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Pastor Jan Marcussen - P O Box 68, Thompsonville, IL 62890 - Phone 618-627-2357 - Fax - 618-627-2712 My web-sites are,, and WBNS.US September Y2K+6

“And in her was

found the

blood of prophets, and of

saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth. And after these things I heard a great voice of much people in

heaven, saying, Alleluia; Salvation,

and glory, and honour, and power, unto the Lord our God: for he hath judged the great whore, which did corrupt the earth with her fornication, and hath avenged the blood of his servants at her hand.” Dear SDA friends around the world, Read all the boxes in this letter, then come back here and we’ll talk about what’s happening. Faith: The verse above says that in her {spiritual Babylon} was found the blood of “all” that were slain upon the earth. We know from reading Revelation 17 and 18 that Babylon here is Rome and her harlot daughters. We also know that the Bible means what it says, and that the word “all” here means “all.” But how can it be that guilt for the blood of “all” that were slain upon the entire earth is found on the head of Rome and her daughters? How can she be guilty of the blood of “all” - including the people who’ve been killed lately from wars by Hamas, Hezballah, and Al-Qaeda in Lebanon, Israel, Iraq, as well as in the U.S. and nations around the entire world? Have the Jesuits of Rome infiltrated all these nations? Pastor Jan: Since we’re dealing with the superlative word “all,” there is and can be one and only one answer to your question. The word “all” excludes all but one answer. But that answer is so huge, so vast, that to give a full explanation of it, it This article is from The Philadelphia seems that a person would have to write papers that would pile up Trumpet, 11/2005, and goes along with the past the top of the Empire State building, past the clouds, and go up other similar articles in this letter. Under the toward the moon. Not only that, the answer to the word “all” in this picture it says, “Pope Benedict is ready to firm context is so shocking that people will not want to believe it any up one of his first orthodox initiatives: a stricter adherence to Sunday observance.” more than they want to believe that the seventh day is the Sabbath instead of Sunday. The teaching of God’s seventh day Sabbath in the Bible is so plain and clear and simple that even a child can see it - yet the whole world do not see it because they will not see it. It’s the same in this text with “all” as applying to the secretive and murderous work of Rome and her daughters. It's "unbelieable" and too "far out." Since the 1980s I’ve been answering this question in the hundreds of letters I’ve been writing to you, and in the 30 hours of documentation on the 15 part video/DVD series entitled “Catholic Charismatic Attack {on God’s SDA church}.” But all of this has just scratched the surface of the skin. In this letter, I’ll give you a tiny bit more. Concerning your question, I’ll give a brief explanation by telling you about a man I met last Sabbath, and about the family of a poor retarded girl named Paula. Hope: What does a poor retarded girl named Paula have to do with it?

