Selected Biographies On John The Black Martyr Of Karbala- K.a. Muhammadu

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In 61 H.J680 C.E.


Kwamina A. Muhammadu THE OPEN SCHOOL P.o. BOX 53398 CHICAGO, IL 60653, U.S.A.

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In the Name of God, the Compassionate,

the Merciful.

This is a selection of Islamic sources on John, the Black Martyr of Kurbala, Iraq, in the company of Imam Husayn (A.), the grandson of Prophet Muhammad (p.) in 61/680. It is arranged chronologically from the earliest sources found, the year 252 H-'866 C.E. Only the reference, the title, the author and the translation of the related passages are presented. By no means this list can be considered complete; only book available at the private library of Sayyid Jalall we consulted, hoping to supply more references in the future editions. Kwamina A. MuhammadU Chicago, IL. USA 198911409


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"My Mission 1/1/(110




I ~ C::J.••'il --:-llal ~~ /J



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is tu lead to the right path

correct that which is wrong .... "

Imam Husayn (625-680)


PREFACE Muharram- What is it? The IIICIIHII Y 01 Muharram is alive ill the hearb of every Muslim, the followers of Alii al-Bayt. 11 is a source: 01 inspn uuon, courage, and heroic attitude t •. ,talld uguinst evil. Muluu r am is the first month of the: Islamic culeudur during which Muslnus couuucmorurc the uuutyrdoru of IlIIalO Husayu, the: go .•. I~.l)l\ 01 the Prophet Muhauuuad 1'10111his daughter latima al-Zahra (P), 111I1111IUusllyn Imam IlmaYII was born on 3rd of Shu'ban in the: 4th year of the: Islamic calendar. b25 C. E. in the Holy city of Medina, Arabia. I lis grandfather named him l lusayu which means one of high esteem and beautiful character. Only, to horn, his grandfather, his father, his mother, and his brother, the Holy Qur'an refers: "Indeed God desires 10 purify you; Oh; the people: of the house." The Qur'an 33:33, Thus, on many occasions, the Prophet (P) indicated that his grandson al-Husayn is the most qualified as huam. Once he said: "Husayu is horn me, ami I am from Ilusayn." 1'1·,' Prophet (1)) also said of him and his brother al-Hasan: "These twu are may sous. .. They are two 111I'HII'>."

With ('Illiph •.•te Oil the urhcr hand, contrary to the teachings of the Prophet, fur the: first time ill thc: lstamic history, Mu'awiyah, the son of Abu Sufyan changed Muslun leadership to an inheritance as opposed to all election. lie thereby appointed his son Yazid as his successor, who was not fit for tlus position, AI this puiut , luuuu IIl1saYII declared t he false foundation of such a change. Consequcnuy, allt~' the death of Mu'awiya, most uf Muslims looked toward Imam 111I,>ayn as their religious leader. Thus, creating rescuuueru on the: pari of Ya/id, he deuuuulcd relinguishmcru of Imam l lusayn's leadership.


Thr Mlsslun huarn Ilusayn declared that: "We are Ihe family of the Prophet ami wc have the true message of God. Yazid is a corrupt person and 1 cauuot support him." Meanwhile, most of residents of the city of Kufa, Iraq, sent over IO.I)()() letters of support to the Imam inviting him to their city which wus OIlC of the largest city at the time. Therefore, the Imam sent his cousin Muslim SUII of Aqed to review the circumstances concerning the invitation. The people overwhelmingly welcomed him, but the propaganda of ( nnayyads was able 10 crush the misSIOII. furthermore, lmam l lusavn declared that "I was not born an evil nm a cruel man. I alii not a corrupt person. My mission is 10 lead the Muslim nation 10 the right path and to correct that which is wrong. I must follow (.iod's orders 10 couunend kindness and stop evil."

Imam and Yazld However, Imam was fully aware that Yazid will never allow him to live because: the life of IlIIalO Husayn was a threat 10 Yazid's throne. The throne which had foundation of cruelty, injustice and hvpocricy ill contrast 10 the true Muslim leadership which was established to protect Muslim nation. Finally, as huam had predicted, the army of Valid attacked Ituaru lIusayn's small party totaled 72 persons, fighting against the army of Valid of IU,OO() rneu as it is documented. The just cause The Iloly Qur'an says: "Fight ill the cause of God those whu fight against you, bUI do not exceed the limit. It The Qur'an 2: 190. Accordingly, lmam HusaYII gave his life to very just cause and his martyrdom became the symbol uf just ice. Annually, 011 Ashura, the IOlh of Muharr am, the fi'SI ruouth of Islamic calendar. Muslims conunemorute this mart yrdom. Beginning wit h the Jirst UII· til IOlh of Muharram, Majalis (gatherings) are held almost ill every residence of Ihe followers of Ahl al-Bayt 10 read the events which had Ia"W plan: during these ten days in the desert of Karbala, Iraq. Furthermore, on this anniversary, some travel Irom around the world tu huld III attend t!ln.: g.uher iugs ill the lIoly city or Karbala where the actual events took place. III short , Ihe eve," ~ of Muh.u ram changed Ihe history of lvl.uu and ga ve Ihe hc\t ex.uuplc ul scltvacr itice tor the sake 01 truth and ill~liu:. Mnlunn uuu!





