Seo Methodology, Seo Techniques, Seo Tips

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Search Engine Optimization

What is Search Engine Optimization? Optimizing your website making it search engine friendly by which you can increase your search engine traffics or visitors. In other word it is process or methodologies by which you can increase your online customer by using its latest techniques. People to find your site via a search engine, the site will require a high Search Engine Results Position (SERP). This means when they search keywords phrases like SEO techniques, they will find you site page on the first page of the search engine results. Ending up on the 10 page of the search engines results will not get you any traffic. . LIST OF SEO GUIDELINES:... There are no tricks here, just a bit of work and some time. So let's get started by reading the following list of SEO Techniques! 1. Domain & File Names: Choose your site domain name that contains words from your primary keyword phrase. Your domain name should also be easy to spell and easy to remember. 2. Keyword Phrases: 1. Use keywords that are being searched for. you can also look at Google AdWords Keyword Suggestions for suggestions for different keyword phrases. 2. Add keyword synonyms to your content. 3. Put the keyword phrases in the . 4. Insert the keyword phrases in a HI TAGS tag at the beginning of your page. Keyword synonyms should be put in your h2 & h3 tags. The h1, h2, h3 tags are used for titles and subtitles in articles. 5. 3.

Keyword Density: Keyword density is a very important part of search engine

optimization. Keyword density in according to your content should be 20 to 25 % of content. 4. 5.



Title & Meta Description Tag: Construction of your title tag is one of the most important things you need to do. Each page should have a different title with 2 or 3 of your keyword phrases at the beginning. When search engine results are displayed the title is the first thing people see. Below the title is a description which will be either be taken from your meta name description content="Description phrase" or from the first sentence on at page. You description should also have 2 or 3 of your keyword phrases at the beginning as so should your first sentence. You should have a different title, description and first sentence on each page. You many also what to try shorter titles with only one keyword or keyword phrase as this will raise you keyword relevance. Also you can consider putting your domain name at the very end of the title. Meta Keywords Tag: The meta keywords tag is not as relevant as it used to be and some say Google doesn't ever look at it anymore, but put it in anyway. It is as follows, and put in it all your keywords and keyword phrases. This tag should be different for each page. Author & Robots Tags: The Author Tag should contain the name of the company that owns the site. This tag will help you get a #1 position for your company's name. Use a generic Robots Tag on all pages that you want indexed. This instructs the robots to crawl the page. The following is the generic robots tag.


Quality Content: Quality content will bring people back and as people always want to tell others about a good thing it will get you forward

links from other sites. Your content should be written with your keyword phrases in mind 9. Quantity Content: The more the better. Just remember your content will need to be both quantity and quality. 10. Try to Avoid Dynamic URLs: Some search engines may have a problem indexing them. Create static pages whenever possible. Avoid symbols in your URLs like the "?" or avoid query strings “?” 11.

Frames: Many search engines can't follow frame links. Make sure you provide an alternative method for the search engines to enter and index your site. For more information read search engine frame. 12. Site Map: A good menu system is really a site map. A well constructed menu system that is on each page and contains a link to very page on the website is all you need. 13. Site Themes: All of the top 3 search engines look for site themes or a common topic when they crawl a website. If your site is about one specific topic you will rank better than if you have more than one theme or topic on your site. By using similar keyword phrases in each page the search engines will detect a theme this will be to your advantage. 14. Robots.txt File: While this file is not really required it should be included so that the search engine bots don't get 404 errors when they look for it. Just include the following 2 lines and drop it in the root. User-agent: * Disallow:

Seo Friendly Website Designing

Design and layout of website are very important it is first impression about your site. Always make site according to the Search engine Guideline if you want to do the optimization of that. Search Engines are very clever but after all they are software and not human who will read the content of their interest. If you make your site too complex then Search Engine would not be able to parse the content of your site properly and finally indexing would not be proficient which will result in a low rank. The genuine page content should have a keyword density of about 10% approximate and should weigh in at about 200 words - but there are as many opinions about this as there are SEO experts. Some say keyword density should be 5% and some say it should be 20%. 10% works for me. Guidelines which should be followed while designing a web page. 1- You should have more text content than HTML elements. 2- No frames. They are enemies of Search Engines and Search Engines are Enemies of Frames. 3- No ads if possible. Because most of the ads uses Java Script which is not advised to be used. 4- No JavaScript. If you need JavaScript, call it from an external file rather than dumping the code in the HTML file. JavaScript drop down menus prevent spiders from crawling beyond your homepage. If you use them, be sure to include text links at the bottom of the page. 5- Nothing that does not fit perfectly into the page topic; There should be no doubt in the search engine's mind (or in he user's mind) what your page is about. 6- No unnecessary directories. Keep your files as close to the root as possible. 7- No fancy stuff (Flash, Splash, Animated Gifs, Rollovers etc.) unless absolutely necessary. 8- Simplify with CSS