2 Pastor Jan: You’ll see in a minute. I was standing in the fellowship hall of our SDA church where we are now having our 39th medical missionary soul-winning school. In my sermons, I’ve been going through the whole book of Revelation, and last Sabbath I gave part 40 - bringing us into chapter 21. As we were preparing to eat together, I overheard a man behind me talking to someone. He was explaining how the above Bible verse has been, and is now being fulfilled in the middle east, the U.S., and around the world. I was amazed at what he was saying {since not many people in the world understand these things except real students of Bible prophecy.} He was saying that the war and chaos in the middle east and around the world was planned many years ago by the Jesuits of Rome {in fulfillment of the word “all” in this very verse in Revelation 18:24}. I wondered how he knew that the Jesuits took over the inquisition from the Franciscans - turning it into a horrible engine, infiltrated the Vatican council of Trent - to try to undo all that Protestantism has done, infiltrated Hamas, Hezballah, Al-Qaeda, the movement of Zionism, Muslim terrorist organizations of many kinds around the world, secret societies, church denominations, the mafia, the CIA, the FBI, government agencies {as Sister White brought to view in GC 234, 235} making government leaders with their militaries, unknowing puppets of the Vatican, as well as about every organization a person can think of in fulfilment of the word “all” in this verse. Remember that the word “all” in the Bible verse cannot be limited to anything less than “all.” This thing is so vast and so unbelievable that it’s useless to even try to explain it to anyone without first giving them a long and deep study in Bible prophecy. This man is only 9 feet tall. His name is Robert Wadlow. He’s standing with two He seemed to know things that are revealed in the book, {written movie stars - Maureen O’Sullivan {L} and Ann in London in the 1600s} entitled The Fiery Jesuits, exposing their Morris. He is quite short compared to people work around the world of secretly causing destructions of every kind whom you are going to see soon. We have a [chaos, war, death, riots, revolutions, murders, assassinations, fires, lot to look forward to. You’re going to see that walking and working with the lovely Jesus is explosions, genocide] and nearly every horror you can think of not boring. It’s the most exciting thing in the with a picture of the pope of Rome sitting there fanning the flames universe. This picture is in Smithsonian that the Jesuits around the world had started. I wondered if he had magazine, August, 2005. I received it from my heard and seen the documentation on the CCA video series revealing SDA friend Frank Boyer, who stood beside Robert in front of a department store in that Rome has used men down through history who have tried to Chicago. From the accounts of giants below, take over the world? This brings us down to the poor retarded girl and from what Sister White said about Jesus named Paula. as He is now in heaven, we know that our Saviour is now taller than the angels, and Charity: Please tell us about her, and how her family has taller than the tallest human giant who has anything to do with Rome trying to regain control of the world in ever lived. If He had come as a giant, or a fulfilment of GC 565, and the word “all” in Rev. 18:24. superman, it would have made it easier for the Pastor Jan: Are you ready? Here we go sin-loving masses to accept Him as their Messiah. But since only those who are willing Once upon a time, there was a little retarded girl named Paula. to develop a character reflecting the pure and Her grandmother was born in the early 1800s, and was named Maria holy law of God will live with Him in heaven, Anna Schicklgruber. Maria grew into a young woman and had an Jesus came with no attractions except a character in which the pure and holy law of illegitimate baby out of wedlock in 1837. No one knows who the God was seen. Therefore to the mob of sports baby’s father was. The babe was an innocent little thing. She named fans, He was “as a root out of a dry ground: him Alois. Maria’s baby grew, and little Alois Schicklgruber turned He hath no form nor comeliness; and when into a strong young man. In 1847 his mother Maria died, and in we shall see Him, there is no beauty that we should desire Him. He is despised and 1850, Alois became a bootmaker in Vienna, Austria. In 1873, Alois rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and Schicklgruber married Anna Glassl but had no children. In 1880, acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were Anna divorced Alois on the grounds of adultery with Franziska our faces from Him; He was despised, and we esteemed Him not. Surely He hath borne our Matzelsberger. In 1882, Franziska Matzelsberger bore Alois a son griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did out of wedlock, and they named him Alois Jr. The next year Alois’ esteem Him stricken, smitten of God, and wife Anna died, and Alois marries Franziska Matzelsberger. That afflicted. . . All we like sheep have gone same year their daughter, Angela is born. In 1884, {the very next astray; we have turned everyone to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on Him the year} Alois’ second wife Franziska, died, and the next year, 1885, iniquity of us all. . . . But He was wounded for Alois marries Klara Polzl. Four years later, {1889}, Alois and Klara our transgressions, He was bruised for our have a baby boy, and seven years later, 1896, little retarded Paula is iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and with His stripes we are born. Back in 1876, Alois had changed his last name, so his children healed.” Isa. 53:1-8. Wonderful Jesus! also took his new name. His children were named 1) Alois Jr., {called the black sheep of the family}, 2) retarded little Paula, and 3) a baby whom they named Adolf. Their new last name is Hitler. In 1888, while the subject of the national Sunday law {the Blair Amendment} is introduced into Congress, and a man name A. T. Jones goes down to Congress to debate with Senator Blair, Klara becomes pregnant with Adolf Hitler, who is born April 19, 1889. He was christened from birth as a Roman Catholic. Little retarded Paula was Adolf Hitler’s younger sister. Later, Adolf would keep her, and his “black sheep” brother, Alois Jr. out of the public’s eye. Look at baby Adolf Hitler lying there in his diapers. Look at his mama kiss him and hold him in her arms. There he is, cooing, and looking around the room at the wall, and at his mama and daddy, and the beautiful trees and flowers in the yard. Who would guess that one day the Vatican would use him and the “axis” powers to make the world tremble? As an immigrations officer, Alois had become corrupt and cruel, and would beat little Adolf. When his daddy was treating him harshly, how little he realized what he was doing! Oh how important it is that fathers and mothers treat the little ones just like Jesus would. How important it is that every word and tone of voice {every hour of every day} are only sweet and kind like the lovely Jesus! How important it is that they read the Bible to them and teach them right and wrong, and about Jesus and His love - the One altogether lovely - to save us from our sins. How important it is that the little ones are led to Jesus in family worship, and hear and see only sweet love and kindness of the mama and daddy toward each other and toward everyone - never hearing gossip, but only live in the sweetness of heaven in the home - on the way to the city of God.


SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH Kumasi, Ghana. Dear Pastor Marcussen, I am an evangelist in the above mentioned church here in Ghana. I want to thank you so much for your book “National Sunday Law” I received a box from Pastor Amos when I was conducting an evangelistic crusade. The box contained 100 copies, and I want to tell you that every person who received a copy of the “National Sunday Law” book has become a Seventh-day Adventist. Praise be to God for inspiring you to write such a book. It is my prayer that God will lead you and bless your work for Him. Your book is really a soulwinning tool, which I will recommend to all Adventist preachers to use in their evangelism. Please, we are going to conduct another major crusade soon in a city of about three million population, and we want to use “National Sunday Law” as a tool to give to all those who come. So we are requesting for you to send us as many as you can. Please, Pastor we need your prayers to support our work. Thank you. We are counting on you. Sincerely yours, Evangelist Daniel Oppong

In 1900, while God’s prophet is pleading with His SDA people and leaders to get His three angels’ messages out to the world before things are “bound up,” little Adolf starts school and sings as a chorister in the Abby church. Listen to the sweet voice of young Adolf Hitler singing praises to God. On the wall of that Roman Catholic church, he sees a papal symbol that he would use in the future - the swastika. The innocent little baby Alois, who was born to Maria Anna Schicklgruber in 1837, finally dies. He has developed his character from being an innocent babe to being a hard, cruel man who beats his son. Like us, his fate for heaven or hell has been decided for ever by his own choices each minute of each hour of each day - one at a time. Yet we remember the experience of the thief on the cross - which is recorded in the Bible that none might despair. But it is recorded only once, that none might presume. The character Are you 6 feet tall, or are you shorter that Alois than that? Think about how you will relate developed would to people the size of the ones below when you see them towering above you just be seen in his son months from now - {after Jesus soon who will cooperate comes} - the number of which, only God with church leaders knows. If you think that what we’re talking in their efforts to about in this letter is strange, remember that truth is stranger than fiction. The 9 foot “regain control of man named Robert Wadlow was the tallest the world.” GC man in the world in 1940. But look how 565. short he is compared to Adam. The 15 foot In 1905, while human skeleton was found in southeast Turkey in the late 1950s, in the Euphrates Sister White is Valley, during road construction. helping to start Evolutionists work hard so that information Loma Linda like this doesn’t get to the public. This article is found in the magazine named Sanitarium, young

