
  • May 2020
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  • Words: 963
  • Pages: 6 tail


A 比 B Adj + Specific quantity or rough estimation A 比 B 早/晚 Adj....... A 比 B V. 了 A 代表 B V........ A 的好处就是。。。 A 等于 B A 对 B 有印象 A 分为。。。 A 给 B ….的印象 A 为 B V. A 也好,B 也好 A 有利于 B A 有助于 B


a is Adj than B A V. + amount of time earlier/later than B A V ed…than B A v…on behalf of B the benefit/advantage of A is… A influences B A is divided into… A makes…impression on B A V….for/on behalf of B no matter whether A or B A is beneficial/helpful to B A is conducive/helpful to B according to; on the basis of

B 把 Obj.分成 把 Obj. 一口气 + V + Complement 把 A 改成 B

便于 并不 不但。。。而且。。。 不但不。。反而。。 不得不 不妨 + V 不是。。。把? 不是。。。而是。。。。 不是。。。吗

divide Obj. into… do sth. At one go/at a stretch change A to/into B easy to; convenient for not at all; by no means not only…but also not only not….but instead… have no choice but to.. might as well V (a rhetorical question) is not…but rather… (a rhetorical question)

C 除了。。。以外, 也/还 从。。。到。。。 从。。。开始

besides/inaddition to…., also… from…to… start from… ktail


从 A 变成(了)B tail


change from A into B

D 到。。。为止 倒是。。。不过/就是 当。。。的时候 得 对。。。非常满意 对。。。感兴趣 对。。。有什么要求 对(于)。。。来说

until… actually/really…but…; when… have to; must very satisfied with… be interested in… what demands/requirements do you have concerning….? as far as…is concerned; with regard to…

F 凡是。。。都。。。 反正 非。。。不可 分别是。。。 分为。。。

every; any; all anyway; anyhow; in any casr (absolutely) must… be…respectively (a list of items) A is divided into…

G 赶在。。。前 V. 跟。。。打交道 跟。。。有关系 根据。。。 固然。。。不过。。。 关于。。。

rush/hurry to V before…. come into contact with…; have dealings with… have sth to do with….; related to… on the basis of; according to it is true that…but… about; with regard to; concerning

H 好像。。。似的 或者

seem; as if or

J 。。。极了 急于。。。 ...即。。。

eager to… namely; to be (with emphasis) ktail

既然。。。就。。。 即使。。。也。。。 即使。。。还是。。。 既。。。又。。。 仅限于。。。 尽管。。。好了 就 tail

就 就。。。达成了协议 就。。。进行(举行)谈判(会 谈) 就是。。。也。。。 就数。。。 就要。。。了 据说 据我所知

given the fact/since…then… even (if)…(still)… even if….still… both A and B be limited to….only feel free to…; don’t hesitate to…. (an adverb, serves as an empathetic marker; it is usually expressed in speaking) right away; immediately (an adverb, emphasizes the urgency of an action) reach an agreement on… have negotiation (talk) on… even(if) be rekoned as (the best/worst etc…) it is said… as far as I know…

K 看起来 可。。。了 可是

it looks like…; to appear; to seem (emphathetic adverb) (emphasizes the tone of the speaker)

L 离开 A 去/回 B 利用 A(来) V. 连。。。都/也

leave A for/to return to B use A to V. even

M 免不了。。。 面临。。。 (sb V…..的)。。。目的是

cannot avoid; unavoidably to face/be faced with…; be up against the purpose (that sb V…)is…

N 拿。。。来说 难怪


take (or use)…as an example no wonder… ktail tail

难免 能 + V. + 多少 + 就 + V. + 多少


hard to avoid to V as much/many as one can

Q 起到。。。。。作用 请 A 帮 B V... 取决于。。。 。。。,却。。。

have the effect of…. ask A help B to do…. be decided by…; depend on… …., yet/but…

R 让 Sb (来) V 如果。。。 如果/要是。。。的话

let Sb. V. /allow Sb. To V (usually provide some sort of service) if if…

S sb. 有权 V. sth

善于。。。 谁不。。。呢 使/让 是得/应该。。。 是来/去。。。的 属于。。。 算是。。。 虽然。。。但是/可是。。。 随着。。。 所 V. 的

sb, has the right/authority to do sth. be good at… who doesn’t….? to make; to cause must/should (indicates confirmation or strong intention) (express purpose in coming or going) considered to be… although…but/however along with; in pace with; as… that which…

T V. for/on behalf of sb by means of; through

替 sb V... 通过…

W 为了 位于 无论。。。还是。。。

in order to…; for… be located at/in… no matter…or… ktail tail


习惯 + V 先。。。, 再。。。, 最后 像 A,B,C 等等 谢谢 + clause


be used to/accustomed to V firstly…, then…., lastly… such as A, B, C and so on thank+ clause

Y 一。。。就。。。 (依)靠。。。来 V... 一是。。。二是。。。 以便。。。 以。。。的办法 以。。。的名义 以。。。计算 。。。以上 以。。。为荣 以。。。为荣/主题 一般说(来) 一边 V1, 一边 V2 一方面。。。。, 一方面。。。 因为。。。所以。。。 由 sb V Sth 尤其是 由于。。。 有的。。。有的。。。 有关。。。的情况 又。。。又。。。 与其。。。不如。。。 越来越 + V/Adj。。。

as soon as; once…then… rely/depend on…to V one (of the reasons, etc) is…, other is… in order to…; for… use the method of… in the name of… calculate by/in terms of… over; more than; above consider…as an honour consider/regard…as a honour/a subject generally speaking (two carry out two actions simultaneously) on the one hand..; on the other hand… because…so/therefore… (由 introduces the person in charge of a given task) especially; particularly; in particular due to…; as a result of… some…some… with regard to (the situation of)… both…and … B is a better choice than A; rather than A it would be better to do B more and more Adj; to V more and more

Z 在。。。看来 在。。。的陪同下 在。。。期间

in the view of… accompanies by… during (a certain period of time) ktail

在。。。上 在。。。推动下 tail

在。。。的同时 在。。。之内 在。。。中 这么多。。。(我)都 V 不过来 了 。。。。真不错 。。。。之一 值得注意的是。。。 只管。。。好了 只要。。。就。。。 只要。。。就行了 只有。。。才。。。 自从。。。以后 总算 总之 最好。。。 作为


in terms of…; as far as… with the impetus of…; pushed forward by…; driven by… at the same time as… within… in…;within… there are so many….that one cannot V all of them …isnotbad; very good one of… what is worth noting is… as long as….then…(conclusion/result) all you have to do is…; it will be alright as long as… only(if)…(then and only then)… ever since…. finally; at last in a word; in short had better; would be best.. as…; act/serve as… ktail

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