Second: Actors in IR
?Who Are the Actors in IR
Traditionally, States were the only actors in IR. Nowdays sovereignty is no more the only determinant to be an Actor in IR. The ability to influence IR & other actors is more important: NGO’s & MNC. Thus we can differentiate between State Actors & Non- State Actors.
:I- State Actors What is a State? Characteristics of States.
I- State Actors: ( Important :(Remarks
States’ actions/decisions are the actions/ decisions of their decision makers (i.e. those acting in the name of the States: Presidents, Prime ministers….) Most States are Nation-States: i.e. their population share the same language, culture, & have a sense of national identity.
Some states are not considered nationstates as there is a mismatch between the nations in these states & their actual boarders( ex: some states in Africa & states of the former SU & Yugoslavia..)
States vary in their size, population, economic & military power.
There are political entities referred to as states but not formally recognized as states ( Taiwan, Hong Kong… & would be states or states in waiting: Palestine)
:Non-State Actors They can be classified to: 1- Sub state Actors 2- Intergovernmental Organizations 3- Transnational Actors
:Sub State Actors a- Interest groups active in western democracies especially in USA..( Ex:…) b- National Liberation Organizations (What is the difference between NLO & terrorist groups?)
Inter Governmental -2 (Organizations (IGO Their members are national governments They can be classified according to: a- Their function b- Geographic scope
:A- Functions
IGO having multiple functions: Ex… Specialized IGO: concerned with specific tasks: Ex….
:B- Geographic scope - Universal IGO in their membership & tasks: Ex:… - Regional IGO: Ex… - Some regional IGO are multipurpose in their functions: Gulf Cooperation Council, EU, or have specialized tasks: OAPEC, NATO, WARSAW,ASEAN,NAFTA. - (Question of independent authority of IGO: UN versus WTO & EU).
:Transnational Actors -3 Their membership is private (not governments) They perform their functions across the boarders and often in disregard of them: a- Non governmental Organizations b- Multinational Corporations
A- Non Governmental :(Organizations (NGO’s
They have several purposes,, humanitarian, economic, scientific, environmental…. They are growing in number & influence as the technological advances enable them to operate & communicate effectively across the boarders. They are recognized by UN & other forums( International Civil Society).
B- MNC/Transnational :Corporations What are MNC? How do they affect IR?
:Actors in IR: Conclusions Although states are the most important Actors, they are being pushed aside by other actors especially with globalization and advance in communications. However states will still be the most important actors: - other actors can’t compete with super powers - They can vanish, but states don’t.