends upon :Correct Answer The situation Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question What are the visible and external facets of brand identity prism? Correct Answer Physique , Relationship , Reflection Multiple Choice Single Answer Question It provides the same identifying function for services that a trademark provides for goods :Correct Answer Service mark Question The corporate culture must reinforce the brand essence, promise and personality. Correct Answer True Select The Blank Question The purpose of ________ is to project a positive and consistent image to the public. Correct Answer Socialisation Match The Following Question

Correct Answer


Words, symbol, concept, object


Umbrella brand policy


Procter and Gamble

Food, cosmetics sector

Range brand policy

True/False Question Profound customer knowledge is essential to building winning brands Correct Answer True Select The Blank Question Channel ________ can occur between service provider and service intermediary. Correct Answer Conflict Select The Blank

Question The ________ of the brand is always stronger than its extensions. Correct Answer Core True/False Question Control can have negative ramification within intermediaries. Correct Answer True True/False Question Services are not patentable. Correct Answer True Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Brand equity is related to which categories of customers? Correct Answer Satisfied customer. Would incur cost for brand change , Customer values brand and sees it as friend , Customer devoted to the brand Multiple Choice Single Answer Question It survives because it exceeds customer expectations :Correct Answer Brand True/False Question Market value method is used when valuing your own brand image for inclusion in the balance sheet. Correct Answer False Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Selling goods and services through the internet is called :Correct Answer E-Commerce Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Ways to achieve emotional connection towards a brand are:Correct Answer Advertising , Quality of front line customers , Company sponsors consumer events Match The Following Question

Correct Answer

Speed and delivery of services is a issue due to

Heterogeneity nature.


Possible solution to heterogeneity of services.

Consumer management.

Possible solution to inseparability of services.

Inseparability refers to

The involvement of other customers in the service production process.

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question When the delivery of core product is outsourced to an intermediary, it is called :Correct Answer Franchising Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Through brand building mechanism, following are built :Correct Answer Brand awareness , Confidence , Brand equity Multiple Choice Single Answer Question When companies enter the new markets using the name of one of their existing

brands rather than using a new brand name, this is called :Correct Answer Brand Extension Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Internal brand culture is composed of:Correct Answer Language used , Beliefs and attitudes of staff , Organisational structure Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The skill and knowledge necessary to do the job is :Correct Answer Service competencies Select The Blank Question Service employees basically perform ________ functions. Correct Answer Marketing Multiple Choice Single Answer Question It is estimating the total financial value of the brand :Correct Answer Brand valuation Multiple Choice Single Answer Question It is defined as the positive differential effect that knowing the brand name has on customer response to the product or service :Correct Answer Brand equity Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Following has brought changes in the way people now shop a days :Correct Answer Computers , Internet Multiple Choice Single Answer Question This brand strategy reinforces the selling price of the brand and creates a strong brand image :Correct Answer Line brand strategy Multiple Choice Single Answer Question This approach is based on the assumption that all customers can be persuaded by the same message :Correct Answer Selling formula approach Select The Blank Question Brand ________ results from the concentrated efforts on a few brands. Correct Answer Extension True/False Question Services are deeds and efforts. Correct Answer True True/False Question Service development, design & delivery are intricately intertwined, hence they should not work together. Correct Answer True Select The Blank Question The ________ offers an excellent way to understand customer's service experience. Correct Answer Flowcharting

