September 24th, 2007

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September 24th, 2007

GRAFFITI Derek and Daphne are back to answer the tough quesons:

Page 8

GDI Week events coming up:

Page 9

Texas Night at Bob’s:

Remember where you were on September 11, 2001? Read one student’s story:

Page 6

PAGE 5 This issue’s theme: STARTING OUT THE ACADEMIC YEAR Have an idea you’d like to see for a theme? Email it to [email protected].


In this issue:

THE REGULARS 6 How to Submit We need arcles, pictures, stories, poems, cartoons, and bullens, and we need them now! 8 Derek and Daphne: Doctors of the Heart They’re at it again, helping out the lonely hearts of the world. 9 Events GDI Week is here! Find out how to get involved in all the fun.

DISCLAIMER: The content presented in this publicaon does not necessarily represent the views and opinions of the RHA. Due to the sensive nature of these opinion arcles, the Graffi staff extends an open invitaon for rebual from any reader, staff member, or student.

In this issue:




McCoy Hall’s Karyn Resch describes her first experiences living in the Tower.

A welcome to the residence halls from your friendly VPMC






WHEN I WOKE UP THIS MORNING: A srring account from Scholars’ own Beau Tanner of his memories of 9/11.


DANCING WITH THE STA-R. A.: Ausn, Texas night at Bob’s was a hit.

GETTING BACK TO COLLEGE: Jamie Ware from AgSci gives her best ps on how to get back into the swing of things.

Housing Services Coordinator Emmalee Kearney gives you the scoop on who’s working for you this year in RHA.




MCCOY DEFEATS SCHOLARS 67-22: Latest news on the Scholars-McCoy rivalry as they bale it out in an epic game of football.

Leer From the Editor Dawn Cooper - Editor-in-Chief


t’s a new year in the UI Residence Halls. Some of us are old pros and some brand new to the game. Whatever the case, each of us can bring something unique that we can share with our communies. Whether it’s as hall president, community service chair, or just as an acve, parcipang member of the hall, each of us has something to add to his or her community. It is your choice whether your community is just where you live or a place full of friends or maybe a family. It all has to do with how much effort you put in. Somemes all it takes

is a smile or being a friendly neighbor. Communies that have an “open door” policy, which is to say that residents there keep their doors open to encourage people to stop by, tend to have a more closeknit feel. Make it a goal to aend every hall meeng so you know what’s going on in the hall and have a say in maers involving your hall’s budget and acvies you want to see happen. Another way to get to know those living around you is to eat meals with them when your schedule permits. You never know, you may meet someone that can help you with your math homework or that is looking for a workout partner like you are. It really is true that the more you give, the more you receive. I urge you all to really think about what you can do to get involved in your hall. It is my hope that every living community on campus can become strong and develop lasng friendships this year. Think about it.

The Mission Statement of Graffi


Dawn Cooper and Brandie Lyday Editor-in-Chief and former Editor-in-Chief



he mission of the RHA Graffi is to provide an open forum for news stories, opinion pieces, and creave wring for all University of Idaho students living in the Residence Halls. Graffi supports First Amendment freedom of speech and strongly encourages resident parcipaon to further this goal. The RHA Vice President of Markeng and Communicaon has primary responsibility for ensuring that these standards are met in an appropriate manner.



RHA E-BOARD EXCITEMENT Emmalee Kearney - Scholars Hall


s some of you may know, we have an almost completely brand new RHA execuve board. Each member is determined to make some amazing changes that will affect everyone in the residence halls in a posive way. Here is what each of us plans to do for you this year: -First, our amazing President Erik is determined to hand out as many hall points as he can (i.e. as many as each hall makes an effort to earn) because he is really looking for halls to interact more. Do you have a hall that you want to challenge to a game of tug-of-war at midnight? Great! -Our super-fabulous Vice President of Markeng and Communicaons, Dawn, is working to deliver eleven, count them eleven, Graffi’s to you all this year while working understaffed, despite having some truly dedicated PR chairs and webmasters! Let’s get some more arcles for her to publish! -Dan (the Man, as I call him) is working double overme to design wonderful buildings as an art & architecture student and design programming for events that will get you off your couch (watching our movie channel, I hope!) and onto the Tower Lawn for some GDI week events. I’m really hoping we can pull off the jello wrestling, myself! -The five foot nothing Erin is pulling her



