Section 3.unit 7

  • November 2019
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SECTION THREE: HEALTH AND FITNESS UNIT 7 : HEALTHY EATING PART ONE A. TEXT Which have these texts, headlines and the cartoon got in common?( Look for keys words- don't read the texts in full.) (Những đoạn văn, tiêu đề và tranh biếm hoạ này có điểm chung nào? hãy đọc những từ then chốt, chưa đọc hết cả bài)

B. EXPLANATIONS tough [adj] tough measures to deal with terrorism the properties of individual foods

: khắc nghiệt, không nhượng bộ : những biện pháp cứng rắn để giải quyết nạn khủng bố. : các tính chất của từng loại thực

phẩm tempting [adj] : quyến rũ gourmet [n] : Người sành ăn uống : làm cho ai thèm đến chảy nước make sb's mouth water miếng : dầu cá (chế biến từ gan cá moruy, cod-liver oil giàu vitamin A) indulge [v] : nuông chiều I'm really going to indulge myself tonight : Tối nay tôi sẽ thực sự cho phép mình with a bottle of champagne làm một chai săm banh. : những thực phẩm có lợi cho vẻ đẹp beauty foods cơ thể toxin [n] : độc tố roughage [n] : chất xơ clog sth up / clog with sth [v] : làm tắt nghẽn The pipes are clogging up : (Các ống đang bị tắt) constipated [adj] : bị táo bón telling [adj] : có hiệu quả, gây ấn tượng mạnh a telling argument : một lý lẽ đanh thép bun[n] : Bánh ngọt tròn nhỏ starch[n] scuffle [n]

: tinh bột : cuộc hỗn chiến

Inadequate food can stunt a child's development

: (Thức ăn không thích hợp có thể làm một đứa trẻ bị còi)

spot [n]

: Mụn : nốt sưng tấy nhô lên trên da, mụn, nhọt : những mụn trứng cá của tuổi dậy thì : quà vặt (thường nghèo chất dinh dưỡng) : món ăn gồm ngũ cốc xay nhỏ, quả khô.

pimple [n] teenage pimples junk food muesli[n]

stunt [v]

: làm cằn cọc, làm cằn cỗi

C. READ THE THREE TEXTS AND THEN FIND THE CORRECT HEADLINE FOR EACH 1. Text i: 2. Text ii: 3. Text iii: Answer Key D. FACT CHECK 1. Which text(s) ... a. relate(s) what people eat to their appearance? (liên hệ thức ăn với ngoại hình của con người) b. describe(s) the dangers of children not eating enough food? c. claims that non-animal foods are best? d. mention(s) the fact that diets can be unhealthy? e. promise(s) a diet that is really enjoyable? Answer Key 2. Answer these questions a. What effects does eating fruit and vegetables have? (ii) b. Why are hamburgers in buns bad for you? (ii) c. What is the cause of spots? (ii) d. Why are some children from malnutrition? (iii)

Answer Key F. WORD CHECK 1. Food eating and health words: Scan the text for words to do with food, eating and health and then group them under these three headings. The first has been an example. Different foods fruit

Parts of the body Health & Illness skin


Components of food vitamins

Answer Key 2. Guess the meanings of these phrases from the texts a. Nothing is as "telling" on our skin as the state ... (ii) b. ... there's often a "major scuffle" ... (ii) c. ... one way for the "offending food" to go. (ii) d. .. a diet that will make the gourmet's "mouth water" (i) e. What is "junk food" ... (iii) f. has led to "stunted growth" ... (iii) Answer Key

3. Pairs of words: What is the difference in meaning between these pairs of words from the texts? a. spots / pimples (ii) b. vitamins / minerals (ii) c. starch/protein (ii) d. disturbing/anxious (iii) e. ill-health/malnutrition (iii) f. stunted growth/weight loss (iii)

Answer Key G. DICTIONARY CHECK Use a dictionary to check the meanings of these words from the texts, and to find other related words. The first is an example.

a. toxins b. digestion c. offending d. tempting e. energy f. junk

Meaning poisonous substances

toxic (adj) (adj) (noun) (noun) (adj) (noun)

g. skimmed (milk) h. weight

(verb) (verb)

Answer Key G. PREDICTIONS These three texts are the beginnings of longer articles. a. Read texts i) and ii) again. How do you expect them to continue? How might they differ in their suggestions? (....Bạn mong đợi các đoạn văn trên sẽ tiếp tục như thế nào? Các gợi ý của chúng có thể khác nhau như thế nào?)

b. Read text iii) again. How do you think it will continue? What is the main difference between this and the other two texts?