True/False Question The value of a brand depreciates if there are no inflows in the form of value addition to the brand. Correct Answer True Select The Blank Question ________ involves recognising that the public's knowledge of an alliance is added value. Correct Answer Co-branding Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Online emotional connection and loyalty can be accomplished through:Correct Answer Chat rooms , Surveys , Guest books True/False Question Building a blue print is not a task that can be assigned to one person or one functional area. Correct Answer True Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Brand strength is measured against which key attributes? Correct Answer Market , Leadership , Geography Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Radio & Television broadcasting is a service industry because :Correct Answer It can not be touched. , It can not be stored. , It can not be readily displayed. Multiple Choice Single Answer Question It involves long hours of standing and working with customers who may not always be pleasant and can get on one's nerves :Correct Answer Retail selling True/False Question Consumers differ as to which service/product attributes they see as important and pay the most attention to the brands that will deliver the sought benefits. Correct Answer True True/False Question The displaying or communicating of services are very easy. Correct Answer False True/False Question Brand identity focuses too much on brand appearance and not enough on brand essence. Correct Answer False Multiple Choice Single Answer Question It is important that marketers should have full knowledge of customer's :Correct Answer Expectations Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Which dimension of service equality is highly dependent on employee's ability to communicate their credibility and to inspire trust and confidence :Correct Answer Assurance

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question It is the defining aspect of a brand :Correct Answer Relevant differentiation Select The Blank Question All firms need to be aware of customer expectation of ________. Correct Answer Reliability Select The Blank Question ________ is both the brand's backbone and its tangible added value. Correct Answer Physique Select The Blank Question Exhibiting admirable human qualities is especially important for brands during ________. Correct Answer Crisis Select The Blank Question The marketers of services emphasize on tangibilising the ________. Correct Answer Intangibles Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Incontrollable factors by which services marketers can influence customers are as follows :Correct Answer Enduring service intensifiers. , Transitory service intensifiers. , Personal needs. Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Situational factors of model of customer expectation includes :Correct Answer Bad weather True/False Question Well dressed individuals are perceived as more intelligent, better workers and more pleasant to engage in interactions. Correct Answer True Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Following are the People Processing services directed at People's bodies :Correct Answer Health Care. , Lodging. , Barbers. Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The main do's kept in mind in face to face contacts with customers are :Correct Answer Smile , Look into customer's eye , Listening True/False Question Service culture can be developed quickly. Correct Answer False Multiple Choice Single Answer Question It is the worst indicator of profitability:Correct Answer Price Multiple Choice Single Answer Question This brand strategy gives its approval to a wide diversity of products grouped under product brands, line brands or range brands :Correct Answer Endorsing brand strategy

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Which of the communication mix element includes corporate logos? Correct Answer Corporate design Select The Blank Question ________ creates emotional connection and loyalty. Correct Answer Community Select The Blank Question Performance of services is ________. Correct Answer Intangible. Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Adequate service is also known as :Correct Answer Lower level of service Select The Blank Question Individualized attention given to customers refers to ________. Correct Answer Empathy Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The possible solutions to inseparability problem of services are :Correct Answer Emphasis on selecting and training public contact personnel. , Consumer management. , Use of multisite locations. Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Thinking of Recruiting activity results in addressing issues of:Correct Answer Market (employee) segmentation , Product (job) design Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Augmented product refers to :Correct Answer Extended product. Select The Blank Question There are ________ ways of testing the response to marketing mix variables. Correct Answer Alternative Select The Blank Question The value of a brand depreciates if there are no inflows in the form of value ________. Correct Answer Addition Multiple Choice Single Answer Question It is used to help decisions on where to locate super markets relative to prospective customer's homes and work place :Correct Answer Retail gravity model Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Who the people who produce revenue and build customer relationships for the company? Correct Answer Front line employees Select The Blank Question The scope & ________ of the service marketing system vary sharply from one firm to other.

Correct Answer


Select The Blank Question Market value of the firm is equal to stock price multiplied by ________. Correct Answer Number of shares True/False Question Brand strength is a combination of differentiation and relevance. Correct Answer True True/False Question Critical study are not useful as alternatives to complaint solicitation. Correct Answer False True/False Question Closing the customer gap is not the outcome of Gap Model. Correct Answer False Select The Blank Question Added value, Brand identity and an effective product, these three characteristics are ________ in nature. Correct Answer Multiplicative Select The Blank Question Many companies have adopted the idea that employees are also ________ of the organisation. Correct Answer Customers Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Functions of retail salespersons are:Correct Answer Customer contact , Stock work , House keeping Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Which of the following is the characteristic of services? Correct Answer Inseparability Multiple Choice Single Answer Question D in AIDA stands for :Correct Answer Desire Multiple Choice Single Answer Question It is one of the recent concepts in service marketing :Correct Answer Brand identity Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The growth of internet leads to changes in:Correct Answer New start up business employing new retailing models. Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Features of Quality Service are:Correct Answer Reliability , Responsiveness , Empathetic Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Expectations of customers towards a product / service are formed on the basis of Correct Answer Past experiences , Word of mouth , Advertising

