Selling Information Online

  • May 2020
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BUS INESS IN 2009. Introduction to Secrets of Business in the New Millennium "A Complete Guide to Running your Business Easily & Inexpensively Using the Net" The Internet and its opportunities to help you Create Unlimited wealth. The Internet is everywhere. You can't turn on the TV, radio, or open a newspaper without hearing about it. Whether it's e-commerce, or the latest success story of some guy who went from rags to riches building his online empire, there's no escaping it. If you're in business and have not brought your business online, run, just walk to the nearest ISP and ask for help. Bill Gates stated "There will be 2 types of businesses in the new Millennium, those online, and those out of business." If you've been waiting and hoping that the Net was just another fad and would go away soon, hopefully you realize by now it's not. You need to leverage the power of the Internet to help run your business and to compete with your competitors. The Net allows small businesses to compete with the corporate suits. It has a low cost of entry and allows you to market to a global audience. Your site can sell your products/services even while you sleep.

REMEMBER; My SY STEM Is NOT To teach you the technology called the inter ne t, rather to show you how to use this great tool to create unlimited wealth. Searching of information on the internet is known as browsing the internet. People get online to search for information in any area of human endeavor like education, health, entertainment, business etc. Getting information on the web is done through the search engines, these are websites that help you look up any information through a series of searches over the web within seconds. Examples of search engines are, and others. It is worthy to note that majority of people getting online are not looking for things to buy rather they are searching for that information that will solve their problem. They are in deed looking for a solution to a problem. You can maximized the potentials of the internet, if you look at it as a marketing tool which has the capability of instant interactivity you’re your prospects in whatever business you are doing or you want to do. It is a marketing communication medium which helps you deliver your marketing message faster, easily and at affordable cost than the traditional marketing media like the TV, radio, newpapers etc. Doing any form of le gitima te business

on the internet is

what is regarded as On li ne B us ine ss and this is done through well applied strategies called Internet Marketing. As we know that marketing generally is the ability to motivate people who need your product or service to buy and always buy from you. Effective marketing is a relationship which goes beyond selling or advertisement. On the other hand, Internet marketing involves setting up an automatic and repeatable system on the internet using e-

mar ket ing s tr ate gies , to create the environment where people want to buy your product always instead of you having to sell them.

W hy Y ou Need to do Online Business. The whole idea of online business is to maximize the potentials of the internet to either start a new business or take your existing business online for profits. Having established an online presence for years now as an

Internet Marketing consultant, let me quickly share with

you some of the benefits of doing business on the internet and some of the online businesses you can start and make a living from, considering our peculiarity here in Nigeria .

Advantages of Doing Business on the Internet. 1. Online busines s r equir es little or no star t up ca pital : you can actually start an online business with little or no capital because it does not necessarily require an office or business premises, large equipments etc unlike in your bricksand-mortar business, you just need internet access and about an hour or two, even from your bedroom, office, hotel room, cyber café you can do business. 2. Anybod y can do busines s on the I nter net; I mean anybody can do it if you know what to do and how to do it, you must not be a computer guru, or a programmer, or a web designer before you start earning an income on the Internet. No special qualification or skill is required, as long as you can read type and move the mouse; you are already in business. 3. It is a kind o f busines s tha t giv es y ou fr eedom , you can work anytime you want, at any place, and you can actually determine your income. You don’t need to work 9 to 5, you can work part-time or full time, which means you can actually combine it with your normal job and make multiple streams of income that will make you financially free. 4. Y ou can s tar t this busines s with w ha t y ou lik e to d o, tha t is y our passion, hob by, talent, skill, inter est. You don’t necessarily need a business plan; all you need is an idea and the right information. You can make money on the Internet with what you know, just anything can be business on the Internet you name it. Someone will always pay you for what you know. 5. T he Inter net giv es y ou a wide r eac h to unlimited mar ket . Your customers can come from different parts of the world. You can actually imagine the number of customers