weight (literally) by pung together some great community service events this year. This includes tree planng with the Palouse-Clearwater Environmental Instute for each area of the Residence Halls and blood donaon days with the Inland Northwest Blood Center where you all can earn hall points for helping out those in need in our community! -Kelsi, our pint-size Naonal Communicaons Coordinator is working hard to recruit the best people to take with her to Arizona State to represent the University of Idaho at IACURH! She is excited to get 5 people who want to drop by and say hi to our old friend Dennis Erickson. Just kidding! She is looking for some enthusiasc people who want to share ideas with other Residence Hall delegates and bring back some wonderful programs for us to implement here in Idaho! - Emmalee- wait, that’s me! I’m your Housing Services Coordinator. I’m here to help you out with whatever problems your vice presidents brings me. I want to reduce the divide between the people who run campus dining and the students who live in the residence halls. As always, I want to bring you some amazing movies on the RHA Movie Channel (channel 14)! All of us here at RHA are working hard to represent you all. We encourage you to get involved with your hall governments - filling open posions and volunteering to help out at events – so we can make this a great year here in the Residence Halls!

WHEN I WOKE UP THIS MORNING Sgt. Beau Tanner USMCR (SR)- Scholars Hall


y alarm went off at six…I think I hit the snooze for the next 5 minutes or so. When I finally stepped outside and stood on the catwalk, I thought to myself: for North Carolina, this is a pretty amazing day. That’s the one thing I remember. I secured my room, le for the chow hall, and made it to work by 6:45. It was just another easy Marine Corps day…it was a semper fidelis Marine Corps day. The summer was coming to an end. During morning formaon, Sgt Ownbey passed the word on the upcoming deployments and what needed to be done before everyone shipped off. I wasn’t going to Jamaica anymore, but I had “won” a free trip to 29 Palms. Lucky me. I never made it to California. We broke formaon and headed out to the lot. LCpl Ross and I were in charge of inventorying the MEPDIS gear and making sure that all of the light sets were complete and in working order. Aer summer deployments and field ops, all of our gear was messed up and mixed up, so we had our work cut out for us. Well, that lasted all of 20 minutes. We decided to take a break, so we sat down for a while and talked about what Marines usually talk about: the next way to sr up trouble. I really don’t remember what we talked about, I just remember sing out on the lot talking with Ross; the roach coach hadn’t showed up yet, so I decided to run into the shop and hit up the soda mess. I asked Ross if he wanted anything, and then headed over to the Heavy Equipment shop. That’s when I saw Cpl Cain walking out of the Ulies shop. Cpl Cain was a jokester; he didn’t take anything serious. He always found a way to make everyone smile and always found a way to make a joke at your expense. As he walked towards me, Cpl Cain had this grin on his face…Cain was a clown, but never had he grinned like this. I asked what was going on and he said that a plane had just flown into the World Trade Center Tower. I didn’t believe him, so he told me to go listen to the radio.

So I did. And then another plane flew into the other tower. In the military, we have a slightly different perspecve on the news. Even with the three hour me difference, I ran to the nearest pay phone. I called my mom’s office up in Colville. And then I called Jenkins High in Chewelah to talk to my brother. By 1030 the base had closed. We had gone from Force Protecon Normal to Force Protecon Delta. Our squadron had been ordered to duty secons and everyone sent home, but since we were the Ulies shop, we had to set up generators and flood light sets around the staon before we could go home. We worked unl 2100; the tempo was so intense…I know I’ve worked harder, but it doesn’t seem like it. It was the longest I ever remember working on a normal day. Of course, this wasn’t a normal day…not anymore. Aer seng up that last floodlight, we were dismissed and stayed on duty secons for the next week. I’ve been to the Middle East twice. Only by God’s grace am I here today; when I close my eyes, I sll see the hole that rocket le in our shop. And I’m sll amazed how at the last minute our plans changed and, consequently, I wasn’t there. I’m no different than anyone else. I lost my high school buddy and two of my brothers-in-arms. I have PTSD and mild depression, now. I’m proud of my service and what I’ve done. I don’t talk polics…at least not when it comes to the war. How do I share what I’ve done with those who have no idea? I love this campus; I love Idaho and everyone who is here…but even in the midst of my fellow students, I feel alone and isolated. I’m no different than anyone else; I’m just a regular Joe who’s seen more than he would have liked. It’s been six years since that day. Yet, it’s sll as vivid today as it was then. And every single day since then is imprinted in my head like a cursed photograph. When I woke up that morning, it was another beauful, glorious Marine Corps day. It was supposed to be just another day.



