Sept 07 Issue 5

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currently houses 173,000 inmates. It seemed to observers, Prisoners Rights groups, and California’s own Civil Liberties Liaison, that from the direction of the Judges questioning they are leaning toward initiating a 3 judge panel to review inmates ,case by case, and possibly release as many as 36,000 early. Now the judges have not issued their rulings and orders in regard to the hearings of June 27th.However,there is hope at the end of the tunnel, that California’s inmate population will finally receive adequate Medical and Mental Health Care. Any future rulings and orders will be reported as to their content, for both the Plata and Coleman case in the next newsletter. Now, back to the Constitutional Basics! Just because we are incarcerated does not by ANY means take away our Constitutional Rights, or at least not all of them. We, as incarcerated persons, maintain The (3)Big Constitutional Amendments, and almost every right in prison can be applied under "The Big Three".Those Amendments and their clauses are: The First Amendment ,which possesses "The Freedom of Religion" clause, "The Freedom of Speach" clause, "The Freedom of the Press" clause, and my favorite clause "The Right To Redress The Government Of Grievances" clause, also known as "The Access to Court" clause. The second of "The Big Three",is the 8th Amendment, and the clause that while incarcerated we have the right "To Be Free from Cruel and Unusual Punishment".This Amendment grants "Back To The Constitutional Basics" us the most protection of all of "The Big Three".The right to As the California Civil Liberties Liaison, I am tasked with keeping yard and showers, all the way to adequate medical care are California inmates informed of their rights, as well as, all new invested in this Amendment. The United States Supreme Court developments within the justice system. However, that is simply part wrote in one of their opinions ,"The 8th Amendment is the of my task. The Broken Bridge Brigade is a multi national floor below which the treatment of prisoners will never fall".I newsletter. While I can not apply international law, because it is agree. The third and final of "The Big Three" is that of the 14th outside of the scope of my expertise, I can make articles beneficial for all of those incarcerated within the United States by federalizing Amendment and the Due Process clause, which states "No the content. At this point you may be asking yourselves how this is person shall be deprived of Life, Liberty, or Property ,without possible? And my answer to you is this, I will take the contents of due process of law".The 14th Amendment also contains "The my column to the heart of Civil Liberties, I will take it to the Equal Protection" clause, which protects against Constitutional Basics! Before I begin I would like to update discrimination, and ensures the laws are applied the same to all California inmates about the (2) most important Prisoners Rights citizens within the jurisdiction of the United States. Now, I am sure just stating this Amendment doesn't cases on the docket. On June 27,2007,hearings on the Plata case and the Coleman case necessarily give the means which are required to apply them to took place in Sacramento before (2)Senior District Judges, from those situations which may arise while incarcerated. No different districts within California. For those that are unfamiliar worries. My next(3)articles I will be addressing each of "The with the Plata case, it is about the inadequate medical care within Big Three", individually, to establish the scope of each CDCR(California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation)and Amendment, how to apply them, with federalized case law to the fact that ONE INMATE DIES EVERY 6 DAYS within the support any claims in the area of Civil Rights violation. Department of Corrections, because of California’s lack of medical In closing I want each reader to know my mailbox is always care. The Coleman case is about the inadequate Mental Health Care. open for questions, suggestions, or just to say Hi. I hope to This is believed to be the cause of California’s place among the hear from you soon! CLL- Mickey Leinweber nations top suicide rates of people who are incarcerated. Mikhiel Leinweber #T-58130 The point of these hearings is to determine how to provide PB.P adequate Medical and Mental health care within CDCR? It seems P.O.Box 7500 the only answer, to cap the prison population at the "reasonable and Crescent City, CA 95532 statistically safe capacity of 137,000 inmates. The problem? CDCR