(targeted customers) you will have through the Internet. Think of how many people that are online now from different parts of the world that is the limit of your market. 6. T his kind o f busines s goes on automa ticall y, tha t means y ou don ’t ha ve to be pr esent all day to monitor the business . The business makes you money even when you are sleeping, yes! When you are sleeping or on vacation. 7. Y ou ha ve unlimited oppor tunities doing business on the I nter net. You can also incorporate your offline business that is if you have a business running now and establish a web presence for it, that gives you an edge. Am happy that most companies now have websites, but it really goes beyond having a website, the website should also be marketed and made to bring extra income to the business at a much reduced cost. 8. Y ou can build a company tha t will mak e millions o f nair a within a shor t period. The likes of, Yahoo etc were founded by ordinary people within a short period of time and now their value is worth billions of dollars. 9. T her e ar e little or no risk s in volv ed in thi s kind of busines s if y ou kno w w ha t to do and ho w to do it. This list of benefits are not exhaustive, there are other benefits which you will discover in the preceding chapters as you read. I must not fail to add here that it is not a get-rich-quick scheme like I said earlier, like every business; you need to be shrewd, passionate about it, focused and dedicated. Integrity is the watchword in online business especially here in Nigeria where most people that use the internet use it for fraudulent purposes.

Legitimate Businesses One can Start on the Internet Business whether on the internet or not as we know requires you to provide good services, offer great products and ideas that the people are in need of, it is not different when you get

online, in fact on the internet people are not looking for stuffs to buy but they are looking for a solution to their problem, so if you can offer the solution they are looking for you will be paid for your effort, the more you know what problems people have, the more you be in business. This is the simple truth about online business. Having established this fact, let us x-ray some of the businesses you can do on the Internet here in Nigeria with little or no start- up capital. These businesses and how to start them from the scratch are discussed in details in my SY STEM . Let me just give you an overview of One Of T he Hottest Busines ses that have the potentials of making you money online.

1. Se ll ing of Inf or ma tion On li ne can mak e you ri ch. Like I said earlier, people need information that will solve their problems. Selling of information is the hottest business on the internet today and every other business revolves around information. You will always be in business if you package your idea into information product, one of the good things about this is that you can be the originator of the idea or you leverage from other people’s idea and product as an affiliate. Information products are the ideal business to start if you are looking for an online business. They are easy to produce, simple to ship, and can enjoy high markups because people are not paying for the physical form the product is delivered in. They are paying for the valuable information contained within. Although most people only see reports and books when we speak of information products, I want you to see just how versatile this market can be. You can make money with any good information or idea in form of ebooks, newsletters, reports, How-to-do articles, softwares, secret sites, and more. Digital products as they are called, sell like hot cake on the Internet so this business puts money in your bank account at any point in time. You have no limit to the amount you can make on one information product

because Information rules the world. It also depends on your ability to learn the art of selling on the internet. And if you are generous with your information and offer them free, you will be amazed how you make money through back-end products. The only limitations in this business are the ones you create yourself. Below I am going to give you a quick system of producing information products (one of the easiest ways of getting into this business). Don't just limit your potential informational empire to just these techniques though. All types of information products can be created out of your hobbies, your interests, or your experience. W ha t ha ve y ou lear ned to do tha t someone may w ant to lear n a bout? You may say to me, "But Prince, I just don't know how to do anything that people want!" Well, I have a solution for that problem. If you have found a market that wants a product of a certain nature, contact an expert or get a Mentor and do an interview with him... If you do have knowledge that people want (which I highly expect is true even if you won't admit it to me)...then you can create your own package. Below I am going to give you a quic k 6 step sys tem for creating your own package...BUT LET ME ASK YOU THIS QUESTION. Do people come to you often and ask for your advice on certain things? If so...there is a product idea! Design a product that solves their problems. Find a problem or a desire people have that you have overcome, and then the system you followed is the basis for your product.

