Security In Architecture

  • May 2020
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  • Pages: 29


Early men were extremely innovative and are the true examples of survival.

They used caves as shelter to protect themselves from danger. The danger were mostly wild animals and nature( Fire,Wateretc) Which also made them known as “cave men”.

They also used stones and clubs made of stones or wood to protect themselves. It also helped them to hunt for food.


At its most simple, a defensive wall consists of a wall enclosure and its gates. For the most part, the top of the walls were accessible, with the outside of the walls having tall parapets with embrasures or merlons.

In addition to this, many different enhancements were made over the course of the centuries •

City ditch: a ditch dug in front of the walls, occasionally filled with water.

Gate tower: a tower built next to, or on top of the city gates to better defend the city gates.

Wall Tower: a tower built on top of a segment of the wall, which usually extended outwards slightly, so as to be able to observe the exterior of the walls on either side. In addition to arrow slits, ballistae, catapults and

Initially, these fortifications were simple constructions of wood and earth, which were later replaced by mixed constructions of stones piled on top of each other without mortar.

In Central Europe, the Celts built large fortified settlements known as oppida, whose walls seem partially influenced by those built in the Mediterranean. The fortifications were continuously expanded and improved.

In the 20th Century the downfall of permanent fortifications had causes: •

The ever escalating power of artillery and air power meant that almost any target that could be located could be destroyed, if sufficient force was massed against it. As such, the more resources a defender devoted to reinforcing a fortification, the more combat power that fortification justified being devoted to destroying it, if the fortification's destruction was demanded by an attacker's strategy. The third weakness is that modern

city ditch


INTERNATIONAL BORDERS Most countries have some form of border control to restrict or limit the movement of people, animals, plants, and goods into or out of the country. Under international law, each country is generally permitted to define the conditions which have to be met by a person to legally cross its borders by its own laws, and to prevent persons from crossing its border when this

Egypt-gaza border

A militarized frontier: the Berlin Wall used to be one of the most famous guarded borders in the

India-pakistan fencing The famous Wall of China

Why security of public buildings has become a necessity ? While the terror alert remains high, building managers and owners are constantly reminded that securing a building in New York City is not a commodity, but a necessity in a post 9/11 world. Prior to September 11th, building security was predominately viewed as a cost issue, and only the size and location of the building determined the amount spent on security. However, the attacks changed everything. Protecting a building and its tenants became the numberone priority, and a stronger emphasis was placed on

The terror assault on the Taj and Oberoi Trident hotels and the Nariman House in Mumbai. This attack has increased the necessity of security especially against terrorism in all the cities of the country.



The design and construction of safe and secure buildings continues to be the primary goal for owners, architects etc. Today, in recognizing concern for natural disasters , acts of teroorism, indoor air quality, material hazards and fires, the design team must take a multi-hazard approach towards building design that accounts for the potential hazards and vulnerabilities.

ARCHITECTURAL BARRIERS  Fencing  Fencing is a great method to protect your perimeter

security. Fencing includes not just fences but also gates, turnstiles, and mantraps. Fencing and other barriers provide crowd control and help deter casual trespassing by controlling access to entrances. Drawbacks to fencing include its cost, its appearance, and its inability to stop a determined intruder. A Mantrap is where the entrance is routed through a set of double doors that are monitored by a guard and/or closed circuit TV.  Lighting  Half the battle is seeing the “unwanted” element before it gets into your building. Proper lighting is very important to light up your perimeter so your

Locks “Lock the doors!” Locks are not effective if they aren’t used. Locks have been used to secure buildings and goods for over 4,000 years. Locks can be divided into two types, preset and programmable. Preset Locks. These are the most common type of door locks. The only way to change the key of combination of the lock is to replace the lock. Preset locks include key-in-knob, mortise, and rim locks. These all consist of variations of latches, cylinders, and dead bolts. Programmable Locks. These locks can be either mechanical or electronic. A mechanical or programmable lock is often a dial combination lock, like the kind you would use on your high school locker. An electronic programmable lock requires you to enter a pattern of digits on a keypad. Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Closed circuit television is used with guards to enhance their surveillance ability and to record events. Recording can be either a set of stills taken at a determined interval (take a picture every 5-30 seconds) or constant video recorded to a tape system or digitally to a hard drive. For example, a CCTV system that monitors a low traffic area could take a picture every 30 seconds but increase it to every 2 seconds when it detects activity. CCTV is a great way for guards to monitor a larger area with few guards. So when thinking about the security of your perimeter, build a fence, hire good security guards, have a CCTV system for your guards to use and

HUMAN GUARDS AND ANIMALS  Guards are the oldest form of building security. Guards still have a very important