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question This method is used when business is acquired for the brand name of its product mainly :Correct Answer Market value method Multiple Choice Single Answer Question During which stage of 'Innovation Adoption ' model, customers try the product/ service for the first time and decide whether to adopt the product/ service? Correct Answer Trial Select The Blank Question A brand is ________ only when it has matured uniformly worldwide and offers the same message to its market internationally and simultaneously. Correct Answer Global Match The Following Question

Correct Answer

Wealth creators


Airline frequent flyer programs

Financial benefits

Interest linkages

Structural ties

Process of wealth creation

Brand building

Match The Following Question

Correct Answer

An attention paid to customer by waiter

Satisfied hotel customer.

CIT Methodology . SAS

Collecting critical incidents data

Good customer encounter

Increase in brand loyalty.


Customer driven airline. .

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question It involves recognising that the public knowledge of an alliance is added value :Correct Answer Brand Extension Select The Blank Question The goods can be ________ at one locality and transported for sale in another locality. Correct Answer Produced True/False Question Extensions can be made in all directions. Correct Answer False Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Negative critical incidents resolved have great potential for :Correct Answer Increasing brand loyalty. , Increased brand preference. , Increasing customer loyalty. True/False

Question Goods are sold first and then produced and consumed simultaneously. Correct Answer False Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Services are said to be intangible because they are :Correct Answer Performers. Select The Blank Question ________ are useful for adjusting demand and supply fluctuations. Correct Answer Price promotion Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The gap exists in service quality due to :Correct Answer Difference in customer expectation. , Difference in receipt of service by customer. , Non selection of right service standards. True/False Question Services are sold first and then produced and consumed simultaneously. Correct Answer True Select The Blank Question Physical evidence of the service is located at ________ of the blue print. Correct Answer Top Select The Blank Question One of the methods of motivating the service providing employees is through ________ statement. Correct Answer Mission Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Functions of Sales Promotion are:Correct Answer Adds value , Competitive edge , Boost sales Match The Following Question

Correct Answer

Brand equity measure

First recall awareness

Customer insights

Internet Brand positioning

For purchasing and finding books

Customer brand insistence

Awareness, relevant differentiation, emotional connection

True/False Question The classic concept of Branding leads to an increasing number of brand. Correct Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question External Marketing refers to :Correct Answer Making promises. True/False Question process

Blue prints can be used to isolate failure points or bottlenecks in the service

Correct Answer


Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Services :Correct Answer Can not inventoried. Multiple Choice Single Answer Question It consists of introducing additional items in the same product category under the same brand :Correct Answer Line Extension Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The only way to achieve brand extension is by:Correct Answer Renewing the product Select The Blank Question A multi brand portfolio is required when each brand has its own ________. Correct Answer Territory Select The Blank Question The loss of quality control may also be accompanied by the ________ over operating costs. Correct Answer Loss of control True/False Question The quarrelsome refers to those misbehaving customers who quarrel with other customers or with their own group members. Correct Answer False Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Advantages of Source brand strategy are:Correct Answer Products are directly named , Ability to provide difference , Ability to provide depth True/False Question The greater the number of different services a customer purchases from a single supplier, the closer the relationship. Correct Answer True True/False Question Promotions reduce the risk of first time purchase for customers and encourages trial. Correct Answer True Select The Blank Question Brand's ________ is a measure of its reliability of its future earnings. Correct Answer Strength Multiple Choice Single Answer Question It helps to establish how many prospective customers a day pass by certain locations :Correct Answer Pedestrian counts Multiple Choice Single Answer Question This model calculates brand value as the net present value of the earnings the brand is expected to generate in the future :-