Giants. The 19 ft. 6 inch human skeleton Adolf is living with his mother. was found in 1577 A.D. under an In 1909, while God’s prophet is doing some of her last work at overturned Oak tree in Canton of Lucerne. Elmshaven, and a “young man” appears to her from heaven in her The 23 foot human skeleton was found in 1456 A.D. beside a river in Valence, France. upstairs bedroom - giving instruction to guide the work of God’s The 25 ft. 6 inch human skeleton was found remnant church, Adolf is trying to become an artist. On my 15 part in 1613 near the castle of Chaumont, in CCA video series, I showed you one of the paintings Adolf Hitler France. These people lived before the flood. As you know, evolution is a lie of the painted and signed. It’s really nice. He applies twice to get into the devil, and the word of God is true which Viennese Academy of Fine Arts, but gets rejected both times. As said, “There were giants in the earth in you’ve seen in the video, his paintings are good, but not good enough. those days.” Genesis 6:4. Soon, you’ll see Dejected, he ends up in a hostile for homeless men in Vienna. people like this, and you’ll find that the angel who is standing beside you now is By 1914, Adolf has failed three times to report for military training. taller than they; and that Jesus is taller He’s called a deserter by the government, and is threatened with than the angels. As we eat the leaves of punishment. He enlists in Germany that same year as a soldier, and the tree of life “for the healing of the finds in war a sense of purpose that he had failed to find in peace. nations,” we also will “grow up.” Malachi, 4:2. When he receives the iron cross for bravery, he said that it was the happiest day of his life. In 1925, at his own request, Adolf is deprived of his Austrian citizenship, and ends up in the beer halls of Munich, Germany. In Munich, he tries to start a revolution with the new Nazi party to take over the government, but ends up in jail. His effort, however, puts him into the public eye and gets the attention of the Vatican, who plans to use this brave, depraved soul as a future helper in her plans for world dominion. Hitler’s roommate, during his Vienna days was Gustl Kubizek. He said that Hitler never read a book, and never went to the library. How then came he to write Mein Kampf [My Struggle] which became a bestseller? Mein Kampf was ghost-written by a Jesuit priest named Father Staempfle while Adolf was in jail. Even at that early date, Rome was starting to use him as one of her many sons. “BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS” picked Adolf and groomed him - to help her regain control of the world - as they did with Ronald Reagan, who was picked and groomed for the presidency after starring in a movie as a football player at the Catholic University of Notra Dame; and as they later did with Bill Clinton, who graduated from the Jesuit Georgetown University, and then masqueraded as a Baptist. And as evidence shows, other sons which Babylon is using in her quest to “regain control of the world” GC 565, are the leaders of Iran, and nations around the world which are