Difference Between HTML Sitemap and XML Sitemap Generally there are two types of sitemap HTML sitemap and XML sitemap. HTML sitemap it stands for Hyper Text Makeup Language sitemap and another one is XML sitemap EXtensible Makeup Language sitemap. HTML Sitemap HTML sitemap is used to list all hyperlinks or the link of all pages of website into a single page. These hyperlinks are normally listed hierarchically and they may provide description for each link. To adding HTML sitemap to your website will help your visitors navigate and find information easily. So HTML sitemap is mainly created for humans. Although a HTML sitemap is created for your visitors, indexing bot such as Googlebot might have a better chance to crawl your first-time-missed links again since all the files are well put together in your sitemap page. XML Sitemap XML sitemap lists URLs (world wide web addresses) for your website in a xml code. See below the example of an url in xml. IMPORTANT NOTE PLEASE READ FIRST: follow ( and ) as <> respectively IN BELOW XML CODE because my blogs is not supporting this bracket tag . but u have to change them when u will use. ( means < and ) means > ok plz correct them... (?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?)

(urlset xmlns="”″") (url) (loc) (/loc) (lastmod)2009-01-20 (/lastmod) (changefreq)monthly (/changefreq) (priority) 0.6 (/priority) (/url) (/urlset) XML site map is mainly for search engine crawler not for visitor. It allows webmasters to inform search engines about URLs in your website for easy indexing. Submitting a XML sitemap to search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and MSN will not only help your website being indexing rapidly and proficiently but also increase your website’s visibilities in search engines as well.

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Instant Approval Directory DIRECTORIES WHICH GIVING INSTANT APPROVALS PLEASE VISTIS Posted by MOIN JAFRI at 9:48 PM Labels: approval directory . seo methodology, Free Directory submission site, instant approval directory, seo solution india Reactions:

Top White Hat SEO Techniques 1. Good or Specific Quality Content There is nothing more important you can do to optimize your site for search engines than propose unique well written content. A search engines plan is to serve up what it believes to be the most suitable website for any given search to the end user.

Suppose we are the end user and we are searching for a portable Television for hire. We go to our favorite search engine and search for the phrase “portable Television for hire”. In this imaginary situation let’s assume there are only 2 websites that target that phrase, First Website First Website consists only one page with 3 paragraphs of text. The text tells us that the company does portable Television for hire and gives us a phone number to call. Second Website Second Website contains 50 plus pages all Targeting on various portable Television units that we can hire, costs and technical explanations of how portable Television units work. Which website do you think the search engine is likely to offer to the user first? It’s a rather obvious example but it illustrates the importance of good content so your priority should be good quality content. 2. Use Structural Mark Up and Separate Content from Presentation Semantically structuring your mark up helps search engines recognize the content of your webpage which is of course a good thing. Making correct use of heading elements is essential because search engines give more influence To the content within the heading elements. 3. Specific Titles and Meta Data Providing pages with suitable titles and Meta data is essential. As discussed in the top 5 black hat SEO techniques section the meta description and meta keywords elements have been so misused in the past that Search Engines now regard them as less important, it’s still important to use them and use them properly. Titles however still carry a lot of weight and when we think of semantic mark up it is obvious why. The title of anything is a declaration as to what the content might be, so make sure your page titles are a true symbol of the content of the page. 4. Effective Keyword Create your website with keywords and key phrases in mind. Research keywords and key phrases you think people might use to find your site. Single words are not always the most effective target, try multi-word phrases that are much more specific to your product/service and you’ll be targeting end users that are much more likely to want what you are offering. 1Title 2Meta Description 3 Meta Keywords 4 Heading Elements 5Text 7 Title Tag 8Links 5. Good Quality Inbound Links Having inbound links to your website can be liken to having a choose for the good but there are good links and bad links so therefore votes for the good and votes that are bad. Good links are links from other web pages

that are regarded highly by the search engines and are contextually relevant to the content of your page. Bad links are links from web pages that aren’t regarded highly or potentially banned by search engines and have no relevance to the content of your page. For example; Suppose we have a website that sells mobile. Link A: Link on the homepage of the Nokia Telecom’s website. = Good Link B: Link on Nida siddiqui and Daniel links page = Bad The amount of quality inbound links to your site therefore have some relevance on how high up the search engine your site is placed. When sourcing links you should be thinking of quality over quantity and deep linking to pages within your website not just the home page.