252 A.H./866 C.E. IMAM HASAN AL-ASKARI 260 A.H.l873 C.E. Imam recommends the followers of Ahl-at-Bayt to send their salutes to all martyrs of Kurbala. In their Zlyara·, the following should be recited: "Assalam 'ala John maula Abl dhar al-Ghltary." Salutation to John of Abl dhar al-Gnltar]. This is repeated by: 1. Abu Ja'far Muhammad Ibn Hasan al-Tusl, d. 460/1067 said, 2. Shaykh Abu 'Abdallah Muhammad b. Ahmed b. 'Ayash said, 3. Shaykh Abu Mansur b. Abdul Mun'im b. Nu'man al-Baghdadi said, 4. Shaykh Muhammad b. Ghallb Isfahani reported the Ziyarat " in the year 252 A.H./866 C.E. Both Sayyid Ibn Tawus d. 664/1246 and Ibn al-Mushhad, d. 569/1173, mention their chain of Isnad to al-Tusl, d. 460/1067. Ibn Tawus, Radi ai-Din 'Ali b. Ja'far al-Hilll, 664/1246, /qba/ et-A'me), Tehran, Oar al-Kutub al-Islamyyih, 1390, p. 712.



AL·SHAYKH AL·MUFID Mohammad b. al-Nu'rnan al·Bughdadl He reports that Imam 'Ali b. al-Husayn (A) said, "I was sitting on the night before the day on which my father was killed, my aunt, Zalnab, was with me taking care of me, suddenly my father left to his tent. With him was Joon the maula of Abu Dhar al-Ghifari while preparing his sword. Mufid, Muhammad b. Nu'man, ei-trsnea, Haydarlyyah Press, Najaf, Iraq, 1381 = 1962, p. 232.

46011067 SHAYKH AL·TUSI In his bibliographical source known as Rija/ al· Tusi lists the name of John among the companions of Imam Husayn (A). In this source only one name as "John" is listed. Tusi Abu Ja'far Muhammad b. Hasan, d. 460/1067. Rijal et- Tusl, NaJaf: Haydaryyah Press, p. 72.



fBN AL·MASHHADf This source reports the collective Ziyarah' of Martyrs of Kurbala. The chain of Isnad from the author to the Shaykh al-Tusi, d. 460/1067 goes as follows; 1. Ibn al-Musnnadt Muhammad b. Ja'Iar b. 'Ali b. Ja'far al-Ha'lri, d. after 569/1173 said, 2. Sharif Abu Muhammad b. Muhammad Jafaryyah said, 3. Shaykh 'Imad al-Dln Muhammad b. Abi Qasim al-Taban said, 4. al·Shaykh al-Tusl reports the Ztyarat ' [also,] 5. Shaykh Abu 'Abdallah Husayn b. Hibat b. Rutbah, said 6. Abu 'Ali Hasan b. Muhammad al-Tusi said, 7. [His father) al·Shaykh al-Tusl reports the Ziyarat. * Ibn al-Mashhadi, Muhammad b. Ja'far, 569H/1173C. Sayyid Jalali's private library #569.


588/1192 IBN SHAHRASHUB· In his book Manaqib al Abi Talib reports two of poems that John saidl when he started his fight on the day of Ashura* Muharram* 10, 61/679. His poems read: How the world of sinful see the fight of the Black. By his sword that cuts sharply, By the shining sword to help the children of Muhammad I defend them by [both] tounge and


Ibn Shahrashab, Rashid al-Din Muhammad b. 'Ali, d. 588/1192, a/ Ab; Talib, Qum, 1379, v. 4, p. 103.