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role in protecting your building as guards can make decisions that computers and automated systems cannot. People still pick out when some thing is “out of place” better than any computer. A seasoned security guard is a valuable resource when personnel face safety risks. Properly trained guards are very effective when maintaining order, crowd control, and can help with evacuation when there are safety concerns. As security guards are human, there are several drawbacks that need to be addressed. The following is a list of issues to be concerned about when staffing security guards: Availability. They cannot be everywhere at the same time, especially in dangerous places. Reliability. The pre-employment screening of guards is not foolproof. Guards get sick, have issues outside of the work place which can reduce their effectiveness at work. When the majority of employees have a bad day, productivity is reduced. When a security guard has a bad day it could cause a security risk. Training. Guards need to be kept up to date of methods criminals use to compromise your building. Guards can be socially engineered, and need to be kept in tune of spoofing methods. In my experience when testing physical security, a good suit and a clipboard can convince a security guard that you belong. Security guards need to understand and execute policy to the letter. If security guards can be tricked, your building is in great risk. Cost. It won’t matter if you hire internal staff or outsource to provide protection; security guards cost. In my experience, I find internal guards get to know the employees and have greater ownership of the security of the building, but after

Site Design and Layers of Defense

The first layer of defense is related to location and involves understanding the traits of the surrounding area, including the nature and intensity of adjacent activities. Of specific concern are buildings and businesses outside the site perimeter. are also included. The second layer of defense refers to the space existing between the site perimeterForurban areas, the curb lane and surrounding streets and the school building itself. It involves the placement of buildings and forms in a particular site as well as the understanding in which natural or layer physical The third of resources defense provide protection. It includes the design of access deals with the protection of the asset itself.This layer proposes that school designers harden the structures and systems, incorporate effective HVAC systems and surveillance equipment, and wisely design and locate utilities and mechanical systems. Of all blast mitigation measures, distance is the most effective measure because other measures vary in effectiveness, may be morecostly, and blast energy decreases rapidly with distance. Often, it is no t

Zoned Approach

Security Element Design In developing security design solutions, the plan recognizes that one size does not fit all. Landscape architects, architects, and urban designers should be consulted during the design development of streetscape elements to ensure that a scheme is appropriate to the setting and security needs of a specific building or site. The physical elements described in this section can be designed to both enhance streetscapes and serve as vehicle barriers.


• Walls prevent vehicles from approaching buildings and can be established at the property line on the building side of the sidewalk. • Terraces are flat or stepped areas—usually paved—that surround buildings. • Raised planting beds are generally extensions of the building‘s first-floor elevation into the building yard.

TREES AND PLANTERS Trees can be used as obstacles to block access of an approaching vehicle. Barriers can be embedded in a hedge which can be coordinated with their landscape features to form a unified streetscape.

KNEE WALLS AND FENCING • Mostly found in the building yard as a complement to the structure’s architecture, small knee walls are often located in conjunction with planters and gardens. • Decorative fencing and ironwork can be strengthened to meet security requirements.

GATEHOUSES Gatehouses, which are separate structures located close to buildings, provide shelter for individuals who screen vehicles accessing pick-up, drop-off, or parking areas.

BOLLARDS Curbside bollards can provide security against vehicular attacks. Through careful design and placement, bollards can guide pedestrian circulation, meet accessibility requirements, and enhance the character of the streetscape.

Examples of street furniture that can function as perimeter security.

The context of the surrounding streetscape should be considered when designing security measures. Security components can include a wide range of elements beyond walls, planters, and bollards. Through proper design and engineering, a variety of • Hardening these elements can be as simple as incorporating vehicle anti-ram barriers with decorative sleeves. Items such as newspaper stands, bus shelters, and lampposts can all be designed with sleeves that fit over reinforced bollards or posts to stop a moving vehicle. • Bike racks, benches, and drinking fountains also have the potential to serve as perimeter security. • Once these streetscape components

TIGER TRAP New York City-based Rogers Marvel Architects and Rock Twelve Security Architecture have developed a creative solution for providing security without introducing barriers into the landscape. It consists of material placed under the surface of a building's perimeter. The material is strong enough to hold foot traffic, bicycles, and other items that are common to the use of public space. However, if a vehicle were to drive on the This solution maintains open surface, it would collapse intopublic the space for pedestrian traffic and disguises a barrier that is capable of halting an approaching vehicle. Further, the Tiger Trap system was successfully tested at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers facility in Vicksburg, Mississippi, where the system

Foundations The foundations of perimeter security elements are as important as the aboveground components in stopping a vehicle. Determining the proper foundation for a security barrier is dependent upon strength requirements and site conditions. The barrier foundation must be strong enough to resist a specified vehicle weight at a specific speed. Perimeter security must often be designed in locations that conflict with subsurface utilities such as electrical, The Tiger Trap system can protect against a telephone, gas, and water lines. Soil vehicle attack without impeding open public spaces.


There are four commonly used building materials for perimeter security barriers: Steel Cast iron Reinforced Concrete Granite (or other stone).