Letter From The Editor: Well, what is life without a little chaos? Computers, most of the time, provide tools that can increase productivity, allow easy, quick communications, provide organization and resources at the touch of a button. However, relying on these tools can also prove to bite you right in the rear. Recently my main computer had an untimely death. Which is why you are receiving this newsletter much later than expected. This not only halted production but all files were lost which made all work associated with The Broken Bridge Brigade come to screeching halt. It has been and still is, a slow process getting everything back in order. So I appreciate your patience and understanding during this time of reconstruction. Like always I would like to hear any ideas you have. Feel free to submit writings, opinions, questions or artwork for future issues. Many people do ask about submission guidelines so I would like to address that now. I do like to keep the newsletter as open and free of limitations as possible. So here is the basic run down: keep it clean, I will edit submissions if they contain language that is too offensive or that may cause the newsletter to be confiscated, try to keep it within 500 words, submissions may be longer just be advised that depending on the space available the article or essay may be split to appear in two issues. You are free to express your thoughts just be advised that your submission may be edited for spelling or language. So put the pen/ pencil to paper and get writing (or drawing)! Carmen/ Editor and President The Broken Bridge Brigade, Inc.

D. Vickers/ Co- Founder

C.Arey/ President

The Broken Bridge Brigade, Inc. P.O Box 414 Wyalusing, PA 18853 email: [email protected] Sept./ Oct. 2007

A newsletter for prisoners and others affected by incarceration

The Broken Bridge Brigade

A newsletter for prisoners and others affected by incarceration

The Broken Bridge Brigade

This victory was no doubt a result of massive support and organization from supporters, family, Kenneth’s lawyer, organizations and state representatives. In recent years Kenneth has gained support from thousands of people from the U.S to the U.K, he co-founded an organization the D.R.I.V.E Movement, which non-violently protests the death penalty from the inside. I can positively say Kenneth’s supporters never gave up their fight, never broke down, their


hours before his scheduled execution on August 30th, Kenneth Foster got the news many on death row only hope to hear, the news that his death sentence had just been commuted to life. Kenneth had already been transferred to the Walls Unit where the executions take place. While him, his family and thousands of supporters from all over the world, awaited any word from the Governor. The news finally came. The Texas Board of Parole had voted 6-1 in favor of commuting Kenneth’s sentence to life in prison. This commutation is only the fifth one recommended on more than 12 years. This is a great victory for all who have supported Kenneth and his family. However, Kenneth’s case is different from many other death penalty cases. Although other media has referred to Kenneth as a “killer” he never killed anyone. The State knew this but he was sentenced to death for his role as being a getaway driver, even though Foster had not anticipated a shooting was to take place. He was sentenced to death under the “Law of Parties” which holds all participants in a crime equally culpable. It is estimated that there are now fewer than 100 inmates now serving on death row who were convicted under the statute. The Law of Parties was pursued at one point in a case which ultimately resulted in an inmate's execution in March. In Gov. Perry’s statement, he recognized this statute needs to be reviewed.


The Texas anti-death penalty movement would like to ask for more help from national funders and organizations. Some people do understand that Texas is where a lot of effort should be expended. For instance, we are thrilled that the Journey of Hope is coming back to Texas this fall. But, we need more resources and more help. With increased attention to Texas, we will be able to win more often and we will be able to significantly reduce popular support in Texas for the death penalty and greatly reduce the number of executions that take place here."

MESSAGE FROM THE D.R.I.V.E. MOVEMENT AND THE FOSTER FAMILY: "There are certainly many lessons to learn from the Kenneth Foster victory. The victory was the result of the entire Texas anti-death penalty movement working together, including every antideath penalty organization in Texas, as well as Kenneth's lawyers and family members and some long-time supporters of Kenneth from other U.S. states and around the world. One important lesson is that organizing works. In particular, affecting public opinion through grassroots organizing works. Pressuring elected officials works. Texas is not a lost cause, as some people outside Texas sometimes seem to think. Here in Texas, we have known for some time that we are making progress. But, we also know that the national anti-death penalty movement should be investing more time and money in Texas. Investing more financial and other resources into the Texas anti-death penalty effort would pay off in more of the type of successes that we saw with the Save Kenneth Foster Campaign.

support and strength only increased as the days got closer to his execution date. With protests, calling, faxing, writing the Governor, many prayers and so many people coming together to help bring attention to the injustice of his case achieved victory. May we all learn from this so you may achieve such a victory for others who are harshly sentenced for a crime the did or did not commit.

by: cka/ Editor

Tasha & Kenneth Kenneth Sr & Lawrence

We love you all!