4 The following letter was sent to me from secretly connected with her. I just learned that Osama bin Laden is a Norway - from my good friends and fellow 33rd degree mason - which makes him a faithful son of the world’s workers in Jesus - Abel & his family. head mason who wears the ephod = the pope of Rome. Have you wondered why he hasn’t been caught? It was announced the other day Dear Abel & Bente, on the news that the all-out search for him has been abandoned. I was born a Catholic until last October Faith: What about the president that came after Bill Clinton? Will when I found the truth. Thank God! Someone loaned me a book called “National Sunday you comment on how Rome used his father’s family in connection Law.” I found the book very revealing & with the bin Laden family in defense company mergers, oil company fascinating, and went on to buy my own copy. deals, and through the secret Skull and Bones Society in fulfillment of It has transformed my life. I have now started the word “all” in Rev. 18:24 in what’s happening in the wars, meeting with SDA people and I’ve started terrorism, and horrors around the world now? preparing for baptism. Peace, love, and grace to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Pastor Jan: I won’t comment on those things because the Bible says, “Honour the king.” I Peter 2:17. Our kind Father says to pray for our leaders. God’s prophet herself quotes this verse in 16 MR p. 270. Concerning Rev. 18, she says, “Take each verse of this chapter, and read it carefully, especially the last two: “For thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived. And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth.’” Those of you who’ve seen the CCA video series and have read my hundreds of letters to you, know a little of how huge and Dear A. Jan Marcussen, shocking the word “all” {in Rev. 18:24} is. Since Babylon began It’s very obvious and certain that you {not before}, “all” takes in every generation, every nation, every must have been guided by the Holy Spirit in writing the book “National Sunday state, every city, every town, every county, every person in every Law.” I am most interested in the way you house in the entire world - “that were slain upon the earth.” This have explained Daniel and Revelation when word “all” in the verse is one of the most shocking things that other denominations find them a problem to even understand. You have enlightened anyone {including myself} has ever seen. the people. Please send me as many of After 9/11, the people were warned about “conspiracy theories.” these books as these dollars can cover so that the work of God can go forward. The word “all” in Rev. 18:24 seems like the biggest, fattest one of all time! Yet, it’s not a conspiracy theory. In fact, it’s not a “theory” at all. It’s the infallible word of the living God. It’s the absolute truth, and cannot fail. I looked up this shocking word “all” {in Rev. 18:24} in the Greek {the language it was originally written in.} I looked it up in both 1) the Nestle’s Greek text, {which used Westcott and Hort’s corrupt manuscripts - taken from the corrupt Siniaticus manuscript - {kept at the foot of Mt Sinai by Catholic monks, and shown to have been changed and altered in many many places}, as well as the corrupt Vaticanus - which is kept in the Vatican in Rome - from which their corrupt Catholic Bibles have come - as well as the greatest and most secret Catholic Bible of all time - to fool and trick Protestants and slowly destroy their faith in the three angels’ messages - the NIV. {If you look up Matt. 18:11 in the NIV, and compare it with what God says in Rev. 22:19, you’ll see that the verse reveals that those who did this work of mutating God’s word are going to be in the fire of hell. Matt. 18:11 is just one of hundreds of such things. I also looked up Rev. 18:24 in 2) the Greek “Received Text” {or “Textus Receptus,”} from which the new testament of the Authorized King James Version was translated. Faith: And what did you find about the word “all” in all these Bible translations and Greek texts? Pastor Jan: I found that in both Nestle’s Greek text, and in the “Textus Receptus” Greek text, and in the NIV, and in the King James Version, and in the literal translation from both Greek sources, the word “all” is in all of them - and means “all.” !!!!!!!!!! ( Therefore, since the Bible says that in her was found the blood of “all” that were slain upon the earth, it is no conspiracy theory, but it means exactly what it says. It’s so clear and plain that I’ll challenge any scholar from any seminary to show from the word of God that the word “all” does not mean “all.” Yet, though this is no conspiracy theory, and is absolutely true, people in general will still not believe it any more than they will believe that “the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God” - no matter how sweetly you present it. So you need not expect a person to be able to grasp the meaning of “all” in the verse until he’s studied prophecy and has read things like National Sunday Law, and Great Controversy. After reading these two books, a person will Exhibit #1 have enough knowledge to start to grasp a little of the magnitude of it. Though a person could list evidence for this “all” on paper that would reach into the sky, I’ll mention just a few more to put with the other hundreds of letters, and 30 hours of documentation on my video series. One is what Abraham Lincoln said to Father Chiniquey in the book 50 Years in the Church of Rome, concerning the fact that he knew that the Dear A Jan Marcussen, Having grown up as a Roman Catholic, you can imagine the south would have never have attacked the north shock I felt when learning the truth from your book, “National had it not been for the influence of the priests and Sunday Law” which was sent to me. I have felt literally sick to Jesuits of Rome. my stomach, [not for myself, but from extreme fear for my Another is this picture in exhibit #1 from family - whom I love. I don’t want them to be lost.] Maybe you can see that I desperately needed your book! I had been National Geographic. Under the picture it says, praying to the Heavenly Father to help me understand the “The Solemn Spell of the Holy Week falls over meaning of Revelation. I had been reading it, but after reading Zamora as 1,500 members of the Cofradia del your book it is a mammoth understatement to say that I did not Santisimo Cristo de las Injurias make their three understand it. Now I do! And I am ready to give my life today for God and for our Lord Jesus Christ. God truly is filling my hour pilgrimage under a vow of silence. Sixteen heart with love, joy, and hope. This past Saturday I felt brotherhoods, one dating from the 15th century, overjoyed to honor God’s holy Sabbath, Saturday for the first parade during ten days of Easter remembrance. time! I can already see that the beast {whom I was worshiping} Their headgear derives from that worn by men who thinks he is God! Never! Now I see that he is Mr. 666 himself! Oh how I wish that all the people who love God could see what I led prisoners to execution during the Inquisition.” now see. I am already being treated as if I’m out of my mind. It Faith: Those “prisoners” were God’s humble wasn’t an accident that I received your book. I know I must get Protestant people! No wonder the new pope was God’s truth out to the people! The people are blind. Oh, how many are dying without the truth! Thank you again, and may the head of the inquisition for over 20 years. No God bless you! wonder the ex-Jesuit priest revealed that the KKK was started by Catholic priests - who professed to be Protestants and be against Catholics and

