September 2008

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Join the Adventure…Bishop’s Stortford and District newsletter


Big Picture

District Expedition Huge Success 100 young people spend 14 days in Lochearnhead, Scotland This adventurous and large scale expedition to Scotland took place during August for 14 Days. 49 Scouts and 25 Explorer Scouts took part, supported by 34 adults from across the District. The young people had a spectacular time enjoying excellent day and overnight hikes, sailing, canoeing, orienteering and mountain biking. The Scouts coped extremely well in making new friends from other Troops from across the District. Many of our Scout Network members helped with the adventurous activity training and support which was a great example and inspiration to the other young people. This was not just a camp - it is a vivid and dramatic example of how Scouts can work together with Scouts from other Troops on a quality event and more importantly, Scouts see Explorer Scouts in action which has helped reduce the fears of transferring to the Section.

September 2008 Special points of interest in this issue: Awards Night


Promoting Scouting


National Awards




Dinner Dance


Explorer Scours


Key dates


Many of the older Scouts are now eager to go onto Explorers and some of them have expressed a strong interest to attend the Easter Course at Lochearnhead to gain qualifications in Hill and Mountain walking. In an age where such events are fraught with challenges, particular tribute must be paid the Kim and John Henson, Nigel Reed and Max Streets for the huge organisation and responsibility they took on for arranging such an event. I have never been to Lochearnhead myself and it was a new experience for me - I now see why our Leaders and young people constantly praise this very special site in Scotland. Without doubt, this is probably the best Scouting experience some of our Scouts and Explorer Scouts have ever had. It has given many the taste to go further and develop new personal skills. Likewise, some adults have taken the opportunity to build up their own personal skills in activities and start to gain formal qualifications to work with Scouts and Explorer Scouts. A parent wrote a letter to the District shortly after the event and part of it read… “my son, not being the strongest of lads, was quite daunted by the two day hike. He enjoyed it immensely and felt a real sense of achievement afterwards”… Finally, again, thanks must go to the small army of adults from most of our Troops and Units, family members, Scout Networkers, and some Scouters from around Hertfordshire who helped make this a truly quality event. Lochearnhead 2008 was a credit to the quality of Bishop's Stortford Scouting and the dedication of our Leaders and supporters. I am delighted to say that it was so successful that another expedition is planned for 2013 when today's Cub Scouts and Beavers will get the opportunity. Make sure 2013 is in your Troop diary! Greg DC

“My son enjoyed it immensely and felt a real sense of achievement afterwards”

Join the Adventure…

September 2008

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District Award Night 2008 During May, the District held the annual awards night to present trophies and awards to our young people and adults in the District. There were over 130 people present at the super venue of the Baranbus Centre in Thorley. Out local MP, Mark Prisk presented the awards and was very appreciative of the work that Scouting provides the community. The awards went to: Overall Scout Group Growth:

1st Much Hadham

Sectional Growth:

1st St Michaels Mead Scout Troop

New Sections opened:

  

Most Nights Away:

Liam Coleing - 1st Sawbridgeworth

Beaver Scout of the year:

Jack Stone - 1st Bishop’s Stortford

Cub Scout of the year:

Elliot Copping-Jones - 1st Thorley (Viking)

Scout of the year:

Kieran George – 1st Thorley Adventurer

Explorer Scout of the year:

Nicholas Mason - Endeavour Unit

Special Event:

1st BS Beaver Scouts Galaxy

Interesting Programme item:

1st Sawbridgeworth Challenger Troop

Leader of the Year:

George Markwell – Silver Leys

Young Leader of the Year:

Thomas Thorpe – 1st BS and ESU

Special Commendation

John Ireland – 1st Sawbridgeworth

DC’s Special Commendation:

Christopher Ashworth - Explorer Scout

1st Bishop’s Stortford Friday Scout Troop 10th Bishop’s Stortford Beaver Colony Endeavour Explorer Scout Unit

We received significant sponsorship for the glass trophies from: - HSBC BS - Cox Photography - Photosound - Inter County

…There were over 130 people present at the super venue of the Baranbus Centre…

Join the Adventure…

September 2008

Promoting Scouting – tools for you! The District was successful in obtaining a grant from Awards for all, part of the national lottery to provide Groups with materials and equipment to promote Scouting. The centrepiece is a large display which Groups and Sections can use to add that “professional” touch to any meetings of parents, AGM, community events etc. It is fully transportable in a special case and is full colour. Although not clear below, the large 3m x 3m stand clearly mentions Scouting in Bishop’s Stortford, Much Hadham and Sawbridgeworth:

In addition to this, to support development of Scouting, we are soon to take possession of:  An outdoor public announcement system which will also play music.  Power point projector  Laptop an leads (with unique BS templates)  Projector screen  Leaflets and information for adults who may be interested in joining or helping Scouting. For more information, please contact Greg 01279 816883.