We thank God for having you all. We won guys- and all because of the fantastic team work!!!!!

Without all the hard work from all of youit would have not been possible. You guys worked around the clock, made the calls, wrote the letters, marched with us, signed petitions, helped us organize, contacted the media and made this cross bearable for us.

Oh my God, where to start. We are ecstatic, overwhelmed and full of smiles! Finally the Death row nightmare is over, no more seeing him from behind glass- soon we will be able to hug him. Nydesha will be able to hug him :-)

"Dear Friends, Family and supporters,

The Fosters have sent the following message to those involved in the fight to save Kenneth's life:

DRIVE Movement

In Struggle, DRIVE Support

I can't wait to hear the reactions of the DRIVE comrades!

Victory For Kenneth Foster

The Broken Bridge Brigade, Inc.

SOCRATES ON SOCIAL ETHICS, DEMOCRACY & CAPITAL PUNISHMENT Charles V. Thompson 999306 Texas Death R Attempt to burden the causes in the world, as old as time, for a horse on an ignorant city. The laws of civilized society apply as far back as history records - there’s always been a conflict; only within it, outside the confines, other lands were fair One cause or another. Whether its monetary objects or moral game. ( much of that also is true to date). rules. No matter your beliefs, convictions, or faith and version of War may be a welcome way to let savage impulse loose human disagreement. Whether you follow Jesus, Allah & outside it, as Freud also speculated after the carnage of WW I Muhammad or Brahma and Buddha, is irrelevant to an adversarial in his essay "CIVILIZATION & ITS DISCONTENTS." Freud system as old as structured society - someone will tell you that believed that the lawless urges men subdue to make communal you are wrong! life possible, find relief in the mass murder of war. As Buddha rose above materialism. Jesus embraced his enemies. Socrates Bid farewell to his Judges he said- if there is a Gandhi too. Jesus was betrayed & executed on the cross. Gandhi hereafter,he looks forward to the joy of conversing with the murdered by a Hindu, irate & intolerant. great men of the past. But Socrates in dealing with the Socrates was a Genius, he challenged everyone’s way of thinking, question what is knowledge? went off in a opposite direction. stood boldly against the rule of justice. By the morality of a Real knowledge Socrates taught - could be obtained only society right & wrong, rules of conduct & character - human through absolute definition. If one could not define a thing kinds well being. absolutely then one didn’t know what it was. Socrates told the Socrates recognized the sense of justice centers the concern court after his sentence was passed~' I would much rather die that those norms be applied impartially. So if in a given society having defended myself as I did, than to do as you would have we were to find them abused & observed in a discriminatory way, me do and live." Socrates was a man of virtue - his decision applied strictly for the benefit of some class & loosely if at all between life or death alternatives, to break jailor to stay put & for other classes of society - we know that to this extent to date drink his poison hemlock; was his moral values final statement the morality of society is defective. The ancient doctrine of - to die honorably. retaliation, really never died. Its taken root & wears Socrates felt he lived a good life, happiness was his. He didnt many a mask in our justice system & society with its synasisum. wish to live a life in prison & be miserable. " The idea that you've harmed, wronged & thereby incurred a debt If you believe as Socrates did, you hold the secret of Y9ur & must discharge it by suffering the same sort of evil yourself. happiness - in your hands. Nothing the World can do can Destruction of a second life is - retaliatory - not a repayment - its make you unhappy. ' the desire for revenge. Socrates found that people either did not know, or at least Throughout the ages retaliation has been the standard could not explain what they believed to be the case with justification for crimes such as Genocidal acts & policies. In questions on the true nature of JUSTICE, beauty, etc. ancient times Vengeance was the term for punishment. ( Inasmuch as Socrates knew he did not know, the oracle was punishment) the application of a penalty - Inflicting harm, to give thus shown to be right to say that he was the wiser. Socrates relief to resent, the core of which is hatred - the sentiment of cross examinations, orations - were not popular. Some believe Revenge. Socrates was against & rejected Revenge. He ultimately that this along with his skepticisms - were partly to blame for perished as the act of legally Sanctioned Revenge - Execution. the disasters of the war. Whatever the causes - avocation of Criminal law still stands for revenge. Its institutionalized revenge. one kingship rule, speaking out against the state, etc. Socrates Socrates said "We should never do injustice in return for trial or the details of his indictment, it was his free willthat led injustice." Therefore, we should never return evil for evil(to to his demise. His fellow countrymen ultimately (after anyone). mocking them and the jury) did indeed sentence him to death. Socrates questioned the nature of the human community, was In a letter from prison Socrates stated; I came to the it a free state or as Socrates often said" A HERD?" Man is special conclusion that all the existing states were badly Governed & distinct in that he has alone the perception of good, bad & of and that their constitutions were incapable of reform without the just & unjust. It is this intrinsic sense of justice that gives man drastic treatment and a great deal of good luck. I was forced in his social instinct, his "IMPULSE" to a social life & makes man a fact, to the belief that the only hope of finding justice for Political animal in greater measure than any Gregarious animal. society or for the individual lay in true Philosophy, and that Indeed Socrates was persecuted for what he said, NOT for mankind will have no respite from trouble until either real anything he did; the Advocating kingship rule of the land. philosophers gain political power or politicians become by Antitheses the oldest disciple of Socrates, considered Monarchy some miracle - true Philosophers. the ideal form of government. Antitheses was also the founder of In closing - Socrates final words as he took the fatal Poison.. cynicism, he was especially cynical about Democracy. Crito, I owe a cock to Asclepius; will you remember to pay the A story attributed to Antitheses -where he asked the Athenians debt? "why they did not vote that asses were horses - since ( as he said) they sometimes elected Generals who had little resemblance to Brought to you by a man sitting awaiting death. real commanders as an ass did to a horse." Charles Thompson 999306 Socrates also spoke of a famous orator - palming off an ass as Tx Death Row