5 against blacks - in the very county in which you live, in southern Illinois, to drive the dear black people into the arms of Rome - while wearing Roman Catholic KKK cardinal hats like this. And no wonder every war since Babylon started has been instigated by her agents to try to tear true Bible Protestants to pieces. And no wonder Rome’s secret daughters like Communism, Socialism, Mormonism, Islam, and about every “ism” you can think of have been, and are now working to destroy both Protestant America, and true Protestants, wherever they are found in the world, including the middle east in harmony with the word “all” of Rev. 18:24, & GC 565, 566. Hope: Would you say that the “man of sin” at the Vatican has forgotten all about their past plans for a Sunday law to help put God’s SDA people to death? Does the word “all” of Rev. 18:24 fit into the coming Sunday law? If so, what does Jesus want us to do about it? Pastor Jan: Here it is - “All [there’s another “all” that includes you and me] need wisdom carefully to search out the mystery of iniquity that figures so largely in the winding up of this earth’s history. . . . In the very time in which we live, the Lord has called His people and has given them a message to bear. He has called them to expose the wickedness of the man of sin [the NSL preachers were written to kindly do this very thing] who has made the Sunday law a distinctive power, who has thought to change times and laws, and to oppress the people of God who stand firmly to honor Him by keeping the only true Sabbath, the Sabbath of creation.” Testimonies to Ministers, p. 118. Faith: Since this new pope of the inquisition has taken power, should we expect to see things in the media that show that the man of sin is secretly working behind the scenes to bring the devil’s Sunday law? Pastor Jan: Watch closely -

USA TODAY, July 3, 2006.

OUR SUNDAY VISITOR, July 30, 2006.

Notice how many Bible texts are quoted in support of the Sunday of Babylon.