DANCING WITH THE STA-R. A. Devin Abolins - McCoy Hall


s the Wallace Food Court’s first themed dinner event of the year, Texas night this past Tuesday was a hit. The place was packed as students joined the fancifully dressed food staff and enjoyed dishes like BBQ Chicken Pizza and Chili. The night featured a “Craziest Cowgirl” and “Wildest Wrangler” costume contest, where the winners were awarded fiy flex dollars to their vandal cards. But the real attracon was a star performance from U of I students Rob Gibson and Jackie Martinko. The duo swing danced to popular Country Rock favorites such as “When

The Sun Goes Down” to the enjoyment of students and food staff. They danced a star quality performance and were awarded twenty-five flex dollars each to their vandal cards. When McCoy Hall’s very own R.A. was asked where she learned to dance so well she answered, “at The Beach every Thursday for Country Swing night for the past two years.” Her dedicaon has sure paid off! Hopefully we can all look forward to more fun events and great food at the Wallace Food Court, and remember… GO VANDALS!


We accept all kinds of arcles including human interest, polical commentary, leers of opinion, poems, sstories, photos, comiics, and feedback to Graffi staff. G





Here at Graffi, we’d like you to keep your arcles to 300 words, but we want you to write exactly what you have to say, so don’t be afriad to go over the b llimit. Don’t forget to incclude your name and hall!






Please submit your stuff to [email protected]. Send photos as a separate attachment in your e-mail. SStart sending to get eeasy hall points.


FIRST IMPRESSIONS Karyn Resch - McCoy Hall


hakespeare himself never wrote a beer comedy than our hall. I remember playing icebreakers out on the Tower Lawn on an evening exactly one month ago, looking around at a circle of strangers. And they definitely looked strange. Who ARE these people?? What a motley assortment of 18-year-olds we were, all of us nervous and awkward, all of us trying so hard. I had no idea, as I looked at Steve with his Saran-wrap and Sara with her Swing-set, what it would be like once we’d lived together for a month. You get to know a lot about people when you live with them…as I’m sure we’ve all discovered. I don’t remember their last names, but I know what they look like without makeup. I couldn’t tell you the name of their high school, but I can tell who’s in the shower by looking at the bathrobes on the hooks. I know where a

procrasnator should look for entertaining diversions. I know when it’s me for the girls next door to do laundry, or when one of the guys upstairs gets a crush on a cue in one of his classes. Yeah, you get prey close when you share 5000 square feet with 75 people. It’s odd to think that it’s been only a month, and yet I’ve already formed so many memories that looking back to those first days of orientaon feels like recounng the dawn of me. I can recall the ideas I formed of my hall-buddies then, and most of my impressions weren’t anything like what I know of them now – familiarity has soened even their features. I’ve heard it said that a first impression dictates the rest of the relaonship; I don’t think that’s true. With a lile outgoing sincerity, we can all start friendships that will last long aer that diploma is in our hands.



eng back into the swing of things can be difficult. I am one of those who take a bit of me to adjust to the roune of school. We’ve all just goen back from summer vacaon and now need to sele into studying and the typical life of a college student. Many on campus are used to this ritual, but for those of you who are not so used to it, (and maybe even for some of those who are) here are a few ideas to get you back into the habit of school. The first thing to get used to doing again is studying. It may be boring and tedious, but it is worth it. Aer all, we are all paying for this educaon so why not make our money worth something in the end? With all of your studying and classes, just remember to relax and find me to get out and have fun. Meet new people and be social! That’s one thing that college is all about: creang

lifelong friends and connecons. No one wants for you to become so stressed out about school that you can’t handle it or you can’t focus anymore. The second thing to remember is that group studying can save your life. We all have classes that we struggle with and ones that we do really well in. So why not share your talents with those around you? I know that I have a hard me going to a professor to ask for help somemes. That’s when I call up a friend or someone who I know really knows their stuff. You don’t have to have an official study group or anything like that, just get to know people and be willing to ask for help from a friend. Just remember to keep things relaxed and fun while focusing on your educaon. Balance out both of these things and college will be the best years of your life.