A New Section by the Men and Women on Death Row

Death Row Underground

The Broken Bridge Brigade, Inc.

(Part 1)

say I've won alot more than I’ve lost. Maybe your wondering why I went to prison for a crime I didn’t commit? Because I was already living by the #1 rule of all outlaws, never snitch. I've also done a stretch for cat burglaries, something me and my old crew used to pull off like walking in the park, and no one ever got hurt. We started out breaking into cars and tool sheds and eventually working our way into peoples windows. I was once inside a house unhooking a vcr when I heard the stairs creek I looked up and saw a 400 lb. woman looking at me, she said who the fuck are you ? I looked her dead in the eye and said I'm with your son, he's in the bathroom. She said tell him I said to hold the fucking noise down. Luckily my road dog had been in the bathroom with light on looking for scrips. We were very reckless back then, but it didn’t take us long to find out you didn’t have to break into someone’s house to get some used shit, when we could walk into a store and get some new shit, and when we got busted it was only a shoplifting charge most of the time. That’s right, not if we got busted but when, for if you play the "game" you will get busted. No matter if your game is boosting, pimping, drugs or even white collar crimes you will eventually get popped. If you added all my bids together including all the little bullshit county stretches I've done for fighting in public and shit like that in over 11 states scattered all over the U.S., its over 13 years. You might be thinking I'm not a very good criminal, well its quite the opposite I got busted for maybe 1 in a 1'000 crimes. In case your wondering I have long since retired from my life of crime and have had a real job for over 8 years. I should also tell you that if I hadn’t used drugs and put all my ill gotten spoils into cash and saved the money, I would be close to a millionaire, and I shit you not. I'm not saying I wouldn’t change anything in my past, but I don’t regret the lifestyle I've lived. I've had some life experiences that I wouldn’t trade for anything. When I was a youngster I knew a girl who babysat for a big time pot dealer and we used to pinch a little everyday, well me and the babysitter had a fight, so I figure on robbing the pot dealer, but when me and my boys get there her stash isn’t in the same spot, so I tell the fellas to search the pad, and my buddy Mike yells to me from the kitchen and when I look in there every single kitchen cabinet is packed full of weed. We ended up with over 17 pounds. I think I spent maybe one night at home that whole summer, we were the richest kids in town, we would take cabs to Manhattan, and Six flags. We did more acid that summer than most people at Woodstock. But this is not a "drugalog" it is not all fun and games. Out of the 5 guys who I used to run with back then I am the only one living a semi-normal life, 1 is dead,2 are in prison, and 1 is homeless and he can barely hold a conversation, his brain is toast. And when that pot ran out I tried to go back home to mommy & daddy, but my parents had had enough of my bullshit, and I spent most of that fridged winter sleeping in the hallway of an apartment building, and the back seat of an abandoned car. But I am a big believer in a quote by Gangus Kahn in 1218, "that which does not kill me only makes me stronger". I believe with all my heart that every past minute of my life can be used to better every second of my world. Like the time I gave a bum 2 bucks on my way out of a dope hole in East L.A. and the next day he got me out of a sure bust when L.A.P.D. seen me walking to my car put me up against the wall the bum came running up and said why yall hastling my boss? He remembered I had a Red Lobster shirt on the day before and told the cops he was a dishwasher their and I had just dropped him off. (to be cont. in next issue)