Top Black Hat SEO Techniques Black Hat SEO Techniques

Copyrigted Content: carbon copy Content is a black hat seo technique. Search engines always looking for unique content. When duplicated content detected by search engines crawler indexed only one web page, other probably finish up in the dreaded supplemental index and search engines will treat as spam. Duplicate content are not rank in SERP’s (Searching result pages). Similarly doorway pages are also very bad technique. Doorway pages are linked to internal pages of website that call for action from the visitor. To navigate the multiple doorway pages you have to create hallway pages. Search engines looks doorway pages as duplicate pages and not rank doorways pages in SERP’s.

2. Meta Tags Hidden HTML content or invisible contents of site. Having three fields…. Meta Description The Meta description used to explain the content of your page sincerely and concisely and be ( 174 character) 1 or 2 sentences, 3 at most. 3. Meta Keywords Meta Keywords a short list of words that inform of the main center of the page. Meta keywords have been so altered in the past that there are few if any search engines that take any heed of them. Doorway Pages:

A doorway page is basically a “fake” page that the user will never see. It is purely for search engine spiders, and attempts to trick them into indexing the site higher. Read more about doorway pages. Link Farming. The process of exchanging reciprocal links with Web sites in order to increase search engine optimization. The idea behind link farming is to increase the number of sites that link to yours because search engines such as Google rank sites according to, among other things, the quality and quantity of sites that link to yours. In theory, the more sites that link to yours, the higher your ranking in the search engine results will be because the more links indicate a higher level of popularity among users of the Internet. However, search engines such as Google consider link farming as a form of spam and have been implementing procedures to banish sites that participate in link farming, so the term link farming has garnered negative connotations across the Internet.

Black Hat SEO Techniques What is Black Hat SEO? Black Hat SEO is the use of unfair techniques to promote a site on search engine listing. These techniques may work but the results are likely to be temporary. These sites are often banned if the search engines get wind of these unethical practices. What are the common Black Hat techniques? Keyword Stuffing: Overburdening a site with too many keywords at the most unwarranted places is a common black hat technique. Eventually, search engines might ban sites that do this. Invisible Text: Another method is putting lists of keywords in white text on a white background in order feed different on-page content to search engines and different to users actually browsing the site. It is easy for search engines to detect this. Doorway or Gateway Pages: Some web developers use the doorway page – a fake page that the user will never see and which would be only visible to search engine spiders. These doorway pages are optimized heavily for search engines and normal users never see it as they are automatically redirected to a different page (you can do that based on user-agent check). It can be easily detected by search engines.

FOR LONG LIFE OF WEBSITE( USE SEO TIPS) 1. Do NOT submite a site that is under construction or having just one page. 2. Submit the domain or URL that have content in the corect format ( - some directories accept it without http://) 3. Do NOT submit domains that redirect to another site

4. Do NOT present different content to search engines that you display to your users 5. Avoid the Hype, Rants, Whining, and Speculation 6. Don't make the mistake of selecting the category too fast without checking if there would be a more relevant category. 7. The links should ideally be optimized for the keywords that you want your site ranked for. Search engines utilize keywords or key phrases to identify web pages which are relevant to these terms. So, use the right keywords and keywords phrases. 8. Use relevant words in your title text and avoid exaggerated adjective. 9. You should have researched your keywords well and chosen those that are minimally competed for but adequately searched. 10. your title text for each page should be clearly defined with relevant keywords. 11. Don't use generic terms to optimize your website. 12. Select words or phrases that target a niche segment. 13. Check for broken links and correct HTML and avoid hidden text or hidden links. 14. Building links - which are effectively optimized - is essential to gain more traffic and obtain a high ranking on search engines. 15. To avoid your submission from being rejected, don't make your title and description sound too promotional. Make sure that your TITLE AND ALT tags are descriptive and accurate. 16. Try to use text instead of images to display important names, content, or links. The Search Engines crawler doesn't recognize text contained in images. 17. Don't mention in your description "and others" or "etc." Or even "..." 18. Include the email address of your site domain NOT a free account like yahoo, hotmail or gmail. 19. Is essential to test your robots.txt file. Robots.txt file crawlers which directories can or cannot be crawled. 20. Use relevant keywords in your title text and anchor text can improve your search engine placement 21. Don't repeat any keywords more than once 22. Don't create multiple pages, subdomains, or domains with substanially duplicate content. Provide unique, relevant and fresh content to your users with a good grammar, correct spelling, and sentence structure. 23. Do NOT submmit sites that instal viruses, trojans, or other badware. 24. Submit your site to relevant premier search engines and in the top directory such as the Open Directory Project, Yahoo, Google! 25. Make the best of directories by carefully submitting your links in the first place. Once your site has been accepted, it may be extremely difficult to change any of the mather submitted.