Nights Away Forms – Reminder! It has come to our notice that one or two Leaders have not submitted their Nights Away form to the DC before they go off to camp or a residential experience. Will Leaders please note that if this simple rule is not followed, you are leaving your self open to serious criticism should any mishap occur – this could include the invalidation of insurance cover. In future, the DC will be forced to consider removing NA Permits of persistent offenders. The rule clearly states that the form must be the DC within a minimum of 7 days before you leave and with the Host DC 14 days. These are minimum times and good practice suggests that you should build in at least 14 and 28 days respectively. These rules are not there to aggravate people, but assist in ensuring our young people receive good quality residential that has the support of the DC or his nominee. Any questions about this, please contact you ADC or anyone on the District Team. You can simply email the form to the DC. They are available from Thank you.

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Join the Adventure…

September 2008

National Scouting Awards for local adults Silver Acorn - for specially distinguished service Earlier this year, two of our adults received national St George’s Day Awards.  Dave Mead GSL 1st Sawbridgeworth and  Aidan Jones Group Treasurer 1st Sawbridegworth and HQ. They both attended the national St George’s Day service and Parade at Windsor Castle. Bar to the Award of Merit – for further outstanding service. 

Veronica Dewey – Local Training Manager

Award of Merit – for outstanding service.  Tim Payne – SL 1st Sawbridgeworth st  Sue Byford – CSL 1 Thorley (St. James)  Chief Scouts Commendation – for good service.    

Ian George – ASL 1st Thorley (St James) Janice Bell - Group Treasurer 1st Thorley (St James) Mareen Hargrave - CSL 1st Thorley (St James) Sue Jacobs - Group Secretary 1st Thorley (St James)

Congratulations to all and THANK YOU for all the hard work and commitment you give to our young people!

Planning shock for Sawbridgeworth After neatly nine long years of trying to planning permission to build a new Scout HQ in Sawbridgeworth, at a packed East Herts District Council Planning Committee meeting in July, the Group’s latest planning application was rejected. Greg writes: “We all went to the meeting expecting a positive outcome after the Group had cooperated so well with the Council and local people. It is upsetting to see local politics and misperceptions place the urgent need for proper and modern amenities for our young people so low down the list of priorities. It is extremely de motivating for so many adults and young people who have striven to take the Group forward. The District offers it full support to Sawbridgewroth and will do whatever it can to help them”. This result has caused significant protest within and outside Scouting. Over the coming months, the District will do all it can to support the Group.

Rockin’ The Night Away To celebrate 100 years of Scouting in Sawbridgeworth the superb group “5% Volume” will be performing in Sawbridgeworth Memorial Hall on Saturday 22 nd November 7.30pm – 11.30pm to raise funds for charity. Bar, raffle and snacks. Tickets now on sale only £10 each from David or Hazel Mead, 44 Ash Groves, Sawbridgeworth 01279 724503 [email protected] Don’t delay as tickets are selling fast!

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Join the Adventure…

September 2008

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Chief Scouts Awards Since the last edition, we have been notified of the following Chief Scout Gold Awards achievements: Daniel Jones and Callum Tozer 1st Thorley Scouts (Buccaner Troop) Alex Scott, Oscar Goodbourne and Liam Coleming 1st Sawbridgeworth Troop

WELL DONE! If you have any young people who have gained the Chief Scout’s Award, please email Greg on: [email protected] or tell your ADC Section.