Answer Key

PART TWO A. TEXT How much money does the average British person spend on chocolate in a year? One choc is not enough

You know it will make you feel guilty. You think it might give you a headache. You know it's not exactly a health- food. But you're still going to eat a whole box of chocolates without stopping because.........because you've just got to! It's Britain's best- selling food. We buy £ 1- 1/2 billion worth every yearthat's about £ 30 per person. In fact we spend more on it than we do on bread. What do you expect the rest of the text to tell you? Despite the fact that healthy eating has more publicity than ever before, the sales of chocolate continue to rise. But why do we like it so much? It's not enough to answer. 'Because it tastes nice'. So do other foods. But do you know any other food which some people have to keep closed until their guests arrive? They know that if they open the chocolate on their own, they'll probably go on eating until they feel slightly ill. And it isn't just the sugar that people like. In the 17th century, when chocolate first arrived here as a drink, people did not put sugar in it because sugar was too expensive. "Comfort" is a good word to explain why chocolate is more than just another food. It makes people feel safe. "After a busy day, I like to sit and listen to the radio with a cup of tea and a bar of chocolate". One answer is that, like coffee, cola and tea, chocolate (actually the cocoa in the chocolate) contains the stimulants caffeine and theobromine. This could explain why it is so difficult to stop eating chocolate once you've started. It's the more-ishness of chocolate that makes it people's love/ hate food. Some people even fear that they won't be to stop, and this makes them literally afraid of chocolate. Chocfacts * Manufacturers spend more than £100 m a year on advertising chocolate. * Milk chocolate has less sugar in it than plain, but it tastes because it contains less cocoa. * Chocolate can cause skin problems, like spots. * Chocolate is twice as fatty as the greasiest chips. * Chocolate is one of the top-ten food which cause allergies.

B. EXPLANATIONS choc [n] : (= chocolate) sô cô la a box of chocs : một hộp sô cô la publicity[n] : tình trạng được công chúng biết đến; tính phổ biến : loại đồ uống cacbonat không cồn, nước giải khát có mùi cô cola [n] la cocoa [n] : ca-cao stimulant [n] : chất kích thích theobromine [n] : chất theobromine more-ishness [n]: tính ngon miệng, ăn rồi vẫn muốn ăn thêm C. FACT CHECK Fill in the gaps in this summary of the facts contained in paragraphs 2,3,4, and 5 of the text. 'People in Britain first tasted chocolate as a (1)over ( 2) years ago. In those days they drank it without (3). Now (4) is the best-selling (5) in the country. The average (6) spends more on (7) than on (8) in fact about (9) a year. Although there is a lot of publicity about (10), the increase in (11) of chocolate is continuing. Why do people like (12) so much? Perhaps it is because. like several other (13) chocolate contains (14) and theobromine, which are both (15). Answer Key D. WORK IT OUT a. What explanations are given in the text for the great popularity of chocolate?

b. Why are some people afraid of chocolate?

c. What evidence is there that chocolate is not popular just because it contains sugar? d. How do you explain the fact that the sales of chocolate are continuing to rise?

Answer Key E. WORD CHECK 1. Make lists of words from the text which are: a. to do with feelings b. types of food or drink c. to do with health or illness

Answer Key 2. Explain the meanings of these words from the text - some are very colloquial: (...một vài từ mang tính đàm thoại thông dụng hằng ngày) a. choc (title) b. health-food (paragraph 1) c. slightly (ill) (paragraph 5) d. more-ishness (paragraph 7) e. literally (afraid) (paragraph 7) f. spots (paragraph 8)

g. allergies (paragraph 8) Answer Key 3. Feelings: a. What are some of the things that people feel guilty about? b. What re some of the things that people are afraid of? c. What other things are a comfort to people? d. What can make people feel ill? e. What other foods or drinks are more-ish? f. What other food or drinks can cause allergies?

Answer Key 4. Prepositions: Fill in the gaps in these sentences with the correct prepositions - look for similar sentences in the text. a. British people spend more money chocolate. b. In the 17th century people did not put sugar drinking chocolate. c. People may be afraid chocolate because they cannot stop eating it. Answer Key

5. Definitions Find words in the text which mean about the same as: a. a pain in the head b. feeling that you have done something wrong c. period of 100 years d. feeling of being safe and relaxed (at ease) e. something (food drink. medicine) that increases the activity of the mind and body Answer Key 6. Verb forms ('-ing' or 'to' + verb): Write the correct form of the verb in brackets in these sentences: a. People often eat a whole box of chocolates without (stop) b. They just go on (eat) until every chocolate has gone c. This explains why the sales of chocolate have continued (rise) d. Many people just cannot stop (eat) the stuff. Answer Key * Discussion : Access to the "Discussion" to answer the questions for Part A Unit 7

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