IBN TAWOS He refers to John in his book al-Iqbal the Ziyarat mentioned before (see p. ). In addition, in his book al-Luhuf, says In parts . . j,>-

Then John the Black al Abi Ohar went and asked permission of lrnam Husayn to fight. Imam said, you came with us to seek life not death; do not bring harm to yourself by following our way. John replied, "Oh the son of Messenger of God! I was with you during the easy time, I will not leave at the difficult time. By God my genealogy-Is not like yours and I am black so permit me to fight so I find relief In paradise. By God, I do not leave you until this black blood mixes with your blood." Then he fought and he Vias killed. lbn Tawus, Radi ai-Din 'Ali, 664/1246, et-Lukut jaf: Haydriyyah Press, p. 45.

fi Qatla


et- Tufut, Na· ;..;:.;

707/1307C. IBN DAWOOD AL·HILLI He designed his book on the biography of Shl'ah into two sections. The first section, he list all of these what has been praised. Among them, he lists John. Ibne Oawud, Taqi al-Dln Hasan b. 'Ali b. Dawud al-Hilli, d. 707/1307c. Kifab et-Biiet, Najaf: Haydariyyah Press, 1392/1972, p. 67.



SA YYID AL·AMIN In his biographical source A 'yan et-Shiten quotes the sources before him. The most Important point is that John was of Tarnim tribe. He is Juwayn, son of Malik, son of Qayth, son of Ta'laba al-Tanlrnl. He joined his tribe to fight against Imam Husayn. But when he saw the Imam and found the truth he joined the Imam's camp. Amin, Muhsin, 137111952, A 'yan et-Snren. Beirut: Oar al-Ta'arf, 1406 = 1986, v, 4, p. 299.



In his book, Maqtal al·Husayn, the martyrdom of Imam Husayn, gives the conversation which tc-k place between John and the Imam (A). He adds few sources to the conversation mentioned before (see '- page ). Muqarram lists the sources that differ on the spelling of John's name as follows: et- Tabari, v. 6, p. 254 (Hawa>;"Manaqib Ibn Shahrashah, v. 2. p. 218, (Jewin); Msqtal a/·Hussyn by Khawrazmi, v, 1, p. 237 (Joan). From the conversation see Muthlr al·Ahzsm by Ibn Nairn, p. 33, et- Tuhuf, p. 61, and Maqta/ a/·'Awalim, p. 88. Muqarram, Abd al-Razzaq, 139111971. Beirut: Oar al-Kltab al-lslamt, 1979 1899.




111111699 ALLAMAH MAJLISI Masjllsl, In two of his books, mentions John. In al·Wa; al-Rijal says that "John was among the martyrs of Karbala." In his Blhar etAnwar list the Zayrah* In which the name of John listed among the martyrs twice. Majllsi, Muhammad Baqir, 1111/1699, al-Wa/lza fi al-Rijal, private manuscript Sayyld Jalall's Library, and Bihar a/-Anwar, v. 45, p. 22. and v. 101, p. 340, Oar al-Kutub al-Islamyyah, 1380.


SHAYKH Al·MAMAGHANI He quotes all the sources before him in a lengthy biography. The important parts are the following: John was son of Hawa, son of Qutada, son of A'war, son of Sa'lda, son of Aauf, son of Ka'b, the Moula of Abu Dhar al·Ghaffarl. He was slave of Mufudal b. Abbas. Imam 'All bought him for 15 dinars and was with Abu Ohar in 'Rabadhan*. He was with Abdu Dhar until his death In 32 A.H. and remained with Amer alMumeneen, then Imam Hasan and Imam Husayn. He went with Ahl-alBayt to Karbala. Mamaghanl Abdullah, 1351/1932, Lethograph, 1349, V. 1, p. 238.





SAYYID AL·KHU" In his biographical source, Mu'jan Rijal el-Hedith, says, "Juwayn (Juwar) son of Malik is the companion of Imam Husayn (A)... He is listed among the martyrs with Imam (P).There is greeting upon him in two Ziyarats' known as al·~


Najaf: Adab, 1973, v. 4, p.

Note: The two mentioned ziyarats are recorded in Bihar al·Anwar, elNahiyyah in v. 101, p. 273, and al·Rajabiyyah in vol. 101, p. 340. Islamyyah Press, 1388.

SHAYKH TUSTARY In his biographical source quotes all of the sources before namely: et-trsned, and et- Taburi.


RiiAI al- Tusi, et-Hurut, a/-Bihar,

Tustari, Muhammad Taqi, Qamus al·Rijal fi Tahqiq Rowat et-Sni'o Tehran: Markaz Nashr Kltab, 1389, v. 2, p, 467.

SAYYID JALALI In his book, Malaral Ahl ut-Beyt, the Shrines of Ahl ul-Bayt, he lists the names of 72 companions of Imam Husayn who were martyred in Karbala, Iraq, on the day of Ashura", 10th of Muharram', 61/680. He says, "John the Maula ' of Abu Dhar fought and killed 25 men from the enemies of Imam Husayn until he was killed." Jalali, Muhammad Husayn, Mazarat Ah/ ul-Bayt. Zahrali o. 82. First edition, 1409/1988, p. 82.



Beirut: oarl al-

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