Beaver Scout Update

with Hazel Mead

A super end to the term with Colonies having BBQ’s and Moving On ceremonies. We said goodbye to Miriam at 1st St.Michael’s Mead and wish her well as she goes to University. We also have many new Leaders and helpers joining and welcome Louise at Watership Down Colony, 1st Bishops Stortford and Hockerill, Muriel at 1st Much Hadham, Andrew at 1st Thorley and Anna and Ryan at Manitoba Colony 1st Sawbridgeworth. Silver Leys hope to discuss the starting of Beaver Colony in the New Year. We have a Beaver Leaders meeting planned for 8th October,8.00pm at Sawbridgeworht HQ which are always very sociable occasions and this will be an opportunity to discuss the Sleepover planned for 2009. Our annual Torch and Wellie Walk is in November. Hopefully everyone will return refreshed after the Summer break, ready to welcome many new eager Beavers into their vibrant and interesting Colonies.

Adult Support update

with Veronica Dewey

We start a new term and with that a change of date, the next Getting Started evening will be on the 15th September at my house, 65, London Rd. Bishop's Stortford instead of United Reform Church Hall. We seem to be progressing along with training and we have a First Aid training on Sunday 21st September. Please contact Geoff Crabb to secure a place. Tel. 01279 - 656526 or e - mail geoffrey.crabb1@virgin. Just a reminder, please make sure that learning plans are sent to Jackie Williamson so that the database is kept up to date. Thank you to everyone for their time and effort.

Advance 08 Following the feedback from last year’s event. This years day event will be moved to 2009 with a view to making this type of Development event a bi annual gathering. Please remove Saturday 11th October from your diaries.

Cub Scout Update

with Ken Gordon

There will be a meeting for all adults in the District who are working in the Cub Scout Section on 18th September, Havers Lane, 8.00pm. The venue and time will be emailed to your Cub Scout Leader. Amongst many issues, we will be looking at what we are doing for our Carol Service on the 7th December. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR PACK IS REPRESENTED. Contact Ken on 655994,

Hazel rules ok!

Come along and share your issues and ideas with others running Cub packs like you!

Join the Adventure…

September 2008

Scout Update

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with Max Streets

There were a number of key events that have taken place during the summer. For example, 100 years of Scouting in Sawbridgeworth - an excellent day of celebrations with long service awards being presented to Tim Paine and Shaun Dellow. Another was 100 years of Scouting in Much Hadham where presentations by Mark Prisk MP to Group members took place and there was entertainment by the Braughing Scout Band. These were a credit to all those members who were involved with the above events. There were excellent displays of the history of the groups and a chance to meet members past and present who attended the celebrations. Farewell at Thorley Buccaneer Troop. Neil Crumpton has now moved away from the District to take up a new teaching post in Telford starting in September.We wish him and his family the very best in the future and thank him for his valued contribution to the Thorley Group over the past eight years as ASL and SL of Buccaneer Troop. Chris Hinge will be taking over the running of the troop assisted by Dave Boswell and Andrea Streets, plus a number of parent helpers. Adventure Troop took most of their members on camp to Wallesby Forest for a varied programme of activities, including a day at Alton Towers. District Camp As you will have read. most of the Troops in the district joined together at Lochearnhead Scout Centre to enjoy some challenging activities both on the water and in the hills. Nearly all completed nights away in the hills, learning how to survive in the wild countryside of the Trussocks. With the many experiences shared, during these expeditions, have encouraged some of them to look forward to attending the next opportunity of IMC at Easter next year. Forthcoming events District Scout Leaders meeting 15th September 08 B2B Challenge 27th – 28th September 08. Details on Herts County Web site Green Beret Challenge 14th – 16th November 08

DINNER & DANCE 2008…a great night out! After the huge success of last years Gala Dinner Max and Graham have been asked to do the same for this year. So, using the same format as requested, here are the details. Date: Time: Venue: Cost:

Saturday 29th November 2008 7.30pm for an 8pm sit down Pearse House, Dunmow Road, Bishop’s Stortford £35.00 per head (same as last year)

If you would like to join us, please fill in the in the letter enlcoed with this newsletter and return to Pat with a £10.00 deposit per head, cheques payable to Bishop’s Stortford & District Scout Council, by 30th September.

Avoid disappointment …..there are only 80 places available so don’t delay in making your reservations. We look forward to seeing you there!