• A careful analysis of the streets • Straight, perpendicular approaches surrounding an asset being protected to buildings allow for the greatest should be done to determine the ramming speed for all vehicles. This potential maximum vehicle velocity that situation would call for higher the barrier will have to withstand. performance barriers. • This type of • Tight curves in analysis seeks to the roadway, understand the narrow streets, possible angles and and traffic speeds of approach congestion would around a site for any likely reduce the vehicular threat. required Barrier ratings performance consider a head-on, level for the perpendicular impact security element to be a worst-case scenario in terms of an attack. More often, vehicles will • This approach causes vehicles to hit several bollards, the curb, and other streetscape obstacles—all of which slow the vehicle down and decrease the amount of energy available to destroy a barrier. Bearing this in mind, designers need not over design security elements; creating monstrous bollards, planters, and other components with performance ratings that will not be necessary. Knowing the context of the site and the level of protection required will save money and allow for


Building Setback 20’ or more

The layout of buildings on a block and the amount of open space between the building edge and street are important factors in determining permissible penetration levels of vehicles. Standoff distance is the distance between a barrier and a protected building. It is an important consideration because sufficient distance can preclude the need for large and expensive security measures and allow the

No Building Setback

In the design of buildings and perimeter security, consideration must be given to building layout and site planning. Understanding the role of building placement, roadway design, and landscapes is critical to designing effective perimeter security. These aspects play a role in determining the necessary performance level for any security barriers incorporated in a building's perimeter. For example, the placement and configuration of open space and streets can reduce the need for perimeter security elements and lower the required level of performance. Lower required levels of performance can allow for

Protective Measures

Access Control  Control of employees/visitors/vehicles  Entering a facility site or a controlled area in the vicinity 

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of the facility Controlled entrances (e.g. doors, entryways, gates, locks, turnstiles, door alarms, security guards) Control of material (e.g. raw materials, finished products, hazardous materials) Secured perimeters(e.g. fences, patrols) Restricted access areas(e.g. key assets; roofs, heating and ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC Systems) Access identification(e.g. employee badges, biometric identification Signage ( access areas , color codes for areas, swipe cards) Require all deliveries to be scheduled and turn away any unscheduled deliveries

Monitoring and Surveillance  Use of equipment to monitor movements of people and material

in and around a facility to detect contraband  Closed –circuit television (CCTV) cameras (e.g. fixed,panning,recording capability)  Motion detectors  Fire and Smoke detectors  Heat sensors  Explosive detectors  Chemical agent detectors (chemical warfare agents, toxic industrial chemicals)  Biological agent detectors  Radiological agent detectors  Metal detectors (hand wands)  Night –vision optics (infrared, thermal)  Lighting (buildings,perimeters, parking areas,permanent and temporary)

Communications  Communication capability within a facility and between     

a facility and local authorities Telephone(landline, cell, satellite) Radio(new hand crank emergency style) Interoperable equipment(within facility, with local jurisdictions) Redundant and backup communication capabilities Data lines (internet,dedicated lines)

Inspection  Inspection of people, vehicles, and shipments for explosives,     

chemical/biological/radiological agents Personal searches (including employees, visitors, contractors, vendors) Cargo and shipment searches (trucks, containers, railcars, marine vessels, aircraft) Vehicle searches (cars, trucks, delivery vehicles, boats) Trained and certified dogs X-ray screening

AESTHETICS AND SECURITY Lucca, Italy The Italian town of Lucca, in Tuscany, first surrounded itself with a protective wall during the Roman era. It built an even more imposing wall during the 16th and 17 th centuries to guard against an anticipated attack from the neighboring Florentines. But the attack never came, and the wall remained almost perfectly intact.

Lucca Wall In the 19th century the top of the wide wall was planted with trees and grass and turned into a circular park, which today remains one of the great public spaces in the world. Imagine Central Park lifted 25 feet off the ground and spun into a circle ringing Manhattan.

Marine Barracks in Beirut After 1983 Bombing A more recent and more drastic shift toward defensive public architecture began in 1983, after twin attacks against Americans in Beirut: a suicide car-bombing at the U.S. Embassy in April that killed 63 and the bombing of the U.S. Marine barracks six months later, in which 241 American soldiers died.  

The Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building Then came Oklahoma City, in 1995, and the bombings of American Embassies in Tanzania and Kenya three years later. The attacks intensified the debate about the security and engineering of America's public

Wurster Hall, U.C. Berkeley Americans have often been a whole lot less prepared for attacks from within and without, and haven't usually known how to respond architecturally to violence of any sort. After the campus protests of the 1960s, universities traded expansive glass façades for buildings with windows no bigger than peepholes. That reaction coincided with an architectural movement known as U.S. Embassy, Lima, Peru Brutalism, which meant that nearly a decade of As "Inman building" embassies were produced in the years that followed, the phrase became a two-word architectural dis. In Lima, Peru, the trendy Miami-based firm Arquitectonica, known for flamboyant tropical architecture, produced this American Embassy in 1992. It looks capable of surviving nuclear winter. According to Jane Loeffler, author of The Architecture of Diplomacy, "Once celebrated as emissaries of openness and optimism, [U.S. embassies] now convey a mixed message—pride coupled with apparent indifference, assertiveness fused with fear."

U.S. Embassy in Santiago, Chile

Afterward, the government abandoned efforts to promote openness and democracy through public architecture. In 1985 the State Department produced what are known as the Inman Standards; they required that new embassies be set back 100 feet from traffic and include a maximum window-to-wall ratio of 15 percent. After Oklahoma City, the General Services Administration started using blast-resistant glass and selfanchoring floors.

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