e-mail: [email protected]

Please let me know if you like this first chapter. I should tell you, I wrote this years ago in prison, I now have 4 years clean sober and arrest free. Let me start out by saying the following story is 100% matter of fact. I’ve been to prison in all 4 corners of the USA, and I'm not ashamed of it, and if you read this, you’ll see why. I'm going to give you a real convicts view from the inside out. On top of that, I've seen and done some hair raising shit. A multi millionaire once contracted me to kill his wife, but I'm more of a hustler than anything else, so I worked him for about $8,000 and warned the wife to watch her back at the same time . I probably saved her life. And I have the newspaper clippings to prove it. I was once extradited from New Jersey to California for shoplifting, and when I got out 90 days later I won $25,000 on the price is right, and I have the dated extradition papers and the Price is Right tape to prove it. This is the story about a decision I made over 20 years ago and how that decision has affected every aspect of my life to this day. The choice I made is a choice people have been making since the beginning of time, the choice between right & wrong. At the time I made this choice I had no idea it would cost me over 15 years of my life. As I sit here in my 8ft cell with nothing but time & memories I've decided to put pen to paper and share with the world what I've learned. Sometimes my memory escapes me, so forgive me if I bounce around. Right now I'm in Monmouth County Correctional facility waiting to be extradited to California for commercial burglary, its a fancy word for shoplifting. Years ago I got caught coming out of a retail store with a t.v. I've done it thousands of times, that’s right, thousands of times. I walk in and take whatever I want, put it in a cart, and walk smooth out. I didn’t stick shit down my pants, I didn’t look all around like a junkie looking for a fix, I took whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. This applied to a lot more than just merchandise, beer, and food, this included cars jewelry, and teeth. That’s right teeth, many men are walking this earth with less teeth then when we met. My lifestyle has made it possible for me to see all four corners of this great country. This is going to sound fucked up, but I might as well say it now, I’ve been to prison in all four corners as well. Just so you know I was trying to attend an N.A. meeting on a Naval base in N.J. when the gate watchman ran my drivers license because of 9/11 they now check all civilians entering the base, make a long story short, I got busted because of Osama Bin F*cking Laden. I would also like you to know I’ve never done time for a "bullshit" crime. I once did a bid for a crime I did not commit, me and some friends of mine were on our way home from a softball game drunk and high when some assholes from another town started talking shit to the smallest guy in our crew, it was getting dark and they didn't see the bat. And unfortunately for me I didn’t see my ex-girlfriend who was with those assholes who started the whole thing by talking shit and not being able to back it up. That ex of mine dropped my name and I caught a 10 year bid for agg. assault with a deadly weapon and I did not hit anybody with a weapon I don’t mean to brag but I've never needed a weapon, don’t get me wrong I've lost quite a few fights, anyone who tells you that they’ve never lost is probably a coward, it means he has not had that many fights, and lets just