Correct Answer

NPV of future earnings

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question "Service profit chain" shows the interrelationship between :Correct Answer Customer and employee satisfaction True/False Question A shelf without the favourite market brands is unattractive in the eyes of the customers. Correct Answer True Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Various criteria used in choosing Advertising media are:Correct Answer Cost , Clutter , Reach Multiple Choice Single Answer Question In this method, revenues of an unbranded competing product are deducted from the revenues of a comparable branded product to establish the premium value of the brand :Correct Answer Price premium method Match The Following Question

Correct Answer

Part time employee utilization.

Supply strategy

Demand strategy

Creative pricing.

Supply strategy

Capacity sharing.

Development of non peak demand.

Demand strategy.

Select The Blank Question The discounted rate is based on the ________ rate. Correct Answer Risk free Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The center of Model of Customer Service Expectation made up of :Correct Answer Detailed view of expectations Select The Blank Question The marketers of services emphasize on tangiblising the ________. Correct Answer Intangibles Select The Blank Question Basic element in PR strategy is the preparation of ________. Correct Answer Press release True/False Question Distributing an innovation to all brands minimises the ability to justify a premium price for the top innovative brand. Correct Answer True Select The Blank Question Customer ________ is essential to building winning brands. Correct Answer Knowledge

Multiple Choice Single Answer Question A fast food outlet refer to following features of services :Correct Answer Intangibility. Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The effectiveness of the service can be judged on the basis of its :Correct Answer Outcome. Question The verbal part of the brand is called :Correct Answer Brand name Question This brand strategy involves the assignment of a particular name to one product only and one positioning too :Correct Answer Product brand strategy Question Physical possession of a tangible object refers to :Correct Answer Goods Question Service failures can happen in several ways like :Correct Answer A delayed flight. , Hotel room booked in advance not available. , A surgical operation wrongly carried out. Question It allows the brand to remain up-to-date and demonstrate an increasing urge to detect and respond to the changes in customer tastes and expectations :Correct Answer Innovation Question Loyal customers tend to spend more. Correct Answer True Question Gap Model says that :Correct Answer Close customer gap. , Remove discrepancies within organisation. , Use the strategies to drive service excellence. Question The non personal communication component in Service Marketing Systems are :Correct Answer Letters , Advertising , Signage Question Which area of blue print encompasses the steps, choices, activities and interactions that the customer performs in the purchasing, consuming and evaluating the service ? Correct Answer The Customer Action Area Question This approach involves setting prices relative to financial costs :Correct Answer Cost based pricing Question The lower level of service expectation that the customer may be willing to accepted is termed as :Correct Answer Adequate service Question Co-creating a brand with it's customers will help the brand continue to thrive. Correct Answer True Question It is a tool that addresses the challenges of designing and specifying intangible service processes :Correct Answer Service blue printing Question The ________ has no intention of paying is a misbehaving customer. Correct Answer Thief

