Sentences In Simple Past

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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 231
  • Pages: 1
Sentences in Simple Past 1. Th ey d isco ver ed a few small mi sta kes bu t w e corr ect ed th em . 2. We c hang ed a nythi ng t he y didn ’ t l ik e. 3. We e ven inc luded ext ra fea tur es wh en t he y ask ed f or t he m. 4. Th en as so on as w e f in ished the y co mp lain ed. T he y said t he y wan te d so me th ing dif feren t. 5. Thr ee small m ot or co mpa nies mer ged to f orm t he Da t J idosha Se iz o Co mpan y. 6. In 1932 th e co mpa ny pr oduc ed th e fi rst Datsu n c ar. 7.

In 1934 th e ow ners re-na me d t he c ompan y “T he Nis san M ot or Co mpan y L td.”

8. In 19336 N issan intr odu ce d m ass pr oduc ti on met hods. 9. Nissan s topped pr oduc ing passeng er c ars and co nc en tr ated on tru ck m anu fac tur e. 10. Nissan es tablish ed a small tr ading co mpa ny in 1969.

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