Know About Seo and Smo Social Media Optimization (SMO), is a term refers to the process of ensuring that a website is easy to link to by utilizing the different social media sources together with but not limited to, blogs, bookmarking websites and media sharing websites. There are a lot of similarities and differences between SEO & SMO. Because of this, and the idea that one cannot take over the role for the other, it is important to know when and why to use each optimization technique. Similiarties Between Seo and Smo

1. If people don't have a good reason to link to you then they probably don't have a

good "real" reason to visit your website either. Be careful though, linkability and linkbait are not the same thing. Some of the keys to linkability are: content, design and usability.

2. This almost does not need an individual category because part of linkability is the

good content. But, the point needs to be stressed; you can have good content that does things besides giving people a good reason to link. 3. Both SEO and SMO are way to be a focus to people to a website without approaching a message on them, but instead showing them what value your website can bring to them.

Differenences Between Seo and Smo Seo


This is obvious but needs to be mentioned, SEO is about search engines, primarily the big 3, Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft (GYM).

SMO is about the "new" social media sources that have crept up, including blogs, bookmarking websites, media sharing websites etc

SEO you might be looking to sell something.

With SMO you might be looking to build community

with SEO there is not as much participation

With SMO you should actively participate in the same activities that your audience does

Factor: onpage, offpage(directory, article, forums, blogs,social bookmarking,press release, link building,) content optimization, metatags generation, keyword analysis.

directory, article, forums, blogs,social bookmarking,press release, link building etc.

50 Guidelines of 2009 Seo's 1. Keyword analysis (still accurate? Where's the tail?) 2. Site structure - new directions and re-modeling the old 3. Review all page titles 4. Overhaul meta descriptions (for click-through not SEO) 5. The copy equation - SEO vs Marketing 6. Create and/or update XML sitemaps 7. Site speed - Load time optimization 8. Alt and title tags - don't miss an opportunity 9. Internal links - where is the juice being sent 10. Internal link text - boost the link juice 11. Control the flow using "Nofollow"

12. Sitemaps page - more than just links 13. H tags and text formatting 14. Check all Redirects are in place and working 15. Review flash - ensure its necessary and SEO friendly 16. Is your Robots.txt correct and up to date? 17. Clean URLs 18. SEO friendly 404 pages 19. Check graphic/image vs text usage 20. Best practice URL structure 21. Keep the code clean and compliant 22. Simplify with CSS 23. Check for broken links regularly 24. Update all content on pages 25. Manage and control outbound linking 26. Check canocalization on URLs 27. Social bookmarking options on all pages 28. Start a blog (or commit to updating your current one regularly) 29. Semantics and SEO 30. Page/file sizes 31. Page theming 32. Navigation 33. Managing dynamic content 34. Check webmaster centers regularly 35. Write articles/content for other sites 36. Engage in online conversations 37. Claim your geo rankings with local business profiles 38. Create more SEO friendly videos (uploaded to the top video sites) 39. Add SEO friendly images to popular photo sites (with tags, categories) 40. Ensure links in top SEO directories (DMOZ, Yahoo! etc) 41. Seek authority links (.edu .gov etc) 42. Regular submission to new quality directories 43. Comment on relevant [blog] conversations more often 44. Ongoing natural link building plan 45. Encouraging favourable site behaviour 46. Claim my business/website/personal profiles in social communities 47. Lifestream your content (linking back of course) 48. Leverage vertical specific SEO opportunities to boost relevance 49. Google Searchwikify your website 50. Power up your press releases Posted by MOIN JAFRI at 3:12 AM Labels: delhi seo services, seo guidelines, seo in delhi, seo india, seo methodology, Seo Services india, Seo Solutions India, Seo Techniques, seo tips, seo top tricks Reactions:

Quality Link Building Guidelines

1- Links must be from closely theme related websites 2- No more than 50 links on resource page of site 3- Resource page must have min 1 PR4- Resource page must be cached 5- Anchor text must contain the target keyword/key phrase 6- Links must be followed by a short description of the target website. 7- Different keywords must have different descriptions 8- Links must not be from framed pages 9- Links not be through a JavaScript 10- Links not is through a redirect script 11- Links must not be on Flash sites or pages 12- Links must not include a no follow tag 13- All links will be get by mail (Not links from Chat) 14- Links must not be from forums, Classified, Mirror Sites, Link Farms, black listed websites or banned Google sites. Spam Websites, Blog Comments 15- Links must not be from link farms or, linking clubs or instant site. 16- Links must not be from directories (Note- directories Links will be consider if it has high pr and very relevant category) 17- Links must not be from same IP 18- Links must have unique c-class IP 19- Links must not be from Orphan pages 20- More then one links at resource page of one site or web page will be consider as one links

Seo Methodology Flowchart

LEARN ONPAGE BASICS On page SEO or search engine optimisation is making sure that your website is as search engine friendly as possible. If your website is not optimised then you have less chance of getting good results in the search engines. Their is 14 tips OR Guidelines of on page seo 1- All of your web pages can be indexed by search engines - make sure that they all have at least one link from somewhere on your site. 2- You have unique content on every single page. 3- Meta-tags are arranged correctly - your page title tags and description tags should describe the content of your different web pages. The page title tags should be less then 68 characters and the description tags more detailed but less then 148 characters. 4- Label the different headers on your web pages using H tags. 5- Your web page URLs are SEO friendly, use mod re-write for Linux and Apahche hosting or use IIS redirect for Windows. Ideally make it so that the URLs describe your content i.e. use as apposed to having something like Use hyphens or underscores to separate words in the URLs. 6- The links within your site are complete i.e. if you are linking to the blue widgets page link to as apposed to just blue-widgets.php. 7- Use descriptive URLs for your images i.e. use blue-widget.jpg as apposed a bunch of numbers and or letters .jpg. 8- Label all of your images with descriptive alt attributes. 9- Make good use of anchor text links within your content - if you have a page about blue widgets, use the phrase blue widgets in the text that links to it. 10- There is only one version of your site - 301 redirect all non www. URLs to the www. ones or vice versa. 11- There is only one version of your homepage - 301 redirect the index or default page back to 12- Don't waste PageRank on pages that you don't need to be in the search engines or that you don't think will bring you traffic, possibly your terms and conditions page or even your about and

contact page. Use the rel="nofollow" tag in the links to these pages. 13- Use the rel="nofollow" tag in the links to websites that you do not trust, you think maybe using spamming techniques or you do not want to help in the search engines. 14- Make sure that your code is valid, in some instances bad code can lead to search engines not being able to properly read a page. Use the W3C validator to check your markup. Posted by MOIN JAFRI at 11:57 PM Labels: seo methodology Reactions:

Link building Building Link Popularity is a great way to help your site gain competitive PageRank (PR). A little care in developing links will go a long way in getting your site ranked high in Search Engines. PageRank of the linking page PageRank of the linking page, one of the most important factors, determines how much valuable importance is passed on to your page. The higher the PageRank of the page linking to you, the higher the value you get. Each link to your Web site is considered a vote. If your neighbour states in public that you are very trustworthy, or that you are his best friend (Google PageRank 2), this is of course a less important vote than when the President of your country says the same (Google PageRank 9).

Number of links on the linking page The value your web page gets from a linking page is equal to the total PageRank value of that page divided by the total number of outgoing links on that page. Getting a link from a PR4 page that has only 20 outgoing links is much better than getting a link from a PR4 page that has 60 outgoing links. With the same philosophy, it is better to get a link from a PR2 link page that has only 10 outgoing links than getting a link from a PR4 page that has over 100 outgoing links. It is therefore as important to evaluate the total number of outgoing links on a links page, as it is, to evaluate the PR of the linking page. This is where many people often falter, as they usually insist on getting a link from a high PR page, but if that page has 100 outgoing links, your page would only get 1/100th of that value.