Do you train dogs? There's a product. Do you build model airplanes? There's a product. Do you save money through auctions? There's a product. Did you figure out how to set up a web site? There's a product. Do you get Top 10 rankings on search engines? There's a product. Do you write killer sales letters? There's a product.

Product ideas are all around you. There are probably at least half a dozen products inside you waiting for the chance to come out!

Now, create a product that gives a step-by-step training on how to overcome that problem or achieve that objective. Rack your brain and come up with steps that will take your customers to their desired solution. You have to make it simple. This is probably the most difficult part of your product. You have to boil down all of your research, your experience, and come up with a simple system people can follow to achieve their objective.

BUT Let me he lp you do the WOR K. K eep y our money in y poc ket, But......... .........


Giv e me jus t t hr ee Da ys , 30 mi nutes for eac h and i wi ll hold you by the hand and s ho w y ou ho w to Bui ld a money G ett ing , Ca sh thr owing SY STEM tha t wi ll star t pul ling in

$800 al l

wi thin 3 weeks! ... .... .... .... GUARANTEED


Note: T his is the most tr usted and mostrelia ble w ay of making a r eal living online w hether y ou ar e s till str uggling to mak e a living online or not, setup this SY STEM and y ou ar e sur e to mak e a t least $800 even in y ou f ir st w eek!

Lear n ho w or dinar y people ac hie ve extr aor dinar y financ ial resu lt s! T his e xcit ing, fast -mo ving SY STEM gi ves y ou a st ep-b y- st ep f or mul a to become a mil liona ir est ar ti ng fr om wher ever you ar e toda y. You l ear n ho w to se t goa ls , mak e p lan s and or ganiz e your se lf to get mor e of wha t you r ea ll y want in

lif e. U se these pr actica l, pr oven st rate gie s SY STEM to mak e rea l m oney onl ine fas ter than you e ver thought pos si bl e! $1 ,000,0 00 net wor th? WH Y NO T YOU? succe ss ful people on line ar e tho se who pr actice thi s my SY STEM .

GET YOUR FREE "SURPRISE" BONUS + SOFTWARE AND OTHER RESOURCES IN MY SYSTEM NOW @ (#4,999 ) ONLY. TO PLACE ORDER FOR THIS PACKAGE, Rush to the Nearest GTBank in your area and pay #4,999 into the account details below:

Account name: Prince O. Iheadighigwu Account number: 5325902411590 Send me an e-mail through [email protected] or call me on +234-803-2717-113, +234-805-3477-457 or +234-708-8554-351 with the following information: Name: Branch paid into: Amount paid: Deposit slip number: Date of payment: Telephone number: Your address :

And all necessary information you think will assist us.So what are you waiting for? Rush and make your payment now before the price goes up to by next week!!!

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How to Avoid The Pitfalls of Online Business If you want to succeed online you have to build your integrity. Be trustworthy and don’t indulge in any form of fraud. In addition to that let’s see some pitfalls you need to look out for and avoid them as you do business on the internet especially here in Nigeria. Some of the ways in which unsuspecting internet users are being defrauded are:

Through Spam e-mails:

Spam mails are unauthorised, unwanted or unsolicited Commercial e-mails (UCE).Mails which you do not know the sender or you were not expecting.

Majority of internet frauds are being perpetrated through spam mails. This is because over 95 percent of internet users have e- mail account and they check on it every time they get on the internet. So Spammers use softwares to extract email addresses of users online and send them unsolicited e-mails. Some of these scam mails tell you about fake lottery schemes, fake business proposals, fake job opportunities, fake online marketing businesses and many other ‘formats’. Do not be moved by the ‘sweetness’ of the content especially when you don’t know the sender. As an individual or a business online, you should be very careful about the e-mails you open to read on your computer or system. You should not open every e-mail you see on your inbox especially if the sender is not known. The subject of such emails is usually deceptive and do not reflect the content, so don’t be deceived by that. Vital Information Resources under Siege (VIRUS) programs can be introduced into your system through this means; your system can also be remotely monitored and controlled through a mail which you opened. There have been several cases where vital information of an organization are compromised simply through spam mails sent to such organizations which they opened on their system or network. If you can check the type of mails you access, you would have checked over 70% of internet fraud. And also make sure you don’t spam others too. It is not accepted online.