By:Billy Harris from Keansburg NJ

True Confessions of an Ex-Prisoner

Confessions of a Professional In this issues article I'm going to address all of The Civil Liberties invested in The First Amendment of the U.S.Constitution, and how they apply to those incarcerated in the United States. However, first off I have to address(3)very important legal issues which will affect tens of thousands of California prisoners. Assembly Bill 1133,also known as "The Three Strikes Reform Act of 2006",is up for California Legislature 20072008 ,regular session. This Assembly Bill, if passed, would lead to a release of several thousand inmates serving life in prison for non-serious, non-violent 3rd strikes. The Bill essential states that for a person to be "struck out",his or her 3rd strike must be a violent or serious felony, defined by penal code section 1192.7(c).It calls for the re-sentencing for all inmates whom are currently imprisoned for a 3rd strike, not by itself a strikeable offense. If anyone has questions in regards to this Bill, and if i applies to them, you can write me through the BBB's address, or email me about the details of your conviction at and I will personally review your case. The next issue I would like to inform California's inmate population about is The Seminal case, Cunnigham v. California cite 549 U.S.(2007).This case overhauls California's Determinate Sentencing Law(DSL),and calls for the re-sentencing of thousands of California prisoners. For this new to apply to you and your case you must #1)have gone to Jury Trial, and #2)been sentenced by your Trial Judge to the aggravated sentence prescribed by the DSL, a non-life sentence. If you fit this criteria, you are eligible to be sentenced to the middle term prescribed by the DSL. This can be accomplished by filing a Writ of Habeas Corpus in the sentencing court.I have prepared a "packet",with an example Writ of Habeas Corpus, which you can receive by contacting the BBB and requesting a copy. The third issue I want to inform the California readers abou is in regards to the Plata and Coleman cases I addressed in the last issue of the BBB. The three judge panel of District Court judges to oversee the over crowding in California State prisons has been approved by The Chief Justice of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. How this panel will affect California prisoners is still unclear, but in my opinion, relief is well within sight! Each of these issues will be updated in my next article ,i there are any changes. rary under 42 United States code 2000cc. The Freedom of the Press is the Civil Liberty that allows fo me to write this article for the BBB. There are restrictions on this Constitutional Right, limited to institutional security and staff safety, as set forth in the Seminal U.S. Supreme Court ruling, cite as Thornburgh v. Abbott(1989)490 U.S. 401.Prison officials can ban hardcover books and sexually explicit material. If you have any questions about if the institution your confined in is legally banning material, Thornburgh v. Abbott answers this question.

By: Charles “Chucky” Mamou Inspired By: James “Big Jacc” Jackson (R.I.P)

The world you once knew comes to a complete stop. You finally realize that all your prison years went for not. So many words should have been wrote. So many apologies you could have spoke. Yet within a few hours all regrets are off the table. While your mother screams, “Jesus is still able.” It’s your last hurrah, So what do you do? Shedding tears wont save you. Every step you take - echoes thru your ears. As you come to terms with all of your fears. No more clubbin, No mo stuffing, Nor any Christmas loven. Everything is now about to end, Frustrated about the fact that your life felt like it was just about to begin. Sweat drops from your forehead at a rapid pace. Society seems content with catching a murder case. You tell all of your kids that you love them much, Thou you yearn for their touch. But the moment of truth is finally here; While your last Hurrah will soon fade and disappear.

