Self Analysis

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 4

Organization Behaviour project on,

Self Analysis


Understanding human mind may be more difficult & complex than under standing Rocket Science or the E=mc2 equation. Numbers of neurons are bound together to form the most complex, most fantastic & most amazing creation of the universe. Though only 6-9 % of the brain is been utilize, it made us wondered with its diversified field of work. A person himself can’t explain his particular reaction toward something. Perception, motivation, attitude everything varies from person to person. Explaining other is easier than explaining self, because only he, himself know the actual depth of his mental ability & only he knows how deep he has to dive to bring out something substantial. I am Indranil Bhowmick, a boy from Durganagar, one of the suburbs of Kolkata. I have born & brought up in Bengal & had the education from prestigious school & colleges which implant a very prominent mark on me. My family comprise of my grand mother & my very compromising & liberal parents. The social environment of my locality as well as of my state has affected me to develop my perception, attitude & thinking process. As previously mentioned, analyzing self is one of the toughest job in the world. To analyze self, the first thing that I should say, is that, I am an Extrovert person in nature. I like to extend my social network, attract people with my non-stop hilarious words & always positive about every single aspect of life. I am also very well natured, may be because of I am well nurtured; always try to co operate with others & people keep their faith upon me. So may be, I’m the person with high Agreeableness. I do know that Ii have the imagination & intellect but I lack artistic sensitivity. It may be because of my pragmatic nature. I am very Emotionally Stable man, though I portray myself as restless to other, my inside is calm & tranquil. I am secure & of course very much enthusiastic which cumulatively shows my strong Emotional Stability. I am dependable & responsible as I think, after talking responsibilities, not completing them is a sin. I set goals in front of me & always try to achieve them. I don’t want to show people my achievement, very seldom show my true feeling for something; but also I show great importance to the job that I have to accomplish & one may call me a Type B+ person. As I am a talkative person, I love to talk. When ever I talk, I try to impress the group I am talking to, in the process sometime I become a bit dominative. & as I being dominative in communication skill, my listening power is also not good. I, some time don’t want to listen what other person want to convey. I just force him to listen what I am talking, to prove my point. I never totally trust other but I think that other people think me as a trustworthy person. I am a good leader and as I think leader’s job is not to make his group disciplined but to chanalize their energy to accomplish a particular goal. Only the pear group has to be motivated & they are motivated, you don’t have to force them to be disciplined, they will be disciplined by themselves. I try to deal with conflicts with reason & with my true effort, but when I see that the matter is already out of control, or the conflicting parties are not open enough to receive my suggestion, I just avoid. Whenever I lead, I concentrated on the

task that has to be performed, but not force my peer for that, in spite of that I just value their thinking & motivate them to perform. I never let stress to dominate me. I response to changes in life positively as I know one has to be adaptable if he want to survive in the world where the rule of “Survival of Fittest” exist. I have no clear preferences for the organization where I am going to be employed as I can cope up with every kind of situation. I want to delegate jobs to my peer groups. I always try to find out positive point out of a graving situation though every time I can’t fetch out the positive outlook, but try my best. In the question of creativity, I always think a bit different than other people think. I always want to create something that no one has ever done or ever thought of. I value the “Happiness & Satisfaction in Life” as the Terminal Value and believe, that to achieve the terminal value, I have to be Assertive & also have to stand for myself. To achieve any goal, it is me, who has to speak for myself to strengthen my stand. Physiological & social need motivates me more than the security need. I think I am self dependent person & think, I am very much comfortable with groups. I try to control the mass around me while I wanted to be directed by my own will. I have a desire to excel in life & don’t bother whether other person of the society are with me or not. Monitory reward & prestigious title can fulfill my esteem need, which is something worth to be valued. I have a faith on the true potential of any person & think, if he is been given the right job in right environment, he can excel. As already mentioned, I am goal oriented & never take any course lightly, as I know that I have taken it as a instrument to build my career. So I give supreme importance to any course, whether it is a academic one or a professional one. I am a confident one & always try to take thing positively. I have a faith on my efficiency & also have believe in myself. But I am not overconfident as I know my limit & never try to cross them. I always want to see my self on the top. I try my level best not to pull some one down to raise my head. But if some one tries to block my way to achievement, I feel no shame to push him out of my trajectory. I don’t bother about the power distribution or inequity. I just want me & my peer group to excel. I have always been a rational thinker & give preference to pragmatic way of thinking over emotional or intuitional feeling to take a certain decision. I think that I have a high Emotional Intelligence as I can understand others’ emotional state of mind. I can control & hide my emotions situation wise to achieve my primary goal. I value productiveness rather than reactiveness. I think, before making complain about something wrong, you yourself have to show the model to make it correct. I always think “first think first” & allocate my time recourses according the priority. I strongly believe that my future plans are really achievable because I am confident about my abilities.

Lastly about myself, I can say that I have a Proactive personality. I can change the prevailing environment to the environment that suits me. I can sense opportunities & can work on them. I am a Risk Taker but sometime become a bit conventional may be because of the uncertainty. Other than the above mention characteristics, I possess a unique characteristic which I termed as “Hero Syndrome”. I was fascinated by the heroes from comic books in my childhood. It has affected my mentality. I always wanted to like heroes, hiding behind the mask, saving humanity, but without mask they are normal person. I try to take their strategy, i.e. while being the master of certain job, never let people understand that I am even capable of doing the job. This self analysis may contain unconscious biasness, but I have truly & honestly tried my best to draw the true portrait of my inner self.

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