Self Assessment Test

  • April 2020
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Understanding Your Highest Interests Scores

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Scores higher than 70 are a great place to start when considering your career or educational options. These high scores indicate areas of greater interest than a majority of the general public. Percentile Profile Scale








Industrial Art


Food Service


Health Service






Your highest score was on Science, which means that you enjoy working with abstract ideas, scientific equipment, and mathematical logic and reasoning to solve practical or abstract problems. You also scored highly on Systematic, indicating that prefer jobs that involve routine but challenging assignments in which order and persistent, steady effort are required. You also lik job security to be established, and you dislike frequent changes in schedule and situations requiring quick decisions. Your high score on the Assertive scale means that you prefer working situations in which it is appropriate to assert authority over others a to direct and monitor their work.

Understanding Your Lowest Interest Scores

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Scores below 30 are considered "low scores" and are just as important as high scores. Low scores do not necessarily mean you lack skill in these areas; rather they indicate a lack of interest or dislike for certain activities. You will be happier if you avoid professions that require you to perform tasks for which you have little interest. Understanding what jobs to avoid can save you time and prevent costly career or educational mistakes. Percentile Profile Scale


Personal Service










Teaching / Social Service




Your lowest score was on Personal Service. You wouldn't be satisfied in careers where the majority of your time was spent interacting with others and providing the public with services involving personal contact. You also showed low interest in Sales, so you wouldn't be fulfilled in careers that involve selling merchandise or services. These careers involve understanding products and services, informing customers of their features, demonstrating products, and being persuasive with others. Your low score in Writing means that you wouldn't enjoy careers where the majority of your time was spent in creative or technical writing, such as writing advertising copy, news articles, technical manuals, etc. For a more comprehensive interpretation of your Interests you need to take into consideration:

• • •

The whole configuration of your Basic Interest scores in conjunction with other profiles presented in this report Your biographical and academic information Data derived from other tests you've taken or would like to take

Your personality, values and knowledge, skills and abilities

Investigative (Thinkers) -

Your Score: High

Investigative types enjoy the challenge of problem solving in mathematics, technology, and sciences, and the abstract and practical ideas related to these areas. Applied science, such as engineering, technology or computer science may also be of interest to them. They can be technically creative.

Realistic (Doers) -

Your Score: High

Realistic types like physical activity, working with their hands, and are mechanically-inclined. They enjoy working outdoors and do not mind physical risks on the job.

Enterprising (Persuaders) -

Your Score: High

Enterprising types are people-oriented. They like to talk to, influence and persuade others. They are confident, adventurous, assertive and show leadership.

Social (Helpers) -

Your Score: Med

Social types are interested in helping to keep others emotionally or physically healthy, or in teaching others. They enjoy giving advice and working directly with people, either in groups or individually.

Conventional (Organizers) -

Your Score: Med

Conventional types enjoy supervising others in jobs where rules and tasks are well defined. They show careful attention to detail, are organized, follow instructions well and prefer jobs where their daily duties are regular and fixed.

Attentive (Servers) -

Your Score: Low

Attentive types enjoy helping others, serving others' personal needs and looking after the comfort and wellbeing of others. They are happy in jobs requiring sociability, politeness, patience and a happy disposition.

Artistic (Creators) -

Your Score: Low

Artistic types are often thought of as original and creative by others. Such people enjoy expressing themselves in artistic ways such as acting, dancing, creating music or visual art, or by expressing their ideas either through discussion or debate.

Values - What's Important To You Understanding what you want out of life can help you to make trade-offs when it comes to your job. By now, you probably have a long list of things you're looking for in a job-short commute, flexible hours, great people to work with, just to name a few. How you

prioritize this list can tell you a lot about what you value in a career and in life. People who are internally motivated by their career care most about the intangible benefits it brings. For example, they enjoy the sense of achievement they get from a job well done. These values are called, Intrinsic Values. Whereas Extrinsic values are values such as a high salary, recognition or a prestigious title.

Intrinsic Values Achievement




Aesthetics - Beauty




Contact with Public




Creativity - Self Expression

Using Your Abilities


Social Interaction

Work Mastery

Risk - Adventure

Your Supervision

Helping Others

Setting Your Own Schedule

Extrinsic Values Recognition


Working Conditions


Company Policies

Comfort - Low Stress


Employee Benefits & Perks Compensation - Pay/Salary


Job Security

Flexibility - Hours

Power - Authority

Paid Vacation

Short Commute - Travel

Prestige - Status


Variety - Change


Supportive Supervisor

Work Environment

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