Question What is treated as an element of the extended Marketing mix? Correct Answer Service process Question The notion of brand image is both volatile and changing. Correct Answer True Question Brand message provides the framework for overall brand coherence. Correct Answer True Select The Blank Question Cues such as the ________ that accompany the service. Correct Answer Tangibles Select The Blank Question In case of services there is ________ between the service provider and other customers. Correct Answer Interconnection Select The Blank Question ________ are at the crux of transactions and exchanges between people. Correct Answer Brands True/False Question Services are intangibles. Correct Answer True True/False Question External brand building is essential to internal brand building. Correct Answer False True/False Question A complex service might be introduced without any formal objective depiction of the process. Correct Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Services are :Correct Answer Not tangible Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The tangible clues helps the consumers in :Correct Answer Service evaluation , Assessing quality of services , The market valuation of the service provider Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question When firms try to assess their brands portfolio to decide which brands will be advertised, what considerations it keeps in mind? Correct Answer Pertinent , Innovation , Bear diversified products Multiple Choice Single Answer Question It is the satisfaction linked to the attractiveness of the brand, to its logo, to its communication :Correct Answer Hedonistic Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question Employee appearance and dress are important dimensions of which service quality? Correct Answer Tangibles True/False Question Identifying the benefits & the attributes are not included in customers requirement research. Correct Answer False Multiple Choice Single Answer Question It is the brand's verbal, visual and musical attributes :Correct Answer Brand style True/False Question The bankrupt run out of cash & end up in default of payment. Correct Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question It is the outward expression of the brand's inner substance :Correct Answer Brand message Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Customer satisfaction is possible if the promises made in services are :Correct Answer Consistent & realistic. True/False Question Reflection provides a model with which to identify. Correct Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question When customer interacts with the service company :Correct Answer A service encounter said to have occurred. Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Personal source of information for services is :Correct Answer Friends True/False Question Two major dimensions of Y & R model are: leadership and stability. Correct Answer False Multiple Choice Single Answer Question It is today a leading edge indicator of profitability and market share tomorrow :Correct Answer Relevant differentiation Select The Blank Question The customers can be ________ to address their needs. Correct Answer Educated True/False Question Control can have negative ramifications within intermediaries. Correct Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question It is a measure of brand's reliability of its future earnings :Correct Answer Strength

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The basic criteria for an effective service research programme includes :Correct Answer Qualitative & quantitative research. , Expectations & perceptions of customers. , Occurs with appropriate frequency. Select The Blank Question ________ means the set of values feeding the brand's inspiration. Correct Answer Culture True/False Question Reflecting the customer as he or she is the target. Correct Answer False True/False Question Growth in service sector is due to launch of new products. Correct Answer True Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Emotional loyalty can be brought about in the following ways:Correct Answer Personal relationship with the brand , User community True/False Question One of the problem encountered with Range product strategy is of brand opacity. Correct Answer True Select The Blank Question ________ and education often go hand in hand. Correct Answer Promotion Select The Blank Question Increase in service industry is due ________. Correct Answer To resource scarcity. Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Countries who are members of SUPER BRAND are:Correct Answer India , Hong Kong , Australia True/False Question Service pricing strategies are often unsuccessful. Correct Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question High contact services tend to be :Correct Answer Those in which customer visit the service facility in person. Multiple Choice Single Answer Question It creates a relationship and a strong bond with the customer that grows over time :Correct Answer Brand equity Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The solution to inseparability problem is :Correct Answer Selecting and training public contact personnel. Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question Jan Carlzon the former CEO of SAS made his firm from operation driven to :Correct Answer Customer driven airline. True/False Question Responsiveness does refers to non willingness to help customers. Correct Answer False Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The main solution to intangibility of service is :Correct Answer Creating a strong brand image of an organization. Select The Blank Question The ________ elements forms service delivery system. Correct Answer Visible Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Lack of patent protection is applicable for :Correct Answer Services Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Perishability of services referred to be that they :Correct Answer Can not be saved. True/False Question Gap Model is developed by Zeithaml & Bitner. Correct Answer True Multiple Choice Single Answer Question When technical quality of services can not be evaluated easily customers depend on their :Correct Answer Own cues. Select The Blank Question Every service encounter has its share of ________ customers. Correct Answer Misbehaving Multiple Choice Single Answer Question It is a measure of brand's potential profitability :Correct Answer Earnings Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Marketers can have some control over their customer's impressions by :Correct Answer Understanding cues. Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question What are the internal facets of brand identity prism? Correct Answer Personality , Culture , Self image True/False Question A multi brand policy can stop any new competitor's entering a market. Correct Answer True Select The Blank Question Contact employee personifies the ________ in the customer's eye. Correct Answer Firm

