Seekin Guion 3rd Term

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 862
  • Pages: 7
1 SEEKIN’ STARS – 3rd term

Story: Álvaro, Christian and Laura 1. Talking on the telephone Laura: Hello, Álvaro. Álvaro: Hi, Laura. How are you? L.: Fine. We can go to the cinema but before, I want you and Christian to be friends again. Á.: OK. The Seekin´ Stars casting is next month. I will talk to Christian. We can take part in it. Bye! L.: Bye! 2. In the Music Classroom A: Laura, come in. L: Hi, boys. Are you nervous? C: Yes, the casting is near. L: Are you friends now? A and C: Yes! L: Can I listen to your song? A: OK C: Come on!

2 SEEKIN’ STARS – 3rd term

Story: Tom and Sara In the music classroom Sara: These are the scores. Tom: Take a copy. (looking at the scores) Olga: I can’t play the guitar and sing at the same time.! Lidia: I can’t play this! It’s very difficult! Ainara: Let’s try it first and see how it comes out. (they rehearse a bit) Olga: Well. It’s coming out good!! We can do it!

3 SEEKIN’ STARS – 3rd term Story: Sally, Nayara, Sabrina 1. In the music classroom N: Hi, can we use the music classroom to practice? Teacher: Of course! What song are you going to sing? Sally: Coyote Ugly. Can we begin? Teacher: Yes! Girls: Thank you! 2. In the music classroom, next moment: (Girls singing badly) N: Stop! We can’t go to the contest like this … Sally: I agree. We are the worst singers. Sab: Girls, don’t lose heart: I have an idea. We can …. N and Sally: We can … Sab: We can playback the song. Sally and N: Yes!! Sab: The contest is ours!

4 SEEKIN’ STARS – 3rd term

Casting Presenter: Welcome to Seekin’ Stars! First, we are going to listen Álvaro (applause). (apart) C: I’m very nervous! A: I cannot play … L: Are you joking? A: I’m afraid ……. Presenter: Are you ready, boys? Come on! …. (he plays) Jury: Thank Álvaro. You will be a very good musician. Presenter: Now, Random Five come onto the Seekin’ Stars stage, please. (nobody comes) Please … (apart) Celia: Just the day of the casting and we arrive late! Carles: Don’t worry. We are here now. Ainara: Come on. Let’s go! Tom: Wait a moment, please! We are here! …. (they play) Jury: Next time you must arrive earlier. This is a serious casting. But you are very good, thanks. You have a fantastic voice. Presenter: And now these beautiful, pretty girls: Black Rose! Come on! … (they play) Jury: You’re very authentic and your music is very commercial. Congratulations!

- (in a corner) Sab: Can I talk to you alone? (Pinchadiscos): Oh, yes. What do you want? Sab: We need …. N: ..a favour. Sally: Play this CD when we start singing (gives him 20 euros) (Pinchadiscos): Oh, mmmm, OK. .... Presenter: Finally, we are going to listen to the fourth group: Nayara, Sally and Sabrina. … (they sing/playback) (public boos them) Jury: Incredible! You are doing playback. In my opinion, you will never be famous with this attitude. Go out, please!

5 SEEKIN’ STARS – 3rd term

Prizes Presenter: Jury, please. JC: Nayara, Sally, Sabrina. We think you are very young. You haver failed. We don’t really know if you sing well or badly. Today, you have been the worst singers. Try again next year. Javier: Álvaro. You’re a good musician. If you love music you will be a stars! Don’t stop dreaming. Víctor: Random Five. We are very happy with your work. We know that you will have a great future in music. Don’t stop working and learning. Josep: Finally. Black Rose. We are really surprised. Your performance has been spectacular: a nice voice and the music is great. Presenter: Well, now the moment has arrived to know the truth. J.C: Thanks, Kim. We have taken a decision. Josep will give you the fourth place. Josep: Obviously, and without any more thinking, the fourth place is for … Nayara, Sally and Sabrina. (Clapping) Gema: The jury has decided that the third position is for… Álvaro. (clapping) Presenter: The time has come to know who the winner of this Seekin’ Stars! is. And the winner is …. Javier: They are…. Black Rose! Presenter: So the second place is for Random Five. Now we are nearly finishing. Jury, please. JC: Here’s your prize! Congratulations! Black Rose: Great!!!! Presenter: Thanks everybody! See you next year and good night!

6 SEEKIN’ STARS – 3rd term

The end - Reporter: (asking Sally, N and Sab) Rep: Why didn’t you sing live? Sab: We had a problem with our song. Na: We needed more time to sing well. - Reporter (asking Random Five) Rep: Are you happy? Sara: Of course! Black Rose is giving us part of the money and we really need this money. Rep: Did you expect to finish second? Tom: Yes. Black Rose and the other participants are very good! Rep: Ok. Bye and thanks! - Reporter (asking Álvaro) Rep: Are you happy with your performance? Álv: Yes, we are very happy because we are friends now!

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