…Avoid disappointment…

Join the Adventure…

September 2008

Explorer Scout Update

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with Nigel Reed

In May there was a District Explorer Scout Activity Day held at Herts Young Mariners Base, Cheshunt. All Scouts aged 13 and over were invited and 17 Scouts from troops in Sawbridgeworth and Bishops Stortford joined Explorers in which they were able to try rock climbing, caving and bell boating. This day was a great success and thanks should be given to the District for sponsoring it. Over this last term all 3 units have been very active. Endeavour at St Elizabeth's have recruited Su Jones to help them and they have increased their numbers to 16. Voyager attended the Hertfordshire Explorer Around Town (HEAT) Camp at Well End. This included a visit to Madame Tusaudes and then there was a quiz which led the teams across London to the Science Museum. One of the Voyager teams did exceptionally well in the quiz by winning it and being presented with a Pink Oscar for them to keep. Sunday was a day of Its a Knock Out water games in which another of their teams had success and they also won a Pink Oscar. Both Conquest and Voyager went to Gilwell 24. This is an event that runs activities like scuba diving, quad bikes, discos and so on non stop for 24 hours. Many of our Explorers managed to stay awake for the whole 24 hours. Not all of them managed to stay awake for the journey home. Endeavour had a joint camp with 2nd Much Hadham and the Ranger Guide Unit at St Elizabeth's where they had a day trip to Woburn Safari Park. Saturday evening they all sat around the camp fire toasting marshmallows and singing songs. 25 of our Explorers from Conquest and Voyager joined the district for the Summer Expedition to Lochearnhead Scout Station taking part in hiking, sailing, kayaking and mountain biking. The highlights of their 10 days was a 3 day wild country camp in one the Scottish Glens cut off from civilization, where even their mobiles did not work and they had a day out at an activity centre where they were able to go on a Gorge Run and White Water Rafting.

Bits and Pieces District Scout Shop


District Equipment In the last newsletter there was a list of District equipment you can borrow. If you want to use this, please ring Geoff Markwell 01279 655366 District Swimming Remember you can take advantage of the FREE District run swimming session each week on a Tuesday Night – why not make this your Section meeting for one week? Full information can be obtained form Geoff Markwell on 01279 655366. This term starts on the 9th September.

Join the Adventure…

September 2008

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Movers and Joiners We          

welcomed a number of new adults to help is in BS Scouting recently: Andrea Platts -Pack Assistant Saturn Cubs Silver Leys Peter Kent - Assistant Cub Leader Saturn Silver Leys Neil Rankin - Pack Assistant Saturn Silver Leys Michelle Roberts - Assistant Scout Leader 1st B/S (Fridays) Ryan Moran - Assistant Beaver Scout Leader 1st Sawbridgeworth Micheal Niklewicz - Pack assistant with Scouts 1st Thorley Buccaneer Kez Calverd - Pack Assistant Mohican Cubs 10th B/S Darren Linard - Cub Leader Appollo Silver Leys Jane Linard - Assistant Cub Leader Appollo Silver Leys Phillip Spain - Assistant Scout Leader Silver Leys

Thank you and we appreciate your time and contribution to working with Scouting in our District. We    

sadly said farewell to a number of folk: Neil Crumpton - SL Buccaneer 1st Thorley (Chris Hinge ASL takes over – thanks!), Amanda Di Trolio GSL -10th BS (Refer to DC until further notice) Wendy Grafton GSL - 1st St. Michaels Mead (Refer to DC until further notice) Ruth Dixon Scout - Network Leader (appointment expected shortly)

To all above a big thank you for your help over many collective years!

Dates for your diary…. September

October Contact


District Appointments Committee


District Executive


District Scout Leaders Meeting


County DC Meeting


District Cub Leaders Meeting


Getting Started evening


Group Scout Leaders meeting


Kate Reed


District Beaver Scout Meeting

Pat Markwell


District Team meeting

Greg Stewart

Max Streets


B2B Challenge Scouts

Max Streets

Greg Stewart Ken Gordon Veronica Dewey

Greg Stewart


December Contact



District Appointments Committee

Kate Reed


Remembrance Sunday Parade BS

Max Streets


Cub Carol Service


Green Beret Challenge (Scouts)

Max Streets


District Scout Leaders Meeting


Gala Dinner – Pearce House

Hazel Mead

Max Streets/ Graham Bishop

District Executive meeting

Geoff Markwell

Max Streets

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