True/False Question The interbrand approach measures the consumer's perception of the brand which is critical for marketing decision making. Correct Answer False Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The services lacks of :Correct Answer Service inventories. Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question The visible components of service operations are :Correct Answer Service personnel , Equipments , Physical facilities Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Following are the service sectors :Correct Answer Transportation. , Tourism. , Telephone & Telegraph. Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Services faces difficulties in :Correct Answer Displaying Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Advantages of Umbrella brand are: Correct Answer Capitalisation on one single name , Economies of scale on an international level Multiple Choice Single Answer Question In this brand strategy the brand communicates in a generic manner by developing its unique brand concept :Correct Answer Range brand strategy Question Which of the features are on the right side of the brand identity hexagonal prism? Correct Answer Personality , Culture , Self image Match The Following Question

Correct Answer

Definition of value

What I get for what I give

Setting price to recover full costs

Cost based pricing

Cable, television, electricity, water, telephone etc Regulation and pricing of utility services Alternative to bidding


Multiple Choice Single Answer Question The clear evident is not possible in case of services like :Correct Answer Lawyer. Multiple Choice Single Answer Question A brand must correspond to only one product. This is called :Correct Answer Procterian dogma True/False Question There is an ambiguity between the roles of the principal and its intermediaries when 'empowerment' is the chosen strategy.

Correct Answer


Select The Blank Question ________ is the main focus of brand advertising. Correct Answer Personality Multiple Choice Single Answer Question It is the satisfaction linked attractiveness of the brand in its relationship with society :Correct Answer Ethical True/False Question Brand stature is a combination of esteem and knowledge. Correct Answer True Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Which of the following are poor differentiators of profitability? Correct Answer Price , Product functions , Product features Select The Blank Question The strategy used to reduce fluctuations in demand is to implement ________. Correct Answer Reservation system. Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Advantages of a Generalist approach are:Correct Answer Maximises advertising synergy , Customer loyalty , Allows for existence of two separate dealers Who has written the book on Brand Management "Nets Out"? Zeithaml and Bitner Brad Van Auken Sir Michael Perry Lord Puttnan Match The Following Question

Correct Answer

No brand Extension

Murphy brand

Disadvantages of Line Extension

Brand name losing its specific meaning


Brand up to date and respond to changes in customer tastes and expectations

Brand Extension

Results from concentration of efforts on a few brands

Match The Following Question

Correct Answer

Element of effective research programme

Customer Panels

Customer Satisfaction

Consumers fulfillment response..

Research objective for service

To monitor & track service performance.

Criteria for effective research programme

Includes qualitative & quantitative research

Match The Following Service operation

Service personnel & physical facilities.

Servuction Model

Visible & invisible factors

FedEx Corporation

All the sides of a triangle well aligned.

The inanimate environment

All the non living features of service encounter.

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question Various uses of the company's physical evidence are:Means for differentiation , Packaging , Socialising True/False Question The inanimate environment do not constitutes of all the non living features that are present in the service encounter. Correct Answer False Multiple Choice Single Answer Question Which of the following concepts questions how time will affect the unique and permanent quality of the sender or the brand? Correct Answer Brand identity Multiple Choice Single Answer Question What does 'H' in CHAOS mean? Correct Answer Havoc Match The Following An attention paid to customer by waiter

Satisfied hotel customer.

CIT Methodology

Collecting critical incidents data.


Customer driven airline.

Good customer encounter

Increase in brand loyalty.

Question The interest of employee's in doing service related work which is reflected in their attitude towards serving customers is known as :Correct Answer Service inclination Question What is defined as the sum of all the perceived benefits minus the sum of all the perceived service outlays? Correct Answer Net value True/False Question The greater the number of different services a customer purchases from a single supplier, the closer the relationship. Correct Answer True Your Answer True

Multiple Choice Multiple Answer Question People are emotionally connected to a brand for following reasons:Correct Answer Admirable brand , Intense brand , Unique brand Your Answer Admirable brand , Intense brand , Unique brand Select The Blank Question In case of services whose technical quality can not correctly evaluated ________ used as signal of quality. Correct Answer Courtesy

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