6 “I have been shown the perils that would thicken about the remnant in Dear Sir, the last days. Great scenes are soon to open before us. The Lord is I just finished reading your book “National coming with power and great glory. And Satan knows that his usurped Sunday Law.” It’s what I’ve been waiting to authority will soon be forever at an end. [Praise God!] His last read all my life! It was fascinating. I’ve read it opportunity to gain control of the world is now before him, and he will twice. Please send me your follow-up book “Great Controversy.” Thank you in advance. make most decided efforts to accomplish the destruction of the Again, I can’t say enough about the book inhabitants of the earth. Those who believe the truth must be as faithful “National Sunday Law.” It has given me so sentinels on the watchtower. . . . Every soul that is not fully surrendered much peace and insight, and I feel like a new to God, and kept by divine power, will form an alliance with Satan person. After reading your book I feel like a against heaven, and join in battle against the Ruler of the universe.” Life brand-new Christian. Thanks again. In Christ, Sketches, p. 323. Bob Edwards Oh friend, this is why, under pressure, most people will go along with the devil’s law. Please search your soul, fully surrender your will to Him. Trust Him as a little child, and make everything right with God and men. The lovely Jesus will wash you with His own blood so that you’ll appear to our kind Father as if you had never sinned in your life! Walking humbly with Jesus, you’ll have His power to never sin again. In view of the almost overwhelming “all” of Rev. 18:24 - with the horrors it will bring, I pray that our kind Father will fill us with His Holy Spirit, to use us in the coming battle to help save many souls before their fate is fixed. I will still give my CCA series and the new DVD “Behind Church Doors, {a shocking glimpse}” free to all who get 1000 NSL preachers for a donation of 39¢ each with free shipping so our Saviour can save all who will. What joy we will feel when King Jesus wins the battle! Watch what will happen - “It is at midnight that God manifests His power for the deliverance of His people. The sun appears, shining in its strength. Signs and wonders follow in quick succession. The wicked look with terror and amazement upon the scene, while the righteous behold with solemn joy the tokens of their deliverance. Everything in nature seems turned out of its course. The streams cease to flow. Dark, heavy clouds come up, and clash against each other. In the midst of the angry heavens is one clear space of indescribable glory, whence comes the voice of God like the sound of many I praise our mighty God that He has waters, saying, ‘It is done.’ Rev. 16:17. That voice shakes the heavens and helped us to get about 70% of what we need to reach another million {1,000,000} the earth. There is a mighty earthquake . . . The whole earth heaves and swells souls in the great and wicked city of like the waves of the sea. Its surface is breaking up. Its very foundations seem Baltimore in the 40 Million Man March. to be giving way. . . The voice of God is heard from heaven, declaring the day Thank you so much for what you’ve been and hour of Jesus’ coming, and delivering the everlasting covenant to His doing. If our kind Father impresses you people. . . And when the blessing is pronounced on those who have honored to help us to reach this goal, just mark it God by keeping His Sabbath holy, there is a mighty shout of victory. at the end of this page. “To the believer, Christ is the resurrection and the life. . . The last trump If you want any documentation shown in this letter, just send anything to help will sound, and the whole earth, from the summits of the loftiest mountains to cover the cost. Anything above that will the lowest recesses of the deepest mines, will hear. be used to help reach as many souls as “All come forth from fast as we can in the little time we have. their graves the same in May our kind Father richly bless you and Dear A Jan Marcussen, stature as when they entered your loved ones here in the end of the I’ve tried all my life to figure out the the tomb. Adam, who stands world, to soon be home - where Jesus is. prophecies of the Bible and I got among the risen throng, is of nowhere. Now this book came in the lofty height and majestic mail – “National Sunday Law.” I form, in stature but little couldn’t put it down! I’ve known about below the Son of God. He presents a marked contrast to the people of later the one world government for years generations. But all arise with the freshness and vigor of eternal youth. . . . and watched it devouring my Restored to the tree of life in the long-lost Eden, the redeemed will ‘grow up’ to freedoms. But I did not understand all that is in your book concerning Jesus the full stature of the race in its primeval glory.” The Faith I Live By, p. 182. and God’s holy Sabbath. Please send “The conversion of souls has been made mysterious and complicated. Oh, me your follow-up book so I can tell the sinners, ‘Look and live.’ [Praise God! Even a child can do it!] Study and continue to learn more. Sincerely, practice Christ. Just open the door and let Jesus come in, and He will abide in Margaret New York the soul temple, and we may rejoice in His love.” 16 MR 236. “The living righteous are changed ‘in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye.’ 1 Cor. 15:52. At the voice of God they were glorified; now they are made immortal, and with the risen saints are caught up to meet their Lord in the air. . . . Little children are borne by holy angels to their mothers’ arms. [Praise God. Just look at them!] Friends long separated by death are united, nevermore to part, and with songs of gladness ascend together to the city of God.” The Faith I Live By, p. 183. Praise God friend. Praise God!

Your friend in Christ, Pastor Jan

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