Dear Derek and Daphne, My girlfriend and I have been dang for six months. We just started having sex about a month ago. It’s great but I have one problem. Every me we are having sex, images of naked men flash into my head. Does this make me gay? Thanks, Confused in Coeur d’Alene Dear Confused, This is a complex queson that you’ve posed, and to answer it completely I’ll have to ask you a few things of my own. First, what kind of men flash into your head? Are the men 300-esque Spartain warrior types? If so, you’ve got nothing to worry about. You’re sll straight, those dudes were just so smoking hot that they bled into a poron of your psyche that men don’t usually inhabit. I mean, have you seen those abs? You could grate cheese on those things. Secondly, is your girlfriend one of those Earth Mother loving barefoot hippie types? If so, just have her take a razor to her pits, legs, and places beyond. I guarantee that as soon as your boys aren’t scratching sandpaper when you’re doing the deed, you’ll start thinking of Angelina Jolie and your fih grade his-

tory teacher, like all good American men. Yours, Derek Dear Confused, Answer me this, are you having anal sex when you’re thinking about men? Because if you aren’t... you’re kinda doing it wrong if you think it’s a dude. If you really want to know if you are gay, you should do a lile test. First step, cut a hole in the box. Just kiddin’, that isn’t the test. The real test: ask for a threesome with a man. Of course, your girl gets to pick and you may be waing for Christmas unl you get your “present.” Unl then, as long as you aren’t picturing your father while you’re having sex, you’re good as gold, baby. Always, Daphne

McCOY DEFEATS SCHOLARS 67-22 Steve Hanna - McCoy Hall


decisive bale between McCoy and Scholars took place last Sunday when the McCoy freshmen overran the Scholars, 67-22, in a special football challenge. Their remarkable show of talent overcame the Scholars, who iniated the challenge match and expected an easy victory over McCoy. The scholars realized their folly aer getng bombarded by the agile and aggressive freshman team. Freshman quarterback Spencer Meinburg led the game in yards passing and in intercepons, while fellow


GRAFFITI September 24, 2007

McCoyian Nate led the game in receiving yards. This victory comes at a decisive me between the deadlocked halls when both McCoy and Scholars are ed for first place overall in hall standings. This game could spell doom for the overwhelmed and undermanned Scholars hall in the race to the top. McCoy also had a significantly larger group of football players gathered, which suggests stronger hall unity and cooperaon. With a defeat this bad, Scholars will have some serious pride to recover in the future.

GDI Week 2007 The opening games on Sunday, the 23rd were a blast! Here are the rest of the events coming up:

Wednesday, September 26th LAN Party at Bob’s 8:30 p.m. unl 2:00 a.m. Bring games and have fun!

Thursday, September 27th Poker Night in the LLC Classrooms 7:00 p.m. unl 12:00 a.m. No limit Texas Hold ‘em Food, Drink, and Fun! *There will be prizes for the Champion!*

Saturday, September 29 Casual Dance in the Sub Ballroom 7:00 p.m. $2 entry fee

GRAFFITI STAFF Editor-in-Chief: Dawn Cooper ([email protected]) Associate Editors: Liz McClellan, Kelsey Laroche, Chrisna Tewes Photo Credits: McCoy Hall, Scholars Hall, Daniel Cli Special Thanks to: Daniel Cli, Paul Jorritsma, Brandie Lyday, Tyler Mayfield Join the GRAFFITI: Freedom of Speech Facebook group This edion of GRAFFITI is brought to you by Residence Hall students like you. Thank you for your support.



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