September 2009, Issue 2 Current Events September 16 Was The

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September 2009, Issue 2 Current Events September 16 was the celebration of International Ozone day, with many UNEP supported activities throughout RIS. ES students also had their yearbook photos taken on the same day. October 6th and 7th, all Grade 5 students will be taking the ISA test. October will bring the end of the first quarter, with parent conferences coming up on October 15th and 16th.

Language Arts Grade 5 students continue to explore the English language, studying strategies to help them become better readers, using the tools of the 6+1 Traits to become better writers, and practicing speaking clearly and effectively. Reading regularly at home, and responding according to criteria from the teacher always makes stronger language learners in reading, writing and speaking. Please find opportunities to practice reading aloud. With the detailed data from the DRA tests and the recent grade-wide writing sample students are getting individualized help where needed. The quarter, the focus in writing is developing, editing, and completing an expository piece of writing.

Mathematics Students are studying how to make and use charts, tables, plots, several types of graphs and Venn diagrams to assist with problem solving in certain situations. Included in this unit of study in learning how to set up a survey to gather meaningful information. They will be moving on into multiplication and division. Constant practice using basic math facts in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division can help at all times.

Social Studies Grade 5 students continue to learn about Nobel Peace Prize laureates and others who have made huge personal sacrifices in hopes of improving life for the people of the world. Finding important places around the world where conflicts are happening is part of this study. In addition, students are studying how to utilize the conflict resolution skills of these great humanitarians in their own lives. Following the October break, students will start Journeys in the Asian Pacific Rim countries.

Science Having studied the sun and the moon, grade 5 students are now learning more about starts and constellations. Please take the time to view the night sky those few times when our rainy season clouds open up to allow a view of the stars. As we finish up this unit of Sun, Moon, and Stars, we will be moving into the unit Mixtures and Solutions, learning a bit about Chemistry.

Thai For this month, the students have learned about diseases. They learned about contagious diseases. They’ve learned the importance of taking care of themselves and how to handle prevention from getting infected by those diseases.

Elizabeth Library September was a special month at Ruamrudee. Visitors representing the United Nations Environment Programme and many student representatives from other schools, came to Ruamrudee to promote International Ozone Day. Leading up to the big day, the grade four classes wrote poetry about the problems people have created for the world by producing CFC emissions. The grade four students then presented their warnings about the damage chlorofluorocarbons are doing to the atmosphere, at a tree planting ceremony near Godabout Hall. Other classes began research to find out just how we have made a hole in the ozone layer. Up until International Ozone Day, many students were totally unaware of the role ozone plays in protecting us from harmful ultra-violet radiation. Hopefully our students will grow up in a generation that begins to care for our environment. Mr Rick

P.E. The Grade 5 students will soon be finishing their first semester swimming unit. Each class has focused on stroke development. The front crawl, backstroke, and breaststroke have all been broken down into small parts with the goal of developing a smooth and efficient swimming style. Counselor Corner Does your child ever come home from school upset about something that happened with a friend? Learning how to be a friend and keep friends is a very valuable skill that is a part of everyone’s life. At times friendships may meet obstacles. Friends can sometimes do things to us that we don’t like. The way most of us deal with this frustration is by getting mad or deciding not to be friends anymore. Well, that does not have to be the case. I have been teaching the students how to use “I” messages with each other. An “I” message is used to tell someone how you are feeling, why you feel that way, and what you want to happen next. For example: If someone pushed me I would say, “I feel angry because you pushed me. I want you to be more careful please.” Encourage your child to use “I” messages at home with his/her sibling(s) and with friends. Thanks!! Pascale

ESL TIPS FOR PARENTS FROM THE ESL SPECIALISTS Reading aloud helps your children develop the English language skills they will use in school and throughout their lives. You can help your children at home by: • listening to them read aloud, and discussing what they are reading with them• reading aloud to them • sharing the reading aloud experience by taking turns to read. Reading aloud can be fun, and can also give you and your child a special time to bond together. Why not give it a try?

Music We already finished the first unit “Exploring Beat and Rhythm”. We just started the 2nd unit “Reading and Writing Pitch Notations”. This unit will focus on improving the students’ skills of reading notations on the treble staff using the letter names (A, B, C, D, E, F, G). This unit will further improve their listening skill on identifying the sound (pitch) intervals of notes and to recognize the melody shapes (contour) of a song.

Art Grade 5 students have completed their project on pattern design. Here are sample of students’ work.

Artist: Sandy 5-1

Artist: Eliz 5-2

Artist: Tif 5-4

Artist: Smile 5-5

Artist: Por Por 5-3

Theater Arts We had a great start! We briefly reviewed the main elements of dance and concentrated on them. We joined and supported the school wide Ozone day while working on improvisation skills. Each group was assigned to do a presentation on “Assignment Earth-The Ozone”. We listened to the song, discussed and interpreted the meaning, addressed the problem, and find ways how to solve it. The groups were given enough time to prepare their movement interpretation. It was a great activity for it does not only help children learn and use their improvisation skills but also getting them aware of how each one of us can actually help protect the Ozone layer. It was a successful classroom activity. Each group has shown a strong teamwork, effort, and creativity. Hats - off the groups of 5th graders who did a very interesting presentation. At present we are now learning Folk dances.

Religion We have worked on the “Cube of Love” and practiced living it. Please continue to encourage your child to live out the Commandment of LOVE each day–Love Jesus in the others. ES Annual Retreat for grade 4 and 5 are coming up. As part of the Religion class requirement is to participate on this event. Make plan for your child to be there. It will be on Saturday, OCTOBER 09, 2009, from 8:30 am – 4 pm. The retreat will end with the Celebration of the Eucharist. Last year the children have lots of fun in learning, praying, and being together. I

hope to see you there.

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