Industry relevance Search engines give higher importance to links pointing to your site from your own industry segment as opposed to those from unrelated industries. A link on a site about motor sports will do very little good for a restaurant site, however a link in a food services directory will likely have high relevance. Searching industry relevance pages: Search for similar pages once you have found a really good page.

Look for "similar pages", "related pages" or "more like this" next to entries in any search engine's results list. Alternatively use the Page Specific Search on the Google Advanced Search screen.

Page relevance Most sites offering links have several categories listed on their sites. Try to get a link from a category that closely matches your own industry. For instance, if you have a site related to hotels, then, on your partner site, a tickets site for example, try to identify a resource directory pertaining to hotels, resorts, reservations, vacation packages, travel, tourism, food and beverages, etc. An algorithm called “Applied Semantics” determines the industry relevance of a page within a site. The Applied Semantics algorithm studies various keywords on a Web page and tries to determine the industry or business segment of each page. Applied Semantics estimates the industry segments that are relevant to a particular page.

Anchor-Text Anchor Text is the visible hyperlinked text on a Web page. Since anchor text is very important, make sure that your most important keywords appear in the anchor text from the link pointing to your site. It tells search engines what the page is about. Used wisely, it boosts your rankings in search engines, especially in Google. If you use "click here" as the words people are going to click on, you're telling people the page is about the subject "click here". If you use "Part 2" as the anchor text, your telling the search engines the page is discussing "part 2". You wouldn't want to rank highly for "click here" or "Part 2". However, if your site is all about purple widgets, you don't want only "purple widgets" to be used as the phrase in every link to your site. Over-optimizing like that would create an unnatural pattern. You can use anchor text in: •

External links – links from other sites.

Internal links – links on your pages.

Navigation maps.

Links on your main page. A very important spot.

Remember that real live humans will read your links as well as search engines, so the words in your anchor text need to make sense!

Dynamic link pages

You should also watch out for any link pages that are generated dynamically. Chances are that such pages would not get indexed soon enough, which means that a link from such a page would not benefit you. Some dynamic link pages are intentionally generated in such a way so as to prevent them from getting indexed. Some unscrupulous webmasters do this to trick you to prevent any PageRank leaking from their site to yours. Links from such pages therefore do not give you any benefit. Examples of dynamic links include URLs containing symbols such as “?” or “&”.

Javascript link pages It is also important to identify pages that are generated through Flash or a JavaScript, as Search Engines cannot read Flash pages nor can they read the links embedded within Flash. These are some of the tricks unethical webmasters use. While such a site may claim to have placed a link to your Web page, in effect they are not giving you any benefit.

Redirected links A link that is first redirected to another page within your partner site before pointing to your site is a redirected link. You should watch out for such links, as search engines do not give weight to redirected links. It is very unlikely that your site would draw any benefit from a redirected link.

Website Optimization Once you have chosen your keyphrases, you need to optimize your pages for those keyphrases. You do that by positioning your keyphrases in strategic locations within your page. What follows is a checklist of tips and steps you can follow to optimize your page: Keyphrases in the website title: * Create a descriptive title for your page: Your web page title is very important because search engines will display it as link text in the search results. The title must include your main keyphrases. * If you want to use your company name in your page title, unless you are a big company like Microsoft or Coca Cola don't start your page title with the name of your company. Start with your keyphrases. * Keep your keyphrase together. Don't split the words. * Make the title short (8 words or less). Keyphrases in your Keyword Meta Tag: Search engines rarely use the Keyword Meta Tags any more (Google ignores them). However, place a list of your main and secondary keywords in the Keyword Meta Tag of your pages, just in