Last Hurrah

The Right to Access the Courts, in this writer's opinion, is the greatest and most powerful tool we, as prisoners have. We do not only have the right to access the courts, we have the right to meaningful access to the court. For this right to be violated prison officials must provide "inadequacies in the library that hindered your ability to pursue a legal claim",ruled by the U.S. Supreme Court, cite as Lewis v. Casy(1996)518 U.S. 343,351.Any questions regarding access to the courts can be answered by this case. *Note: Some states provide more adequate access to the courts than others, but none can fall under the Lewis Standard. In closing, my mailbox is open to each of the readers of the BBB. If you have any questions, or comments, please feel free to put pen to paper! California Civil Liberties LiaisonMickey Leinweber ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

By: Mickey Leinweber

Civil Liberties Invested in THE FIRST AMENDMENT

Part 1 Continued

A World She'll Never Know Now Providing Professional Document Preparation Powers of Attorney & Wills contact us for details!

you can look out and see what seems to be miles of barbed & razor wire, with a guard tower at every corner, with a man and a high power rifle hoping he gets to do what he has trained for his whole career, shot a convict. As for smells, that one believe it or not is the worst, the others, you can escape, just close your eyes and eat something good while listening to your headset, but the smell, of fear, and sweat, and cheap cleanser, is like nothing else in the world. I imagine that this smell is centuries old, I once took a girlfriend to an abortion clinic, and that same over powering stench hit me like a left hook. I had to go wait in the car. I will say this much, thanks to some good cons, I've had some of the best meals in my life behind the wall, bullshit you think? Well imagine a half ass chef, with half ass ingredients, but now remember he has years and years and years to concoct his brew. Its true, practice makes perfect. But I have also eaten some of the worst shit you can imagine, in L.A. County Jail, if you go to the hole, they give you what they call jupeball, it consists of what ever there having thrown in a blender and then baked into a sponge like patty, maybe you didn’t hear me I said what ever your having, as in bologna, bread, fruit, and rice or potato, blended together, baked and served 2 or 3 hours later cold, and you will eat it, eventually, because like everything else, you get used to it. L.A. County Jail is THE WORST PLACE IN THE U.S.A. to do time. I've researched this subject, trust me. It holds more people than any other jail in the country, on some of the floors its like a huge gymnasium filled with bunk beds so close to each other that its like one giant bed with 300 dope sick junkies, and winos, and you. And that is one rough camp, you will get beat down by the guards quicker than shit, don't even think of saying boo. They will kill you. Although, one time about 25 or 30 years ago, a small Asian kid, who spoke no English, kicked the living shit out of a few deputies,( by the way, don’t ever call a deputy: guard, or c.o.) anyway this youngster got hold of one of the deps nightsticks and rumor has it they had to get his old man to come in and calm him down, they would have just killed him, but it got out to local media to fast that there was a ninja beating down deputies. Let me tell you right now that your chances of getting fucked are almost null, if you have even an ounce of fight, they will move on, besides there are a lot of gay people who want it to happen. I know that was a very nasty thing to say, but its a fact. Depending on what part of the country your in has a lot to do with how you should do your time, but if you follow the one golden rule you should be alright. I'm going to tell you some of the basic rules that apply to all prisons and jails nationwide. Like I said, mind your own business. But in the joint, you have to take that to a whole new level, here’s some examples of some shit I've seen over the years, I once saw a man get knocked out for saying god bless you to a black guy who sneezed, he was a member of the 5% gang and they believe that they are true creators and to say god bless you is a major no no. I was once sitting in a chow hall when someone said pass the salt, some new boot reached clear across the table and got knocked the fuck out, you see, he reached over another mans food to get to the salt. So when I say mind your own business I MEAN MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS, act as if you are deaf and blind but not dumb. PART 2 CONTINUED IN NEXT ISSUE.

[email protected]