Through Phising sites: Phising is a situation where a known website is being faked to look exactly like the original website in order to collect vital information from the users of that site. Internet fraudsters go a long way using softwares and other web tools to create sites that look exactly like a known site.

Spam e-mails containing links to the phising sites, are being sent to unsuspecting users. The phising site looks exactly like the original site mind you. On these phising sites, users are asked to fill in details of vital information like their bank account, password, username etc depending on the type of information the spammers want. And when that happens you would have given vital information to fraudsters through this means which they will use in defrauding the person. Any website can be used here; some yahoo users’ e-mail account has being compromised in this way as they put their username and password on a fake yahoo site. People have also lost money in their E-gold account, Paypal account etc through this means. To avoid being defrauded in this way, do not fill any vital information about yourself especially your bank account details on ANY website on the internet. Avoid checking out websites through a link from your e-mail rather access the website directly from your browser. Through Unsecured Systems: Unsecured systems here could mean your database, website, your computer, your server, your phone etc. Several technological developments in the world of ecommerce in Nigeria have made it possible to transact business real time at any point in time and anywhere. From the use of ATM cards, E-banking, M-banking, Credit cards, M-payment etc. In using these modes of business transaction one should be very careful not to compromise vital information. Users of these products and services should always get the latest information and advice from the service providers themselves. More high- tech frauds are being done by hackers and the likes. They use different subtle means to gain access to unsecured database or information on your computer or system. As an individual, be sure of who you give access to your

computer or laptop as vital information about you could be compromised in this way. Even when your system breaks down, be sure of the person who is going to fix it, don’t give your system to just anyone, you could lose vital information stored on it. If you are using the cyber cafés, you should also be careful about the sites or information you access publicly. It is not the best place to do your internet banking or other online transactions. Some cybercafes are not secured, fraudsters can install softwares on the computers that will trap users’ vital information like usernames, account details, passwords etc. Just be aware that some of these things happen online and avoid being a prey to them. As a business, it is very necessary that you secure your database or website with the latest technology from IT experts especially when you are dealing with payment solutions or vital information. Technologies which will suit the uniqueness of our environment should be employed to secure these systems from fraudsters. Some people have also been defrauded by fake online business teachers or coach in a bid to learn how to start online businesses like the FOREX trading, E-marketing, Affiliate marketing, Investment schemes etc. My advice here is for you to do your due diligence before you involve yourself in any such training or transaction, look for experts in these fields who are already making money doing the business and learn from them. This will reduce your chances of failing.


These are some of the key points you need to know when starting an online business. 1. You can maximize the potentials of the internet if you look at

it as a marketing tool which you can use to reach large number of people within a short time and also get instant feedback. 2. People getting online are not basically looking for products to buy; they are searching for a solution to their problem which they can find in your product if you know what their problem is. 3. doing online business gives you the freedom you desire, you can work from anywhere, at anytime on a part time or full time basis. 4. No special skill or qualification is required to start; it is also very easy to start this type of business because it requires little or no start-up capital. 5. This type of business runs automatically and in most cases does not require your physical presence. 6. Selling of information is the hottest business on the internet. 7. There is no special online business, just choose one that suits your passion, talent, hobby, interest, knowlegde and your environment. 8. You can build a world-class business easily, cheaper and faster online than offline. 9. Learn and avoid the pitfalls of online business so that you won’t get your hands burnt in any way. Always go for expert advice that will reduce your chances of failure.

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