Servants Of The South

  • December 2019
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  • Pages: 7
Ethiopia “Afri” the land of Gold From Abi

Welcome to Africa! Africans traveling to the north would come across a north gate to mark their entry into the north respecfully. They would be very exited to make it after a long journey and hoped to be met by the lands servants who would treat them fairly. Like wise to the south. Those going towards the south would run into the south gate into the land of Africa , the entry to Ethiopia , the land of Gold! And this is what they would find:The Great Sphinks of Giza and the Crop Pyramids. Most Egyptologists believe that the Great Sphinx was created by the Pharaoh Khafra (Tellenized: Chephren) and that the Sphinx therefore dates to his reign (2520-2494 B.C.).

The prince who uncovered the Sphinx and The Dream Stela.....

As the story goes prince Tut-mosis was hunting in the desert sahara one day when he fell asleep by the old sphinx which was already over a 1000 years old and burried deep in the sand. And he had a dream and in his dream the sphinx told him please unbury me please! And he awoke startled and hired servants quickly to unbury the sphinx which took effort and they did it and when it was uncovered the truth of the matter was revealed. The Sphinx was really an ancient king called Khufu who left an inscription in the rock of the sphinx. Then the prince Tut-mosis wrote everything down before he died, and his writings were found by Archeologist today. This was 1400 B.C. !

Mummies: In the 1920’s discoveries were made by European Archeologist in Africa of long lost people with a saphistication unheard of, a dynasty ,and of a long lost kingdom buried under the sand. Under normal reasoning there would be no other way to identify who... these people were and are.Thankfully though the Egyptians came up with mumi-fi-cation. Knowing that the air is a contributing factor to decomposition of dead flesh (eww).... much like how air is needed to keep a flame alive; The Ancients sealed the body in a air tight coffin , like a zip lock bag, which would cure the flesh and preserve it. Some 3000, to 4000 years later were these coffins found . When these neo (new) explorers unvailed and unearthed these tombs they found Solid Gold coffins sealed shut with 3000 year old kings inside whose skin was still in tact!

Israel (Jacob) and Joseph Get Mummified in Egypt: Jacob named Israel lived in Egypt with his son Joseph and both of them died there. But when they died the Egyptians Embalmed them both! Which is only done to royalty. To Embalm is the technical term for mummification. Yes they were both mummified. Gen50:26 So Joseph died, being an hundred and ten years old: and they embalmed him, and he was put in a coffin in Egypt.

West Africa The Lybians due west of Egypt : Egypt had there own style of boat crafting and would export food to other countries. Lybia or west Africa developed richly along these lines and borowed these ideas swiftly. Gold was a major commodity in Africa and was not scarce. Here is a famous story about a King from west Africa who made a pilgrimage (hajj)to the east . He had so much gold, that he gave away in search of righteousness and forgiveness, that he made the price of it go down in Egypt for twelve years. Listen to the story: Such was Mansa Musa, also called Kankan Musa, the King of Mali (West Africa), who performed the Haj in 1324.AD Rulers of West African States had made pilgrimages to Makkah before Mansa (which means king) Musa, but the effect of his journey spread well beyond the African continent. On his Haj journey, accompanied by his senior wife, thousands of his subjects, and 500 attendants, Musa traveled from his capital of Niani (Mali) up the mainstream onto Algeria by boat, packing his many boats with mounds of Gold abundantly! He had so much gold that he melted it down and made staffs out of gold. Gold bars, gold nuggets, gold chairs, gold crowns and just about anything you can think of. He traveled all the way from West Africa to East Africa on a boat. Through the thick forrest in danger of crocidiles and other animals. Heavily he made his way to Cairo, which was ruled by one of the greatest sultans – Al-Malik AlNasir,”The King of Helpers or The King of Christians” who received Musa with great respect as a fellow believer in God. He spent so much Gold that he flooded the market in Egypt! Musa’s generosity and piety ( religeous humbleness), and exemplary behavior of his followers, did not fail to make a favorable impression. So lavish was the king in spending for charitable causes that he flooded the Cairo market with gold, thereby causing such a decline in the yellow metal’s value that, some 12 years later the market had still not fully recovered. This is the story of Mansa Musa King of Mali.

Ethiopia. Ethiopia has a long history spanning before the kingdom of Egypt. Salt was their major export. Ethiopia was also the gateway to India ,via boat, both lands sharing a similar tradition. Through the Ethiopian trade by sea with India other Afican societies got to stay up to date with the rest of the world. They recieved spices from India, Silks from China, and other fine goods from Europe. They say that all Africans have passed through Ethiopia. If thats so then you have Ethiopian in your blood. Ethiopia is one of the oldest Christian nations in the world located deep in Africa. South of Egypt, then south of Sudan, Ethiopia is at the heart of the nile river which begins in Ethiopia and ends in Egypt flowing north, and this is why Ethiopia was called upper Egypt. The Lion of Judah: Many Ethiopians claim decent from several kings in the bible. Moses married an ethiopian woman (num 12:1) The queen of Sheba marries King Soloman ‘shlo’mo” s/sh (sheba being connected to Ethiopia, Arabia, and India) and there was a very famous Eunuch named Abd Malech in Jerimiah 38. He was an “Abadiin” a religious servant. Eunuchs dont lay with woman for a while, they just .....take it easy if you know what I mean. Pleanty of other things to do .... (this is ethiopia) And so many Ethiopians claim to be Jews and have been historicly longer than any other people, and the bible claims this too. And so while northern Jews from Europe have been relocating back to Israel the motherland, so have the Ethiopians who number some 90,000 to date. Ethiopia is the promise land for many Black Americans and they think that when they are reunited with there home land they will go to Ethiopia first. Not a bad choise.

The Servants. Africa, like Asia, like Europe, like China have always had great servants. Servants were kings, police, poloticians, and all high ranking officials. For a while it was the biggest kept secret. While other nations were arguing and bickering to each other the servants who knew God worked and made plenty, but realized something very quick. They diddnt need it. Because what they had other people were arguing for. To just consider God would energize the servant to where he could work 18 hrs a day while the average man could work only 2 and diddnt know what he was doing here. While the servants praised God for a crumb the non servants would get the big slice of cake and praise God none. In Africa for a short while the servants were so on top of there game that they had more food than any other country in the world! Other countries had to come to them for help. A famous story is that of Abraham (hebrew-ham) who was comming from around Syria and so was headed south and had already left his land and people because God told him to relocate to Canaan, modern day Israel, and so when he got to Canaan there was people but no food so he had to go into Egypt which was giving food to the needy. Great Story. And not just in the bible either. Historicly the same.

African cowboys. The relationship between land and animal, and then animal and man is monumental, astronomical.The africans had many sheep herd, and cattle. they were famous for it. And with much land givin to them as a portion the African herdsman spread far and wide. Their herds grazed abundantly their portion was lofty, their horses were watered and fresh. This is the portion of man on earth: Pastures and green fields, valleys and hills. The history of the African farmer is stretched long from their beginning. Sadly though the Africans in America havent been able to recieve this lot from God yet as it is one of the most sacred things givin, not by mans hands, bus by God.

The end.

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