Luckily the shirt was still in my car and the cops let me bounce with 2 ounces of blow down my pants. Or when I had the love of a good woman, a beautiful, wonderful person. Don’t get me wrong, I've had plenty of women, but none like this one, she was the one and only, the whole package. The one who could have changed me if only I would have let her, but at the time, the outlaw in me was to strong. And that’s why ladies love outlaws, they want to tame us. If I am nothing else, I am an outlaw. But this woman was special, she is the one I think about when I'm in a cold and l only cell, she is the one I think about when I'm in a $400 dollar a night suite with 3 high priced call girls and she's the one I wish I could make it all up to. But like I said that which does not kill me... Like the time I was coming down the stairs of a crack house with a young kid who was maybe 17 and what I thought was homeless guy on the bottom stair turned out to be a stick up boy looking for a victim he was on the bottom step, and when he stood up, he said give me the shit, me being the kind of guy I was at the time, I said I don’t know what the fuck your talking about. He said give me the shit and the youngster who was with me said Irish just give him the coke. At that point, I realized too late that the stick up boy was really dope sick, he was shaking like a leaf and he said oh you wanna lie cracker and he put one in my kneecap I screamed like a bitch and threw the dope at him. My connection hears the shot, comes out, and carries me to the bus stop, dials 911, and bounces. By the way, youngster was half way to Jersey, he ran like the wind, and now that I look back I don’t blame him. I'll tell you about a time I was a scared youngster, I was sitting in this very same county jail I'm in right now about 20 yrs. ago, and I had just been sentenced to 10 yrs. and even though I had been to juvi, I was still scared of the Big House. My cellie was an old con who was doing his 4th, and last, prison term.(life)So I asked him, “Pops, what’s the worst thing about prison?”, I was expecting him to say your gonna get fucked or robbed for your shit, and beat down, but he looked me dead in the eye and said youngster, the worst thing about prison is that you get used to it. Truer words were never spoken. I used to wake up in the middle of the night after 2years down, and be like where the fuck am I? Now I can have 1 night in the drunk tank and not only do I know where I am, but I know what to expect and the whole routine. I started out this story with a purpose in mind, to tell you how to keep out of a jam if you ever happen to end up behind the wall. And I will, but first let me tell you a little bit about myself, and why I'm qualified to preach this particular sermon. When I had about 3 yrs in I could sit on my rack and tell you who was on duty just listening to the guard walk. Prisons are there own little universes, you don’t think so? Let me explain, they have there own galaxy. Imagine if every time you were lucky enough to be outside, you looked up and saw the exact same patch of sky. More than just sights, prison also has its own sounds smells and tastes, I'll give you an example of each. The sound of a cell door sliding shut is like no other sound in the world, for the first 2 years I would rather have heard nails on a chalkboard, but like the old man said, I got used to it. As for sights, if you’re lucky, your cell has a 4 inch window were

By:Billy Harris from Keansburg NJ

True Confessions of an Ex-Prisoner

Confessions of a Professional

If life's a big joke, why don't I get it?

If religion is so good, how come it started so many wars?

Is experience what you get when you don't get what you want?

A couple Red Necks had 9 children. They went to the doctor to see about getting the husband "fixed". The doctor gladly started the required procedure and asked them what finally made them make the decision, why after nine children, would they choose to do this? The husband replied that they had read in a recent article that one out of every ten children being born in the United States was Mexican, and they didn't want to take a chance on having a Mexican baby because neither of them could speak Spanish.


Remember YOU help make this newsletter. Send in your articles, jokes or drawings or letters to the Editor. ___________

Due to delay in this issue, birthday announcements had to be cut from this issue to allow room for other content. Please accept my apology for excluding August and Sept. birthdays. __________

Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful. It's the transition that's troublesome Isaac Asimov


Life can be wildly tragic at times, and I've had my share. But whatever happens to you, you still have to keep a slightly comic attitude. In the final analysis, you have got not to forget to laugh. Katharine Hepburn

By law, anyone who has been drinking is "sober" until he or she "cannot hold onto the ground." -Lexington, Kentucky

A woman may not buy a hat without her husband's permission -Owensboro, Kentucky

It is illegal not to drink milk. -Utah

It is illegal to detonate any nuclear weapon. You can have them, but you just can't detonate them -Utah

A man with a moustache may never kiss a woman in public. -Iowa

Cattle thieves may be hanged on the spot. Temple, TX

It is illegal to take more than three sips of beer at a time while standing. -Texas

It is illegal to kill "any living creature". -Fayettville, AR

Courtesy of

In the 60's people took acid to make the world weird. Now the world is weird and people take Prozac to make it normal.

"Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow."

The Lighter Side of Life

The Broken Bridge Brigade, Inc.

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