case search engines decide to use them again. Keyphrases in your Description Meta Tag: The Description Meta Tag is still important, since some search engines use them to go with the results link. As its name implies, the Description Meta Tag must describe your site. Remember to: * Use your keyphrases (main and secondary) in your Description Meta Tag. * Make your description concise and professional. Avoid using hype. * Make it short (25 words or less). * Keep your keyphrases together. Keyphrases in the body of your page: It is important to use your keyphrases on your page, since this will help the search engines determine what your page is about, and its relevance to your chosen keywords: * Use your keyphrases several times, and place them as close to the top of the page as possible. * Place your keyphrases between Header Tags (H1, H2 or H3) in the first two paragraphs of your page. o Place your keyphrases in bold type phase at least once. * Repeat your keyphrases often to increase your keyphrase density. Repeating your keyphrases between 5 to 10 times for every 100 words in your page is considered effective. You must also take into account your visitors: they should be able to read your page fluently and effortlessly and the text must not sound awkward. (Remember that ultimately it is your readers who will decide if your page is worth the time they spend on it). * If you use a left navigation bar, the search engine will read it before the body of your page. Make sure you include your most important keywords there, too. Other Web Page Design Considerations: * You must make your page easy to navigate by the search engines. Search engines heavily favor text over graphics, and HTML over other editing formats. * Use text heavily. Avoid placing text in graphic format since the search engines won't be able to read it. * Avoid frames. Search engines have trouble following them, and they may index only the framed content page and not the navigation frame. * Avoid Flash and JavaScript: search engines don't follow either one very well. If you use Flash, make an HTML version of your site available to your readers and the search engines. If you use a JavaScript navigation menu, include an alternate text menu at the bottom of the page, so it can be followed by the search engines. * Create a Site Map: that includes all the pages in your site, and place a link to it from your homepage. When the search engine follows your site map link, it will find and index all the pages in your site! * Make sure that all your internal pages link to your homepage. * Don't try to describe all your products or services in one page. It will confuse the search engine and dilute your page's relevance. Instead, create different very focused pages, each with its own content and keyphrases, and optimize them too.

Posted by MOIN JAFRI at 11:03 PM Labels: delhi seo services, Description Meta Tag:\, Keyphrases, seo in delhi, seo india, seo methodology, Seo Services india, Seo Solutions India, Seo Techniques, seo tips, website title Reactions:

Selection of Specific Keywords You must now select the right keywords for each of your individual pages (keywords, or search terms, are what you expect search engine users will type in the search box to find a page like yours). The best keywords will be those that are popular search terms (terms that people actually search for), and that clearly describe the purpose and the content of your pages. They will also have to be keywords for which there is relatively low competition. There is no sense in trying to optimize your pages for super-competitive keywords where you don't stand a chance of ranking well (most one-word keyphrases fall into this category: for example, it would be impossible to rank well for the keyword 'book'). It would be better to target phrases like: * 'cook book' - easier but still competitive * 'italian cook book' - easier and less competitive * 'northern italian cook book' - easier and not as competitive. The more specific your keyphrase, the easier it will be for your site to rank well. You should therefore target keyphrases with three or more words to significantly improve your chances. Choosing the wrong keywords can throw off your entire search engine optimization strategy. It will force you to re-work your pages for new keywords and wait for the search engines to recrawl your site. For this reason, a few hours trying to pick the right keywords is time well spent. To start, take a look at your pages. Look at them carefully and write down the words and phrases that best define your site. Try to build a list of two or three word phrases. Once you have developed this list of potential keyphrases you are ready for the next step: to analyze the demand and supply for those keyphrases, and choose the best ones (those with good demand and not enough supply). Checking keyword demand We will first check the demand for your selected keyphrases using a popular free tool: Overture's Search Term Suggestion Tool: This tool will show you how many people search for those terms in a month's period in Overture , a popular pay per click search engine. This tool will show you only those searches conducted in Overture, however, the relative popularity of search terms will be very similar in other search engines as well (there are also other more sophisticated tools like Wordtracker , the tool of choice

of most search engine optimization experts). In addition to telling you if your selected keyphrases are popular search terms, Overture's search term tool will show you other keyphrases that you may not have thought about, which may be even more relevant to your site. For example, if your first keyphrase was "Italian Restaurant", the Search Term Suggestion Tool will also display other popular related search terms, like: * "Gourmet Italian Restaurant" * "Northern Italian Restaurant" * "Italian Restaurant Pizzeria" * "Italian Restaurant Miami", etc. You may also try other keyphrases, for example: "Italian Cuisine", and the Search Tool may come up with more specific keyphrases, like: * "Fine Italian Cuisine" * "Italian Cuisine Miami" * "Northern Italian Cuisine" * "Italian Cuisine Fine Dining" * "Gourmet Italian Cuisine", etc. What you have done is to validate and enlarge your pool of popular, in-demand, potential keyphrases for your web page. The next step is to check the supply, or, in other words, how much competition there is for your selected keywords in the actual search engines. Checking Keyword Supply Now, get your list of keyphrases, go to Google ( ) and type-in each of your keyphrases in the search box. Enter your keyphrases within quotation marks (to filter-out less relevant results), and see how many results each individual query produces, making a note of those with a relatively small number of results (less competition). You will stick with the keyphrase that: 1. Best describes the topic and content of your page 2. Is a popular search term according to Overture's Search Term Suggestion Tool 3. Generates a relatively small number of results after performing the Google search. If "Gourmet Italian Restaurant" is the keyphrase that best meets these three criteria, it will become your primary keyphrase. To get even better results, you can choose a second keyphrase to make your page more relevant to an even more specific niche. For example, if your restaurant is in Miami, you can consider "Miami" a second keyphrase (also called a 'qualifier'). Once you have chosen the keyphrases for your main page (homepage) do the same for the other pages on your site. Posted by MOIN JAFRI at 11:01 PM Labels: seo methodology


search engine principles To know seo you want to be aware of the building of search engines. They all contain the following main components: Spider. This program downloads web pages just like a web browser. The difference is that a browser displays the information presented on each page (text, graphics, etc.) while a spider does not have any visual components and works directly with the underlying HTML code of the page. You may already know that there is an option in standard web browsers to view source HTML code. Crawler. This program finds all links on each page. Its task is to determine where the spider should go either by evaluating the links or according to a predefined list of addresses. The crawler follows these links and tries to find documents not already known to the search engine. Indexer. This component parses each page and analyzes the various elements, such as text, headers, structural or stylistic features, special HTML tags, etc. Database. This is the storage area for the data that the search engine downloads and analyzes. Sometimes it is called the index of the search engine. Results Engine. The results engine ranks pages. It determines which pages best match a user's query and in what order the pages should be listed. This is done according to the ranking algorithms of the search engine. It follows that page rank is a valuable and interesting property and any seo specialist is most interested in it when trying to improve his site search results. In this article, we will discuss the seo factors that influence page rank in some detail. Web server. The search engine web server usually contains a HTML page with an input field where the user can specify the search query he or she is interested in. The web server is also responsible for displaying search results to the user in the form of an HTML page. Posted by MOIN JAFRI at 10:58 PM Labels: seo methodology Reactions:

Sunday, September 28, 2008 How Increase Web Site Traffic with SEO Techniques

A successful Search Engine Optimization plan takes a programmer to successfully complete the required task. These tasks include optimizing certain HTML elements within a web page and utilizing XHTML and CSS techniques to reduce the amount of the code on any given web page. When done correctly, search engines such as Google, Yahoo, etc crawl your website and

programmatically read your source code; if you pass the WC3 validation test, you greatly increase your chances of getting listed when executing your marketing efforts.

Are you intersted in finding the way to increase web site traffic? Have you used any search engine optimization on your website? Before you do any expensive web advertising or build an expensive new site try using some simple search engine optimization techniques on your website to increase your web site traffic. Search engine optimization is the best way to increase web site traffic and thier online customer for thier business and increase your rank on the search engine results pages.

If you have an existing site that has a theme related content on it already you can have that content rewritten to add in some search engine optimized keywords and key phrases or you can write all new content and completely change the content that you have on the site. Even if you already have a lot of content on the site sometimes it's a good idea to put in all new search engine optimized content just to freshen up the site a little and draw new visitor. You can write the search engine optimized content yourself or you can hire writers that are experienced in creating search engine marketing and search engine optimized content to increase web site traffic. When you're trying to build a website that is competitive in your market and will draw a lot of web traffic from the very beginning it's a good idea to hire professional SEO writers who can make sure that the content on your site will get it listed on the high in search engine. If your site doesn't make it on the first page of the SERP chances are good that you won't see any increase in web traffic. Your site needs to be on the first page of the SERP in order to increase web site traffic. for travel information visit our blogs http://tourist-places-in-delhi-

Posted by MOIN JAFRI at 11:30 PM Labels: delhi seo services, kanpur seo company, kanpur seo firm, kanpur seo services, seo firm india, seo in delhi, seo in kanpur, seo india, seo services noida Reactions:

NEED OF SEO you're going to need SEO services which will help your site to gather higher rank in search engine rankings. Without a high placement at sites like Google,MSN,Yahoo your site is less likely to be discovered by potential visitors. That means all of your effort which you have done in your website could end up being wasted. Then, you're going to need some link building services. To boost your rankings, you need links to and from your site. Without link building you'll never be able to move higher and really become competitive in your area. However, you want to be careful about the types of link building services you choose. Remember that ethical SEO services always turn out better results in the end. Finally, you may want to include some Flash web design on your site. Flash web design will increase the interactivity of your site and throw in some multimedia aspects that will grab visitors' attention and make them want to return in the near future.

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